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 Fundraiser for Malden man in need of kidney
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Posted - 07/07/2011 :  3:17:44 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fundraiser next week for Malden man who needs kidney
Posted by Matt Byrne July 7, 2011 10:04 AM

Malden residents are invited to a fundraiser dinner and concert next week to raise money for a Malden man waiting for a kidney transplant operation.

The fundraiser, scheduled for 7 p.m. July 12 at Anthony's in Malden, will feature music, dancing, raffles, a silent auction, and an Italian buffet, all to defray Arthur Litvak's medical costs, according to an event announcement.

Litvak, 61, graduated from Everett High School and Berklee College of Music, and is a retired teacher and jazz drummer. He lost his left leg six years ago of complications from diabetes, and recent had toes amputated on his right foot.

He is recuperating at the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Cambridge. Currently, he is one of 82 people waiting for a call from the Massachusetts General Hospital.

"He sleeps with his phone knowing that the call could come at any time," the statement said.

Three days a week, he also undergoes dialysis, which Litvak said in the announcment has become his "full-time job."

But unlike a career, he said, "If I don't go, I don't risk my job, I risk my life."

Look out for a headline performance by 90-year-old pianist Al Vega, who undergoes dialysis with Litvak.

A minimum of a $20 donation is requested. To RSVP for the evening, call Brenda Keen at (781) 438-9177, or at (617) 605-5457. Checks can be made payable to Arthur Litvak and mailed to Brenda Keen, at 64 Main Street, 52B, Stoneham MA, 02180.
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