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 Common Council May 7th
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Posted - 05/04/2007 :  2:19:55 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote




1. C0111-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $714.00 from Century Bank to the City Council-4th of July Account for celebration festivities for the City of Everett.

2. C0122-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $800.00 from Cumar, Inc., 69 Norman Street, to the Everett Police Department K-9 Division.

3. C0123-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $1,500.00 from The Everett Foundation for Aged Persons, Inc., 21 Trenton Street, Melrose, to the Mayor's Office of Human Services to be used towards the purchase of a new sound system for the Edward Connolly Center.

4. C0136-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $1,391.37 from the Everett Historical Society to the Parlin Memorial Library Preservation Fund.

5. C0137-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veterans Association & Iron Workers Local 7 to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account.

6. C0138-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $870.00 from the Friends of the Everett Libraries for the Homework Center Account.

7. C0139-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $50.00 from Rosie's Senior Flower Club to the Shute Gift Account.

8. C0140-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $300.00 from the Friends of the Everett Libraries for the Young Adult Programs to the State Aid Account #26.3590CW.

9. C0141-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept donation of $200.00 from Lifestyle Transportation International to the Everett Police Department K-9 Account.

10. A0166-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To accept the donation of $714.00 from the Century Bank to the Office of Human Services to be deposited into the Office of Human Services Literacy Program Account. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

11. A0168-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veterans Association & Iron Workers Local 7 to the Department of Veterans Services. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

12. A0169-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To accept the amount of $15.00 from an anonymous donor to the Mayor's Office of Human Services Emergency Services Account to help support the Christmas Program. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

13. A0607-06 Ordinance/s/Alderman Carlo DeMaria; Alderman L. Charles DiPerri and Councilor Leo McKinnon
To amend Chapter 13A to include a new section 13A-88, with a recommendation for favorable action on the attached Ordinance 13A-88 "Illegal Lodging and Illegal Lodging Houses in Dwellings" as amended. (Ordained, as amended, sent down for ordainment, as amended.)

14. A0606-06 Ordinance/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle
That Chapter 13A is hereby amended by inserting Article X Regulating Public Nuisances; Section 13A-61.0 to 13A-100.0.
(Ordained sent down for ordainment)

15. A0071-07a Ordinance/s/Alderman Frank Nuzzo
An ordinance limiting the number of Auto Repair Shop licenses granted in the City of Everett to no more than 50. (Ordained sent down for ordainment)

16. C0112-07 Communication
Communication from Steven J. Chilton, Senior Vice President of Mass Development Finance Agency to notify you they gave preliminary approval to issue a revenue bond on behalf of Eliot Community Health Services Trust at 173 Chelsea Street. Please advise in the event that the proposed project conflicts with an existing local or regional comprehensive plan.

17. C0079-07 Communication
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Cynthia Sarnie-The purpose of the amendment is to place no parking signs on both sides of Christina Circle; amended to no parking on "east side" with a favorable recommendation, as amended.

18. C0080-07 Communication/s/Councilors Sal DiDomenico, James A. Keane and Stephanie Smith
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilors James Keane, Sal DiDomenico and Stephanie Smith-The purpose of the amendment is to place no parking signs on the odd side of Coburn Terrace from Sycamore Street to Glendale Park; with favorable recommendation.

19. C0068-07 Communication
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor James A. Keane-To place 20MPH speed limit signs on Woodlawn Ave due to complaints of speeding motorists; with a recommendation for further time.

20. C0095-07 Communication
Traffic Commission Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon-That the Traffic Commission make recommendation for placing a "No U Turn" sign at the corner of Carlson Street and Ferry Street, in the interest of public safety; with unfavorable recommendation.

21. C0276-06 Committee Report
Public Safety Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon-Relative to Fire Commissioners provide the financial materials that were requested from them by the public safety committee on the reserve fire fighter list; with a recommendation to refer to the Fire Commissioners to provide the Finance Committee with the financial information requested at the April 10, 2006 Fire Commissioner's meeting.

22. C0037-07 Committee Report
Public Safety Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilors Wayne Matewsky and Leo McKinnon-That the Public Safety Committee invite Chief Mazzie and Auxiliary Chief Vincent Caruso to discuss the availability of an Auxiliary Cruiser for their use; with a recommendation to refer to Police Sergeant Dimetri O'Malley.

23. C0074-07 Committee Report
Public Safety Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Lorrie Bruno-Relative to discussing how we determine our bids and contracts for ambulance services for the City of Everett; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.

24. C0071-07 Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon relative to increasing violation fees for spray painting graffiti; with a recommendation to refer back to sponsor.

25. C0084-07 Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon relative to temporary housing and the Sanitary Code regulation; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.

26. C0085-07 Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon relative to Egress Obstruction; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.

27. C0086-07 Ordinance
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Leo McKinnon relative to Minimum Square Footage; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.

28. C0087-07 Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilors Rosa DiFlorio and Cynthia Sarnie to discuss City of Everett policy on accepting payment for tickets and explain why tickets can only be paid by cash; with a recommendation to refer to the City Treasurer/Collector to consider establishing online payment procedures, as well as, in house credit card payment system and a check verification program.

29. C0024-07 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That Chief Steven Mazzie and Chief David Butler appear this meeting February 5th relative to discussing the evacuation route designation from Boston into Everett and why we do not have any designation of an evacuation route for the City of Everett.

30. C0072-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That Code Enforcement appear at this meeting to give us updates on all current boarding houses in the City of Everett, and what has been done to make them conform to our laws in the City. To also give updates on new non-legal boarding houses starting up all over the City, and how to combat them from starting.

31. C0093-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That Representative Stephen Smith appear this meeting to talk on Bryant Street and Rich Street drainage areas for DCR and MWRA, also invite Julius Ofurie, City Engineer to attend.

32. C0006-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That the City of Everett consider adding on their next bills, that we have a box to give ($1.00) one dollar for Everett Youth Organizations. (Referred to Mayor 4/17 for response this meeting)

33. C0063-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
CETF Chairman, Mr. Frank Champi, appear this meeting to give the Common Council an update on code enforcement in the City, to explain how the new nine employees are working out under his direction, and to also set up a process of getting the Council a written report on all properties within the City that are being investigated with updates on progress made at said properties.

34. C0050-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
That the Police monitor the no parking here to corner state law at the corners of Parlin Street and Main Street due to numerous complaints from the neighborhood, and citizens using the MBTA bus stops, as it is a safety issue for them having to get on the buses, all along Main Street. (Referred to Mayor and Police Chief 3/5/07 for response back this meeting)

35. C0109-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Leo McKinnon
That the Mayor consider putting a committee on cleanliness throughout the City of Everett together, as requested by Citizen Peter Marino who attended a Ward by Ward meeting, and that the Mayor appear this meeting relative to discussing this topic.

36. C0110-07 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon and Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
To request that the Mayor direct the Board of Health and Health Department to enforce the current Certificate of Habitability Ordinance and that the proper notification be provided to all Real Estate Brokers and that the requirements of the Certificate of Habitability be advertised in local publications and on ECTV with a further request that the Board of Health consider reducing the current $25.00 fee.

37. C0113-07 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello
That Marzie Galazka, Director of Community Development, appear this meeting with a update on summer camp.

38. C0114-07 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello
That Jim Henderson, Personnel Director, appear this meeting with an update on if they are hiring summer help for city works.

39. C0115-07 Resolution/s/Councilors Wayne A. Matewsky and Millie J. Cardello
That the Mystic Valley Services for Elderly consider looking into possibility of providing a once a month food pantry at the Golden Age Community Center, at residents request.

40. C0116-07 Resolution/s/Councilors Wayne A. Matewsky and John Leo McKinnon
That the Rules and Ordinances Committee consider drafting an ordinance instituting that trash barrels be stored in rear of property unless enclosed storage area in front of property, in efforts for a cleaner Everett; and that Mr. Pierroti of the CETF be invited to help develop the ordinance for a cleaner Everett.

41. C0117-07 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That the Chief of Police appear this meeting to explain what happened up at the Everett High School on 4/23/07 and 4/24/07. Written response submitted by the Chief of Police Steven Mazzie, copy in mailboxes.

42. C0118-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
That the Everett Garden Club would like to adopt a hill behind 66 Main Street for beautification purposes. Refer to Representative Smith, Senator Barrios and the Metropolitan District Commission.

43. C0119-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
That the Code Enforcement Task Force investigate the Waters Ave Project to have cleaned up and fix fence, as it is broken again, as well as, requesting a fence covering at the request of neighborhood to the buffer the dirt being blown around.

44. C0120-07 CC Worksheet/s/Councilor Stephanie Smith
That the City Services Sign Division replace the following street signs: Street signs at corner of Woodlawn Ave and Elm Street.

45. C0121-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Code Enforcement Task Force investigate 7 Lewis Street for litter and other possible problems, and 22 Bailey Street for possible rooming house, as there are a large number of vehicles there, due to neighborhood concerns.

46. C0124-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Mayor's Office and the Community Development Office form a committee of business owners in area of the Market Forge property, E. Elm Street, Vine Street and Paris Street and do a study to evaluate the future of that area as it is in a neglected state right now.

47. C0125-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Board of Assessors re-evaluate the assessment of Charlton Loft Unit A-306 at 210 Broadway, at condominium owner's request.

48. C0126-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
To make Saturday, May 12, 2007 as "Clean-Up our playgrounds day" in Ward 2. Starting with Morris Park, Cherry Street at 9 am, Gramstorf Park, Florence to Nichols Street at 10 a.m., Horas Mann Park, Prospect Street at 11 a.m., and Shapiro Park, Silver and Alpine Roads at 12 p.m.

49. C0127-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
To request that a Comcast representative appear at the next meeting of the Common Council with regards to the pole in the rear of 224 Ferry Street.

50. C0128-07 CC Worksheet/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
To request the Engineering Department look into having Florence Street resurfaced and the sidewalks done.

51. C0129-07 CC Worksheet/s/Councilor Michael Mangan
That the Wire Department adjust the lights on the corner of Clinton Street and Cottage Street so they won't blink at any time during the day due to safety concerns from the residents in that area.

52. C0130-07 CC Worksheet/s/Councilor Michael Mangan
That the Highway Department clean the sewers on Clinton Street, as they have been backing up lately.

53. C0131-07 CC Worksheet/s/Councilor Stephanie Smith
That the Park Department replace tree destroyed by fire apparatus in front of 26 Calhoun Ave.

54. C0132-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
To have the Police Department increase their patrols of Shapiro Playground due to complaints from neighbors.

55. C0133-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
Police Traffic Division monitor Baldwin Ave corners as cars parking on both corners obstructing views for motorists causing alarm for neighborhood, as well as, concerns in event emergency apparatus need access to Baldwin Ave.

56. C0142-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno
That the City Auditor submit a copy of the City's Annual Audit completed in December 2006.

57. C0143-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno
Police Department direct patrol between 8pm and 9:30pm with a decibel meter due to the noise coming from the Church on Webster Street.


Respectfully submitted, Caroline McCorry, Admin. Assist.
Everett City Council Office, council@ci.everett.ma.us
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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2007 :  3:36:48 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, there is another Joint Convention on Monday. They are all working hard for their money, lately.
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Posted - 05/04/2007 :  5:12:44 PM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And am I missing something, there is nothing about the IG's letter.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2007 :  5:18:47 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's about the State Budget, on the very top.
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Posted - 05/04/2007 :  5:27:01 PM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That is code for IG's letter?? I do not understand.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2007 :  6:26:13 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No, the IG Letter isn't mentioned. I doubt anything will be done yet. I was only mentioning that they all have to be at City Hall three weeks in a row for Joint Conventions. Sorry, I wasn't more clear.

I wish it was a code for the IG Letter.

Edited by - massdee on 05/04/2007 6:27:20 PM
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Posted - 05/05/2007 :  06:01:52 AM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
should be an interesting meeting what do you think the state will give the city of everett back
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Posted - 05/05/2007 :  1:46:26 PM  Show Profile Send Ellen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I really appreciate the agendas being posted.
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Posted - 05/07/2007 :  1:20:18 PM  Show Profile Send Stella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello. I was just trying to understand something. At tonights meeting does the State actually come in? Or are we just preparing something to send to them?

Stella Rose
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Posted - 05/07/2007 :  1:35:53 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I think the draft Cherry Sheets will likely be presented. I haven't heard otherwise.
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