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1140 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2007 :  11:12:51 AM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Any idea why it is down all of a sudden?



96 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2007 :  11:16:50 AM  Show Profile Send Lori a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I notice that also, could it be this one will be going down?
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1140 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2007 :  11:46:06 AM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Michael's Community Blog is also down. It says there is a server error.

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Forum Admin

265 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2007 :  05:30:24 AM  Show Profile Send bbpolitical a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by EverettsPride

Michael's Community Blog is also down. It says there is a server error.


It's back up again as of this morning. I haven't received word yet from Blogger as to what happened, but I am hoping it was a one time thing. This forum is on a separate, more reliable service, so I am pretty sure it will stay online.

I am an average resident of Everett who would like to see more communication about anything and everything to do with Everett
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1201 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2007 :  11:07:13 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was at the Mirror this morning; it looks fine.

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97 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2007 :  11:30:18 AM  Show Profile Send Home a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Mayor Hanlon

We've been reading through some old newspapers lately, Mayor Hanlon, and we came across the 12 point plan that you used during your campaign in 2005 to outline what the Hanlon administration would look like. We'd like to ask you . . . what happened?

Your 12 point plan to stop tax increases was to start the day after inauguration, beginning with an immediate authorization of a “fraud” audit of all city transactions over the past 4 years. Didn't it take you almost nine months to come before city government to get the funding for this audit, even though you said you had begun the audit before the funding was approved?

Continuing on with what you said in your plan -- until the audit is completed, you were going to institute the following emergency measures:

1. A freeze on the number of city employees – no increase in staff. This was the first point in your plan, and the first promise you broke. What happened?

2. A freeze on the hiring of outside law firms. How has this one been working out, with a part time City Solicitor who has neither the respect nor the trust of city government, let alone the capacity to adequately represent the city?

3. Settle all pending legal cases to avoid additional fees. How is this going? We hope you've settled all pending legal cases, because you've added a few to the docket since you took office.

4. Eliminate unnecessary city positions and department heads who are unqualified for their positions. So tell us, Mr. Mayor -- what positions have you eliminated? We know you brought back quite a few that had been eliminated by the previous administration. The archivist position, for instance. How's that working out? All important city documents now properly catalogued and archived? And don't get us started on "unqualified department heads."

5. An immediate freeze on all new building and zoning changes in residential areas. Hmmmm . . . wonder how the people down in the Miller Street area feel about this one?

6. Put more police officers back in uniform and back on the streets, visible to potential wrong doers. This is an interesting one. Now that you've decided to “civilianize” the overnight parking program, what has happened to the police officers who were doing the job up until now -- one could argue that having the police do that job keeps them out on the street where they can be visible to "potential wrong doers."

7. Audit city water department to identify and eliminate excessive abatements for political reasons. Tell us, how many "excessive abatements" have you found that can be tied back to political connections.

8. Create “citizen audit” to establish fair prices for all city property sold. Honestly -- we have no idea what this particular piece of rhetoric is all about. The high school is ready for the block, and there's no citizen audit committee in place.

9.Institute tighter controls over handling taxpayers’ cash at City Hall. Great -- maybe you should've instituted the same controls at the Recreation Department.

10. Tighter controls over “rainy day” and “stabilization” fund. Tell us . . . what exactly do we have in our "rainy day" and "stablization" funds? What about those "controlled" transfers from the free cash account to fund all those new hires?

11. Freeze on the use of outside contractors when City employees can do the job. There must have been an early thaw on this one. Contracts are still going out to bid, contractors are getting contracts and we have at least 40 new hires.

12. >“Clerk of the Works” to supervise contractors on jobs over $10,000 on a daily basis to avoid lawsuits later on. This one sounded like a good idea, but the phantom clerk hasn't been announced as yet.
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The leak

21 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2007 :  11:40:35 AM  Show Profile Send The leak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 01/18/2007 :  11:45:11 AM  Show Profile Send Home a Private Message  Reply with Quote
would like to take the credit for it but took it off of the mirror blog
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2007 :  8:38:05 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hanlon! You either like him, hate him or are very disappointed with him. Whichever is the case, the best topic is who will do the job next year. VanCampen, McGonagle, DiMaria or Nuzzo? McGonagle & DiMaria have been throwing around their weight & wallet since joining the Board of Aldermen. DiMaria is know for making his questionable comments and inane questions. McGonagle with his support of Wood Waste, Veradakis and Rita's resturant, Ultimate windows against those neighborhoods that have had problems with those companies has shown that he goes with the money against his constituents. Nuzzo has been waiting in the wings for years and VanCampen is a sharp guy that unfortunately made enemies for not rubber stamping the previous administration. Forget for a second any friendships or relationships with any of this guys. Think about what type of individual you want up there and then see who fits the profile. Let's have some discussion on the type of individual we want for a change!
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 11:25 am | #

While everyone is bantering back and forth about who is right , who did what our city is turning into a place that most people don't want to live in. I am becomingone fo the residents who has given serious consideration to moving on. Our latest tax increase is just enough to nudge me out.
People should be focused on improving our city not worrying about the ever changing moods of our politicians.
an everett resident | 01.26.07 - 11:34 am | #

What about Wood Waste, Rita's, etc. and McGonagle? Could you explain please.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 11:39 am | #

It the paper today. Hanlon selling the Field House with the High School. He is not keeping it for the kids. Maybe he will sell the whole city and get the hell out of here
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 5:09 pm | #

The one thing I've noticed about McGonagle, is that he has consistently asked the tough questions. He tried very hard to let the people know what that budget looked like during the budget hearings. He more or less warned everyone what that budget was going to do to our taxes. I don't believe we have even started to pay for the new High School, wait til that kicks in. Who ever becomes our next Mayor is going to have to deal with that on top of the spending of the Hanlon administration. I also know that Nuzzo and Van Campen will not be running for Mayor this time around. It leaves Hanlon, Di Maria and McGonagle, as far as I know. May the best person win.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 5:17 pm | #

On top of everything else, Hanlon has the nerve to be paying "The Rav" $35.00 an hour, for doing what? I really don't know and I still didn't know even after "The Rav" spoke at the Aldermen meeting last Monday. Make me sick.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 5:28 pm | #

someone mentioned bid rigging in the Ragucci Admin. what about Vetrano and her boyfriend's company getting a bid.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 5:29 pm | #

Your right in that last comment she has a boyfriend yeccch i would like to see what he looks like . did you notice no one questioned rav up there i was dissappointed. no one is worth 35 and hr. what a snow job he makes up for the snow we didn't get. he jumps on everyone's band wagon and gets away with it he'll be in the coffee shop with McGongale or who ever give him a couple of months I can bet my life on it unbelievable.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 5:46 pm | #

You're right that McGonagle asked the tough questions about the budget, but I was very disappointed that he backed off and voted for it anyway. I'm not sure what the point was of making all that noise and then just going along with it. However, in my opinion, he's a better choice than DiMaria. We need someone with a brain, and I don't think Carlo qualifies.
grace | 01.26.07 - 6:17 pm | #

I thought he voted against the budget. If not, he should have. I agree McGonagle would be the better choice. Is he or is he not running? I have not really heard one way or the other.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 6:34 pm | #

McGonagle voted against the budget.
anonymous | 01.26.07 - 6:38 pm | #

McGonagle would be crazy not to run he can beat him I know he can he just has to keep asking the tough questions they squirm everytime he does GO JOE used to be a Hanlon sup not no more. Jane
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 6:58 pm | #

Wow 8 comments in a row from the same i p adress! HOW INSANE IS THAT!Cry all you want , the people don't believe your rubbish but they will believe you are a moron! McGonagle had no clue about the budget but he did vote for it. So does that make him a moron or an idiot? And stop talking to yourself.
I know who you are | 01.26.07 - 7:02 pm | #

You have no clue who anyone is out here, jackass, so stop trying to act like you have a clue. Check the records. McGonagle voted AGAINST the budget.

You need help.
anonymous | 01.26.07 - 7:35 pm | #

I do not believe McGonagle has ever been a Hanlon supporter. Also, I posted the first comment but that was it. I am also positive you have no clue who I am. Talk about "morons", look in the mirror.
Anonymous | 01.26.07 - 8:34 pm | #
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