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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2007 :  3:40:35 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Does anyone have the agenda for tomorrow nights meeting? I have been trying to get into the cities web site but I can't seem to get in and check if it is there.

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212 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2007 :  5:39:25 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
web site is down and has been down since friday maybe they don't want us to post it anymore.
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212 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2007 :  5:44:36 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. A0218-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, and pursuant to the City Charter, Section 29, and the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Section 11-1, I hereby reappoint Margaret Mitton as a Trustee for the Board of Trustees of the Frederick E. Parlin Memorial Library with a term expiring June 2010.

2. A0219-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veterans Association & Iron Workers Local 7 to the Veterans Department-Veterans Gift Account.

3. A0220-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President
That the City of Everett hereby accepts Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40, Section 8G. Mutual police aid programs; agreements. This section will allow the Police Department to provide mutual aid programs to increase the capability of protecting the lives, safety and property of the people in the area designated in the agreement.

4. C0171-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donations totaling $1400.00 to the Mayor's Summer Concert Series Account from the following: Larry White $500.00, Everett Car Service, Inc. $500.00 and Ciro's Foreign Car Repairs, Inc. $400.00. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

5. C0172-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from Edwin Guarino, Lorraine Guarino and Laurel Hickey to the Veterans Department-Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

6. C0173-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $60.00 from Eleanor Kelly and Kathleen Kelly to the Veterans Department Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

7. C0174-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President
To accept the donation of $65.00 from Salvatore Sachetta and Elizabeth Sachetta to the Veterans Gift Account.(Passed sent up for concurrence)

8. A0213-07 Ordinance/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, as President
To create a school safety zone around the new Everett High School. (Amended by adding Councilor McKinnon as co-sponsor, enrolled as amended, sent up for ordainment)

9. C0177-07 Order/s/Councilors Michael J. Mangan, Millie J. Cardello and Rosa DiFlorio
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, that the intersection of Green Street and Mansfield Street be dedicated and named the “Joseph Vetrano Square”. Mr. Vetrano was a World War II Veteran. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

10. C0178-07 Order/s/Councilors Michael J. Mangan, Millie J. Cardello and Rosa DiFlorio
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, that the corner of Argyle Street and Harris Street be dedicated and named the “Francis Gallagher Square”. Mr. Gallagher was a World War II Veteran. (Amended by adding Councilor Matewsky as co-sponsor, passed sent up for concurrence)

11. C0242-06 Resolution/s/Councilor James A. Keane
Be it
Resolved: To the Common Council, that the introduction of candidates for public office as such, at televised meetings may be in violation of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 55. (Referred to the Board of Aldermen)

12. C0183-07 Order/s/Mayor John F. Hanlon
To appropriate the amount of $100,000.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance to the Fire Department Salaries Account to be used to satisfy the new ratified and confirmed firefighters contract. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

13. C0166-07 Resolution/s/Councilors Michael Mangan, James Keane, Rosa DiFlorio, Cynthia Sarnie, Millie Cardello, Leo McKinnon and Aldermen Frank Nuzzo, Carlo DeMaria and Robert Van Campen
That His Honor the Mayor appropriate $100,000.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance to the After School Program for the School Year 2007/2008. (Amended by adding Councilor Sal DiDomenico as Co-Sponsor. Passed in concurrence and to request a response from Mayor for this meeting)

14. A0172-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Stephen Smith
Mayor appear to discuss letter from the Inspector General's Office concerning Superintendent Foresteire dated December 4, 2006. (Referred to this meeting to invite Inspector General Greg Sullivan and Attorney for Mr. Foresteire, as well as, notifying Mr. Foresteire.)

15. A0185-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle
Budget Director, Auditor and Treasurer appear and answer questions about the forensic audit and bring the display boards that were used for the forensic audit. (Postponed to this meeting to re-invite as requested above)

16. A0217-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus
Mayor Hanlon appear this meeting to see if he would consider taking the pledge that the Board of Aldermen already made relative to the residential homeowner exemption at 20%.

17. A0221-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President
That the Board of Aldermen suspends their meetings in the summer session for entire month of August 2007, due to many members on vacation, which attributes a lack of quorums, and is unfair to members who make the effort to attend.

18. A0222-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Wire Department fix streetlight at corner of Clark and Main Streets, as it was hit by a truck and it is not repaired yet.

19. A0223-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Carlo DeMaria
Whereas, the Flag of the United States of America has long been the symbol of hope, freedom and justice throughout the world, and Whereas, the Stars and Stripes proudly flies over the graves of veterans on domestic and foreign soil as a stern reminder of the cost of freedom, and
Whereas, the Flag of the United States of America should be displayed with respect, dignity, and in accordance with the Laws of the United States of America, Therefore, the Everett City Council respectfully requests that the City of Everett through its Veterans’ Agent make every effort to educate the citizens and business community on the proper display of the American Flag and to encourage its display throughout the City.

20. A0224-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle
City Engineer inspect and repair erosion on 49 May Street.

21. A0225-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Code Enforcement Task Force review the hours of operation for Nino's Iron Works, as becoming detrimental to neighborhood.

22. A0226-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
City Services repair street and sidewalk at 7 Laurel Court, as temporary batch there since March of 2006.

23. A0227-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle
City Services cement sidewalk at 131 Belrock Street as tree removed and hole never filled in.

24. A0228-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Fire Dept remove, repair or replace the old fire box at 69 Peirce Ave, this is the second request.

25. A0229-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
City Services cement the sidewalk at 15 Floyd Street due to water break.

26. A0230-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Park Dept inspect dead tree at 36 Woodville Street to either remove or replace

27. A0231-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Wire Dept repair wires hanging down at 11 Peirce Ave near the hydrant.

28. A0232-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
City Services check broken platform coverning dirt on sidewalk at the corner of Richdale and Mt. Washington Streets, as it is a hazard and needs to be checked.

29. A0233-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Park Dept clean Baldwin Ave Park, as there is dog feces all over park and sidewalk.

30. A0234-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
City Services remove the metal stump at the corner of Main and Baldwin Ave.

31. A0235-07 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
Park Dept clean park on Appleton Street.

Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry,
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Everett City Council

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I had to go into internet explore to get it i went through egovlink did they change their website?

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1428 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2007 :  7:32:37 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks Arthur.

Am I alone in thinking it's disgraceful that some of these items are even on the agenda? Why does it take a "request" from the BOA to have a sidewalk repaired or a park cleaned? Don't we have people who are responsible for these things? Aren't we paying people to take responsibility for this stuff?
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Middle-Man 1
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Posted - 06/10/2007 :  8:01:17 PM  Show Profile Send Middle-Man 1 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think it's more comical than disgraceful. It's just so they can ham it up and get their face time in front of the West coast audience. They all know they can just make a phone call to bring these problems to the attention of the appropriate departments if necessary. It's not about getting things done. It's about making sure you know who did it.
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Posted - 06/10/2007 :  8:05:22 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I say ELECTION YEAR we must all look wonderful in front of the camera
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Posted - 06/10/2007 :  8:15:01 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree that a lot of times they just want to grandstand and make themselves look good on TV, but it seems like these kinds of things should be identified and handled by the department heads. Maybe it's that I'm so geared to doing the job I'm being paid for, and doing it well, that I can't understand people who don't take pride in their work or take their job seriously.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2007 :  8:18:30 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Arthur.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2007 :  09:44:11 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see items 20 -31 are issues that a mere phone call should have take care of them. I wonder if Alderman McGonagle or Alderman DiMaria can get anything done with a phone call since they are running against Mayor Hanlon for the Mayors seat. I noticed item 24 is a second request, either the department is very busy or they are ignoring requests. Also, McGoanagle and DiMaria are out walking the streets and I am sure these requests were brought to the Alderman's attention by the constituents.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2007 :  10:43:06 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Did anyone watch the BOA meeting tonight? I got the impression the RVC isn't too happy with last Saturdays turn of events. Did anyone else notice, or was it just me reading to much into his motions and seconds tonight?

Boy did the Mayor get pissed when Marcus mentioned the submitted budget, and how it was over the Prop 2 1/2 limit.

Edited by - massdee on 06/11/2007 10:58:39 PM
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 06/11/2007 :  11:54:06 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have the meeting on now. I did see the exchange between Marcus and the mayor; the mayor's indignation is unimpressive at this point. To have the temerity to stand up there and say there'll be no need for a prop 2 1/2 override when he submitted a budget that couldn't possibly be passed without one -- well, there are no words to describe it, are there? And he refused to acknowledge that the budget he submitted was over the tax levy and would require the override as it stood. Just when I think he couldn't possibly be more arrogant, he steps it up another notch.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2007 :  07:51:26 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What about the audacity of the department heads, after being asked to appear for the third time, not showing up to discuss the audit and not even recognizing they had received the request to appear. It is in our charter if they are asked to appear, then they must. This Administration is once again showing a total disregard of the laws of this city. Citizen, as you said, they just keep stepping it up another notch.
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Posted - 06/12/2007 :  08:23:56 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The really sad part is that they get away with it!

There isn't any recourse is there? Seems like the CC & BOA can jump up and down all they want, but if these people choose to ignore a request to appear, there's nothing that can be done. And is there any doubt that the mayor is condoning their actions?
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2007 :  08:25:13 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just thought of something else. (I am really going to have to start taking notes when I watch these meetings.)

The reply from the Inspector General. If I heard it correctly, his office found wrong doings of school department employees (Foeresteire and DeFeo) and he was informing the Chairmen of the School Department so that he could take the proper administrative action. He also stated the letter was CC'd to the Mayor back on December 4,2006.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2007 :  08:29:00 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Justme, I wonder if these department heads continue to ignore the laws of the city, if they can be fired for insubordination? Isn't that what would happen in the private sector? Does the CC and the BOA have that kind of power?

Edited by - massdee on 06/12/2007 08:29:55 AM
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 06/12/2007 :  08:42:59 AM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The mayor has hiring and firing power; unfortunately, I don't think the city council can do anything in that regard. In fact, the budget director's position doesn't need approval of the city council. It's strictly a mayoral hire. I believe the treasurer's appointment has to be approved by city government, so the only recourse they would have would be not to approve it when he comes up for reappointment, but I don't know when that is.

Here's something interesting, and I have to check this out further, because I'm not 100% sure. I believe that the head of city services would have to be approved by city government -- which, to the best of my recollection, the current director of city services never was . . .

This administration either has no clue what the rules are or doesn't care. And sometimes, watching the mayor, I'm not sure whether he's guilty of cluelessness or arrogance. Either way, we lose.
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