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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2010 :  7:56:14 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You will need to ask the Alderman. i cannot speak for them. I did, however, get the impression that they did not appreciate be given this two days before a deadline. I can't say that I blame them on that one.
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Senior Member

165 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2010 :  09:23:55 AM  Show Profile Send cozulady a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The BOA had a week. The CC did not have any advance information. If the BOA had done research in the time they had, they could have made a responsible decision.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2010 :  1:47:28 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Even one week is not enough time to study and research. I find the alderman did make the responsible decision and not just jump into a 10 million dollar burden on the city. The administration did not even have a promissory note, NOTHING, from BMT. That was just irresponsible and irresponsible to the taxpayers in this city.

They don’t do the work associated with these projects, and at the 11th hour burden the taxpayer.

They are incompetent, and this is just more proof of that. They should have had a representative from the state and THEY had plenty of time to set that up…. but they didn’t. Instead, they have the engineering firm with a vested interest in the project to “sell” this.

I’m not buying.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2010 :  2:21:36 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Administration signed the consent agreement two years ago. They have known right along that this project was looming in the background. Yet, not one word to the City Council and the taxpayers. They have had two years to get some kind of agreement with BMT and or the City of Chelsea. The CC did not have to be blind sided with this and the BOA only have a week to do research. I lay that directly at the feet of the Administration.

What I don't understand is how the CC passed it without doing any research of their own. They could have laid it on the table, sent it to committee, anything would have been better. I don't blame the Administration for that. That is squarely on the shoulders of the CC.

These last minute votes on important issues needs to stop. It is not fair to the City Council or to the taxpayers.

Just my opinion.

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Political Hack

11 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2010 :  5:44:08 PM  Show Profile Send Political Hack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by just wondering

Thanks for the rebuttal Massdee.

Why do you feel that something in writing is necessary from the BMT and the city of Chelsea? It was made clear last night by the CEO of our city that if agreements were not in place, neither the culvert work nor the secondary sewer spurs in Chelsea would be done. I can't think of any reasons great enough to let the opportunity for private business partnership and a 1% interest rate pass us by.

The BoA's insistence on being part of the creation of these agreements is costing us big $$$. The resonsibility of creating these agreements belongs to the Mayor's office.

Sift through all of the rumors and speculation....where are the facts that point to the mayors office not being trustworthy enough to negotiate on behalf of the people who elected him?

It appears that he can't be trusted

Political Hack
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Advanced Member

1428 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2010 :  7:36:42 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Although I'm unable to provide specifics, I believe there have been several occasions when the mayor, or one of his staff, has lied and/or mislead the CC, BOA, & the public.

Personally, I don't trust him. He's easily led (or misled). There have been numerous bad hiring decisions and many of his decisions have been made to benefit friends & associates with little or no concern for the departments, department head, co-workers, or citizens.

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64 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2010 :  10:20:07 PM  Show Profile Send Heisenberg a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tetris

Backing the City Council into a corner and forcing them to make a "take-it or leave-it" decision is a long-standing political tradition in this city. Mayor DeMaria readily admits that he didn't like it when it was done to him when he served on the City Council. Yet, if you go back and check the City Council agendas for the last three Junes, you'll see that he has done nothing but continue that tradition.

It's also a long standing tradition for the city's administrations to only share with the City Council information that they want them to know when they feel that they need to know it. The fact that the administration entered into a consent agreement with the DEP two years ago means that they knew this day was coming; but, they were the only ones that did. And this wasn't the only piece on the agenda like that. The report on city buildings has been available since last July but was only made available to the City Council in the last month or so.

And when faced with situations like this in the past, the City Council has usually relented and let the administrations have their way. So why would the current adminstration think that this situation would be any different? And because of that, I don't believe that the administration did a very good job of addressing all of the details that they needed to in order to "sell" these projects to the Board of Aldermen.

Instead, what the Board got again was essientially the same request to "Trust me" that didn't work when the administration was looking for approval to sell the old High School . That didn't work then; why would anyone expect for it to work now? It begs the question of whether or not this administraion actually learns from its mistakes.

In the current economic situation, it is tough to swallow the state mandating a $5.5 million project or being forced to face a possible hefty fine. But I could actually have actually supported this project if the City Council felt comfortable that all the "i's" had been dotted and all the "t's" had been crossed. I could even support borrowing the money to fix culvert if the appropriate agreements had been negotiated and were in place.

I think that the city has lost a golden oppotunity to borrow the money needed to do these projects at a very low interest rate. If you're a DeMaria supporter, sure you are ready to lay this at the feet of the Board of Alderman. But we'll never know what would have happened if the administration had submitted a complete package for these projects, now will we?

I meant to write about this meeting for a while but I've been busy. However, Tetris you could not have said it any better. All too often the city council has had to make decisions like this one: spare of the moment, half the facts (if that), and if they don't pass it right now it's the end of the world. I applaud the Aldermen for doing what they did. It was a difficult decision but it had to be made.
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64 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2010 :  10:56:18 PM  Show Profile Send Heisenberg a Private Message  Reply with Quote
An addendum to my last post….

The Aldermen were not playing politics by any means. They were trying to make sure/wanted to know if Everett was doing work on private property, what role the private property owner has in all this, and what role Chelsea had in this problem. I too agree if Mayor DeMaria and his Administration approached this differently the bond probably would have passed and the city could have borrowed the money needed to do these projects at a low interest rate. However, that’s not what happened.

Maybe if the Administration would have gotten something in writing from the private property owner and Chelsea the Aldermen would have been a little bit more agreeable. Without agreements, I never would have supported 10 million dollars and I’m glad the Aldermen didn’t either. 10 million is a big chunk of change to put on taxpayers, especially in this economy.

I think the Aldermen made the responsible decision. If the Administration has known about this for two years then shame on the Administration. They have had more than enough time to tell the city council and get something together. The Mayor has no one to blame but himself.

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2682 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2010 :  8:44:41 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote



1. A0190-10 To all parties interested in the petition for National Grid Company and Verizon New England, Inc,. for the installation of (1)joint owned pole #943 on Beacham Street, Everett, MA

2. A0199-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept the donation of $100.00 from Michael H. Kelly into the Everett Police Department Donation Account to help support National Night Out 2010.

3. A0200-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept the donations totaling $4,500.00 to the Everett Police K-9 Account, $2,500.00 from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. and $2,000.00 from A.G. Quealy Towing, Inc.

4. A0202-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 54. Elections, Section 11. Election officers in certain cities, I hereby appoint the described list of people, consisting of nineteen pages, as Election Officers (Poll Workers) in the City of Everett for a period of one year commencing September 1, 2010.


5. C0118-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $10,000.00 from Eastern Bank and Eastern Insurance Group to the Mayor's Office of Community Development for the construction of a concession stand at the Florence Street Park. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

6. C0119-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $500.00 from Target to the Everett Police Department Donation Account. This donation will be used by the Everett Police Department to supplement their donation account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

7. C0120-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Cheryl Dulock in memory of her Husband, Steve Dulock, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account. This donation will be used by the Veteran's Department to supplement their gift account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

8. C0126-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veteran Association and Iron Worker's Local 7 to the Veteran's Department Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

9. C0127-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $500.00 from Target into the Everett Police Department Donation Account which will be used to help support National Night Out 2010. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

10. C0128-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the following donations to the Mayor's Office of Human Services: The first donation is from the Everett Auxiliary Police in the amount of $1,874.17 and will be used to support the Office of Human Services. The next donation is from the Eagle Bank in the amount of $500.00 and will be used to support the Everett Literacy Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

11. C0110-10 Order/s/Councilor Lou Sierra, Alderman Michael
Mangan, Madam Alderman Millie Cardello and Councilor Kenneth Giannelli With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services for the year 2011 - In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, to dedicate a square in the vicinity of Winter Street in honor of Charles V. Apruzzese, a WWII Veteran. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

12. C0121-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Jason Marcus and the Entire City Council-That the City find a little open space for a dog park. (Amended by deleting words "a little" and by adding "Entire City Council" as Sponsors, passed as amended and sent up for concurrence to send to the Mayor's Office)


13. A0196-10 Petition for Awning Permit from DINO'S OF THE
NORTH END at 440 Broadway, Everett.

14. A0197-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from
Boston Auto Wholesale, Inc. at 3 Bow Street, (with vehicles
parked/stored at 20 Broadway).

15. A0201-10 Petition for existing license, at new location, from Le
Redemption Center, Inc. for 74 Spring Street.

16. A0204-10 Petition for Awning Permit from Carter's Cleaners at
418 Main Street.


17. A0189-10 Order/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello
To send letter to Stacey Bester, Operations Manager for the
M.B.T.A requesting an explanation as to why the bus stop that
was on the corner of Oaks and Main Streets was moved to 129
Main Street. The bus stop is cutting across a private driveway and
is upsetting the property owners. It is also a safety concern
because of its current location. With response from Operations
Manager Stacy Bester that they will correct signs.

18. A0187-10 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran
Services to dedicate a square at the intersection of Avon and
Main Street, in honor of Charles J. DiPerri, a WWII Veteran.

19. A0188-10 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran
Services to dedicate a square at the intersection of Moody
Avenue and Cedar Street, in honor of John M. DeAngelis, a WWII

20. A0195-10 Communication Petition and communications from Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC at 0 Terminal Street and 431 Second Street to amend their Junk, Recovery & Recycling Facility License by striking under restrictions: 1) "All operations" shall be done in building."
Communication copies also attached from Building Inspector to
Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC. (Copies in mailboxes)

21. A0094-10 Communication Approval from City Engineer and Plot Plan received on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassidy D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales Corporation at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go from 15 to 20 cars.

22. A0198-10 Communication From Joan Caputo, President, Ferry Corporation in support of current tenant, Rosiene Silva, being granted a license for the number of spaces allowed for in the parking plan that was submitted with her original application for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 152 Ferry Street. (Amended in January 2010 from 25 to 15 cars).

23. A0181-10 Committee Report Committee on Licenses Report on Petition for Antique/Second Hand/Collectibles Dealer for Red Light Communications at 608 Broadway from Samuel & Igor Saillant.


24. A0158-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City consider playing Police and Fire Dispatches on our
ECTV channels during down times, especially at night. Quincy
and Salem Mass presently do this. (60-Day follow-up for this
meeting from 6/14)

25. A0186-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-That Argus Construction and Gale Associates appear
before the Board of Aldermen at the request of the Mayor to give
an update on the stadium. (Referred from 6-28 meeting)

26. A0191-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF EVERETT:

That in accordance with the provisions of the General Law of
Massachusetts, the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the City of Everett, qualified to vote as the law requires, to assemble at the several polling places, for and within the several precincts, where they are duly registered voters on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 for the STATE PRIMARY, then and there to give in their votes for the election of the candidates of political parties for the following offices:


27. A0192-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-That the polls be opened from 7 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock in the evening and the City Clerk to cause all voting places to be properly fitted up for the STATE PRIMARY, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010.

Be it Ordered Further:

That the following places be designated as polling places for the above mentioned STATE PRIMARY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010:

Ward 1 Prec. 1 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street
Ward 1 Prec. 2 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street
Ward 1 Prec. 3 Parlin Library, 410 Broadway
Ward 2 Prec. 1 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street
Ward 2 Prec. 2 Parlin School, 587 Broadway, entrance on Derne Street
Ward 2 Prec. 3 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street
Ward 3 Prec. 1 Community Center, 21 Whittier Drive
Ward 3 Prec. 2 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street
Ward 3 Prec. 3 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street
Ward 4 Prec. 1 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street
Ward 4 Prec. 2 Glendale Towers, Ferry Street
Ward 4 Prec. 3 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street
Ward 5 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street
Ward 5 Prec. 2 City Hall, Keverian Room, Third Floor, 484 Broadway
Ward 5 Prec. 3 City Hall, Room 25, Second Floor, 484 Broadway
Ward 6 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street
Ward 6 Prec. 2 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter easterly side
Ward 6 Prec. 3 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter westerly side

28. A0193-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael J. Mangan That the National Grid Company clean up the debris that was leftover from the construction of a new telephone pole, number 2782, in front of 2 Rosedale Ave.

29. A0194-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen and Sal Sachetta That the Chief of Police and a representative of the Boys and Girls Club of Everett appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to discuss concerns in the neighborhood relative to loitering and noise following the departure of children from the facility.

30. A0203-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Chuck DiPerri and Robert Van Campen That the City Services Department immediately clean the Hale Park, to include cutting the grass, trimming the trees, repairing benches and removing all bottles that have been thrown around the park. In addition, request is made that the Everett Police Department conduct routine overnight patrols in the area of the Hale Park as residents have complained about groups congregating in the park at late hours.


Respectfully submitted,
Caroline McCorry
Administrative Assistant/Office Manager
Everett City Council Office

Meeting Dates:
9-7-10 Common Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
9-13-10 Next Board of Aldermen Meeting 7:00 p.m.
9-15-10 Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting 6:00 p.m.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2010 :  4:12:33 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It appears that, for the first time in a long time, we won't have an agenda published on the city website in advance of a regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

I noticed about a month ago that it appears the city has stopped using the e-govlink web site as a place for storing and accessing documents. A while ago, I gave up going to the city web site most of the time when I wanted to find a document; instead, I went directly to the e-gov site as it suited my needs most of the time. It had a function where you could easily get a list of recently updated documents and a search function that was a big help when doing research. It also had about three and half years worth of a number of different city documents on it, including City Council agendas and meeting reports. I'm sure that there had to be an additional costs associated with using this outside web site though.

The e-govlink web site seems to have been replaced by putting new documents on the storage associated city's own web site. However, using this approach, most people aren't going to be able to find a document or know if it even exists if a link isn't posted for it. It is possible to determine if a file exists and access without a link it if you know the file name you are looking. The problem with that is you're not always going to know the file name. Using standard file naming conventions would help but, unless they are followed religiously, you will still have issues locating and accessing files without a link.

I haven't mentioned (O.K., complained about) this before now because I wasn't sure if it was a work in progress or not. It may still be. But since it's starting to have a impact on having timely access to current documents (the meeting report from the last currently scheduled BOA meeting and the current BOA agenda, for example), it has become something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2010 :  09:37:20 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not sure what time this was posted or when, but it’s there today. It’s still not an excuse…..it should have been posted in a timely manner, it’s not that difficult. I also don’t think that was prudent to just wipe out all the old agendas that have been there for years. I know I sometimes used them as a reference.



1. A0207-10
To all persons interested in the petition for an Open Air Parking License
for parking of motor vehicles as a result of breakdown or police order, at
26 Garvey Street, from A.G. Quealy Towing, Inc.

2. A0208-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-Subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, I hereby
appoint Margaret Mitton, Dotty Gomez, Mary Marcantonio, Teresa
O'Donnell and Theresa Shalsi to the Library Board of Trustees for terms
to end in June 2013.

3. A0209-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen,
I hereby appoint Cecilia Matarazzo to the Board of Voter Registrar for a
term to end in September 2014.

4. A0210-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Target to the
Everett Police Department to help support law enforcement and public
safety initiatives.

5. A0212-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-To transfer $15,500 intra-departmentally from Parking Clerk
Ticket Processing & Tickets Account to Parking Clerk Salary Account to
fund the settlement between Local 888 of the Service Employees
International Union (SEIU) and the City of Everett. The duration of this
contract with the Parking Enforcement Union is July 1, 2010 thru June 30,

6. C0135-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Target to the Everett Police
Department. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

7. C0136-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $50.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Janes to the City of
Everett's Beautification Project. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

8. C0123-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano and
Alderman Robert J. Van Campen
That the Mayor appear to provide an update to the City Council on the
status of discussions with the City of Chelsea and Boston Market Terminal
regarding plans for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of sewers,
drains, culverts and appurtenances in the Behan and Beacham Street
area. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

9. C0138-10 Order/s/Councilors Peter A. Napolitano, Rosemary
Miller, Aldermen Robert Van Campen and Sal Sachetta
That the City enact a three (3) month moratorium on the issuance of
permits for storefront window signage until questions from the business
community are answered and addressed as this dormant segment of Sign
& Billboard Ordinance has not been actively enforced. (9/7 Amended from
Resolution to Order, passed as amended, sent up for concurrence)

10. A0094-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Relative to approval from City Engineer and Plot Plan received on Petition
for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassidy D/B/A Parkway
Auto Sales Corporation at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go
from 15 to 20 cars.

11. A0198-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Relative to communication from Joan Caputo, President, Ferry
Corporation in support of current tenant, Rosiene Silva, being granted a
license for the number of spaces allowed for in the parking plan that was
submitted with her original application for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License
at 152 Ferry Street. (Amended in January 2010 from 25 to 15 cars).

12. A0181-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Relative to Petition for Antique/Second Hand/Collectibles Dealer for Red
Light Communications at 608 Broadway from Samuel & Igor Saillant.

13. A0047-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and
Alderman Michael Marchese-That the City of Everett consider
adopting Chapter 159, Section 115-117 of the Acts of 2000 (amending
G.L. Ch. 59, S51 and Ch. 60, S3A), for the year 2011, which is a property
tax classification option where a community may exempt up to 10 percent
of the value of Class Three, Commercial parcels. (2/22/10-Referred to
Mayor with request for response this meeting)

14. A0143-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen and
Michael Marchese-That the Mayor of the City of Everett appear this
meeting of the Board of Aldermen to provide an update on the status of
ongoing efforts toward modernizing and upgrading the City's large
commercial water meters.

15. A0197-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Boston Auto
Wholesale, Inc. at 3 Bow Street, (with vehicles parked/stored at 20
Broadway). (Laid on table from 8/23 to this meeting 9/13)

16. A0186-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as
President-That Argus Construction and Gale Associates appear before
the Board of Aldermen at the request of the Mayor to give an update on
the stadium.

17. A0047-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and
Alderman Michael Marchese-That the City of Everett consider
adopting Chapter 159, Section 115-117 of the Acts of 2000 (amending
G.L. Ch. 59, S51 and Ch. 60, S3A), for the year 2011, which is a property
tax classification option where a community may exempt up to 10 percent
of the value of Class Three, Commercial parcels.(2/22/10-Amended to
Resolution and referred to Mayor with request for response this meeting)

18. A0205-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
To send message and request a reason from Massport on why noise
levels of planes flying overhead in Everett are excessive and
unacceptable, as they are disrupting the quality of life for Everett

19. A0206-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Sal Sachetta
That we send a correspondence to the Mass. State DCR Commissioner,
and copies to our Senator Sal DiDomenico and our Representative
Stephen Stat Smith regarding a very dangerous condition that exists on
the exit leading to Sweetser Circle traveling west on Revere Beach
Parkway. The existing guardrail is rusted out and in many areas the
guardrail is rusted so badly it is laying on the roadway. This condition is
very dangerous, waiting for an accident to happen.

20. A0211-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City provide a crossing guard for lower Broadway at Pope John
High School and McKinley Street due to abundance of children in need of
same at that location.


Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry
Adm. Assist. / Office Manager, Everett City Council Office
9/13 6:00 p.m. Committee on Licenses Meeting

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2682 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2010 :  2:53:32 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. A0222-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
That the City Council, along with the Mayor, revisit the trash ordinances in order to make
certain that the ordinances are most beneficial to the city and its residents.

2. C0140-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $2,500.00 to the Everett Police Department's K-9 Account
from Exxon Mobil Corporation. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

3. A0217-10 Petition from Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC at 0 Terminal Street/431
Second Street to extend the Junk, Recovery & Recycling Facility License issued June
16, 2010 to the premises located at 413-421 Second Street, Everett, MA., the adjoining
Real Estate, a copy of the plot plan is attached to the petition.

4. A0218-10 Petition from Deborah Abraham, Library Director, for a Special
License/Permit to hold a Wine tasting at the Parlin Library on November 4, 2010. The
event to be run in conjunction with the Friends of the Everett Libraries, Inc., a non-profit
organization dedicated to the improvement of the public libraries in the City. Proceeds
from this fundraiser will benefit the Parlin and Shute Libraries.

5. A0219-10 Petition from Domingo A. Andrade D/B/A San Vincente Auto Repair, LLC at
2018 Revere Beach Parkway with a request to amend his Auto Repair-Mechanical
License to do maintenance on trucks but (not the truck trailer) only the engines and
regular maintenance, in an effort to restructure business due to economic times.

6. A0094-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Relative to approval from City Engineer and Plot Plan received on Petition for 2nd Class
Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassidy D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales Corporation at
1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go from 15 to 20 cars.

7. A0181-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Relative to Petition for Antique/Second Hand/Collectibles Dealer for Red Light
Communications at 608 Broadway from Samuel & Igor Saillant.

8. A0197-10 Committee on License Committee Report on
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Boston Auto Wholesale, Inc. at 3 Bow
Street, (with vehicles parked/stored at 20 Broadway).

9. A0114-10 Committee on Public Safety Report
On Resolution offered by Alderman Michael K. Marchese-That the City consider
enforcing a curfew for months of June, July and August throughout the City; with a
recommendation to refer back to sponsor.

10. A0099-10 Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on
Order offered by Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano and
Councilor William L. Cardello - In the interest of efficiency and accountability, that the
City of Everett establish a Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund in accordance with G.L. c.
44.53F 1/2; with a recommendation to grant further time.

11. A0146-10 Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on
Ordinance offered by Alderman Robert Van Campen-To amend Chapter 18, Section
148 Designation of Residential Parking Sticker Area (b) (hours of operation) by
expanding its existing resident parking program to twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven
(7) days a week; with a recommendation to refer to the Traffic Commission.

12. A0160-10 Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on
Resolution offered by Alderman Mike Marchese-That the City increase pressing vicious
dog owners to place muzzles on their dogs, especially near parks and schools. Maybe
create dog free zones as we do with drugs. Refer to Mayor; with a recommendation for
further time in the Rules & Ordinances Committee.

13. JC003-10 Joint Convention Report and Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van
Campen, as President-That $5,500,000.00 is appropriated for the purpose of
financing the construction of the following water pollution abatement facilities:
rehabilitation and/or replacement of sewers, drains, culverts and appurtenances in the
Behan and Beacham Street area.

14. A0047-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman
Michael Marchese-That the City of Everett consider adopting Chapter 159, Section
115-117 of the Acts of 2000 (amending G.L. Ch. 59, S51 and Ch. 60, S3A), for the year
2011, which is a property tax classification option where a community may exempt up to
10 percent of the value of Class Three, Commercial parcels.(2/22/10-Amended to
Resolution and referred to Mayor with request for response this meeting)

15. A0186-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
That Argus Construction and Gale Associates appear before the Board of Aldermen at
the request of the Mayor to give an update on the stadium. (9/13 Referred to this
meeting for Mayor and City Auditor to appear on the matter.)

16. A0213-10 Resolution/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello
To do a study of Beacham Street area intersection to check feasibility of putting a stop
line back on Beacham Street, at the corner of Broadway, as trucks are causing a danger
to that apartment building on the corner.

17. A0214-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael Mangan
That the National Grid patch up the sidewalk, as well as, the street on High Street
Terrace. This was never done when they finished construction there.

18. A0215-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael Mangan and Councilor Daniel
Napolitano-Due to the recent success of Cityfest in Everett Square, that the Mayor
consider closing down Norwood Street on a few summer weekend nights next year. This
would include bringing in a live band to play on the portable state the city owns.

19. A0216-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle-To have a square
dedication in honor of William "Bill" Newman, a WWII Veteran.

20. A0220-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-That a
representative of Capitol Waste re-appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to
discuss continued delays in trash pick-up throughout the City of Everett.

21. A0221-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-That the City of
Everett consider using monies from the Everett Beautification Program to implement
minor improvements at all city-owned tot lots and playgrounds.

Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry, Adm. Assist. / Ofc. Mgr. Everett
City Council Office, council@ci.everett.ma.us
Meeting Notices:
9/27 Committee on Licenses 6:30 p.m.
10/4 Common Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
10/12 Next Board of Aldermen Meeting (Tuesday) 7:00 p.m.
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47 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2010 :  3:54:17 PM  Show Profile Send whynot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
18. A0215-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael Mangan and Councilor Daniel
Napolitano-Due to the recent success of Cityfest in Everett Square, that the Mayor
consider closing down Norwood Street on a few summer weekend nights next year. This
would include bringing in a live band to play on the portable state the city owns.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2010 :  9:20:30 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't under stand why the mayor feels when the BOA is being fiscal responsible it's a personal attack on the mayor's trustworthiness.

What was up with that $500,000. that Larry Decoste said could not go back to the city and the mayor said it could. It seems the mayor was correct. I wished they had revisited that piece. I hope Marchese puts it back on the agenda in two weeks and they ask the mayor to return the $500,000. to the taxpayers.

Also, DiPerri, McGonagle, Marchese and VanCampen just saved the taxpayers two million dollars. Thank you, gentlemen.

Edited by - massdee on 09/27/2010 9:27:04 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2010 :  5:23:15 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. A0228-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the donation of $200.00 from Douglas Iwanicky, in memory of Sigmund Joe Iwanicky, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account.


2. C0144-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the Chief Procurement Office is hereby granted permission to accept and dispose of specific items located in the Madeline English School and the Whittier School, as referred in the attached Exhibit A. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

3. C0147-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Carmen A. Schaivo Associates to the City of Everett's Department of Veteran Services-Gift Account, in memory of Sigmund Joe Iwanicky. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

4. C0148-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Broadway Donut II, Inc. D/B/A Dunkin donuts to the Everett Police Department's Donation Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

5. C0149-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
That the City of Everett accept Section 66 of Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2010, the Municipal Relief Act, in order to implement the Early Retirement Incentive Plan for a number of employees. (Passed sent up for concurrence, reconsideration failed)


6. A0229-10
Petition for permanent awning from Ahamad Nabi D/B/A Everett Variety Store at 82 Main Street, to be placed at main entrance and front of store.

7. A0230-10
Petition for a permanent awning from Billy Kottat D/B/A Little Castle Cafe at 41 Bow Street, to replace the existing panel signs with three awnings per plan.


8. A0197-10 Committee on License Committee Report on
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Boston Auto Wholesale, Inc. at 3 Bow Street, (with vehicles parked/stored at 20 Broadway).

9. A0129-10 Committee on Public Service Report
On Resolution offered by Alderman Sal Sachetta-To have City Solicitor appear before this Board to discuss terms and answer questions, regarding the contract that the City of Everett has with Comcast; with a request to refer back to Sponsor.

10. A0220-10 Public Service Committee Report
On Resolution offered by Alderman Robert Van Campen-That a representative of Capitol Waste re-appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to discuss continued delays in trash pick-up throughout the City of Everett; with a recommendation that a copy of the contract be provided to the City Council Office and that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Procurement Officer to review the contract for the purpose of reconvening early morning trash pickups in the City of Everett.

11. A0219-10 License Committee Report
On Petition from Domingo A. Andrade D/B/A San Vincente Auto Repair, LLC at 2018 Revere Beach Parkway with a request to amend his Auto Repair-Mechanical License to do maintenance on trucks but (not the truck trailer) only the engines and regular maintenance, in an effort to restructure business due to economic times.


12. A0160-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City increase pressing vicious dog owners to place muzzles on their dogs, especially near parks and schools. Maybe create dog free zones as we do with drugs. (Police Chief provides record of enforcement activity of the law itself and reports back this meeting October 12th).

13. A0186-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
That Argus Construction and Gale Associates appear before the Board of Aldermen at the request of the Mayor to give an update on the stadium. (9-27 Referred to Mayor to appear and explain plans for remaining 1.1 million left in stadium fund.)


14. A0223-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
Calling for City Clerk to prepare for State Election to be held and polling places to be properly fitted on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

15. A0224-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
Calling for City Clerk be authorized and directed to notify inhabitants of the City of Everett, qualified to vote and duly registered, of the upcoming State Election, Ballot Questions and Candidates for State Offices on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at several polling places from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

16. A0225-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Sal Sachetta
That a representative from the (Gas Division) National Grid Company appear before the Board of Aldermen to explain the setting up appointments to have meters replaced, due to many complaints from constituents that appointments are made two and three months in advance and than are not kept, or in some cases that appointments are made in advance with no notice in advance.

17. A0226-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael Mangan
That the City Engineer appear to discuss the work that was done in front of 4 Baker Road.

18. A0227-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael J. Mangan and Councilor David P. Rodriguez
That the Police strictly enforce the no parking regulations on Spruce Street between Jefferson Ave and Dartmouth Street during school hours, as this has become a concern of school administrators at the Webster School.

19. A0231-10
BOA Worksheet Tuesday, October 12, 2010
1.Sponsor: Alderman Michael J. Mangan-That the tree in front of 128 High St is inspected at request of residents in that area. The tree has severe rot, and may need to be cut.
Referred to: City Services Operations Manager in charge of trees.


Respectfully submitted:

Caroline McCorry
Administrative Assistant / Office Manager
Everett City Council Office

Meeting dates:

10/13 7 p.m. Public Hearing for Charter Commission
10/18 6:30 p.m. Babe Ruth Citation Presentation
10/18 7 p.m. Common Council Meeting
10/19 6 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting
10/25 7 p.m. Next Board of Aldermen Meeting

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