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Forum Admin

265 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2008 :  10:38:11 AM  Show Profile Send bbpolitical a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To all,

There have always been some concern raised about the level of privacy available to members on this forum. This is due mostly to the actions taken by administrators of other forums and we are all rightly suspicious of any activities that we participate in on the internet. I want to state, however, that this forum is open to everyone and anonymity is paramount. Moderators cannot see individual member information that is not made public. They cannot modify a member and they cannot view any personal details such as their location, IP address, or even view the email address used to register. As the administrator, I can view email addresses (although I never do) and can delete members (inactive members or advertisement programs pretending to be members.) IP logging is disabled by the option I selected when establishing this site. I simply do not track member identity for any reason. I will only contact you by email if you contact me first. I believe anonymity is essential to many of the discussions that take place on this site. As a pledge of my solidarity with this ideal, I have given my identity out with a blog-only email address that works. Most of you know who I am and so you should know that it would not be in my best interest to start invading people's privacy. If you are extremely concerned about your anonymity, I do have a few suggestions:

1.) Use an email address to register that you cancel after registration or that you leave open only for communication relating to blogs. Don't give your real name to the email provider when setting up the account. If any other info is required, like DOB or address, use a fake one. (eg: DOB: Jan 01, 1901; Address 123 Main Street, Beverly Hills, Ca 90210)

2.) Use a public terminal to post, such as at the Boston or Malden public library where there are multiple computers available. Using Verizon DSL or Comcast cable internet actually provide decent protection, however, since they assign random IP addresses each time you log in and trying to trace the IP address generally results in getting to a neighborhood only, not a particular house.

3.) Avoid using government office computers or computers where the administrator has a vested interest in the issues under discussion. Any system administrator, when you are using their computer, can see an image of your screen and see exactly what you are typing. They can also track your web sites visited. Avoid posting at work for this reason.

4.) Whenever using a computer that is not your own, use the menu bar at the top of the browser and clear the history. It is very easy for someone who comes in after you to see where you have been and possibly go back and see something you said, if you do not do this essential measure.

If anyone thinks of any others, private message me and I will add it to the list. As always, I am open to suggestions.
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