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Posted - 01/17/2008 :  5:20:01 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
1. C0033-08
Communication from Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. relative to the new recycling initiative that will be introduced in the City of Everett February 11, 1008.

2. A0024-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the donation of $50.00 in memory of Mrs. Abraham's Father, Walter R. Van Hoek, to the Shute Library Renovation Fund. (Passed, sent down for concurrence)

3. A0025-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the donation of $3000.00 from the Everett Foundation for Aged Persons, Inc. to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Elder Services Account, to be used to support the Elder Services Programs for Everett Residents. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

4. A0026-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $5000.00 from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Equal Access Grant to the Parlin Library's Young Adult Funds Account to be used to improve services to young adults. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

5. A0027-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $500.00 from Mr. Joseph King to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account to support the Emergency Services Program for Everett Residents.(Passed sent down for concurrence)

6. A0028-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $50.00 from Doreen Dugan to the Mayor's Office of Human Services' Emergency Services Account to be used to support the Emergency Services Program for Everett Residents. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

7. A0029-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $2000.00 from the Schnitzer Northeast Company to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Fire Victims Account to support the Everett Fire Victims. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

8. A0030-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $50.00 from Frederick Cafasso & Sons, Inc. to the Everett Police Department Donation Account to be used for various Police Department necessities. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

9. A0031-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To amend Chapter 2, Section 2-47 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to the qualifications of the City Solicitor, by striking out the words "and resident of the City of Everett" and inserting in the words "with residency in the City as a preferred qualification, but not a prerequisite for appointment." (Enrolled sent down for enrollment)

10. A0020-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That all public safety employees hired after 1-1-09 be required to live in the City of Everett. Refer to Mayor and City Solicitor to see if we need a home rule petition to enforce this, with a request for a response back from them in two weeks. (Passed, sent down for concurrence and to refer to Mayor and City Solicitor with request for a response back for next Aldermen's meeting, January 28th.)

11. C0008-08 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That Senator Galluccio be invited to appear next meeting relative to discussing a YMCA in the City of Everett, and also to find out about replacing the slide at the Recreation Department via grant funding.

12. C0009-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony Ranieri
That Chief Mazzie, Sgt. Bova and Officer Gaff appear this meeting, Tuesday, January 22nd, to discuss the implementation and update of the weighing of overloaded trucks going through community.

13. C0010-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony Ranieri
To invite Sherry Clancy from National Development Company to appear this meeting relative to lack of signage at entrance to Best Buy, in the interest of community safety.

14. C0011-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Joseph Hickey
To prohibit parking from the Everett Credit Union exit on Chestnut Street, to the abutting property line, southwest side, to eliminate the viewing obstruction at that location, at the request of constituents exiting the ECU.

15. C0012-08 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
Guardrail be placed at the corner of Westover Street and Taylor Street due to the number of accidents in front of this property.

16. C0013-08 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That the light pole be fixed in front of 58 Westover Street which was damaged during a recent accident.

17. C0014-08 Ordinance/s/Councilors John Leo McKinnon, Stacy Caralis and Joseph F. Hickey
To amend the School Safety Zone Ordinance by adding Pope John High, to run from Shute Street, at Dairy Maid, to Dunster Road, with proper signage to indicate the zone.

18. C0015-08 Resolution/s/Councilors John Leo McKinnon and Sal DiDomenico
Police Chief increase patrols in the areas of Walgreens, Glendale Park and Glendale Towers, with also considering beat patrols in the area due to recent robberies, and to stop the loitering and drug activity in front of and in the parking lot of Walgreen's Shopping Center.

19. C0016-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That a crosswalk be placed on Chelsea Street, in front of the southeast entrance of the S/S Jacob Scharf Playground (also known as Florence Street Park) across to the proximity of 271 Chelsea Street per the request of the neighborhood.

20. C0017-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That an all-weather, patriotic theme redemption box be set up in front of City Hall and/or The Edward Connolly Center for the purpose of having a 24/7 drop-off site for proper disposal with dignity and respect of worn or tattered American flags, state flags, county, municipal flags, and P.O.W. flags that are no longer fitting symbols due to their condition.

21. C0018-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That the City of Everett review alternative plans, programs or grants that can assist Everett homeowners caught in the current sub-prime market or unable to refinance due to the dropping property values.

22. C0019-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That the Commonwealth of Massachusetts review alternative plans, programs or grants that will assist Massachusetts homeowners caught in the current sub-prime market or unable to refinance due to the dropping property values.

23. C0020-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
To invite the new City Services Director, Brian Zaniboni, to this meeting to introduce himself and to give an outlook on ways he and his Staff are going to improve services to the taxpayers of the City of Everett.

24. C0021-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
To have City Services Director, Brian Zaniboni, and his Staff meet with Mayor DeMaria concerning the recent evaluation of all city services vehicles and equipment and report back to Common Council at our last meeting in February with recommendations on upgrading all vehicles which is badly needed to run the City in an effective and professional manner.

25. C0022-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Cynthia Sarnie and Rosa DiFlorio
That Mayor DeMaria consider forming a committee with one member of City Council from each Ward and work with Community Development and Engineering on streets and sidewalks.

26. C0023-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Millie Cardello, Rosa DiFlorio and Cynthia Sarnie
Budget Director to give a quarterly report of Budget in order to review it, with a recommendation to send to the Finance Committee.

27. C0024-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey
To amend Chapter 17 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new “Section 17-6.5 Obstruction of sidewalks. Shoveling snow in and around one’s property line is mandatory. A twenty-four hour lag time will be allowed."

28. C0025-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Cynthia Sarnie
That the Mayor appears before us to discuss the fund raiser event regarding the fire account and how this will be handled during any time of loss. Also, with regards to the December 5th fire on Main Street, to discuss how much was raised and how it was distributed.

29. C0026-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
That Mass. Electric/National Grid change the light bulbs on the following pole numbers in the City of Everett on Ferry Street, from Glendale Park to Chelsea Street, Pole # 3704, 3227, 2565, 3215, 3221 and 423.

30. C0027-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
To request that any speaking Spanish, Portuguese or Haitian Creole translator notify Dr. Stella about possible employment during school hours at the Administration Building on 121 Vine Street.

31. C0028-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Sal DiDomenico and Lou Sierra
That it be known that the Everett School Department is interested in the M.D.C. Swimming Pool on Elm Street for the Children of Everett.

32. C0029-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter Napolitano
That the City of Everett repave Spring Street due to the heavy damage to the pavement caused by the continuous heavy traffic that frequent that street, as well as, the drainage problem that cause both intersections with the Revere Beach Parkway to flood.

33. C0030-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter Napolitano
That the City of Everett repave Second Street between the Revere Beach Parkway and Broadway due to the heavy damage to the pavement caused by the continuous heavy traffic that frequent that street.

34. C0031-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter Napolitano
That the Mass. Highway Department consider renovating the Route 16 East - Spring Street exit to accommodate additional traffic waiting to turn north onto Spring Street. The current configuration causes an unnecessary gridlock in the passing lane as traffic waits for the green light to make the turn onto Spring Street.

35. C0032-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter Napolitano
To be reminded that the Everett Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee is hosting a Government Reception on Wednesday evening, January 23, 2008. The reception will be held at the Orsogna Plaza, 316 Main Street from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All elected members are invited to come and meet members of the Everett Chamber of Commerce to exchange ideas on issues affecting the business community in Everett.


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1201 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2008 :  7:00:11 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You have to love the women on the Council....they're watching the money!

26. C0023-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Millie Cardello, Rosa DiFlorio and Cynthia Sarnie
Budget Director to give a quarterly report of Budget in order to review it, with a recommendation to send to the Finance Committee.
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Senior Member

250 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2008 :  12:33:20 PM  Show Profile Send Fran a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good to see that Leo hasn't lost his fastball too. Waht a waste of Gallucio's time, inviting him to talk about a slide. BTW, is Sal DiDomenico now working in Gallucio's Office? When Sal made his outgoing speech he mentioned the Senator as his boss.
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Posted - 01/18/2008 :  6:56:13 PM  Show Profile Send cozulady a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sal is Chief of Staff for the Senator's office.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2008 :  08:43:45 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, I watched “some” of the meeting last night. There were a couple of issues I was waiting to hear on. What on earth happened to the five minute rule? I think Lori Bruno was trying to be nice and I can understand. I like Anthony Ranieri, he would do anything for anyone, but get to the point and move on. It’s not fair to the rest of the common council and it’s not fair to the viewer either. All the personal comments can stay at home. They need to stick to the facts.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2008 :  5:04:08 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think they need to set a timer for five minutes and when it goes off the council person needs to be quiet and sit down. To many of them enjoy hearing themselves speak.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2008 :  5:42:16 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Last night's meeting was sort of a train wreck. There was some useful information I got out of it (like why we haven't gotten a water bill to pay lately and a general idea of how the city is doing financially) but mostly, it just brought back the headache that I got earlier in the day watching the stock market bounce up and down. I sort of chalked it up to it being the first CC meeting of the year. I remember those being tough in year's past as well. I'm using last night's meeting as a benchmark; in my opinion, everyone involved needs to get better going forward.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2008 :  7:16:30 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Speaking of the water bill, does that mean we are going to get hit with a huge bill and if can't pay it in full will have interest attached to it. It's not Carlo's fault, this took place under Hanlon's watch. Also, those of us who have income property will not be able to use the full amount on our income taxes. Thanks, Mayor Hanlon, you screwed us again.

I wonder what else will come out that the Hanlon Administration failed to do.

Edited by - massdee on 01/23/2008 7:20:46 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  5:18:09 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

1. C0050-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
That the sum of $2,000,000.00 be appropriated from the Budgetary Fund Balance to be applied to the Fiscal Year 2009 Tax Levy.

2. C0051-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer the amount of $140,000.00 from the City of Everett Retirement Board Payment for Pension Fund Account to the Veteran's Services Department-Veterans' Benefits Allowance Account to cover the higher than anticipated costs.

3. C0052-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer the amount of $130,000.00 from the City of Everett Retirement Board Payment for Pension Fund Account to the City of Everett General Operating Expenses-Unemployment Compensation Account to cover the additional expenses for higher than anticipated costs.

4. C0053-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer $125,000.00 from Retirement Board Payment for Pension Fund Account to the City Services Department Snow & Ice-Highway Road Salt Account to cover the additional expenses for higher than anticipated costs.

5. C0054-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer the amount of $85,000.00 from the City of Everett General Operating Expenses-Short Term Debt Interest Account for Short Term Interest on Temporary Loans to the City of Everett General Operating Expenses-Insurance General Liability Insurance Account, as was not sufficiently funded in FY 2008 budget.

6. C0055-08 Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer the amount of $70,000.00 from the City of Everett General Operating Expenses-Short Term Debt Interest Account for Short Term Interest to the City of Everett General Operating Expenses-Employee Injuries Account for Active Fire & Police Medical Account to cover the City's responsibility for all medical bills for firemen and policemen who are injured on the job.

7. A0031-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To amend Chapter 2, Section 2-47 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to the qualifications of the City Solicitor, by striking out the words "and resident of the City of Everett" and inserting in the words "with residency in the City as a preferred qualification, but not a prerequisite for appointment." (Ordained sent down for ordainment)

8. C0014-08 Ordinance/s/Councilors John Leo McKinnon, Stacy Caralis and Joseph F. Hickey
To amend the School Safety Zone Ordinance by adding Pope John High, to run from Shute Street, at Dairy Maid, to Dunster Road, with proper signage to indicate the zone.(Enrolled in concurrence, sent down for ordainment)

9. A0047-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That Chapter 18, Section 18-133 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Prohibited on Certain Streets" is hereby amended by adding "Freeman Ave, north/odd side". The purpose of the amendment is to make one-sided parking on north/odd side of Freeman Ave, which was approved by the Traffic Commission. (Enrolled sent down for enrollment)

10. C0047-08
Notice from Retirement Board relative to their annual COLA notification from the Public Employee Retirement Administration for retired members. The COLA the Board may grant effective July 1, 2008 is 2.3%, but with proper notice to Legislative Body, they may elect, at their next Retirement Board meeting on February 27th, to increase this percentage to 3%. (Copy in mailboxes 1/30/08)

11. C0026-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
That Mass. Electric/National Grid change the light bulbs on the following pole numbers in the City of Everett on Ferry Street, from Glendale Park to Chelsea Street, Pole # 3704, 3227, 2565, 3215, 3221 and 423. (Response received from National Grid that all work completed 1/28/08 vial email.)

12. C0034-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Rosa DiFlorio and Lou Sierra
That the Police Traffic Division enforce Section 18-144 "Emergency or Weather Parking Limitations" for all vehicles found in violation, including vehicles with handicapped signs, during snow emergencies.

13. C0035-08 Resolution/s/Councilors William L. Cardello, Rosa DiFlorio and Lorrie Bruno
That the Committee on Public Service meet to discuss neighborhood concerns regarding the Church on Webster Street with noise at all different times of the night.

14. C0036-08 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That the Auxiliary Police Department appear next meeting to discuss concerns that their budget funding is insufficient.

15. C0037-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio
That City Services inspect all the fire hydrants in the City when the weather conditions improve, and submit to the Common Council an updated list on the age of the fire hydrants at their earliest convenience.

16. C0038-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri
That Mayor DeMaria, Senator Anthony Galluccio and Representative Stephen Smith be invited to next meeting, Tuesday, February 19th, relative to giving an up date on how the 27 Million Dollars that was earmarked for Massachusetts Emergency Heating for the needy and elderly, is being disbursed, as well as, where and how they can get help.

17. C0039-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri
That Steven Caracciolo, Management Information System Director, appear next meeting February 19th, relative to explaining to the community about analog and high definition television that is due to change in February of 2009.

18. C0040-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri
That a Representative from Comcast appear at next meeting, February 19th, to see if any type of discount program will be made available to the most needy of our community when analog connects to high definition in February of 2009.

19. C0041-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
That the City consider placing parking meters the full length of Ferry Street, in blocks of business areas, from Chelsea Street to the Malden Line, on both sides.

20. C0042-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
That the City look into getting "smart cars" for the parking enforcement officers so that they can travel to other parts of the City to be able to enforce parking laws, not only on Broadway and Ferry Street where it is easiest to walk, but also be able to travel to other main streets and side streets to help enforce corner violations, parking on sidewalks, et cetera.

21. C0043-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
That the Everett Police Traffic Division enforce the towing ordinance in the City of Everett, and to invite Sgt. Bova to appear next meeting to discuss the matter.

22. C0044-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Rosa DiFlorio and Lou Sierra
That the Mayor consider getting an emergency telephone number for water main breaks and snow emergencies.

23. C0045-08 Resolution/s/Councilors Rosa DiFlorio and Cynthia Sarnie
That the Purchasing Agent and the City Treasurer get together to find a solution on accepting credit card payments, and at the same time, checks, because they can verify funds on the credit card machine, as well as, considering on-line payments for tickets.

24. C0046-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Cynthia Sarnie
That the Police look into the illegal dumping at the sight at the bottom of the Waters Ave Project. Also, there are cameras at the 7 Acres Park, investigate and see if the cameras are working, as well as, patrol the area due to illegal dumping and graffiti.

25. C0048-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey
To consider establishing an ordinance where all mortgage companies’ holding foreclosed properties be instructed to register with the Code Enforcement Task Force.

26. C0049-08 Ordinance/s/Councilors Millie J. Cardello and Sergio Cornelio
To place a service zone at 357 Broadway from Monday to Saturday, 8 am. to 6 p.m.

27. C0056-08 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio
That the Police Traffic Division monitor and set speed trap on Locust Street during the early morning hours of 6 a.m., at the request of area residents.


Respectfully submitted: C. McCorry, Adm. Asst., Everett City Council Office
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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  7:45:56 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On item 1, wouldn't it make more sense to wait and see exactly where the city stands with the 2009 budget? I am hoping Carlo will make some major cuts in the budget. If he is able to do that, maybe they wouldn't need to apply the whole 2 million to the 2009 taxes.

Items 2-6, that seems to be a lot money being transfered. Should we really be transferring funds out of the City of Everett Retirement Board Payment for Pension Fund to another account? It looks to me that Hanlon's budget is not good enough even with all the extra tax money he has coming in. Carlo needs to take a good look and start trimming down this (2008) budget so we don't end up with short falls.

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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  8:36:47 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Awful lot of transfers going on. Isn’t this when the Auditor should be stepping in and say, wait a minute, let’s take a look at this before someone like DOR does? I’m just asking because I remember that transfers were a big issue last year and also the city just made up for a huge lax in the pension fund so why start transferring out of that fund now just to make up for what was cut from the budget.
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1428 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  8:40:54 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not comfortable with the need for the transfers but I also don't understand why the request is to transfer from the Pension Fund Payment instead of free cash? I know there was some question about hanlon making the payment when the cc & boa were trying to cut the budget. Is this Carlo's way of putting that money back in play? Does it really make sense since we know the Pension Fund is underfunded and has been for many years? Sooner or later we're going to have to make it whole, why not leave it alone since we have the free cash to work with?

If I'm just being dense, would someone explain it to me please?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  9:37:36 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The need for these transfers is mostly a final gift from the previous administration. Thanks again.

Seeing that there isn't even a 2009 budget yet, is it proceduraly possible to transfer money to 2009 tax levy? Does anyone know? I don't have any problem with the mayor making an early commitment to reduce the tax levy with 2008 free cash if that amount is in excess of what the city should keep in reserve but this seems to be putting the cart in front of the horse.

I have no problem with transferring money from the two line items as long as we get an good explanation why there is so much extra money in those line items. There really isn't a difference between using overfunded line items or free cash that I'm aware of.

There was talk at one point in time of transferring some 2007 free cash to the pension fund; I can't recall if this motion was ever approved. If the excess money sitting in that line item is there for that purpose, I don't believe that it is a good idea to use it for these transfers.
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1428 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2008 :  07:37:58 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tetris

I have no problem with transferring money from the two line items as long as we get an good explanation why there is so much extra money in those line items. There really isn't a difference between using overfunded line items or free cash that I'm aware of.

There was talk at one point in time of transferring some 2007 free cash to the pension fund; I can't recall if this motion was ever approved. If the excess money sitting in that line item is there for that purpose, I don't believe that it is a good idea to use it for these transfers.

Yes, we need a good explanation however we know the Pension Fund is under funded so why take money from the payment fund? One way or the other it needs to be funded. Why not leave the payment in tact while we have an excess of free cash to work with?

I believe when they discussed transferring from 2007 free cash to the pension fund it was July and too late to make the transfer. At that point, there was technically no free cash until Mass DOR certified the budget and available free cash for fiscal ’08.

I also want to know when/if Carlo intends to do anything with the many jobs our former mayor created. There have been numerous discussions about unnecessary jobs but to date, the only job Carlo seems to be eliminating is the Budget Director, which has been a viable position in this city for many years. I realize some of the new positions created are needed, but were all of them? There was certainly plenty of hanlon bashing over the increases to the city payroll. Were we all just looking for reasons to throw him under the bus or was the issue real?

Let me finish here by saying I’m concerned with the “Mission Statement” from the current administration. Every directive coming from the corner office right now is based on getting Carlo re-elected. While I realize re-election is on the mind of every elected official, having it expressed as the primary goal of this administration is disheartening. In my opinion, doing the job well will guarantee his re-election. Trying to make everyone happy to secure, or retain, their vote two years from now is a foolish waste of time and a recipe for disaster. He’s setting himself up to fail.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2008 :  08:17:39 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Items 3, 5, and 6 all have to do with the "City of Everett General Operating Expenses." Am I correct in assuming these are all the same account but different line items? If so, why do they want to transfer a 130K in on item 3 and transfer 85K and 70K out in items 5 and 6? Why can't they do a line item transfer within the same account, or am I way off base? There just seems to be an awful lot of money being moved around.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2008 :  10:35:31 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dont take this the wrong way, I like Carlo DeMaria, but it does "seem" as he is working his re-election already. It's too much money from the pension fund and retirement board. I want to know his reason for not using free cash first for expenses like city services that the common council and boa cut from the budget. Mayor DeMaria was one of the ones to make those cuts and now he is transferring from a fund that was finally replenished after years of being under funded and now the taxpayers wont have to worry about it for a while? I hope someone requests a finance committee and they vote no. I will watch on TV if I'm home.
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