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 Carlo DiMaria for Mayor
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Posted - 06/25/2007 :  11:57:01 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If elections were about knowledge, ability and leadership instead of being the popularity contest that they are, Carlo DiMaria's campaign for mayor should be over right now.

Up until recently, I have wanted to give all the candidates for mayor (with the exception of Hanlon who I know has to go) the benefit of the doubt. I'd actually given DiMaria some credit on these boards for actually maintaining some semblance of order in the earlier budget meetings.

But everything changed for me starting at last Wednesday's budget hearing. DiMaria lost all control over that meeting. The goal of that meeting was to cut the budget in a major way. That type of result was not going to be easy if the standard format for a City of Everett budget meeting was followed. Reviewing the budget line by line with each department head was going to take a long time and get caught up in minute detail. But, this was the only format DiMaria knew and look what we ended up with? What was needed was a litle thinking outside the box; instead, we got same old, same old. He wasn't the only one to blame for that but he was the chairman (or co-chairman) of that committee and needs to be looked to for leadership. Very disappointing.

However, tonight took the cake. DiMaria showed that he has no clue what he had been a part of in the last week. How many years did he say that he had held elected office? 16? He doesn't understand the budget process after all that time? I know this year is different but come on! Call another budget hearing? On what authority? Mixed messages from the other members? How about yourself? No apparent understanding of free cash and the stabilization fund transfers? Looking for direction from more senior members of the BOA and the city clerk? Sorry, but not very mayoral.


54 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2007 :  08:37:59 AM  Show Profile Send donice a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jason Marcus made an important comment last night. The aldermen and council members are part time people who have jobs and lives. The Mayor has a team of full time people ie auditor, budget director etc that are supposed to be working on the details of the budget issues.

For some reason you seem to have the expectation that aldermen and council members are supposed to have the information and time to process it, like the Mayor's people, even though they are not being forthcoming to work with them. You seem to make a lot of inside baseball comments, so you are likely to have seen the presentions made by the former mayor and his people. That is the right way to present a budget. Both for the aldermen and council and for the public to be informed.

In light of the current Mayor's tactics they only have two choices, pass it or not. You talk as though the Mayor is willing to give and take with them. They should have done the same thing he did, make their vote end of discussion. You can not negotiate with somewone who has made it so clear he will not.

Are you aware of the fact, that as city clerk, the current mayor thought he should not have to be accountable to anyone about his department's management or budget. He still has the same attitude, but now he has to be accountable to the voters. We'll see what they have to say soon.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2007 :  09:45:52 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From what I understand, this Foxwoods trip was a planned event for quite some time now. The Board of Alderman and Common Council voted to have the Mayor cut the budget by 3%. Why was he needed at the meeting Monday night? I felt that it was a political ploy on Carlo’s part because he knew this was a planned event and many people went. He was acting like a baby once again. All I am saying is Carlo is not smart enough. He will have a better chance if he keeps his mouth shut. If he can lower the taxes, then I will vote for Carlo. All I do is pay and pay and pay and I do not see where my hard earned money is going.
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Posted - 06/26/2007 :  10:19:23 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tails - the mayor should have been at that meeting. In all my years of observing local government - I have never seen a mayor "out" while a budget was still pending. He and his department heads should have been available to answer any follow up questions. That's just good business sense, not to mention good politics.

As for Foxwoods being a "planned event" - big deal. Plans get broken every day, and it's not like it was a plane ticket. To be frank - it shows me exactly what his priorities are and if I was disgusted before - I am doubly so now. You may not care for the way Carlo presented the situation, (it's the lack of polish thing) but he is accurate. The mayor should have been at that meeting - that's what he gets paid to do.
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Posted - 06/26/2007 :  12:16:41 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That "planned event" takes place on a regular basis and the budget should be the mayor's priority, not the slot machines. By not changing his plans he, once again, showed complete lack of respect for the BOA and the taxpayers of this city. Carlo was on the money in expecting the mayor to be there.
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Posted - 06/26/2007 :  1:14:50 PM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Of course the Mayor should have been there. Without a doubt. I agree with all but, must say justme put it best in saying "By not changing his plans he, once again, showed complete lack of respect for the BOA and the taxpayers of this city"
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Posted - 06/26/2007 :  6:36:13 PM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree the whole bunch of them know they are all done and they do not care who they pi## off anymore.

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Posted - 06/26/2007 :  7:26:13 PM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well put Sally!
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Posted - 07/15/2007 :  10:45:13 AM  Show Profile Send ItalianDevil021 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
At this point anyone might be better than Hanlon as mayor. From what I hear he doesnt plan on letting the budget people talk about the audit in further detail.
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Posted - 07/16/2007 :  09:40:59 AM  Show Profile Send Red11 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think DeMaria will be a great Mayor. He runs a successful business, he is honest, and he has more invested in the city than any of the other two candidates.

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Posted - 07/16/2007 :  11:25:32 AM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I tend to agree with Red11. I like him as a person and also think that he would make a great Mayor.
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Posted - 07/17/2007 :  09:27:48 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
beg to differ....strenuously.
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Posted - 07/17/2007 :  11:42:28 AM  Show Profile Send Red11 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You seem to have all the answers and be so "polished", Court4Fred", maybe you should run.

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Posted - 07/17/2007 :  12:37:13 PM  Show Profile Send H1ghCh4r1ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Pup and I would most certainly cast favorable ballots for our friend Court. A more intelligent and amiable candidate well versed in municipal politics would be hard to find.

Carlo is a dope. Have any of you ever listened to him try to speak intelligently?

No? Well that is because he can't.

Emile Schoeffhausen
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Posted - 07/17/2007 :  4:07:44 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah Red, you appear to take my comment personally. You shouldn't. My estimation of Mr. DeMaria's executive abilities (because that's what the city needs - an executive, not just another "nice guy") comes from direct observation, his "investment in the city" notwithstanding, of course. If you'd care to elaborate on that "investment" or any observable executive-level ability that I may have missed, please feel free to elucidate further.

Thank you for your kind words, Emile. It shall be quite a race.
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13 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2007 :  4:13:18 PM  Show Profile Send Red11 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Respectfully disagree with you Emile, (and let's not call anyone names). You actually think Mcgonagle or Hanlon is a better choice ?

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