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 Soccer Brawl
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Posted - 11/13/2008 :  07:27:00 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
BOSTON -- A high school soccer game erupted into a brawl in Framingham on Tuesday when about 100 people rushed the field after two players were ejected.

The brawl broke out at about 2:45 p.m. during the Division 1 North quarterfinal match between Framingham and Everett, Framingham Deputy Police Chief Craig Davis told the MetroWest Daily News.

The incident came after two Everett players were ejected from the game after some rough play, the paper reported.

Davis said some "punches were thrown" after the incident and about 100 fans from both schools stormed the field.

No arrests were made, although one Everett fan was handcuffed for a short time, the paper reported.

School officials from both schools will review the incident before taking disciplinary action.

The Flyers won the game 1-0.

TheBostonChannel.com .

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264 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2008 :  12:13:30 PM  Show Profile Send charm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
must be those brazilians fighting for their rights
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Posted - 11/15/2008 :  5:37:40 PM  Show Profile Send Cam a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From topix

It's ridiculous how so many people are quick to make their on conclusions based on a deeply biased and inaccurate news report. Some papers/people even congratulated Framingham for keeping their composure. Pathetic.

1. The game was in Framingham, and as it was previously stated, they have a history of fights in these past years. There was no security at all. Everett had a game without security against St. Mary's and the referee nearly called the game and made Everett forfeit, and was going to do it if the Everett coach could not get the fans under control. In a TOURNMENT GAME this should not have happened.

2. The referees slowly lost control of that game. I'm not saying one of the sides is innocent, both Everett and Framingham are guilty for the incindent, but it all went down the hill when the referee refused to give #10 from Framingham his second yellow card, after he deliberately threw an elbow at Everett forward #11, making a cut on his lip and causing his mouth to bleed a very considerable amount.

3. The first red card was correct. And it was not a dirty play as reported everywhere. Any soccer player at those circumstances would have done the same thing. Your team is going all for nothing to tie the game in the last 10 or so minutes, they have a break away, and you're in reaching distance of the player, so you grab him far from the net where you stop the play. That's a red card, but a clean one. He only held the player. A dirty play would have been a blind tackle from behind.

4. The second red card happened when one of the Everett defenders committed a NORMAL foul and supposedly stepped on purpose on the Framingham player on his way down the field. The papers all report the defender "slapped the player across the face and kicked the ball into the stands". Personally, if I was the Everett defender, I would sue them, because that's false information.

5. The game was in Framingham. What do you think the ratio of fans were? 3:10 for Framingham maybe? Two Everett players were hit BY FANS repeatedly, as these same Everett players tried to break up the fight, hoping for the game to continue. If you're a fan you should never get into the game, which is also why I condemn the action of the Everett fans as well, but having some of you who claim to know what happened call Everett fans all thugs is extremely ridiculous and at least slightly racist.

6. If you're a player and you see 100 fans coming at you to hit you what do you do? Stand there and get beat up? On the news report, a kid from Framingham laughing on his interview said "Eh, it's sports. I had a friend who actually decked a few people so yea..."

7. For there to be a fight, there must be two participating parties. Everett didn't do it alone, nor would have started a fight of that size by itself.

8. Framingham should have been eliminated from the MIAA tournment after the tapes were watched because everything was crystal clear, how they definitely willingly and violently participated on the incident.

9. Of course Everett because of its population will get the blame for everything, and prejudiced comments by people who claim to know what went on.
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