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Posted - 10/13/2011 :  09:51:57 AM  Show Profile Send cozulady a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Middle-Man 1

I much prefer a four year term for the Mayor. You run a campaign, you win and 1 year into your administration you're running for re-election. Not enough time to get anything worthwhile done in my estimation. Whoever is Mayor, if theyre THAT bad, the recall won't fail. So whats to fear? Charter reform needs to pass. The elimination of this ridiculous bi-cameral government is a MUST.

There are definately pros and cons for a 4-year term. However, the will of the voters (at least those that bothered to come out and vote) was no 4-year term. True, you get more time to concentrate on the job. However, if you are doing a good job, you would have less to worry about come the next election term. Also, because you are already there, you get more visability than an opponent and more flexibility with time to get more photo ops. The members of the Charter Commission, did not listen to the will of the people. If they truly wanted to go from bi-cameral to uni-cameral, they should have focused on that and not muck up the waters with something that would put change at risk. Hopefully, the voters will read the proposed Charter and if they have questions, call their representatives, a member of the Commission, or just discuss and debate with family and friends.
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Middle-Man 1
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Posted - 10/13/2011 :  12:33:41 PM  Show Profile Send Middle-Man 1 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Go big or go home as they say. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. The charter desperately needed updating and theres a lot more good than bad in it. I realize its going to be difficult to get people to agree on everything in the new charter. If the Mayor having a 4 year term ends up being a bad idea and a lot of voters are unhappy with it then is there anything to prevent putting a change back to a 2 year term on the ballot in the future? This current system is cumbersome and dysfunctional. Lets get rid of it, put a new system in place, then keep whats good in the new system and change whats bad.
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Posted - 10/16/2011 :  8:00:56 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree with the 4 year term as well. Currently, there's too much time spent on re-election campaigns & not enough spent on city business.

Like anyone else in a new position, there's a learning curve for any newly elected mayor. So right around the time they have a solid handle on the job, it's time to start worrying about re-election. They work all day, have fundraisers, coffee hours, sign holding, neighborhood walks & worker meetings. They're tired from all that so city work slows down because they're NOT at the top of their game.

With a four year term, we'll get three full years of work from them. With the current two year term, we get two years of work for every four years they're in office............ I know what my choice is!
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Baby Huey

95 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2011 :  9:51:45 PM  Show Profile Send Baby Huey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Any truth behind the porn rumors? I am waiting for an email with the screen shots, until I see them I will still just call it a rumor. Still haven't heard any comment from Peter though.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2011 :  11:38:38 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nice to hear from you justme; it's been a while.


I know that this is a rumors thread but is there really a need to post this here? It's was already posted on Topix hours ago and it hasn't been substantiated yet even though someone has promised proof. There's plenty of upload sites that the "proof" could be easily uploaded on and linked to. So, what's the delay? BTW, didn't see your e-mail address posted over there; I'm glad that you weren't dumb enough to fall for that trick either.

Why should Peter come on here and defend himself? Does the Mayor come on the blogs to defend himself every time rumors about him get posted?

I thought that you might have learned a lesson after last week's fiasco but I guess not. It almost seems like you are two different people. The one that posts from the Blackberry seems to get it; the other one doesn't.

The owner and moderators of this board have the power to delete anybody's posts. I won't be touching your last post. I beg Tails and Massdee to leave it alone as well. I think it serves as a prime example of how dirty this election has gotten. I can't promise that will be the case any future posts that cross the line though. Post whatever opinions you want but if you post "pseudo facts" and can't or won't back them up, you will likely be asked to take down the offending posts yourself and if you don't, it will get taken care of for you.

That goes for anyone else too and it certainly applies to both sides.

Edited by - tetris on 10/16/2011 11:42:56 PM
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Baby Huey

95 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  07:30:39 AM  Show Profile Send Baby Huey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tetris, the only reason I mentioned Peter is because he always posts on this forum, as well as topix to defend himself. I even mentioned that for now, it is just a rumor, which is why its in the rumor section. There have been plenty of rumors far worse than this one from both sides, and there is never a problem.

This is the link to his ebay store. If they were here, he has since deleted them. You must be logged in to see this link.

Edited by - Baby Huey on 10/17/2011 07:32:15 AM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  07:54:13 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What don't you get!

It is an unsubstatiated rumor that was on topix for hours before it showed up here; there's no need to bring it here!! As I stated, there are very simple ways to post proof on sites on the internet and post a link to it. Did the moron behind this over there really think that people where going to post their e-mail addresses to send it too? If they had proof, they should have posted it.

No one should respond to scurilous rumors where proof could be easily provided and was not; it only lends the tiniest bit of some possible credence to them.

What you are doing reflects very badly on you and your chosen candidate. You say that you get upset because of what people post about your candidate. Do you think that it is any better when you do this? It's called taking the high road; it would the adult thing to do. I'd demand an apology but I think that we've all seen what a fruitless and pointless effort that is.

What I posted last night about what future actions for questionable posting will be is only my take on it. It was late on a Sunday night and I felt that I needed to put something out there. Since Tails is the owner of this board, I will of course let Tails decide exactly what will happen to these posts in the future. Sorry if I over stepped my bounds last night, Tails.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  08:37:01 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tetris

What don't you get!

It is an unsubstatiated rumor that was on topix for hours before it showed up here; there's no need to bring it here!! As I stated, there are very simple ways to post proof on sites on the internet and post a link to it. Did the moron behind this over there really think that people where going to post their e-mail addresses to send it too? If they had proof, they should have posted it.

No one should respond to scurilous rumors where proof could be easily provided and was not; it only lends the tiniest bit of some possible credence to them.

What you are doing reflects very badly on you and your chosen candidate. You say that you get upset because of what people post about your candidate. Do you think that it is any better when you do this? It's called taking the high road; it would the adult thing to do. I'd demand an apology but I think that we've all seen what a fruitless and pointless effort that is.

What I posted last night about what future actions for questionable posting will be is only my take on it. It was late on a Sunday night and I felt that I needed to put something out there. Since Tails is the owner of this board, I will of course let Tails decide exactly what will happen to these posts in the future. Sorry if I over stepped my bounds last night, Tails.

I agree with you Tetris and respect any decisions that you make. I think the post should stay just to prove how nasty and nastier it's going to get in the next three weeks. We've all seen it through word of mouth and even pictures. This is deja vu of four years ago and can see the pattern. Councilor Napolitano publicly displays his e-bay account and until I see actual proof, will never believe a candidate for mayor would do that. We have all those posts from four years ago and that's why this board will always stay open. It's very sad, and politics at it's worst...and who's behind it, but the people in charge and that it scary!
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5299 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  08:53:38 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've been waiting for these kind of postings to start again. It's funny, when Carlo doesn't have opposition, it doesn't happen.

Four years ago, the DeMaria supporters were very nasty. I guess it's, "here we go again". What's next?

Tails, I agree with you. Keep the posts. It makes the sleaze public to everyone.

My only advice to Napolitano, be vigilant, the nearer to the election, the worse it will become. I know this from personal experience.

Edited by - massdee on 10/17/2011 10:08:02 AM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  09:39:59 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Baby Huey

There have been plenty of rumors far worse than this one from both sides, and there is never a problem.

I apologize but I missed this part of your post the first time because I was so P.O.'d.

I strongly disagree with the above statement. This is a straightfoward case where someone has made an accusation, claims there is proof, there are very simple ways to provide that proof, almost a day later, no proof has been forthcoming and then it is repeated elsewhere. I'd like to take that further. But since I have absolutely no proof of certain things, I won't.

I didn't even want to bring this up but you have left me no choice. There are a few recurring rumors about the Mayor that show up from time to time on Topix. Some even refer to the existance of documents to back up their claims; but the documentation is never produced. If you have any examples of where this has been allowed on this board, please let one of the moderators or the administrator know. We will gladly take care of them and apologize for not dealing with them sooner.

Let me make this very clear! Rumors should be rumors; but we're not interested in hearing about any personal attacks that could have been proven but are not. Provide clear, incontravertible documentation or don't bother posting them here.

Unfortunately, there are situations where there is no clear truth to be had. Both (or more) sides of an issue are going to be seen differently by different people. Open discussion is certainly allowed and encouraged in those situations. But there are unwritten boundaries that should be respected. Responsible adults shouldn't have to be told what they are. But, any time that you feel that boundaries have been crossed, let one of us know and we'll decide what is best to do about it.

If there is anything in particular that you feel that we have missed in the past, let us know and we'll go back and take a look at them as well. I can't speak totally for Tails and Massdee but I know that I read almost everything that is posted on this board and look at everything for suitability. We very rarely have to delete or modify posts because most people respect the unwritten rules, at least in our opinions. But as I said, we'd certainly be glad to consider other views on any posts.

Tails is correct. This is very remininescant of four years ago. We had someone back them who was posting things that they almost never would attempt to back up. We handled the problem as best as we could back then; we will again now. I just hope that this none of this will discourage any of you who post responsibly from continuing to contribute to the board.
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just wondering
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Posted - 10/17/2011 :  10:13:53 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Can we all agree that if it is true, it's unacceptable?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  10:16:24 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think that most of us would agree that we should not discuss it any more until someone can provide some proof, just like other unsubtantiated personal attacks.
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just wondering
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Posted - 10/17/2011 :  10:34:23 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In that case, I will speak for myself. I've been a member of this board for 4 years. I have never once posted anything that I knew to be untrue. I may have had an opinion (or two or three) that weren't very popular here, but I have never knowingly made a false statement. That said, I have seen with my own God given eyes the smut he was peddling online. I have no problems with him choosing to support his family in that way. It isn't illegal, but it does bring to question his morality.

Edited by - just wondering on 10/17/2011 10:37:10 AM
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Baby Huey

95 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  10:47:42 AM  Show Profile Send Baby Huey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Although I have been a member here for only a few months, I, as well, have not posted things that I knew where false. My comments may be crude at times, but I have never openly spread false statements. I never said he actually did it, AND I went as far as calling it a rumor. I even said I haven't seen it yet. When I do, that's when I'll believe it to be factual.

Edited by - Baby Huey on 10/17/2011 10:49:43 AM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  11:59:34 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just wondering,

I think that my credientials speak for themselves too. And I would never expect anyone to take me at my word on such a serious accusation without providing some proof. But that's just me I guess.


Sorry but you just don't get it. So it would be fine if we let the non-supported "rumors" about the Mayor to be posted on this site?
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