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carlost everett
 41 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2010 : 10:43:28 PM
Tuesday evening changed my mind for sure. Tim Flaherty was polished, well informed, a man's man who made me feel that he was in control and knew what the district needed. Sal's performance was pitiful. Tim reminded me of the strong senators of the past, the Birminghams, the Traviglinis, the Doris'. Men who wanted to lead and could lead. I still cant get over that Anthony' staff wasn't there for him (including Sal). If he couldn't be there for his boss; what makes you think he'd be there for us. I dont know what debate Keith Spencer was watchig; but it certainly wasn't the Senatorial Debate last week in Chelsea!!!!
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 03/27/2010 : 11:27:55 AM
Got to say that I agree with Carlost for a change!!!! I got the opportunity to go to the Allston debate the night before last and will attend Sunday's event at Bunkerhill. Got to say that I was truly impressed with Flaherty. To be honest, the hall was packed with supporters. Didn't see many uncommited folk, like myself. I've been really watching this race and one thing that I am not happy with is the manner in which 'the group' and you know who I mean, are getting indignant when it comes to peoples freedom to chose. On the other blog they are actually condeming people for their inalienable right to chose. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! I haven't made my mind up completely yet; although, if the race were today and I voted..... I'd vote Flaherty. He's intelligent, makes a great appearance and is in command of the issues.
I think everyone should try to trundle out of their comfort zones tomorrow and attend the debate at Bunkerhill and see for yourself. This election is unbelievably important. We NEED a Senator who can deliver like the we've had in the past. Everett has always had exceptional representation. Doris,Birmingham,Traviligni.... These guys delivered and delivered huge. We're not in the best shape and we will need a real aggressive individual to respond to the needs of our city and be proactive enough to research and go after what we WILL need in the future.
Just MY Humble Opinion............
"Cruller DaHville"
Edited by - Cruller DaVille on 03/27/2010 11:28:33 AM |
carlost everett

41 Posts |
Posted - 03/27/2010 : 3:47:04 PM
Just saw on Topix that the next debate is tomorrow afternoon, March 28th, at Bunkerhill Community College at 12:30 PM.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/27/2010 : 6:29:40 PM
I have a feeling before this is all over the other blog is going to be reading like the old "Mirror". It's really too bad that the name calling and personal attacks are starting again. I hope it stays off of this message board. |
carlost everett

41 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2010 : 5:21:14 PM
I hear ya MassDee. Unfortunately all the blogs in this city were guilty of those problems. Including this one. I'm glad its cleaned itself up. The horrible things (lies from the get go) that were said on her were outragous and to be honest, I hope those people get on their hands and knees and ask forgiveness for ruining peoples lifes and reputations. Karma is a funny thing.
By the way, did anyone attend today's debate? |
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2010 : 9:57:55 PM
I went to the debate at Bunkerhill. Similiar to the last two, mostly supporters of each candidate attended. I have to say that as debaters, Flaherty and Albano stood out as people confident in their skin and comfortable with expounding on their viewpoints. Sorry, but Sal didn't do a thing for for me and my wife. We've decided that our vote will be for Tim Flaherty .
I also thought that piece I found all over my porch (six pieces) was truly unprofessional. I really dont care who is supporting you. HELLO!!!!!! OLD NEWS. I mean, for real... if your colleagues aren't with you; who will be? Out of the twenty five; there's not three that can chew gum and walk at the same time. I'm ashamed to even say it!!!!!! I'd like to hear some original thoughts, and I'm not hearing one from the DiDom group.
I truly hope that people vote issues and ability. We are TRULY GOING TO NEED a REAL LEGISLATOR . Right now we have nobody there. The rep seat, might as well be vacant for all he's doing for the city and I for one {maybe its my age} but really and truly miss being proud of those who represent me. Give me back the days when Franny Doris, Tom Birmingham, Bobby Traviglini, George Keverian, Billy Hogan, Ed Connolly. THOSE MEN we TRUE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE .
Just MY Humble Opinion...........
"Cruller DaHville"
Edited by - Cruller DaVille on 03/29/2010 10:00:05 PM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2010 : 10:37:41 PM
To be honest Sal's literature didn't bother me at all. Only one showed up at my house. The thing is there was no substance in it. I want to know where they all stand on the issues. I have been unable to attend any of the debates, so I am depending on their literature. Please, give me some substance. At this point I don't know where I am going. I am leaning towards Sal because he is the local person. |
carlost everett

41 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2010 : 10:42:29 PM
Good point MassDee. Many people couldn't go to the debates. I actually liked the "Jobs Plan" that was in the paper that Flaherty had. He has been speaking alot about spurring on the economy.
You are right. Sal is truly relying on the 'local guy' thing. I was at Shooters at one of his fundraisers early on and all he kept saying was "Vote for the Everett Guy".. Trouble is that he only has lived here for a few years. He's a transplant; not really an Everett guy.
His ads and mail outs say nothing. Quite frankly, the latest one would have turned me off even if I hadn't made up my mind. Just because some of the bozos that are ruining our city are with him; doesn't mean a damn thing to me. In fact, it would do just the opposite.
I really have another issue with this whole thing as well. First, I feel that he should have a ton more to say about alot of the issues since he's sat in that office for two years.... but he doesn't. The other problem I have is that I truly liked Anthony Galluccio and I feel that his staff; especially his Chief of Staff should have had his back more.
I remember a friend of mine worked for Barrios and she worked day and night with him. He never traveled by himself. One of the staff was always with him. The fact that his staff (the closest people to him) knew the man had a problem and didn't help him is absolutely unforgiveable.
A vote for Sal I believe is giving others the keys to the office. Sal isn't his own boss; never has been. So the office would be held by an empty suit.
Tim is spirited, educated and agressive. I like my leaders to have a little spunk, charisma and ability. |

14 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2010 : 2:54:36 PM
Anyone saying Sal hasn't been talking about issues is simply not paying attention. All you need to do is go to his website You must be logged in to see this link. and compare his issues page with the other candidates to realize he is the ONLY one talking about the issues important to each community.
5 point plans and pledges are for people that have never held elected office. Sal knows the players on Beacon Hill and get start getting things done immediately. He knows the issues far deeper than any of the other candidates I have seen and to be honest I'd like to see how Tim plans on paying for his 5 point jobs plan...more taxes? |

14 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2010 : 5:16:29 PM
Sal isn't doing anything? Are you serious? I am in the campaign headquarters all the time and their phone banks are always filled, I have done lit drops and visibilities every weekend for the past month. Every time I am in there Sal is either on the phone or is heading out to canvass.
Enough with the outright lies. Sal is working hard in this race, as I'm sure your candidate is and ALL the candidates are. |

2 Posts |
Posted - 04/01/2010 : 1:37:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by everettboy
Anyone saying Sal hasn't been talking about issues is simply not paying attention. All you need to do is go to his website You must be logged in to see this link. and compare his issues page with the other candidates to realize he is the ONLY one talking about the issues important to each community.
5 point plans and pledges are for people that have never held elected office. Sal knows the players on Beacon Hill and get start getting things done immediately. He knows the issues far deeper than any of the other candidates I have seen and to be honest I'd like to see how Tim plans on paying for his 5 point jobs plan...more taxes?
I'm a bit undecided in this race (though sort of leaning Flaherty) because I honestly cannot name ONE thing Sal has done in the city council. I know he has held elected office and Flaherty hasnt but what has he done with that? And what I don't know is what did Sal do before he was a city councilor? Flaherty's resume is laid out from pretty clearly I think. Sal seems like he's been involved in politics for a handful of years with few accomplishments to speak of. (Also, as someone who's lived here my whole life, it's kind of annoying for him to claim to be "Everett's candidate." My dog has lived in this city longer.... ) |
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 04/02/2010 : 6:49:27 PM
[b]Now there's a total class act !!!!
Just MY Humble Opinion......
"Cruller DaHville"
Truth Hurts

7 Posts |
Posted - 04/03/2010 : 06:09:59 AM
I hear the Connollys are backing Flaherty and many more Everett people but some have been given a hard time and even threatened. Is this what we've become? |

14 Posts |
Posted - 04/03/2010 : 08:41:09 AM
Yes the Connolly's support Flaherty - because Sal was with Stat the last time around. But seriously, threatening voters? Come on...anyone who knows Sal knows that's not the way he works. He is out every day busting his hump for votes. Is this what we've become? Is Flaherty and his supporters so afraid of the vote that Sal is going to get in Everett that they need to resort to lies to chip away at the vote? |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/03/2010 : 09:31:55 AM
Politics in Everett is nasty. IF there is any threatening being done, I don't believe it is coming from Sal.
Do I believe that it happens? I sure do. It just doesn't appear to me to be Sal's style. I do believe that others in Everett are capable of it though.
Truth Hurts

7 Posts |
Posted - 04/03/2010 : 11:33:12 AM
It certainly is coming from his camp. He has some real winners in there and to be honest with you; who is behind him is precisely why I WONT VOTE FOR HIM. I'm done with the mealie mouthed stirrers of the bull**** in this city. What happened to the days when public officials were ethical and moral. |
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