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 5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/28/2009 : 10:33:15 PM
Did everyone receive that mailer today from the mayor? Why is everything he does have to be so much larger than anyone else? Personally, I thought it was over the top, especially since he is unopposed.
I heard Smith has one out too. I didn't receive that one.
Edited by - massdee on 10/28/2009 10:44:32 PM |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/28/2009 : 10:57:53 PM
I thought that it stretched the truth, especially in regards to financial matters. "Saving city $986,000". Don't they read there own press releases? A good chunk of that had to be returned to the state. "Cut millions of dollars from city budget by eliminating goverment waste". I'd like to see that detailed. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/28/2009 : 11:06:05 PM
He forgot to mention pretty flowers and what happened to the lemon trees down at the rotary.
"Deb" |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2009 : 6:12:20 PM
He must think we're all as stupid as he is if he expects us to believe that crap! |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2009 : 11:19:30 PM
I received a card at my house today, hand delivered, not mailed. It was from "Everett Residence for Change". Did anyone else get one?
It was a card and it said: Take this poll card with you to vote. The other side was titled: "Enough is Enough". It was a scathing account of Fred's legal problems and ended with a list of new School Committee members to vote for.
"Deb" |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 05:41:14 AM
We got one too. I'm sure Stat's behind it but I'm disappointed that who it came from isn't identified. I'm also wondering if Residence was supposed to be Residents? On the other blog someone said the address was Stat's place on the corner of Main & School. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 09:04:56 AM
This really ticked me off. I just received a call from a family member, who told me he/she received an email at his/her private email address at work from the Committee to Re-elect Carlo DeMaria.
How the hell did they get a hold of a private business email address?
"Deb" |
Edited by - massdee on 10/30/2009 09:05:30 AM |

47 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 09:14:46 AM
I understand why Everett residents would be for change, but what exactly does a residence want to change? |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 09:28:38 AM
The Advocate had a picture of 70 Main St and it's an open lot. I think it was one of those houses that burned down during the tanker fire. |
Senior Member

250 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 11:32:50 AM
"Everett Residence for Change" - they used Residence instead of Residents? That and using a phony address is pretty encouraging. |
Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 1:53:06 PM
How much more are we going to allow? This is a horrible trend. Its been going on for the good part of a decade now. We are going to rule the day we allowed decietful, demeaning and untruthful individuals represent us.
Just MY Humble Opinion.......
"Cruller DaHville"

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 2:33:27 PM
New mailer today from the Committee to Elect Carlo DeMaria. It's another over sized card with a picture of the Mayor, Puleo and Mangan on the front and on the back the Mayor giving Mangan and Puleo his support for the Board of Alderman.
"Deb" |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 2:39:28 PM
It must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around like they are bigger than their opponents. Talk about stacking the deck!
So much for Carlo’s word on “Going Green” with his oversized propaganda.
Senior Member

250 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 2:47:17 PM
Keep the big cards coming so I can get some recycle points1 |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2009 : 3:03:29 PM
Good one Fran. I didn't think of that!
"Deb" |

5299 Posts |
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