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Posted - 01/28/2009 :  7:18:49 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 01/28/2009 :  7:57:39 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's the article from You must be logged in to see this link.

Newburyport -
The following videos are from this week's meeting of the Everett Board of Alderman where Mayor Carlo DeMaria announced Newburyport will reopen the Crow Land landfill.

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It's never good news for one community when potentially
explosive information is released from another community - and it's
all on YouTube.
Newburyport Mayor John Moak was livid Tuesday, hours after a
series of videos was posted on the popular Web site showing Everett
Mayor Carlo DeMaria telling the Board of Alderman that the Newburyport
Board of Health plans to issue an order in seven to 10 days that will
re-open the Crow Lane landfill and allow New Ventures, the company
that owns the site, to begin trucking in more construction debris. In
the video, DeMaria also says there's nothing the Newburyport City
Council will be able to do to overturn the order.
The Newburyport Health Department currently has a cease and desist
order against New Ventures that prohibits the company from bringing
anymore C&D debris into the landfill. That order was issued after
years of odor problems and health complaints from residents in the
neighborhoods surrounding the landfill.
The six sequential videos show DeMaria speaking on Monday night to
Everett residents and political leaders who are growing more concerned
and impatient about the amount of material that is accumulating at the
Wood Waste Boston, a construction and demolition recycling facility
owned by William Thibeault, who also owns New Ventures. Thibeault has
consistently blamed Newburyport for standing in the way of the clean
up in Everett.
In the first video, DeMaria says that Moak told him about the
Board of Health order to reopen the landfill at a meeting of the
Metropolitan Mayors Coalition.
"This just destroys any credibility I have with the [City]
Council," Moak said. "I don't want to question another elected
official's comments, but there must have been a language barrier, or a
translation barrier."
The more he spoke on Tuesday, the less charitable Moak became
towards his fellow mayor.
"I guess I shouldn't have said anything – I guess I should have
kept my trap shut," Moak said, after explaining that DeMaria
approached him at Saturday's meeting and asked questions about the
landfill. Moak says DeMaria even asked if Newburyport was going to get
him re-elected in Everett, apparently through resolving the landfill
Moak said he told DeMaria that one option on the table was an
administrative consent order, issued by the city Health Department,
for New Ventures to close the landfill according to Department of
Environmental Protection regulations. That could mean more material
per day coming into Crow Lane, which would run afoul of the Host
Community Agreement the city signed with New Ventures.
The City Council as a body is not in favor of opening up the
agreement to allow more trucks per day delivering debris from Everett.
"Supposedly the City Council is going to try to take some action
against the Board of Health to cease that order, but the mayor says
that they will probably be unsuccessful," DeMaria adds, in the video.
DeMaria did not return calls from The Current before press time

No order from the Board of Health

Moak said he "might have … might have" told DeMaria that he did not
know what the City Council could do to stop a health department order.
According to Moak, previous health department orders have been upheld
in the courts, and therefore, the city can rely on the strength the
Board of Health has in enforcement.
Meanwhile, Moak continues to meet one-on-one with councilors to
discuss all options to hasten the closing of the landfill. New
Ventures contends that bringing in more material over the short term
will hasten closure.
"The City Council's concern is with their Host Community
Agreement and more materials coming in," he added. "I'll know in a few
weeks what course to take. My concern is how unhappy will [the City
Council] be with me."
Moak said that Thibeault knows a health department order has
been an option on the table for some time, but that Newburyport will
do nothing until it is released from New Ventures' demand that the
city pay for a hazardous waste cleanup at the site. That clean up is
required under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 21E.
Newburyport Health Director Jack Morris said on Wednesday that
there have been no discussions with the Board of Health on an order,
and that "the legality of all this is still being reviewed by the city
According to Morris, the Host Community Agreement allows New
Ventures to bring in about 30-40,000 cubic yards more material to the
landfill. New Ventures filed a Corrective Action Design with the DEP
to amend the total amount from about 462,000 to 527,000 cubic yards.
Everett officials are considering entering into a consent
agreement with Wood Waste to reduce the piles of debris at the Boston
Road facility. Everett Alderman Robert Van Campen, who is also in the
videos, and who is described as a tireless activist against Wood
Waste, at one point asks DeMaria if language could be written into the
agreement to set up a time frame for removal of the C&D debris from
Everett, given the purported news about Newburyport.
Morris said that, contrary to rumor, he did not recommend that
Everett enter into a consent agreement with Wood Waste Boston, but
rather he told that city's officials they should rescind the site
assessment on the property and invoke a cease and desist order.

Taken by surprise

In the video, Van Campen appeared startled by DeMaria's
announcement that the Newburyport landfill issue was solved, and that
Everett's problem with Wood Waste would soon be over.
Also startled at the revelation was Newburyport City Council
President James Shanley, who said Tuesday morning that it was news to
him, but declined to comment further.
Meanwhile, City Councilor Brian Derrivan, who represents Ward 5 where
the landfill is located, sent an e-mail to residents who have seen the
Everett videos and are angry and upset by the possibility that New
Ventures may be allowed to start dumping again.
"I have spoken to Mayor Moak and have asked him not to take any
action at the landfill until we consult with a law firm that deals in
environment matters on a daily basis," wrote Derrivan . "As for the
video that was posted from Everett I don't trust anything that comes
out of that (DeMaria's) mouth, we all know he is NV mouthpiece and the
No.1 man down there"
Derrivan plans to speak to Moak later this week about what direction
the city wants to take the landfill matter.
This is not the first time that DeMaria's comments about Wood
Waste, New Ventures and Newburyport have popped up on YouTube. On Nov.
11, EverettGuy2008 also posted a video in which DeMaria blames
Newburyport for all its woes with Wood Waste.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2009 :  8:27:39 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Anonymous wrote (earlier this evening):

As for the enforcement agreement with Wood Waste of Boston, it is an agreement, not an order.

Agreement meaning...."the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement" it's not an order that would state "an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate"There is a difference here. Here is a paragraph of the "Agreement"

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual agreements, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1) Wood Waste will continue to disperse odor-controlling agents at the Facility to keep H2S levels below industry guidance and will maintain and supply air quality monitoring equipment and personnel at the site to monitor odors from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wood Waste will spray the piles daily and the piles will be tarped to maintain dust control. The Board of Health will be provided with a schedule prior to the execution of this Agreement as to when the spraying will be conducted. Odor misting machines will be set up on the perimeter and will be disbursed as necessary in addition to the daily scheduled spraying. Street sweeping and water truck spraying will take place at least once per day and as needed to reduce dust. The Board of Health or its designee(s) are authorized to monitor the site at any given time to ensure the measures are being taken to control said odor and dust issues.

This should read "order" He should be ordered to do so and we just did him a huge favor for his trial. I hope someone from Newburyport will be there during the trial. If Richard Nylen tries to use this in court, I would absolutely agree that is a conflict that Thibeault's own environmental lawyer (who is defending his case in April) would have an ethical issue on his hands.

Richard Nylen wrote this agreement only to help his case in April. If he brings this agreement forth in court, I really hope someone from Newburyport will be there and defend this "set up" between the environmental lawyer, and the Everett Mayor, Carlo DeMaria who admitted just last week on TV that he has built a relationship with this business owner.

So noted that Nylen seems to have drafted the agreement. I checked with someone in our City Hall and they said that's not unusual - although here the City prefers the City Solicitor to write the first draft of any agreements.

I'm assuming that people other than the Everett mayor are putting their two cents in on the agreement - and you are correct, it's not an order.

Note that our health director Jack Morris says that he did not advise Everett to enter into a consent agreement ... he says he recommended rescinding the site assessment or issuing a cease and desist order.

The word from Jack Morris that he did NOT advise Everett's City Solicitor to enter into a consent agreement, I find, VERY disturbing.

Edited by - Tails on 01/28/2009 8:28:53 PM
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Posted - 01/28/2009 :  9:59:09 PM  Show Profile Send Marie a Private Message  Reply with Quote

All of this is a joke; unfortunately, it's not a bit funny.

The pattern is horrible and obvious:

DEP says that they can't get a hold of the BOH/Solicitor's Office; Mejia denies it.

Mejia tells us that Jack Morris told Everett to enter into a consent agreement; Morris denies.

De Maria doesn't know what's in the consent agreement. Claims BOA put the Adams Furniture site into consent agreement. Mejia tries to correct him. He still gets it wrong a week later.

Why should we expect him to get that right? He always claims that Newburyport trial is in a couple of weeks; anybody who follows this issue knows that it is scheduled for April 23 and 24.

Today's Independent tries to give credit to DeMaria for getting Thibeault to pay for the monitoring equipment. We know it came from Aldermen DiPerri.

The mayor makes people's jaws drop Monday night with his revelations. It made no sense that the first place that we hear about a Newburyport bombshell would be from him. Mayor Moak says it only an option that he discussed with DeMaria and now wish he didn't.

I guess you could add the fact that the location of the enclosed facility changes from week to week too.

How don't people see what a buffoon DeMaria is?
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Posted - 01/28/2009 :  11:36:52 PM  Show Profile Send Ellen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It sure seems like a lot of misinformation has been coming out of city hall! That is my polite way of saying "lies" or "untruths" or however you want to put it. It is disgusting that the administration thinks it can get away with this stuff. Can the state ethic's board be brought in? Something needs to be done. Isn't it unethical for the solicitor to lie to the elected officials? This city needs a big overhaul. Screw Carlo's new beginning, it is worse than Hanlon's tenure.

Someone better run against this idiot!
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  10:33:30 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I hope that article is addressed by our CC and BOA. It raises many questions and creates an air of no confidence with our mayor and some of his administration. Of course, now we don't know what to believe when the administration speaks. One lies and the other swears to it.

There is no other way to spin this, the mayor is clearly on the side of Wood Waste, not the residents of Everett. He allowed Thibeault's attorney to author the draft consent agreement. You don't have to be a genius to figure out whose side that consent agreement favors. BTW, why is it an agreement and not an order?

Now, he has created a fire storm in Newburyport by speaking out of turn about a conversation he had with Mayor Moak, and then doesn't even repeat it correctly.

This is a particular part of the article that stood out to me.

"I guess I shouldn't have said anything – I guess I should have
kept my trap shut," Moak said, after explaining that DeMaria
approached him at Saturday's meeting and asked questions about the
landfill. Moak says DeMaria even asked if Newburyport was going to get
him re-elected in Everett, apparently through resolving the landfill

Mayor DeMaria wants Newburyport to open the Crow Lane landfill, so he can get re-elected? He actually said that! He didn't say he wanted it reopened for the health and welfare of the residents of Everett. He wants it reopened so he can get re-elected. That alone tells me what a self serving pompous ass he is.

God help this city if no one runs against him in November!

Edited by - massdee on 01/29/2009 10:40:06 AM
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Posted - 01/29/2009 :  7:18:02 PM  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Quote from Newburyport health inspector Jack Morris.

Morris said that, contrary to rumor, he did not recommend that
Everett enter into a consent agreement with Wood Waste Boston, but
rather he told that city's officials they should rescind the site
assessment on the property and invoke a cease and desist order.


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Posted - 01/29/2009 :  9:52:09 PM  Show Profile Send kimmy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Has anyone contacted the council about this? Im no expert on law but for the cities top lawyer to lie is not right and probably not legal.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  10:03:49 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Maybe the State Ethics should be brought in?
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Posted - 01/30/2009 :  11:17:36 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lets see, the DEP claims they have made numerous attempts to contact the Solicitor and the Board of Health to no avail, and the Solicitor adamantly denies it. She was given the benefit of the doubt then, even though everyone knew that was a lie.

The question was asked "Who wrote this consent agreement" and she said "Her office" then looked like a "deer in a headlight" and quickly said "My office and the Wood Waste Attorney"

Lets get one thing straight. Richard Nylen is not a Wood Waste Attorney, he is a New Ventures attorney defending Thibeault with his trial on April 23 & 24th. Another lie. He wrote that entire order and the Board of Alderman amended it. The Solicitors office nor the Mayor's office did anything with that order other than print it out.

Now the BIG lies about Newburyport? Why is lying so natural to her? I don't care if she lies on her own time, but to lie about legal issues and give misinformation to the residents of Everett, I have a huge ethical problem with this. I don't give a damn if she is a puppet on a sting, she needs to answer to this.
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Cruller DaVille
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Posted - 01/30/2009 :  3:12:32 PM  Show Profile Send Cruller DaVille a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"WOW WOW WOW" Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!

The problem we have here is that THE TRUTH "which sets you free" never gets to Joe "Average" Citizen.

We are bold face lied to. Day in and day out. And,unfortunately, no one is the wiser because the same bold faced lies are propagated in the local paper. Not ONE of them has the testicular fortitude to print the truth and therefore the average Joe only sees the phoney smiles and the less than truthful headlines (that are being written by the same people propagating the lies). Something truly needs to get done.

We need true, brave leadership!. Anyone know anyone?

The much bigger and more important question here is "What the hell are we going to do about this?

Judge Judy where are you???????? Our government is peeing on the legs of their citizentry, and telling us it is raining....... .

"Cruller DaHville"
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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2009 :  4:27:40 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was at Stop and Shop this afternoon. The odor coming from Wood Waste was sickening. I thought he was doing something down there to prevent the odors. Did he shut it off, like he shuts the odor controls off in Newburyport when he gets mad at that community?

I wonder how things went on Wednesday when the city and Wood Waste attorney's met to go over the consent agreement.

Edited by - massdee on 02/01/2009 7:42:05 PM
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Posted - 02/01/2009 :  6:55:01 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Isn't it obvious after what Newburyport is saying, and what we are reading, this issue will never be handled legally or fairly.

When are the Everett newspapers going to start printing truths and what's really going on. Why don't they work for the people that read their papers?

I was at Stop & Shop today and the smell was absolutely disgusting. You literally gagged. Oh boy, it's 40 degrees so now we have to suffer? It's time for more complaints on this agreement and if this agreement is not in effect, then an immediate cease and desist should be ordered.

If not, it's time for the Inspector General to get involved. After reading all this it can not be more obvious that we have a corrupt city government along with city lawyers. It's time for the Inspector General to investigate the relationship between the Mayor and the owner of Wood Waste and how this entire situation has been handled.

Dan O'Neil is in charge of Everett. Office: 617-727-9140 Fax: 617-723-2334

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How much more can we put up with?

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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2009 :  8:12:33 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Everett papers will only print what the city wants them to. They want the almighty buck from the city advertising. We have three newspapers in this city and we can't get any truthful news out of any of them on the Wood Waste issues. It's a sad situation when the almighty dollar ends up slanting the news.

I'm not looking for the papers to be for or against Wood Waste. I just want them to print the truth and allow the residents to know what the real story is.

Since it is obvious we will not get the truth from the papers it is now up to our elected officials to bring this all out at the CC and BOA meetings. The people have a right to know about all the "misinformation" coming out of this administration. At this point, I cannot see or understand how anyone on the CC or BOA, will be in favor of any of this going forward. I honestly believe they should demand the BOH order a cease and desist order, especially since that is what Mr Morris had advised the city solicitor to do.

There must be some action that can be done to the mayor and solicitor for lying to the BOA and the general public. Can the BOA and CC get something into the official record about these, in my opinion, unethical actions? Is there any way to have a mayor removed from office without an election? If not, I hope the charter review committee puts that into their recommendations.

This is our city, we pay the bills and I don't like being lied to from our employees.
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Posted - 02/08/2009 :  1:05:05 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

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Posted - 02/09/2009 :  8:21:35 PM  Show Profile Send michael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
is our city clerk on drugs splitting up the wards, going to the parlin library stairs elderley, this city s---s
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