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 Barking Dogs
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16 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2007 :  11:16:26 AM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wish Everett would do something about the dogs that have multiplied in Everett and have the owners leave them out to bark for ours.
I approached one house on Warren St. because my back yard butts theirs. They leave their dog out for hours and in the summer when i do work in the yard my wife and I get nothing but barking from the fence where the dog is. I went to the house and the Foreign Lady said well i can bring him in the house but will still bark in the house. My response was good torture you and your family but not me and my family. Well called the dog officer last Thursday about the dog. She said she would address the problem emediately. Hope no more dog barking. I like these people who get dogs and leave in yard to bark all day and don't give a shi! about neighbors. Winthrop has a dog law where you can only have your dog out side for a certain time during certain hours. Anyone have this problem?

This dog is not the only dog that butts my back yard new neighbors just moved in and wala barking dog. He will get a visit soon from the dog officer soon. On the corner of Warren st. there is this big old white run down house they have 4 dogs left out all the time. Try to walk by and they all bark. After some time passes dogs are out again barking.

I hope something will and can be done about this in Everett


2682 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2007 :  12:44:19 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh I sympathize with you. I used to have a neighbor that would let her dogs out all hours of the night and leave them out there. I called the dog officer and my neighbor made my life hell. She was so mad at me she continually did it even after the fact. I was told I had to take video and get evidence. Here is a website you might find helpful about how to handle uncooperative neighbors. You have to be careful how you handle people and dont speak with them in anger.

You must be logged in to see this link.

I wish you the best because we deserve to live in peace and serenity in our own homes.
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16 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2007 :  2:23:37 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very interesting site will read so I can have my talking guns ready for the next episode of the Barking Dogs in Everett.

Thanks for the info
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wanda bee

54 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2007 :  4:14:19 PM  Show Profile Send wanda bee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I also had a neighbor that had no consideration,
she left her large dog out barking loudly all hours of the day and night early Saturdays & Sundays, my husband got so mad he threw an apple core over the fence and the next thing you know we have the Animal Rescue League of Boston, State Humane Officer at my door.
So be careful!
I have a small dog and do not let him bark, in fact I was walking him the other day and my NEXT door neighbor, said I never hear your dog bark and I listen for it, he said. So I'm all for people controling their dogs in the city. Plus don't even get me started on not picking up dog ****! Those people should be fined hundereds of dollars!
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24 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2007 :  5:15:21 PM  Show Profile Send THE DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well there are a lot of considerate people who do care but the ones who don't (45%) don't care they got a dog just to say they have a dog. BULLSHI! I have a person that walks their dog and in the morning lets the dog pee on my front wall so as to attract other dogs. I told the person not to let their dog pee on my wall and got a dirty look. I travel to Hanscom Air Force Base for work and travel through Medford, Winchester, Lexington, and Bedford and see people letting their dogs crap on other peoples lawn then walk away. These people are just as bad as the owners of barking dogs. Why can't these people let their dog crap on their own lawn then take their dog for the walk around the block. I think all people should go to a school/class for owning a dog before they can get a license at their local town hall. Then when they get cited for something they should of learned in school/class they get a hefty fine, this might keep the dog issues down in Everett and maybe other towns. I hope that some people will read and maybe something can be brought to the attention of the alderman to do something about the dog issue.

Edited by - THE DJ on 12/04/2007 5:25:38 PM
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47 Posts

Posted - 12/07/2007 :  4:11:34 PM  Show Profile Send whynot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
call the dog officer she rides around all day
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