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 Time to Tow Bull!!!
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16 Posts

Posted - 03/06/2008 :  11:39:10 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the Mayor and Council should take a pill on this one. People who have to move their vehicles for Street cleaning have no place to put the cars while waiting for the sweeper to come buy. I think towing vehicles is crap. I wonder how much the city will get out of the storage and towing fee. You know they will get a kick back and make the tow companies richer at our expense. This city has turned into nothing but money, money, money. Some poor person who forgot to move the car is going to get a $25 ticket, storage fees and tow. Probably cost about $200 for an honest mistake. How many have you forgot to move your vehicle and got the $25 ticket. Maybe the resident's of the areas should keep their streets clean so if a car is parked and can't be swept might not be as bad. But towing is a bit much. Again its a money making scam that this city and the people who run this city want. We have no say in this and should have one. Ask the Mayor and Council where they park their cars. I bet they all have driveways.
The poor hard working person is gonna get screwed. Maybe the person goes to work and comes home to find his car gone day 1 of storage. He get's home at 5 and call police to find out what happened and tell him to call tow company. Calls tow company next morning. Sure you can come and get your car $250.00 and you can have it back. You Asswipes in city hall wake up find some other scam to hurt someone else and make money. The bottom line is Everett will never be a clean city as long as we have scams and filth like these people in city hall who come up with this crap. Go ahead and bash me cause i will give it right back.

The DJ

Edited by - Citizen Kane on 03/07/2008 07:56:04 AM

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Posted - 03/07/2008 :  05:32:13 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
DJ, How often do you get parking tickets? Read the signs, pay attention, and be cognizant of what you're doing. My tax dollars should get me clean streets but they don't because people "forget" about street sweeping. I'm tired of it and tired of people not taking responsibility for what they do.

This is a case of the many being punished for the few. If there weren't so many people who don't bother moving their cars, this wouldn't even have come up. Yes, there will be times someone who always does the right thing legitimately forgets and I feel bad for people who fall into that group. The people who always "forget" (a/k/a don't give a hoot) can take credit for this one.

We all have a say in this and and everything else that affects our lives.............. It's our right to vote. However, we don't have the right to adversely impact our neighbors by ignoring the laws and ordinances we don't like or don't find convenient.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2008 :  10:44:21 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know some out there are habitual offenders and don't care about our parking laws, and I personally wouldn't mind seeing these people towed. On the other hand there are some of us who have legitimately forgot. It happened to me once, I received my $25.00 ticket and paid it. I was wrong and I paid. I don't believe I should have been towed. When the police come around every week, I am sure they know which cars are always disregarding the parking law, call those in and have them towed.
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Posted - 03/07/2008 :  11:11:01 AM  Show Profile Send cozulady a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If you read the order as it came from the BOA, they are changing the number of tickets from 5 to 3. I know I have gotten a ticket for being on the street on sweeping day and I paid my ticket. I am also a resident who never got the street along side my home cleaned because there were always cars parked. When they started ticketing it improved and now we get cleaned most of the time. This is not designed to target you and me who pay our tickets and make a mistake, it is to stop the habitual violators. I'd not sure if this applies to people who pay their occasional tickets, but I had one neighbor who said go ahead and ticket me. I will pay. I will continue to do as I want. That is the kind of lack of consideration and respect for neighbors that this should help to prevent.
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Posted - 03/07/2008 :  12:25:51 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's the problem Massdee, people who legitimately forget will be punished because of the habitual offenders. I don't think they can pick & choose who they'll tow without having a major discrimination issue on their hands.

The towing at three tickets instead of five is an entirely different issue. And it's unpaid tickets, so if they make the payment, they'll never get towed.

Unfortunately, we all lose because of the few who choose to do whatever they please.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2008 :  2:47:31 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would much rather see them out there towing for wrong side parking during a snow storm or cars parked to close to a corner or a car parked at a fire hydrant. Those are public safety issues. We all would like our streets cleaned but towing, to me, is going to the extreme. Maybe a graduated increase with the more tickets you get would work. I know, only the honest people would end up paying.

Our illegal immigrant problem adds to all these issues too. There are so many illegal cars on the roads the city can't chase these people to make them pay their tickets.

justme, you are right. We all lose because of the few.
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16 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2008 :  7:11:16 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Next time you got nothing to do go to city hall and see if they will give you a count of how many tickets they write in a week for just street sweeping violations hundreds hundreds hundreds, thousands of dollars worth of tickets. It's not just a few that you mentioned so it looks like Everett is not making enough revenue to support the Parking Violation Department what do you think.

Why don't you people go out in front of your house and clean it why wait for the sweeper save the city some money and maybe you will feel better with a cleaner street because you cleaned it and keep someone from getting a tow bill of possible $200 or more. Why should the city be part of this scam. Can't you people see that the city will get part of the tow money ANOTHER MONEY MAKING SCAM BY THE CITY OF EVERETT. Keep your own city streets clean and not have the tow company do it. I hope they don't pass this bullshi_ ordinance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just keep giving the tickets the city makes enough from us working class people but clean your streets after all we dirty them. I clean the front of my house all summer long. And I'll tell you something there has been many many times when the sweeper has come and made the street worse off by leaving more leaves and dirt before he came. Too lazy to go an empty the sweeper. City hall clean up your towing ordinance by sweeping this under the rug. Hope all who is for the towing get towed or have a relative get towed and have to listen how much it cost because of an honest mistake. Remember the City of Everett has lost all of it's Honesty with all the past scandals in our beloved Town hall. I guess the dirt should be cleaned up right there in city hall before it spills any more onto our beloved streets. OH WELL SEE YA TILL NEXT TIME THE -DJ

Edited by - THE-DJ on 03/07/2008 7:20:40 PM
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Posted - 03/07/2008 :  10:27:21 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Obviously, you haven't got a clue DJ. The city gets nothing for the tow , or the storage. All they collect on is the ticket and there is no scam.

I'm glad you have the time, and energy, to clean the street. I don't and I make no apology for that. I'm certainly willing to help a friend, or neighbor, but I'm not much interested in saving the habitual offenders so much as a dime. I'm sorry that good people will be hurt if they start to tow for street cleaning, but I'm not the reason it's happening and I pay more than enough in taxes to justify my expectation of getting something more than weekly trash pick up for my money.

For the record, the next time I have nothing to do, I intend to do just that. I don't care how many tickets they write for street sweeping. I have never received one and if the time comes that I do, it's because I didn't do what I should have. I'll have no one to blame but myself and will pay whatever I have to and learn from the mistake.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. How often do you get tickets? Are you one of the people causing the problem?
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16 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2008 :  12:47:50 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Obviously, you don't get it this city is going to crap cause of people like you and how you think. Give the people of Everett a break and think sensibly. City of Everett= Money money money scams scams scams. Start saving your tow money.

I think you will get a tow job and not a ticket if passed and you will see how it will hurt for an honest mistake.
I have a driveway that will hold 5 cars other people do no so what do they do with their cars while waiting for the sweeper who makes the streets worse than better many times.
I SHOULD CHARGE THE CITY FOR DIRTYING THE FRONT OF MY HOUSE. Me I never get tickets cars are in the yard.

So your are willing to make someone rich at the expense of the hard working people of Everett (tow companies) garbage!!!!!!!!!!I think they should use an out of town tow company so there will be no finger pointing.

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Posted - 03/08/2008 :  5:41:53 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote

It's time for some coffee.............
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16 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2008 :  08:35:54 AM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Seems the city will be reaping more money with the street sweeping towing business. I guess my taxes should be going down with the new revenue!!! Well this scumbag city has done it again. Glad I did not vote for this mayor. I wish I could have a picture of expression for everyone who is going to get towed. Some poor innocent person who forgot is gonna be pissed. Shame on this XXXXXXX CITY>


Edited by - THE-DJ on 03/24/2008 08:36:34 AM
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2008 :  08:48:14 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dont get me wrong, I want clean streets, but there are too many changes too quick. Ordinance changes, towing changes. I still feel that flyer's should go out for the sick and elderly that may not receive the newspapers or watch ECTV. The majority of information I get is on "this" blog and I doubt the elderly read blogs. A lot of people probably are not aware of the new towing change. If they dont want to mail out flyer's then do the reverse 911 call about street sweeping AND the towing change. Probably 80% will get the message that way, it's better than nothing. With the high taxes we pay we deserve AT LEAST that.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2008 :  09:09:49 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

They are doing the reverse 911. I received a call one day last week. The call tells you that they are going to ticket and tow if parked on the wrong side for street sweeping. My problem with this is you are going to get towed if you forget and it's your first offense. I would rather see them out towing for the residential parking sticker program and during the winter for parking on the wrong side during a snow emergency.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2008 :  09:22:26 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I may have missed the call but it should have left a message. I have received them before. I'm glad it was done.
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