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 City Council Meeting!!!!
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  01:52:07 AM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For those of you who are non night owls, the council meeting just ended at about 1:45 am!!!! They cut over 4 million dollars! I am so happy to see something got done. Now if only the aldermen will agree with all the hard work the council did. Make your phonecalls people before the BOA meeting tonight.


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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  05:35:04 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was glad to see them finally doing their job too! They should have done it two weeks ago instead of wasting all this time. (I gave up @ midnight)

We know the thought process was right, the reality could be something else. I'd love to know how many of the department heads try to reach someone today to discuss the cuts and explain need. I also hope the CC members are available in the event the BOA want to make changes. Or maybe they'll just pass it and plan to make the fix later on. That's basically what they did Monday.....

I hope whoever our next mayor is, he's able to work with the CC & BOA. A lot of these problems could have been avoided if the mayor wasn't such a stubborn, pigheaded, arrogant man.
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  08:12:23 AM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Louie . . . I actually agree with you that this is what city government should have done from the beginning, but the fact still remains that the mayor submitted a bloated budget that could not have been oassed legally and refused to work with city government to fix it. His whiny "everyone is mean to me" defense at the meeting last night was just sad. But as I said . . . I do agree with you that the city council should've done line item cuts long ago.
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  08:54:22 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote

My first statement was........ "I was glad to see them finally doing their job too! They should have done it two weeks ago instead of wasting all this time." That statement is a clear indication I'm fully aware that they were not doing what they should have.

However, call it what you will, I stand by my final statement. hanlon is a stubborn, pigheaded, arrogant man!.

There are a lot of things hanlon can (and should) be blamed for. His handling of the budget process and refusal to make any cuts or admit the budget as submitted would require a prop 2 1/2 override is just one of many.

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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  09:09:01 AM  Show Profile Send Joey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Personal Vendetta? The Mayor did this to himself! He never gave the B.O.A. or the C.C. any respect from the day he was elected! Never not once when he was before them during his admin.it was always I am the Mayor I am the chief of this city so I can! What has he done for this city to justify these increases? He hired over 60 new hire's SOME DON'T EVEN HAVE TITLES! HE HAS ONE WALKING AROUND CITY HALL LIKE A ZOMBIE THAT GOT CAUGHT SLEEPING THREE TIMES his own dept.head can't disaplin him because he's the Mayor's friend! And the health ins. went way up! Do the math! He also has had paid more advisors then any other mayor in history (someday the truth wil come out about these so called advisors!)I think the cut's they made last night was a good start but not enough! The same thing should happen to the school dept.plus another 2%! As for councilman Faia, Simonelli and Mateusky I hope all the citizens from our city watched you last night and come election night they say NO to you! YOUR FIRED!
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  11:15:17 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What unmitigated buffalo excrement, Tails. Your view is heinously inaccurate and biased, and tells me that you're no more working in the world of finance and budgets than a caveman in a Geico commercial. Any time you cut spending...there is no "fall out; cutting spending is good. "Fall out" occurs when relying on one times fixes to fill a gap, which will be unsustainable over the long haul, which is exactly what the Hanlon Administration tried to pull. Astronomical tax hikes that are predicated on a previous year's spending only occur when the one-time fixes dry up (selling of property, cash transfers, etc) - so what exactly are you trying to sell?

These budget cuts were necessary because the budget as submitted was over the tax levy, and the mayor's "cuts" relied on one-time fixes - cash transfers from a free cash fund that won't be certified until the fall. Remember - he only cut 1.5 M - the other million was coming from the budgetary fund balance. Thank God that Sal DiDomenico helped clarify that for the CC...because Mayor Hanlon was doing the old softshoe on that one.

The budget growth under the Hanlon Administration was reckless in the extreme without any regard to the future of this city. The Common Council took necessary action to save the bond rating (remember, Moody's is watching) and the taxpayer.

I can't wait to see your response, Tails. One would think you were the budget director or something, who appears to have the same level of experience with finance and budgets as you do.

So - take your spin and go elsewhere.

Edited by - Court4Fred on 06/29/2007 11:39:28 AM
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  11:26:17 AM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Simonelli just said No constantly if it wouldn't change the outcome of the vote. I found it very strange.
Mateuski appear from the beginning that he couldn't get out of there fast enough than when he realized he was going to be there for the night he started to relax a bit.
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  11:59:19 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You know what Court… that was my opinion and I stand by it. Why do you have to insult people that may have a difference of opinion than you? I only care about what I am paying out in taxes and I don’t see were my hard earned money is going now and in the future. You’re a jerk that does no good for anyone.

You… go be a jerk elsewhere.
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  12:30:34 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tails, You're the one that needs to find a new place to play. Court is a highly respected member of this group and he's right.

You don't know what you're talking about!
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  12:43:52 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That’s a poor excuse for rudeness. There was no need of that type of a response.
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  12:52:32 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tails

You… go be a jerk elsewhere.

What exactly do you call your comment to Court? Is this supposed to be do as I say, not as I do?

Sorry, I don't play that game and I'm always inclined to say what I think. In this particular case..........I think you need to learn to act like an adult or you'll need to stay at the kids table.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2007 :  1:12:54 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am not going to keep battling because you like to have the last word. What I said was absolutely correct and you will see in a few years. I was not rude to anyone and Court just bashed me all over the place well I hope he’s proud of himself. I made my point that’s it.
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Posted - 06/29/2007 :  1:15:03 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Are you offended, Tails? That's too bad; cry me a river. What offends me is that you tried to pass yourself off as someone working in "finance and budgets" when it is readily apparent that you have no understanding of municipal budgeting or the outcomes related to those decisions. It would appear that your goal out here was to mislead people into thinking you are an expert in these matters and that your opinion counts; you may "stand by your opinion" all you wish; the fact is that your opinion has all the weight of a helium balloon. It hasn't any heft, as it is without factually-based, commonly accepted financial reasoning and wisdom.

What I also find interesting in your "opinion" is that you hope they go forward "without laying blame on anyone." There's only one branch that's worried about "blame" right now - and that rests firmly with executive branch.

And you know what else offends me? That you would think that we're stupid enough to believe you. You know what? Call Josh Resnek - I would bet that's exactly the kind of crap he'll want to print.

Edited by - Court4Fred on 06/29/2007 1:30:31 PM
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Posted - 06/30/2007 :  3:25:10 PM  Show Profile Send H1ghCh4r1ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Court, my friend,

It seems that you may have our new "finance and budgets" expert chasing his own tail.......

Emile Schoeffhausen
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88 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2007 :  8:31:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit turk182's Homepage Send turk182 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Get em Boy

Money Flew, Taxes Grew, Sludge Too, Hired a Few, Hanlon Knew, We got screwed,
Hired a few more now there is 104, What do we do?

Turk 182
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Posted - 06/30/2007 :  10:03:47 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It seems that I let my temper get the best of me. Nevertheless - "Tails - you lose...Heads, I win"
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