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2040 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2009 : 08:41:13 AM
I also would like to offer my congratulations to Tails for taking over ownership of the board but before I get more into that, I feel that it is long past time for someone to say a few words about Michael.
Besides thanking Michael for starting this board in the first place, a lot of credit is due to him for keeping the board going long after he moved out of Everett. There is a monthly payment associated with running the board in a pop-up free mode that he has continued to pickup for over two years after he left Everett for greener pastures. He could have walked away from this board a long time ago and not looked back. And no one could have blamed him. If that had been the case, we would have lost all of the history and information that the board has accumulated over time. That would have been a shame.
Instead, I know that Michael has been looking for someone to take over the board for some time now. About six months ago, someone else (not me) was contacted about taking over the board. For some reason, that transfer did not come to fruition for whatever reasons; I'm really not sure why. Again we were not left high and dry by Michael. He continued on until he found someone else willing to take on the responsibilities, financial and otherwise, of running the board. I believe that we all owe him a debt of gratitude for all of his efforts on all of our behalves and should wish him well in life and all of his future endeavors.
I believe that Tails also deserves a great amount of credit for stepping up and agreeing to take on the responsibilities associated with running a board like this. I know that Tails is someone who cares deeply about the city and has its best interests at heart. Everyone should be able to see that even though they may not agree with all of her views all of the time. I think that we are lucky to have some one with that much passion in the position.
As far as the tenor of the board changing in any noticeable way, I firmly believe that won't happen. As a board, we have been very lucky to run a clean board most of the time. The worst things that happen on a regular basis are a few spam posts. In the rare instances where other issues have come up, I feel that the board has done a very good job of policing itself since Michael has been mostly absent for so long. I don't think that will change much, if at all. I'm going to do something that I don't usually do and betray a confidence without asking because I feel that it is warranted in this case. Tails told me privately last week that she wished that nobody noticed that she had taken over the board. I don't see that as a statement from someone that has any plans to change things in any noticeable way.
For full disclosure, Tails did ask me to become a moderator for the board and I have accepted that position. I'd be very happy to do nothing more with my additional responsibilities than delete the occasional spam post rather than bury them. As far as using my new responsibilities in any other fashion, I believe that I will follow the lead of my predecessors in the position and only take action after conferring with the other moderators and listening to the will of the board. Please feel free to call me on that statement if you don't believe I'm living up to it though.
Again, a big “Thank You” to both Michael and Tails. |
Senior Member

158 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2009 : 11:26:29 AM
THANKS TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH KEEPING THIS FORUM OPEN. I do not post very often but I do enjoy reading the other posts in most cases. Very enlightening !! |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2009 : 11:32:31 AM
Tetris, you are absolutely right. Michael deserves a big "Thank You".
" Send in the Clowns " |

39 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2009 : 5:09:04 PM
I wasn't aware that there are financial expenses to running this board. Is there a way that we can contribute? |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2009 : 8:59:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by socks
I wasn't aware that there are financial expenses to running this board. Is there a way that we can contribute?
Thanks. It's five dollars a month right know to keep it pop up/banner free. I think it's worth it and paid for it during the transition. |
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