It would be nice to know if we will have an open Alderman seat in the Ward. There are probably people out there that might be interested in running if the seat were to open up.
But he hasn't actually said he's not moving............
6 inches above your post he says he isn't moving
Not really................
quote:massdee, I still live at 14 Rosedale Ave. Please tell everyone here in Everett Average Citizen land where I am moving to. Your more than welcome to come by my house anytime to have coffee and discuss what rumors you heard about me moving. You can also call me at 617-877-0136, and I will give you the facts. I look forward to hearing from you.
A straightforward.......... I'm not moving .......... would do it. His response of "I still live at" doesn't say he's NOT moving, it says he hasn't............ YET!