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Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 05/31/2009 : 11:23:14 AM
Actually I'll refer back to an example whereby we all can refer. Purchasing. The City would refer back to their Charter and get away with murder. To realize proper purchasing, the City had to adopt the use of 30B and utilize that as their guideline.
I believe that would be the same instance here.
As it concerns recall or any of those punitive weapons in the punishing, Bad Boy arsenal I dont think its something we can't do just because it isn't in the Charter. Mass General Laws are there for adoption and I, for one, don't see the problem with that process.
Actually, after reading some of the contributions from many of you on Charter Review I believe that soliciting the assistance of professionals, especially in the areas of constitutional law and other pragmatic areas would be valuable. The problem, as I see it, is that no matter what changes we suggest, there will always be subjective problems with the changes. Any suggested changes should be not only well thought out but has to be discussed in this manner. If it is not done in this manner, I forsee the process as being more problematic than substantively helpful.
Just my Humble Opinion
"Cruller DaHville"
Edited by - Cruller DaVille on 05/31/2009 11:24:06 AM |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 05/31/2009 : 1:16:48 PM
Please don't think that I'm advocating ignoring state law altogether; I don't think that you can. I just don't think that in reviewing the charter that the city should go down the path of saying "OK, we're now a Plan X type government. Go figure out what that means by looking at MGL." I want to see the city have a full charter that spells out all of the details of the charter. I'm all for including everything from MGL that applies to charters that we either have to or we believe is a good idea, the same as I'm advocating for looking at the charters of other cities and towns for ideas.
I do have a basic question of exactly what needs to be in a charter. I want to have a tight, complete charter document but I'd like to see whatever doesn't need to be in there remain in the city's ordinances as they are much easier to change.
The charter is a pretty narrow document. It basically spells out how town and city governments are organized, how they function at a high level and how their local elections are held. Yet, no two charters that I've seen are exactly alike; most contain a little more than that but not necessarily the same things. I have not seen one charter that takes on an area like procurement and that's certainly an area where state law should rule.
I think that it certainly makes sense to get some expert assistance during this process. However, if there's going to be a cost associated with that, then, it could present an issue. With money being tight, the charter commission will have to cross that bridge when they come to it. If this effort does go ahead, perhaps the charter commission should be considered for a small appropriation in the FY11 budget. |
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2009 : 12:18:08 PM
Tets: Believe me...... I've read enough of your contributions to know you have the best interest of the City at heart. I'm certainly not arguing that.
My opinion simply stated is that not only will an appropriation be needed it should already have been placed in there. As usual; however, this city is reactionary and not proactive and it hasn't been done. There are many political figures who don't want to see this review accomplished. That shouldn't be breaking news to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would much prefer to see us appropriate money and get it done right the first time.
Also...... any city or town charter, or ANY governmental entity has to follow Massachusetts General Laws. A Charter cannot adopt something that is not accepted in state or federal laws.
[i]Just my Humble Opinion
"Cruller DaHville"

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2009 : 2:00:18 PM
How are people running for charter commission getting the word out there on what “they” would like to accomplish, being on charter review? Are they relying on the newspapers? I’d like to see candidates on ECTV.
I agree, this is far too important, and if not done right the first time, is going to be years and years of hard work, signatures, research and everything else that got us where we are today all be for NOT. It’s very true that MANY political figures do not want to see this succeed.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate what Joe Hickey has done thus far, but having city employees on the commission just totally defeats the purpose. I’m sorry, but he is another one that blatantly ignored MGL during that veteran’s commissioner fiasco. Between him, Marcus and Clare Laidlaw, it’s doomed to failure. She has her son that works for the mayor, and is the better half of Marcus….an alderman, paid by the city.
It’s the voter’s responsibility and I appeal to the voters not to be fooled. If this is not done right and we let the same politicians decide on the changes in the charter, then it’s doomed to failure.
Also, there should be a small appropriation for the commission and at some point, and I don’t think it should be a problem to have a small appropriation for a professional OUTSIDE the city that specializes in this to go over it and make sure it complies with MGL.
If by chance, we are told there just isn’t any money, maybe they can transfer from the Flower Power account, since we pay for water, larger flowers since they are prettier, and now appears to be “lighting” on the state rotary.
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 06/02/2009 : 6:05:07 PM
maybe they can transfer from the Flower Power account, since we pay for water, larger flowers since they are prettier, and now appears to be “lighting” on the state rotary. Tails
"Cruller DaHville"
Edited by - Cruller DaVille on 06/02/2009 6:10:08 PM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2009 : 08:36:03 AM
Who is paying for the man hours for all the work down there? The city or the "flower power account?"
"Deb" |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2009 : 12:06:06 PM
I'm sure it's us............... |
Senior Member

195 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2009 : 3:03:15 PM
I know that rotary looks so bad I am embarrassed to say I am from Everett |

37 Posts |
Posted - 06/17/2009 : 08:10:10 AM
I have signed many a persons charter review, you can find them at walgreens, square, and in front of the post office on saturdays |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/23/2009 : 08:34:14 AM
Does anyone have an updated list of people running for Charter Review?
"Deb" |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2009 : 8:53:48 PM
When are the papers due back? I'm anxious to know who returns the completed papers and will actually be on the ballot. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2009 : 9:19:51 PM
I believe the signatures must be turned in by August 4th.
"Deb" |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2009 : 9:42:03 PM
Any idea how long it takes to verify the signatures? Will they list everyone on ECTV? |

47 Posts |
Posted - 06/29/2009 : 10:19:55 AM
Is there a fee? |
Edited by - imbroglio on 06/29/2009 10:23:43 AM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/29/2009 : 10:25:01 AM
I don't believe there are any fees involved.
"Deb" |
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