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1428 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  2:55:48 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by carlost everett

I think Vancampen's idea that a Mayor's salary be based on his education was really worth giving consideration to. I could support that one.

While I like VanCampen, and think he would do a great job in the corner office, tying the mayor's salary to his/her education is ludicrous. Carlo has a college degree of some sort and, no matter how you look at it............... he's dumb. I don't believe a strong educational background ensures a person has the ability to run the city, or anything else, and I can't see paying someone based on how many degrees they hold. A member of my family is the quintessential absent minded professor. The man is brilliant but can't find his way home without a map! No, salary based on education, isn't the way to go.

Personally, I'd like to see a comparative study done, and properly utilized. Like others here, I believe many of the salaries are out of line but I have no way of really knowing. And, while I think some are way too high, there may very well be others that aren't high enough. It's the only way to find out where salaries should be, and put them in line with comparable positions.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  3:52:30 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Justme, I think every family has one of those family members. I call mine, "book smart, street stupid". I agree with the comparative study. I just don't feel now is the right time. When things are financially better, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

"Ouch My Arm Hurts"
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1428 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  5:24:41 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, ours is a college professor so the term fits him perfectly!

I agree now isn't the time and frankly, I wouldn't trust the implementation to the current administration anyway..................
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carlost everett

41 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  6:22:45 PM  Show Profile Send carlost everett a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thats what he's banking on. Everett (believe it or not) is on the low end on most of our salaries (although, lately he has increased them). Most Mayors in the surrounding areas make 100+. Even Town Managers make anywhere from 95-140.

You are absolutely right, just because someone has a degree, doesn't assure smarts.

Maybe we should do it on time on the job... Hmmmmmmmm lets see, that would probably give him 1.50. lol
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1428 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  05:14:03 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's to point, carlost. Seeing that the salaries are low, will shut people up. And for those that are too high (like his administrative assistant).............. too bad. If an over qualified person takes the job, a low salary is their problem, not the taxpayers!
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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  09:25:37 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
At the very least.......the Mayor’s salary item should be tabled until we know what the state cuts are..... and where the administration is going to implement them.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  10:27:01 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by justme

Originally posted by carlost everett

I think Vancampen's idea that a Mayor's salary be based on his education was really worth giving consideration to. I could support that one.

While I like VanCampen, and think he would do a great job in the corner office, tying the mayor's salary to his/her education is ludicrous. Carlo has a college degree of some sort and, no matter how you look at it............... he's dumb. I don't believe a strong educational background ensures a person has the ability to run the city, or anything else, and I can't see paying someone based on how many degrees they hold. A member of my family is the quintessential absent minded professor. The man is brilliant but can't find his way home without a map! No, salary based on education, isn't the way to go.

Personally, I'd like to see a comparative study done, and properly utilized. Like others here, I believe many of the salaries are out of line but I have no way of really knowing. And, while I think some are way too high, there may very well be others that aren't high enough. It's the only way to find out where salaries should be, and put them in line with comparable positions.

Then if it doesn’t get tabled, they should not single out just the mayor salary..... and your right……..they should have a comparative study done (I agree) PROPERLY.

If something like this is going to be done, it only makes sense to do it for the entire city as a whole, not just the Mayor, and see who actually is over/under paid.

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2040 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2010 :  8:32:27 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, maybe I was wrong about agreeing with the intention of this piece. It seems to be another attempt by the Common Council to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. As I said in my pre-meeting comments, the city certainly needs to play its part but it just doesn't have the expertise or the resources that would be needed to take the point on something like this. Do the councilors (and the rest of us for that matter) have a right to be plugged into what's going on? Absolutely, to a point at least. As Councilor Peter Napolitano pointed out, some things aren't divulged due to security concerns. Speaking of Napolitano, even though I think he and I end up pretty much in the same place on this one, I think that some will not be in complete agreement how he got there. Even I'll admit that he sounded a lot like a spokesman for Distrigas.

I guess that I also gave too much credit to Councilor Marcus for this one. I thought he'd know better than to just refer something like this to the state and expect them to do anything about it. What was I thinking? I glad that the Council President and the City Solicitor steered him on to the better path even though a home rule petition will take forever. How many does the city have pending already? I've lost count.

I didn't have the greatest of times predicting how items would proceed at tonight's meeting; I missed on this one as well. We don't seem to have this particular problem with Capital to a high degree in my neighborhood . Somehow, the vast majority of the people in our neighborhood retrieve their trash barrels soon after they are emptied. I know that's probably not the case (and can't be) in every neighborhood. Let's see what Capital has to say.

First beauty. Now history. What can I say?

18. & 19.
It bugs me when items are tabled with no reason given. Councilor DiFlorio was there for #19 but I guess that Councilor Sarnie wanted to speak on it. Whatever.

Not the greatest use of an item under suspension. Let's hope that it not a start of a trend under the new president.

Speaking of which, I thought that new Council President DiFlorio ran a pretty decent first meeting. I think that she was helped by a fairly short agenda and the fact that Councilor Billy Cardello wasn't there to try to run the meeting for her. I have to disagree with Councilor Ranieri though; the length of a meeting has nothing to do with the quality of it.

I hope that the councilors that stayed home sick were sicker than Mr. Marchant sounded.

Edited by - tetris on 01/20/2010 8:40:57 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2010 :  10:57:24 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. C0026-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John Rindone in honor of Sigmund Iwanicki, a life-long resident of Everett and World War II Veteran, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account.

2. C0027-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept a donation to the Recreation Center of a Wii Console, a Wii Fit, a Wii Play (extra controller) and Wii Nunchuck (another controller). This donation has an approximate value of $400.00 and has been paid out of personal funds by Councilman Adam Ragucci, School Committeeman Member Joseph A. Lamonica, Councilman Kenneth P. Giannelli, Councilman Sal DiDomenico, Madam Alderman Millie Cardello, Alderman Michael Mangan and Richard Storey, the General Manager of Best Buy Saugus.

3. C0028-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $500.00 from Honey Dew Donuts to the Recreation Revolving Account to be used for any issues pertaining to childhood obesity prevention.


4. A0040-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the FM Global Non-Match Grant of $1,865.00 to the Everett Fire Department Grant Account to purchase pre-fire planning software.

5. A0041-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept donation of $100.00 from Joseph King in honor of Helen Calderone to the Department of Veteran Services, to supplement their gift account.

6. A0044-10 Communication/s/From the Chief of Police
To inform the City of Everett, the Board of Alderman, the Common Council and the Mayor of the Everett Police Department’s intent to seek a Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $22,166.00. The police intend on applying the grant monies to the purchase of a License Plate Reader (LPR) which will enable them to recover stolen motor vehicles, unregistered/uninsured vehicles, vehicles wanted in connection with serious crimes and to recover lost fines from local parking violations. If you require additional information, do not hesitate to call the Chief of Police.


7. C0011-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
To request that a representative from Capital Waste and the Director of City Services appear before the Common Council on February 1, 2010 to address numerous complaints from Everett residents regarding trash pick-up.

8. C0012-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
To ask the DCR to look into the drainage problem on the Revere Beach Parkway at Lewis Street. When it rains it floods in that area causing traffic problems and accidents.

9. C0014-10 Order/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
To amend Common Council Rule 4 Scheduling of Formal Sessions, as follows: To delete the word "an" and insert the words " a municipal" before the word "election" and insert the word "only" after the word "election". So it shall read as follows:
"Rule 4: Scheduling of Formal Sessions. Unless otherwise ordered, the formal sessions of the Common Council shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month. In cases where said date is designated as a legal holiday, the formal session shall be scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on the Tuesday following. In cases where said date falls on the eve of a municipal election only, the formal session shall be scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on the Wednesday following."

10. C0015-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Cynthia Sarnie and Rosa DiFlorio
To remind residents of the City of Everett who are not in compliance, of the safety issues impeding police, fire and ambulances on the importance of numbering their homes in accordance with Chapter 17, Section 17-5. House Numbering of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, as follows: (a) Every dwelling house and other structure shall have proper street numbers affixed thereto in the manner designated by the City Engineer. (b) The owner of any building, or part of a building, who neglects or refuses to affix to the same the numbers designated by the City Engineer or who shall affix or retain there, for more than three (3) days, any number contrary to such direction, shall be in violation of this section.


11. C0020-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Daniel J. Napolitano, Sal DiDomenico and Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello
That the City consider placing two free white good stickers in the next set of tax bills which will be sent out in the spring.

12. C0021-10 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello
That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems.

13. C0022-10 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello
To get update on the status of former Everett High School and the former Devens School.

14. C0023-10 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello
That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department come to a public service committee meeting to discuss the problems we are having with water meters.

15. C0024-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Adam J. Ragucci
That the Director of Code Enforcement Frank Nuzzo, as well as the City Solicitor Colleen Mejia give an update on 73 Central Avenue and what the status of the property and its landlord are, and to explain what the next steps are to be taken to alleviate the neighborhood of this eyesore and the potential public safety hazard.

16. C0025-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Kenneth Giannelli and Councilor Peter Napolitano
That the Everett Police and State Police establish a consistent presence at the rotary of Sweetser Circle during peak traffic hours, as well as, coordinate traffic enforcement on Route 16 at the request of abutting residents.

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2040 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2010 :  10:57:31 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2. + 3.
These two donations seem rather ironic. I don't know enough about what goes on down the Rec but one would think that the part of the idea would be to get the kids away from video games. At least it includes a WII Fit. A donation from a donut shop for childhood obesity prevention? Like I said, ironic.

Not a bad idea but I thought that the money from the stickers went straight to Capital. Is that true or not? If so, what would they say about giving the stickers away?

What's the guarantee that a separate committee is going to do a better job than the City Services Commission? Why don't they address the issue rather than creating something new to go around it? The City Service Commission members earn a small stipend; make them earn it.

I'd be glad to get an update on the status of these two properties. I know that the building is in his ward but it just seems like Councilor Cardello has a lot (too much?) of an interest in the old High School. And I know its not on the piece but what's going (or not going) on with the old City Yards?

Is there really any question now about what the problem with the water meters is? That said, I don't have any problem with sending an item to committee to discuss how they are going to get the problem resolved and how issues that come up until it is fixed are going to be addressed.

One would think that you wouldn't need to put an item like on the agenda. However, it's probably a good way to inform all of the concerned neighbors about the status of this property all at once.

Does anyone think that they'll have any better luck getting this piece implemented consistently this time than they had the last time it was on the agenda?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/01/2010 :  9:31:21 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
“Yup, we'll do better.” What bothers me more is if the problem has been reported to City Services for a year now and the Code Enforcement Director agrees that it exists, why has it taken so long to get to this promise? You have to be happy to see, that even with Councilor Simonelli gone, his legacy is not forgotten. You can still be called up before the council on a widespread problem yet be told that “You're doing a great job!”.

Big surprise. No communication from the DCR. And maybe it would be a good idea to check around before you put an item on the agenda to see if anyone else has any other info on it.

Why is the rule being changed? Because they're being “inconvenienced”. So let's lay it on the table until after next special election because it affects someone in the room. What about the next guy? Perfect example of why the rule shouldn't be changed. If the times are wrong in the rule, by all means change them. But why wasn't that noted in the piece?

This piece was held over two weeks for that?

It was best that this piece was sent to committee. It does have some issues to work out. For example, I believe that white good pickups are scheduled when the sticker is issued. No one just rides around the city looking for items to be picked up. Oh and Councilor Hicks. I believe that TV's and computers are already considered white goods.

I can't believe that the entire City Council jointed in on this piece. Make the City Services Commission do their job! And since Councilor Cardello brought the name up, isn't the Mayor's brother already a member of the City Services Commission? In fact, aren't five of that board's seven members DeMaria appointees? The good councilor might want to watch himself; he probably didn't make any friends with this piece. But I do agree with him on this, if you're going allow a piece to be reconsidered, then he has a right to speak on it.

Don't you need to be invited to come to the podium to speak even if you have information that may help the discussion? And don't you think it would have been prudent when you are asked to come to speak on a subject that you make the needed inquiries before you speak, not after?

For some reason, at least to me, that meeting seemed to drag on forever even though it was only about 70 minutes long. And as I thought, I think that Councilor DiFlorio can run a better meeting without Councilor Cardello present. And where was Councilor Cornelio running off to so many times tonight? Probably not hard to guess. It was very distracting though. And why does Councilor Marcus feel that his points of personal privilege can't wait until a more appropriate time?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2010 :  3:33:44 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. A0043-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
To dedicate a square, location to be determined by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Sigmund Joe Iwanicky, a WWII Veteran. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

2. A0048-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
An Ordinance regarding the licensing of Second Class Motor Dealers. (Enrolled sent down for enrollment)

3. C0008-10  /s/Public Safety Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That we as a City form a plan to deal with off loading of ship's at the LNG and Natural Gas Facility's in Everett to make sure that they are safe and no threat to Everett and the surrounding City's or Towns; with a recommendation to grant further time for one month and to invite Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Police Chief Steve Mazzie, Fire Chief David Butler, Senator John Kerry, Senator Scott Brown, Congressman Ed Markey, representatives of Homeland Security, Coast Guard, Distrigas and GDF Suez to be invited to attend the next meeting on the subject matter.

4. C0016-10  /s/Committee on Finance Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Jason Marcus
That the Finance Committee study a pay raise for the Mayor and invite the City Clerk to come in with all the numbers from surrounding communities; with a recommendation to grant further time and to invite the Sponsor to provide salary information in conjunction with population and size of City Budget.

5. C0020-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Daniel J. Napolitano, Sal DiDomenico and Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello-That the City consider placing two free white good stickers in the next set of tax bills which will be sent out in the spring. (Referred 2-1-10 to Mayor for response this meeting)

6. C0025-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Kenneth Giannelli, Councilor Peter Napolitano and Councilor Anthony Ranieri-That the Everett Police and State Police establish a consistent presence at the rotary of Sweetser Circle during peak traffic hours, as well as, coordinate traffic enforcement on Route 16 at the request of abutting residents.

7. C0029-10 Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano
To dedicate a square in honor of Philip J. Napolitano, Sr., a WWII Veteran and member of U.S. Army 182nd Infantry Regiment, which was part of the American Division and re-enforced the Marines at Guadalcanal. And that the Director of Veteran Services set a location in Everett Square area, if possible.

8. C0030-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio and Alderman Robert Van Campen
That all committee meetings, other than Bills & Accounts, be televised.

9. C0031-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Jason Marcus
That the City of Everett, once a month, in conjunction with the Parlin Library, deliver books from the Library to the Senior Complexes throughout the City.


Respectfully submitted:

Caroline McCorry,

Everett City Council Office

Scheduled Meetings:
2/17 6PM Bills & Accounts Committee Meeting
2/17 6PM Public Service Committee Meeting
2/22 6:30PM License Committee Meeting
2/22 7PM Board of Aldermen Meeting

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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2010 :  4:04:56 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I usually wait until Sunday to post my comments about the agenda but there is so little here, it just makes sense to get it out of the way now. Some of the unfinished business items or items referred back from committee might spark a little discussion. But I just don't see this meeting lasting very long. The only item that I have any new comment about is:

8. Since “"Gone are the days when something could get done in committee without the scrutiny of the public eye", it should be a no-brainer that this piece goes somewhere this time.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2010 :  9:55:24 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
First off, one would think that the agenda for this week's meeting for a purpose. Then, practically nothing is accomplished on the few items that appear on the agenda. Maybe it's just me but I just don't agree with the proirities of most of the politicians in this city. Unbelievable.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2010 :  1:00:23 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. C0037-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the amount of $605,000.00 of Budgetary Fund Balance be used to offset the FY11 Pension Expense increase.

2. C0038-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the amount of $175,000.00 be transferred from the Parking Meter Receipt Account to offset FY11 Parking Clerk's Departmental expenses related to parking meter receipts.

3. C0039-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the amount of $473,895.00 be transferred from the Sale of Real Estate Account to offset FY11 debt service expenses (Principal & Interest) for the Parlin Remodeling and the new City Yard loans.

4. C0040-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To transfer $100,000.00 from Budgetary Fund Balance into City Services Vehicle Repair Account for the repair/refurbishment of Ladder One and other capital improvement to fire apparatus.

5. C0041-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the amount of $498,724.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund Account into the Fire Department's Triple Combination Pumper Account to purchase a new truck.

6. C0042-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the amount of $2,129,730.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund Account to offset FY11 debt service expenses (Principal & Interest) for the Lafayette and English Schools loan.

7. C0043-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Waste Management,
as an appreciation for assisting with an educational campaign on proper mercury disposal, to the Health Department's Household Hazardous Waste & Medical Waste Account. Funds will be used to promote and fund a medical sharps collection event at household hazardous waste day and for disposal of other community sharps collected.


8. A0048-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
An Ordinance regarding the licensing of Second Class Motor Dealers. (Ordained sent down for ordainment)

9. A0063-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To transfer $59,200.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance into the following City Clerk Accounts:
01-161-26-162-5127 Wardens $5,700.00, 01-161-26-162-5128 Clerks $5,400.00,
01-161-26-162-5129 Inspectors $27,000.00, 01-161-26-162-5290 Custodians $3,600.00, 01-161-26-162-5346 Advertising $1,800.00, 01-161-26-162-5380 Machine Prep $8,000.00, 01-161-26-162-5384 Elect Training $7,200.00, 01-161-26-162-5785 Misc. Exp. $500.00. Total..................................................$59,200.00
This will cover the expenses surrounding the upcoming Special State Senate Primary and Final Election. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

10. A0046-10 Order/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello, Alderman Robert J. Van Campen and Councilor Rosa DiFlorio
Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services-To dedicate a square in honor of Sgt. Harold Percival Vaughan, a WWII Veteran. (Was an ambulance driver in Normandy.), at Cottage and Green Street. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

11. A0068-10 Order/s/Alderman Michael Mangan, Councilor Jason Marcus, Councilor Joseph King
Favorable recommendation from Director of Veteran Services for a square to be dedicated and named the "Richard Hughes Square", location to be determined by the Veterans Director. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

12. A0069-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Sal Sachetta-Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services to dedicate and name a location to be determined in honor of Master Sgt. Ralph T. Spaulding. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

13. A0017-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the anonymous donation of $15,000.00 to the Mayor's Office of Human Services to provide for Elder Services. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

14. A0018-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the anonymous donation of $5,000.00 to the Mayor's Office of Human Services to support the Office of Human Services' Bread of Life Food Pantry. (Passed sent down for concurrence)

15. A0027-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To amend Chapter 13, Section 13-1 (c) " Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages. (Enrolled, as amended, sent down for enrollment)

16. A0070-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, Alderman Michael Marchese and Entire Board of Aldermen-That before construction begins on Route 99, Lower Broadway, the Mass Highway consider a three-way light at Chemical Lane, as it is needed at this location. Also to notify Dave Hughes at Mass Highway of the request. (Amended by adding entire Board of Aldermen as co-sponsors and sent down for concurrence to refer to Mass Highway's Mauzzez Readon, as well as, a copy be sent to Mr. Coviello.)


17. C0032-10 Order/s/Councilor Cynthia Sarnie
From the Director of Veteran Services with favorable recommendation to dedicate and name the corner of Everett and Main Street in honor of Eugene Anthony Sarnie, a WWII Veteran.


18. C0009-10  /s/Committee on Public Service Report
On Resolution offered by Councilor Peter A. Napolitano - To request that a representative from New Venture/Wood Waste of Boston appear the first Public Service Committee meeting in February to provide an update on the current status of starting construction on a permanent structure on the Boston Street side; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.

19. C0023-10  /s/Committee on Public Service Report
On Resolution offered by Councilor William Cardello - That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department come to a public service committee meeting to discuss the problems we are having with water meters; with a recommendation for further time and to invite Mayor and Director of the Water Department to attend next meeting.


20. C0012-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
To ask the DCR to look into the drainage problem on the Revere Beach Parkway at Lewis Street. When it rains it floods in that area causing traffic problems and accidents. (Referred from 2-1-10 to this meeting for update on progress from DCR.)

21. C0024-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Adam J. Ragucci
That the Director of Code Enforcement Frank Nuzzo, as well as the City Solicitor Colleen Mejia give an update on 73 Central Avenue and what the status of the property and its landlord are, and to explain what the next steps are to be taken to alleviate the neighborhood of this eyesore and the potential public safety hazard. (Referred to CETF 2-1-10 with request for update this meeting.) Written update submitted, copies on desks.

22. C0031-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Jason Marcus
That the City of Everett, once a month, in conjunction with the Parlin Library, deliver books from the Library to the Senior Complexes throughout the City. (Referred to Library Director Deb Abraham to attend on matter this meeting)


23. C0036-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio
To request reimbursement for the extension of the unemployment for $500,000.00

24. C0035-10 Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano
To dedicate and name a location, to be designated by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Philip J. Napolitano, Sr., a WWII Veteran and Member of U. S. Army 182nd Infantry Regiment which was a part of the Americal Division and re-enforced the Marines at Guadalcanal.

25. C0034-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
To request the presence of the City Engineer this meeting with regards to the collapsed wall at 19 Mt. Washington Street and update future work on this said street.

26. C0033-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That the City of Everett create legislation to allow for a docking fee or tax to be assessed to large ships being escorted into and docked at any of the Everett commercial docking facilities in South Everett.


Respectfully submitted: C. McCorry, Adm. Asst., /Ofc. Mgr.

Everett City Council Office, council@ci.everett.ma.us

Meeting Dates:
3.4.10 6pm -Finance Committee Meeting
3.8.10 6:30pm-License Committee Meeting
3.8.10 7pm -Board of Aldermen Meeting
3.11.10 6pm -Rules & Ordinances Committee Meeting
3.15.10 7pm –Next Common Council Meeting
3.16.10 6pm –Bills & Accounts Committee Meeting
3.16.11 6pm -Public Service Committee Meeting
3.22.10 7pm -Board of Aldermen Meeting
3.23.10 6pm -Public Safety Committee Meeting

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