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 Sergio Cornelio
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Posted - 11/09/2007 :  05:41:09 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Does anyone know how he plans to attend meetings that take place during his scheduled work hours?


5299 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2007 :  09:21:53 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Maybe his hours for his city job will change. Come January, he will have the same boss for both jobs. I am not attacking anyone, just stating fact.
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Posted - 11/09/2007 :  8:28:17 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm just wondering if we're going to have another no show council member. Seems to me we've got enough of them already.............
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Posted - 11/09/2007 :  9:10:44 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Let's face it, how many members of city government actually like the nuts and bolts of governing? On the BOA - Chuck DiPerri. On the Common Council - Sal DiDomenico. Those are really the only two that truly put the time in on all issues, and come prepared every time. And the ladies certainly have their flashes of brilliance - Cynthia, Lori and Rosa.

And truly, it's better to have a less than prepared councilor stay home than to vote half-baked. Never forget the guys who showed up at budget hearings without a budget book....that's when they're most dangerous.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2007 :  9:29:14 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Maybe it is really time for that charter review to happen. I was one of those hold outs that liked our form of government. I'm not so sure anymore.
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Posted - 11/12/2007 :  10:58:08 PM  Show Profile Send 02149politicalanalyst a Private Message  Reply with Quote
let's be serious...
there is not one person on the council who knows their ass from their elbow. i don't care what anyone says. everyone should be on their hands & knees praying that god graced us with some new politicians. congratulations to cornelio, sachetta, & the rest. hopefully people will eventually learn that "politicians" (and i use the term loosely) like simonelli (who topped the ticket and has made it clear when he stands up to speak that he has the IQ of a sea sponge) & diflorio are not doing this city any good. why not celebrate our new politicians, and especially the younger ones at that? oh that's right.. because everyone is AFRAID. god forbid a young kid might actually have a passion for politics and do some good for everett. this kid has ran THREE campaigns and finally won. i don't think he's doing it to get his mug on the ECTV, although that is QUITE an accomplishment (sarcasm). and in regards to the job -- cornelio must have something worked out to make the meetings. if he doesn't, then you're right, he's as useless as the rest of them. but if he goes to 50% of the meetings and knows 25% of the issues, sad to say, but everett will be in terrific shape. so why don't you give the kid a chance, because you have yet to see him in action. come january & the meetings begin, then judge him. and if everyone IS so concerned about attendence at the meetings, why were the incumbents re-elected?
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Posted - 11/13/2007 :  06:34:14 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, "political analyst" - your bias is apparent already. Why disparage Rosa DiFlorio, one of the few who spoke out against a badly crafted and bloated budget and asked the hard question that no one else bothered to ask: "will this budget require a Prop 2 1/2 override?" As it turned out, the mayor HAD to cut the budget by more than a million dollars just a few weeks ago. I wish we had 18 Rosas to watch the budget, thank you very much. Where do you get off slamming this woman? You have the audacity to slam Mr. Simonelli and call him a "sea sponge" - yet your own candidate doesn't exactly have an exalted resume himself, does he?

Actually - people have every right to question whether young Sergio can make the meetings. He does work a job that would prohibit his attendence, not to mentioned the fact that his own brother had an abysmal attendence rate on the council. It is also not not good enough to go to 50% of the meetings and know 25% of the issues. That's a very low benchmark for a brand new city councilor.

I will celebrate these new young councilors once they show us what they've got. But a word to the wise? Humility and politeness can go a long way.

Edited by - Court4Fred on 11/13/2007 06:35:28 AM
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wanda bee

54 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2007 :  3:01:26 PM  Show Profile Send wanda bee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The half baked guy that shows up without a budget book
and has no clue, well he is Everett's new Alderman-at-Large.
So I say not to worry about Sergio his heart is in it and he wants to do a good job for Everett. But the guy who shows up full baked to most of the meetings may someday be acting Mayor.
The people of Everett have spoken!
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Posted - 11/13/2007 :  3:47:34 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very true, Wanda - and the other half-baked guy is a councilor from Ward 4. I also thought that "political analyst" could have made his point without throwing bricks at Rosa. That just wasn't right.
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 11/13/2007 :  4:35:27 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taylor, if you half the smarts of either Rosa or Stat Smith, you'd realize how ridiculous you sound. They are two of the few people up there willing to fight. And no one was "after" John Hanlon until he set the tone for his relationship with the City Council by falsely accusing them of violating the open meeting law.

The only person responsible for the budget fiasco was shown the door during the September primary. It's time for you to move on.
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Posted - 11/13/2007 :  4:51:01 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taylor - the paranoia that you continually spew tells me just how lucky we are post-primary. Rosa wasn't even on the council when Ragucci was mayor, so how could she be a "Ragucci minion?" And you are aware that members of the council are now only allowed, but encouraged to speak to department heads? There was no secret meeting - Rosa did her homework and it just galls you to no end that she was prepared for that meeting....and Mayor Hanlon wasn't. Young Sergio can learn a lot from Rosa. The fact is - Rosa and Mr. DeCoste were right. The budget WAS over the tax levy and it had to be cut.Unfortunately, Mayor Hanlon was too arrogant to cut it then and it had to wait until just a few weeks ago when the DOR wouldn't certify the budget.

This administration had to be one of the most divisive in this city's history, so knock off the preaching about "unity" or "working together. There was no working with this administration and that's why your mayor was out in the primary.

You're also a fine one to talk about anyone being "uneducated," Taylor. They say "there's no fool like an old fool." The same goes for middle-aged ones, too.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2007 :  5:11:44 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taylor, if Rosa's meeting with Mr DeCoste was such a secret, then how do you know about it? As Court stated, our elected officials are allowed to meet with department heads. I, for one, am glad Rosa met with Mr DeCoste. At the very least, when Mayor Hanlon's budget was not certified by the DOR due to being over the Prop 2.5 levy limit, no one, except maybe you, was surprised.

Edited by - massdee on 11/13/2007 5:22:48 PM
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wanda bee

54 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2007 :  2:43:27 PM  Show Profile Send wanda bee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I for one am glad that Rosa is watching the tax payers wallets
She does a good job and she has more b@&%s then most of the men who sit on the council.
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Posted - 11/15/2007 :  09:16:50 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I couldn't agree more.
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Posted - 11/18/2007 :  6:02:42 PM  Show Profile Send Sandro a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would like to say Congratulations to my brother Sergio Cornelio and to say to those who are questioning whether he will do a good job or show up for meetings you will just have to wait for next year to begin and see for yourself what he will do. I'm sure he will be better than half of his so-called colleagues. I have read some stupid statements from court4fred about sergio's resume, do you need a degree that i don't know about? I believe that a regular city employee like my brother,who cares about his city can do a great job. To your statement about my attendance, I would like to say that I did not enjoy being a councilor at that time in my life so i didn't run for re-election. I love this city and I would of loved to help this city in anyway i could at that time, but unfortunately due to the same stupid politics that go on here, and the not so bright politicians I served with I had to give up my seat in hopes that someone with more patience with the stupidity of most of the board could accomplish more than I could. I used my real name on this blog because I have nothing to hide, un-like those who hide behind usernames and talk ****. I grew up in this city and real people of Everett say what they have to say to each others face. This is just one of the current problems with this city, be upfront and be a man or woman of your word, that would be a great start for the politicians and for this great city.
Sincerely, Sandro Cornelio
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1201 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2007 :  8:02:47 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sandro; I don't think it's a wise idea for you and the "political analyst" to be tossing bricks at your brother's new colleagues - not if he wants to get anything done. He hasn't spent a day in office, but his supporters are already calling his colleagues "not so bright." Think that's bright? Regarding your brother's resume - why not scroll back and see what I was responding to; one of your brother's supporters called another councilor a sea sponge! He disparaged the woman who exposed the serious tax levy challenge of the Hanlon budget....and you're okay with that? I never said anyone needed a degree - but this supporter calls the top vote getter in the ward names before his candidate has even taken office. That's some arrogance talking.

And be honest, Sandro - you gave up your seat when you moved out of the city. Your attendance was spotty at best, and it had nothing to do with "stupid politics." You simply had better things to do than attend meetings.
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