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 5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 09:31:29 AM
The election is two weeks from tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to be a close one. Both candidates are going to have to get their voters out to the polls. I am hoping we see a large voter turnout.

6 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 10:08:44 AM
I'm hoping for nice weather and that is the key here... |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 12:02:10 PM
What ever happened to the debate? Has it died a quiet death? |
wanda bee

54 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 3:46:05 PM
Not sure why we don't hear more about the Alderman at Large race. After the Mayor's race it is the most important office? And, the two candidates could not be more different! |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 5:11:23 PM
We all know that you have a horse in the alderman-at-large race; if you have something new or interesting to talk about concerning that race don't be afraid to bring it up.
I do have a question though. Why do you really feel that the alderman at large race is the second most important office in the election? Why is it any more important than the Ward 6 alderman's race? The alderman at large seat has no more power than any of the other alderman seats. All of the alderman seats are voted city wide, even those designated as representing a ward; so all of the aldermen really represent us all. |
Edited by - tetris on 10/22/2007 5:12:01 PM |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 6:24:45 PM
The second most important position in the city is the President of the Board of Alderman. He fills in when the mayor is out of the city and would take over in the event the mayor couldn't finish his term. I don't think enough people think of that when they cast their vote for Alderman. Think about it................ they seem to take turns giving each other a turn in that chair. How would you feel if Kay Hicks is elected and they give her a turn a few years from now? Or Wayne? Scary, isn't it? |
Edited by - justme on 10/22/2007 6:25:51 PM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 7:10:51 PM
justme, that really is a scary thought, Wayne or Kay. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 7:40:01 PM
Is anybody watching the BOA meeting....can you believe this?

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:18:50 PM
I watched it. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:22:57 PM
How could DeMaria think that he could get away with that???? |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:31:18 PM
Chuck DiPerri was absolutely correct. It should have never been brought to the BOA meeting. |
Edited by - massdee on 10/22/2007 8:40:35 PM |

86 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:37:15 PM
I guess if you can make a Homecoming Parade a political forum, you can do the same at the BOA meeting. I don't like the fact that it was under suspension. I personally am very proud of Aldermen Marcus and DiPerri and pleased that Joe remained calm. I am really surprised at Carlo's behavior and also disappointed in him. I wonder what took place after the meeting? |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:43:44 PM
You know something is wrong when Jason Marcus has to be one of the voices of reason. However, I thought that since it did come up, McGonagle took the right stance by refusing to back down. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 8:51:51 PM
Did anyone notice that Carlo left the meeting early? |

65 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 9:32:58 PM
Fedup.....Did I read that correctly? You are proud of DiPerri and Marcus? DiPerri was acting like a little kid not getting his way....he was going to take his ball and go home if he didn't get his way. Then you have Marcus.....saying things like "he's suing the city for millions of dollars"...which is completely false. These are the people that make you proud? If I'm a resident of either DiPerri or Marcus's ward, I feel like I got cheated tonight. Go ahead and make your point that the BoA meeting wasn't the right place for this, but you would be on the short end of that argument. Like it or not, the residents of Everett are watching the BoA meeting to help make a decision on the next mayor. All of the moderators and senior members of this forum encourage voters to watch the BoA meeting so they can get an better understnading of who to vote for in November. Was it your intent for them to make their decision based on who speaks better? Who looks better in a suit? There was a real issue being brought before the board tonight. Almost every resident in the city would have benefitted from the presentation. The only people who wouldn't benefit were Joe and his advisors. As a resident and voter, I am embarrassed by the actions of Marcus and DiPerri. |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 10/22/2007 : 9:34:32 PM
Taylor, do us all a favor.........................
Shut Up! |
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