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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2010 :  10:39:08 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rules & Ordinances Committee
February 11, 2010

The Committee on Rules & Ordinances met on Thursday, February 11, 2010.

The meeting was audio taped for the record.

Members present were Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, presiding, Alderman Millie Cardello, Michael Mangan, Councilors Peter Napolitano, Cynthia Sarnie, Lorrie Bruno, Daniel Napolitano and William Cardello. Non members present were Aldermen Michael Marchese, Robert Van Campen, Councilors Rosa DiFlorio and Rosemary Miller.

The Committee considered an Ordinance offered by Alderman Michael Marchese:

To amend Chapter 3, Section 39 by deleting Section 39 and inserting a new Section 39 relative to Pit Bulls.

City Solicitor Colleen Mejia, Police Lieutenant James Gabriel and Police Officer Joe Pepicelli were also present.

Ms. Mejia informed the Committee that she had been briefed on the prior year proceedings on the matter from Assistant City Solicitor Melissa Murphy. Councilor Sarnie suggested that the

Committee consider taking certain provisions from Alderman Marchese’s proposal and incorporating it into the existing Pit Bull Ordinance. Alderman Marchese informed the Committee that his intent was to address vicious dogs. Ms. Mejia agreed to work with the Committee in incorporating the existing and proposed packages together. Officer Pepicelli agreed that the final package should include reference to all breeds since any dog could become vicious. He stated that in order for the Police to do its job once the ordinance is adopted the Police would need to be issued new ticket books that could be written for these violations. Councilor Sarnie questioned who was in charge of getting these books. Lieutenant Gabriel indicated that the books had been put off due to the economic times but mentioned that they would be obtained.

He also made known that a vicious dog ordinance was definitely needed. Ms. Mejia informed the Committee that she would be meeting again with Assistant City Solicitor Melissa Murphy, Lieutenant Gabriel and Officer Pepicelli to iron out a new vicious dog ordinance. The Committee agreed to have her return in one month to report back with the new proposal.

The Committee voted:

To report back to the Board of Alderman with a recommendation to grant
further time.

Respectfully Submitted,

John W. Burley
Clerk of Committees


2682 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2011 :  4:03:21 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
#1 Rules & Ordinances Committee
March 8, 2011

The Committee on Rules & Ordinances met on Tuesday, March 8, 2011.

The meeting was audio taped for the record.

Members present were Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, presiding, Aldermen Sal Sachetta, Michael Mangan,
Councilors Dave Rodrigues, Rosa DiFlorio and Lorrie Bruno. Non members present were Aldermen
Millie Cardello and Robert Van Campen.

Member absent were Councilors William Cardello and Cynthia Sarnie.

Communication received from Councilor Cynthia Sarnie that she would be unable to attend due to a
conflicting event

The Committee considered a Resolution offered by Councilor Rosa DiFlorio: That all City Employees,
including teachers, firemen, policemen and city employees starting the year 2011, in order for them to be
hired, they need to live in the City of Everett, and all above employees offered a promotion would also
need to live in the City of Everett.

Mayors Chief of Staff Melissa Murphy-Rodrigues, Personnel Director Bob Joy, Superintendent of Schools
Frederick Foresteire, Assistant Superintendent Charles Obremski and Assistant Superintendent Thomas
Stella were also present.

Councilor DiFlorio explained her reasoning for the proposal and noted that existing employees would be
grandfathered in. She asked the invited guests for their feedback on this proposal. Superintendent
Foresteire stated that he understood the reason Councilor DiFlorio was presenting the proposal, but he
expressed concern that it was not practical for the Schools since it would hinder there ability to recruit
teachers and get the people they want especially specialized teachers that may teach Chemistry, etc.. Mr.
Joy stated that he had no opinion on the proposal but did provide a quick overview of civil service laws for
some City Employees that listed certain residency requirements. Councilor DiFlorio requested that the
matter be referred back to Sponsor if it couldn’t be done for everybody.

Accordingly, the Committee voted: To report back to the Common Council with a recommendation to
refer back to Sponsor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John W. Burley
Clerk of Committees
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2682 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2012 :  12:03:51 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How are they having an R&O meeting the same time as the Ward One Community meeting is being held? The Mayor, Chief of Police and City Solicitor cant be at two places at the same time.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 AT 6:00 P.M. (Live on ECTV Channel 16)

Held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 484 Broadway, Third Floor, Everett, MA

MEMBERS: Chairman Alderman Sal Sachetta, Alderman Chuck DiPerri, Alderman Robert Van Campen, Co-
Chairman Councilor Rosemary Miller, Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, Councilor Lorrie Bruno, Councilor Cynthia
Sarnie and Councilor Daniel Napolitano

City Solicitor also invited. Notices posted and mailed 9-11-12

1 A0150-12 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-To amend Chapter 12 of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding PAWNBROKERS. Invited: Sponsor and City Solicitor.

2 A0193-12 Order/s/Aldermen Joseph W. McGonagle, L. Charles DiPerri and Councilor Lorrie Bruno
To petition the General Court for an Act regarding a special law granting authority to the Everett Traffic
Commission to have the power to lower speed limits within the City of Everett. Invited: Sponsors and City

3 A0200-12 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen – That the City of Everett enact a Home Rule
Petition to provide relief in the form of a modified residential exemption to Everett taxpayers whose
primary residence is in the City but who do not enjoy the benefits of the full residential exemption
because they own multiple properties in the City. Invited: Sponsor, Assessor and Mayor.

4 C0146-12 Resolution/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano, as Pres. – That the City Council and the
Mayor convene a Rules and Ordinances meeting to explore drafting an ordinance banning medical
marijuana dispensaries from the City of Everett due to the upcoming ballot question, which would allow
35 medical marijuana dispensaries in the State. Invited: Mayor’s Office, Chief of Police and the City

5 C0136-12 Resolution/s/Councilors Leo McKinnon and Wayne Matewsky-That Rule 24 be enforced
at all Common Council meetings. (Reconsideration, Debate Limited: Debate on the motion for
reconsideration shall be limited to thirty minutes, in total, and no member shall speak more than 5
minutes.). Invited: Sponsors.

6 A0216-12 Resolution/s/Alderman Sal Sachetta-That all towing of vehicles for street cleaning stop
at once; and that a new procedure be put in place. All vehicles would still be ticketed, and after three
tickets have been issued to a certain vehicle it would be towed. Invited: Sponsor.

7 A0221-12 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-To consider expanding the hours of the
residential parking program in residential neighborhoods. Invited: Sponsor.

8 C0139-12 Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano, as President-An Act authorizing the City of
Everett to establish a Linkage Fee Revolving Account. Invited: Mayor and City Solicitor.

9 A0173-12 Ordinance/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President-That Section 1-4 of the
Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced in its entirety.
Invited: Membership informed. City Clerk informed.

Respectfully submitted, Everett City Council Office
Caroline McCorry cc: ECTV-Posting, Fac. Maint. & City Clerk Website
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