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 Local WEVR RADIO on the internet
 Local WEVR RADIO on the internet
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Posted - 10/31/2012 :  11:12:49 AM  Show Profile Send bbpolitical a Private Message  Reply with Quote

October Activity

Topic author: wevr radio
Subject: Local WEVR RADIO on the internet
Posted on: 10/02/2012 8:52:46 PM
Well I have posted on topix and have received emails in regards to WEVR RADIO on the internet. Station is almost completed and ready for AIR time. I thought I might post here also to see if there would be any listeners. There will be a live talk show during the week on most topix of the weekly news sports and weather for local and pro sports.
I'm hoping to have listeners far and near people who have moved out of state or local from the surrounding towns of Malden-Medford-Revere-Chelsea-Somerville and any other town who would like to listen.
Saturday night oldies show playing the 50's 60's 70's DooWop.One hit wonders and garage made songs..
I will keep this post and Topix one updated.

I'm hopeing this will lead to a low power FM Radio Station. You can read on and see what has been posted.

Any questions just email me at wevr-radio@comcast.net

Everett's own Radio Station


Contents would be-
Station will be for no-profit non commercial privately funded.

FM Radio call sign WEVR
*call in talk and request
*email communications
*public service announcements
*local and surrounding news and weather
*local sports news
*music of the 50s 60s 70s and 80s
*Saturday night Oldies 50s and 60s only

Station would have a 3-5 mile radius of coverage.

Just taking a Poll to see if all would like to see this in Everett, their own Radio Station WEVR.

Please chime in with your thoughts!!
thanks Radio Man

Just an update

Looks like I will most likely start up a Streaming Radio station that anyone can listen in with a computer or smart phone.
At this moment the FCC is not giving out LPFM stations until this spring and I will have to wait to file for one then.
In filing you have to have all your i's dotted and T crossed to get a LPFM station.

The Internet streaming means you will go to my web site and click on Listen Live with also a link to Instant message or email for request.

I will again state this has nothing to do with the City of Everett at this time but could in the near future.

The station will include

A Saturday night Oldies program from 6pm to midnight.
Oldies contest
Oldies request
Music of the 50s 60s 70s 80s

Local Sports
Local Function Adds
Emergency Alerts
Music request Oldies programs
Birthday etc announcements
Any announcement that will be of public Service.
Talk Radio!!!
No Political Advertisements allowed.

This again will cost money to file with a server and will be covered by me, not you or any part of the city of Everett.

This will be a free service to all city and local town services.

The cost to run for a complete year is around $1000.00 a year plus equipment that will be set up for live calls and request.

I would like your input into the start up of WEVR streaming radio.

I know when I did a Live oldies contest years ago it was a fun Saturday night people listening to music and trying to guess the name and artist then call in to add to the score. At the end of the night I did give out prizes then but this time It will just be the recognition of winning that night's Oldies contest. I do have a great selection of oldies back to the 50's.

So please chime in and let me know if all would give it a shot and listen in on their computers.
If your computer is on might as well put it to good use.

Programing will be on M-W-Fri 7pm- 10-pm and Saturday will be the WEVR Saturday night oldies 6-11 as time goes by maybe more broadcasting time.

Sundays Tuesday NO Air Time

There might be a Saturday night that might be recorded and not live for certain reasons

If I'm lucky I will be granted a LPFM when this spring time comes and then onto the FM radio band but I will link the station that will still stream on the internet for people who will not be able to get the signal.

Well thanks for your time and please chime in for a yes or no.
Reply author: Tails
Replied on: 10/03/2012 08:41:12 AM
Sure, I'd listen. Would this be something that we can listen to on iTunes eventually? I would love to hear the "real" local news and would love to hear about all our local sports.

Would you invite guests to speak on your station? I think it's a great idea, and my favorite of all is no political advertisements! I have no problem with announcements, but the political advertisements are over the top.

Sorry, I did not see this on Topix.
Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/03/2012 12:39:28 PM
Yes you will be able to listen in on Itunes and many other media programs all will be posted when we go on the air

Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/03/2012 3:26:31 PM
Please if anyone has read this post please give me your opinion or vote as to what you might think

Reply author: massdee
Replied on: 10/03/2012 6:11:25 PM
I will certainly listen. It would be so refreshing to have real Everett news and an oldies station to boot. Kudos to you.
Reply author: n/a
Replied on: 10/04/2012 08:59:19 AM
I will listen to it it will be slow in the begining but If you market it more like in the papers I bet there will be more listeners. careful for copyright laws with anything about city of everett if mayor doesnt want it he will stop it he wants everything about him.
Reply author: Tails
Replied on: 10/04/2012 09:55:31 AM
Originally posted by Pat

I will listen to it it will be slow in the begining but If you market it more like in the papers I bet there will be more listeners. careful for copyright laws with anything about city of everett if mayor doesnt want it he will stop it he wants everything about him.

The mayor can’t do anything about it. It would be about oldies music and the goings on in the city we live. I think it’s a great idea.

Who knows…maybe the mayor is for it. History tells me if it’s not his idea, he would not be. If people want it, and will listen… too bad.
Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/04/2012 11:58:51 AM
The talk about the city of Everett and surrounding towns will be limited no bashing and no political talk. We will be able to talk about a program some alderman wants or has suggested but not about the alderman in a personal way. The format will follow like most talk shows. Any bashing you will get the boot and all phone calls will be with caller ID no blocked phone calls. This system is not high end and will not have the 10 sec delay if you do anything, bashing swearing or etc your # and conversation will be recorded. All shows will be recorded. All recorded shows will be the sole property of WEVR Radio. Yes it will be slow when it starts up but I'm sure you and I will get along. This is something that will have nothing to do with the City Hall, Mayor and any elected official. Just news and the straight facts of the topic and we should be good. I just hope the word of mouth will tell everyone when we are on the net/air.
You all have nothing to loose but me in the cost of setting this up.
One good thing is if someone moved away from Everett they will be able to listen in and maybe get some great music and local news.
The web page is all set and is up on Comcast but will wait until we are on the air.
Well I hope to get more people with positive thinking.

Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/14/2012 9:33:06 PM
Update here and Topix

All interviews will be done on the phone during the week nights if no calls I will play music. On Saturday nights no talk just music and callin/AIM request.
I will allow someone to talk about the Mayor or whomever as a mayor or whomever but no personal talk or bashing of that person. All will be civil with call ins there will be no 10 second delay all calls will be live.
All calls with blocked numbers will not get through you will get a busy tone meaning you are calling with a blocked number so you will have to call in with unblocked calls. *82
The phone # has been assigned and is working. I will be able to monitor all calls and will block your # from calling in again if you are rude or bashing someone.
Once you are blocked that # will be banned forever. Only I can unblock and it will not be unblocked.
All shows will be recorded for certain purposes and will become the sole copyrighted property of WEVR RADIO.

I'm getting close getting all the equipment together and testing it.

I will have another update in a week or so.

thanks to all who have responded to this post and the Everett Average Citizen forum.


2040 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2012 :  11:15:21 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

October Activity

Topic author: wevr radio
Subject: Local WEVR RADIO on the internet
Posted on: 10/02/2012 8:52:46 PM
Well I have posted on topix and have received emails in regards to WEVR RADIO on the internet. Station is almost completed and ready for AIR time. I thought I might post here also to see if there would be any listeners. There will be a live talk show during the week on most topix of the weekly news sports and weather for local and pro sports.
I'm hoping to have listeners far and near people who have moved out of state or local from the surrounding towns of Malden-Medford-Revere-Chelsea-Somerville and any other town who would like to listen.
Saturday night oldies show playing the 50's 60's 70's DooWop.One hit wonders and garage made songs..
I will keep this post and Topix one updated.

I'm hopeing this will lead to a low power FM Radio Station. You can read on and see what has been posted.

Any questions just email me at wevr-radio@comcast.net

Everett's own Radio Station


Contents would be-
Station will be for no-profit non commercial privately funded.

FM Radio call sign WEVR
*call in talk and request
*email communications
*public service announcements
*local and surrounding news and weather
*local sports news
*music of the 50s 60s 70s and 80s
*Saturday night Oldies 50s and 60s only

Station would have a 3-5 mile radius of coverage.

Just taking a Poll to see if all would like to see this in Everett, their own Radio Station WEVR.

Please chime in with your thoughts!!
thanks Radio Man

Just an update

Looks like I will most likely start up a Streaming Radio station that anyone can listen in with a computer or smart phone.
At this moment the FCC is not giving out LPFM stations until this spring and I will have to wait to file for one then.
In filing you have to have all your i's dotted and T crossed to get a LPFM station.

The Internet streaming means you will go to my web site and click on Listen Live with also a link to Instant message or email for request.

I will again state this has nothing to do with the City of Everett at this time but could in the near future.

The station will include

A Saturday night Oldies program from 6pm to midnight.
Oldies contest
Oldies request
Music of the 50s 60s 70s 80s

Local Sports
Local Function Adds
Emergency Alerts
Music request Oldies programs
Birthday etc announcements
Any announcement that will be of public Service.
Talk Radio!!!
No Political Advertisements allowed.

This again will cost money to file with a server and will be covered by me, not you or any part of the city of Everett.

This will be a free service to all city and local town services.

The cost to run for a complete year is around $1000.00 a year plus equipment that will be set up for live calls and request.

I would like your input into the start up of WEVR streaming radio.

I know when I did a Live oldies contest years ago it was a fun Saturday night people listening to music and trying to guess the name and artist then call in to add to the score. At the end of the night I did give out prizes then but this time It will just be the recognition of winning that night's Oldies contest. I do have a great selection of oldies back to the 50's.

So please chime in and let me know if all would give it a shot and listen in on their computers.
If your computer is on might as well put it to good use.

Programing will be on M-W-Fri 7pm- 10-pm and Saturday will be the WEVR Saturday night oldies 6-11 as time goes by maybe more broadcasting time.

Sundays Tuesday NO Air Time

There might be a Saturday night that might be recorded and not live for certain reasons

If I'm lucky I will be granted a LPFM when this spring time comes and then onto the FM radio band but I will link the station that will still stream on the internet for people who will not be able to get the signal.

Well thanks for your time and please chime in for a yes or no.
Reply author: Tails
Replied on: 10/03/2012 08:41:12 AM
Sure, I'd listen. Would this be something that we can listen to on iTunes eventually? I would love to hear the "real" local news and would love to hear about all our local sports.

Would you invite guests to speak on your station? I think it's a great idea, and my favorite of all is no political advertisements! I have no problem with announcements, but the political advertisements are over the top.

Sorry, I did not see this on Topix.
Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/03/2012 12:39:28 PM
Yes you will be able to listen in on Itunes and many other media programs all will be posted when we go on the air

Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/03/2012 3:26:31 PM
Please if anyone has read this post please give me your opinion or vote as to what you might think

Reply author: massdee
Replied on: 10/03/2012 6:11:25 PM
I will certainly listen. It would be so refreshing to have real Everett news and an oldies station to boot. Kudos to you.
Reply author: n/a
Replied on: 10/04/2012 08:59:19 AM
I will listen to it it will be slow in the begining but If you market it more like in the papers I bet there will be more listeners. careful for copyright laws with anything about city of everett if mayor doesnt want it he will stop it he wants everything about him.
Reply author: Tails
Replied on: 10/04/2012 09:55:31 AM
Originally posted by Pat

I will listen to it it will be slow in the begining but If you market it more like in the papers I bet there will be more listeners. careful for copyright laws with anything about city of everett if mayor doesnt want it he will stop it he wants everything about him.

The mayor can’t do anything about it. It would be about oldies music and the goings on in the city we live. I think it’s a great idea.

Who knows…maybe the mayor is for it. History tells me if it’s not his idea, he would not be. If people want it, and will listen… too bad.
Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/04/2012 11:58:51 AM
The talk about the city of Everett and surrounding towns will be limited no bashing and no political talk. We will be able to talk about a program some alderman wants or has suggested but not about the alderman in a personal way. The format will follow like most talk shows. Any bashing you will get the boot and all phone calls will be with caller ID no blocked phone calls. This system is not high end and will not have the 10 sec delay if you do anything, bashing swearing or etc your # and conversation will be recorded. All shows will be recorded. All recorded shows will be the sole property of WEVR Radio. Yes it will be slow when it starts up but I'm sure you and I will get along. This is something that will have nothing to do with the City Hall, Mayor and any elected official. Just news and the straight facts of the topic and we should be good. I just hope the word of mouth will tell everyone when we are on the net/air.
You all have nothing to loose but me in the cost of setting this up.
One good thing is if someone moved away from Everett they will be able to listen in and maybe get some great music and local news.
The web page is all set and is up on Comcast but will wait until we are on the air.
Well I hope to get more people with positive thinking.

Reply author: wevr radio
Replied on: 10/14/2012 9:33:06 PM
Update here and Topix

All interviews will be done on the phone during the week nights if no calls I will play music. On Saturday nights no talk just music and callin/AIM request.
I will allow someone to talk about the Mayor or whomever as a mayor or whomever but no personal talk or bashing of that person. All will be civil with call ins there will be no 10 second delay all calls will be live.
All calls with blocked numbers will not get through you will get a busy tone meaning you are calling with a blocked number so you will have to call in with unblocked calls. *82
The phone # has been assigned and is working. I will be able to monitor all calls and will block your # from calling in again if you are rude or bashing someone.
Once you are blocked that # will be banned forever. Only I can unblock and it will not be unblocked.
All shows will be recorded for certain purposes and will become the sole copyrighted property of WEVR RADIO.

I'm getting close getting all the equipment together and testing it.

I will have another update in a week or so.

thanks to all who have responded to this post and the Everett Average Citizen forum.
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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2012 :  9:49:46 PM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Hopefully we will be up and running within the next 2 weeks just have some final testing to do and looking to be on by November 13 if all is ok and working I will post here and on topix with the web page and phone # to the station with the time scheduled.

I hope to hear from you then!

Wevr Radio

Edited by - wevr radio on 11/01/2012 10:00:34 PM
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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2012 :  4:42:58 PM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

We are getting close here is the link to the web page

You must be logged in to see this link.

The streaming has been tested and seem to be working good. If you click on the yellow bar or copy and paste the link and it takes you to a page and you hear nothing that means we are not on the air. There is a schedule on the home page with the hours. I hope to try this out live This Wednesday night November 13th, 2012 from 7-9pm please stop by and listen in. I hope you all give it time to come together and be patient.

Just thought you all might like to see the web page.

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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2012 :  8:30:57 PM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I have a BBERRY BOLD 9960 and an IPHONE and loaded in Winamp for the Iphone and Tune wiki player for the BBERRY and all works great in the phones.

you can listen in on your cell phone

just FYI
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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2012 :  5:51:46 PM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I did post the wrong date below I put Wednesday the 13th it should of read Tuesday the 13th of November. GONNA GIVE IT A TRY TONIGHT.
Stop by and listen!!!

thanks and sorry for the confusion

We are getting close here is the link to the web page
You must be logged in to see this link. .
The streaming has been tested and seem to be working good. If you click on the yellow bar or copy and paste the link and it takes you to a page and you hear nothing that means we are not on the air. There is a schedule on the home page with the hours. I hope to try this out live This Wednesday night November 13th, 2012 from 7-9pm please stop by and listen in. I hope you all give it time to come together and be patient.

Just thought you all might like to see the web page.

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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2012 :  07:59:44 AM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We will be on tonight 7=9pm talk radio

You must be logged in to see this link. WEB PAGE
If you click on the yellow bar or copy and paste the link and it takes you to a page and you hear nothing that means we are not on the air. There is a schedule on the home page with the hours.

Or copy and past this You must be logged in to see this link.
in Winamp url or any media player WINAMP-ITUNES-WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER-VLC PLAYER-AND MORE SHOULD GET YOU TO THE SITE and you should be on listening.

Hope you get a chance to stop by
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5299 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2012 :  5:23:24 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll tune in to listen. Good luck with your endeavor.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2012 :  10:10:55 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wevr radio

We will be on tonight 7=9pm talk radio

You must be logged in to see this link. WEB PAGE
If you click on the yellow bar or copy and paste the link and it takes you to a page and you hear nothing that means we are not on the air. There is a schedule on the home page with the hours.

Or copy and past this You must be logged in to see this link.
in Winamp url or any media player WINAMP-ITUNES-WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER-VLC PLAYER-AND MORE SHOULD GET YOU TO THE SITE and you should be on listening.

Hope you get a chance to stop by

Enjoyed listening. You did a really good job. Thanks!
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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2012 :  08:29:57 AM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We will be on tonight Friday 11-16-2012 7-11pm Oldies show please stop by to listen to some great Oldies 50s 60s and 70s.

You must be logged in to see this link. Web Page


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5299 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2012 :  08:57:01 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I listened Wednesday night and I will tune in again tonight. As word gets out, I am sure you will build a following.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2012 :  11:09:08 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I really enjoyed the show tonight. Anyone who likes oldies will get a kick out of it. Monday night will be talk radio and oldies. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it.
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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2012 :  2:09:36 PM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

TALK Radio tonight 7-9 pm please join us for live talk.

web page You must be logged in to see this link.

follow directions to listen live and you will be all set.

thanks for listening

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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2012 :  11:45:47 AM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote

TALK Radio tonight 7-9 pm please join us for live talk.

web page You must be logged in to see this link.

follow directions to listen live and you will be all set.

thanks for listening

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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2012 :  11:40:34 AM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote
TALK Radio tonight Wednesday 7-9 pm please join us for live talk.

web page You must be logged in to see this link.

follow directions to listen live and you will be all set.

thanks for listening

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wevr radio

22 Posts

Posted - 11/23/2012 :  09:55:49 AM  Show Profile Send wevr radio a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Live Oldies Radio tonight Friday 7-11 pm please join us for live Oldies show

web page You must be logged in to see this link.

follow directions to listen live and you will be all set.

thanks for listening

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