The Pitbull
 4 Posts |
Posted - 04/01/2010 : 09:02:42 AM
The Everett Independent
Editor in chief Cary Schuman are you friends with Alderman Michael K. Marchese? It seems that both of you have convicted Pit Bull dogs in Everett before you even get to know them. Not all Pit bull dogs are vicious but their owners are. They are the vicious ones, they should be banned from Everett as you and Mike should for your viciousness opinion on the Pit bulls. I know of many Pit bull dogs in Everett and are the most friendly dogs. You state that Beagles, Lab's, and German Shepards are not vicious. Well what about an attack Shepard dog trained to attack! He was trained by someone. Well the same with the owner of a pit bull he was trained to be vicious by its owner. The thing about a pitbull is they are very strong so if trianed the wrong way you have your hands full even its owner. I'm sure in a court of law the city of Everett would lose a class action suit in regards to banning vicious dogs. I have a dog that lives behind me and constantly bark 24/7 when out side. He sounds very vicious when he is barking and growling. Would you ban this dog. He is a poodle and I have called the police and the dog officer over 20 times in the 3 years these people have lived there with the dog. To this day the dog is still viciously barking. Why don't you ban dogs that bark or write an article about barking dogs in Everett and how the city will do nothing, I even went to the Mayors Office and still barking. So the Everett police, the Dog officer and the mayor's office have done nothing but you write about vicious dogs and the way I read your article because of the 76 year old person was bit by the pit bull you want to ban them. If you look at all the cases or the owner you mentioned in Lynn do a check on the owner and find out how the dog was raised you will find it was raised with intent to be an attack dog/fighter. The Lynn owner of the Pit tried to hide, most likely the dog was trained not to be a family dog but a fighter. Maybe you and Mike and all the vicious owners of pit bulls should be banned from the city of Everett and the City will be a better place to live. If you ever want to meet one of the nicest most loving pit bull dogs let me know I would be glad to prove to you that not all pit bulls are mean. I hope someone will bring this to your attention. Sorry for the harsh words but I take your conviction of pit bulls in your article harsh and I'm sure you honor freedom of the press and speech. I know my article will not sway anyone who already has condemned pit bulls but lets clean up all the dog problems in Everett not the ones that just stick out lets clean up the ones that barkout all day long when left alone.It's known as vicious torture. Some people in all towns just get a dog to just have one and do not take care of them. Lets get a barking ordinance in Everett an enforce it if there is not one get one !!!!!!!!!. I am not a Pit bull owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by - The Pitbull on 04/01/2010 10:39:20 AM |