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Posted - 09/24/2007 : 10:40:11 AM
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. A0290-07 To all parties interested in the Petition from NextG Networks East to install, locate and attach conduit, fiber optic cables and telecommunications network equipment to and on existing utility poles and/or streetlights in, across, and over certain public streets, lanes, highways, and places of the City of Everett as described in exhibits and plans (MPC1016MAEVEGEN) attached to petition and to kept on file in the City Clerk's Office.
2. A0291-07 To all parties interested in the Petition from National Grid for the installation of +/-65' of 1-2" conduit encased in concrete from bus shelter to manhole 650 at Broadway and Thorndike Street, 53 Bow Street, Everett, MA.
3. A0292-07 To all parties interested in the Petition from National Grid for the installation of +/-35' of 1-2" conduit encased in concrete from bus shelter to manhole 454 at Broadway and Cameron Street, 888 Broadway, Everett, MA.
COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR 4. A0289-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby re-appoint Mark Brymer as a Member of the Everett Licensing Board for a term ending September 2010.
5. A0294-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President Transfer of $49,983.00 to the City Clerk's Elections Account to cover the State Primary September 11th and State Election October 9th to fill the senatorial seat vacated by the Former Senator Jarrett Barrios.
PAPERS FROM THE COMMON COUNCIL 6. C0257-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President To accept the donation of $900.00 from the Target Store to the Everett Police Department.
7. C0258-07 Order/s/Councilor Sal DiDomenico, as President To accept $100.00 donation from Vietnam Veterans Association & Iron Workers Local 7 to Department of Veterans Services.
8. C0253-07 Ordinance/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey, Councilor Leo McKinnon and Alderman L. Charles DiPerri To amend Chapter 13, Section 16 by adding the Pope John High School to the School Safety Zone. (Amended by adding "all schools within the City of Everett") (Ordained, as amended, sent up for ordainment, as amended)
9. C0264-07 Resolution/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey, Councilor Leo McKinnon and Alderman L. Charles DiPerri That the Police Traffic Division monitor the traffic conditions specifically at the corner parking on Rock Valley Ave and Ferry Street causing hazardous conditions. (Amended by adding Co-Sponsors and to refer to the Police Traffic Commission).
PETITIONS AND LICENSES 10. A0293-07 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle, as President Petition from Paris Autobody, Inc. for Auto Body Shop and General Spray Painting at 101 Paris Street, Unit #5.
COMMUNICATIONS 11. A0249-07 Ordinance/s/Alderman Stephen Smith Unfavorable Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Stephen Smith to amend the stop sign ordinance at the corner of Chelsea Street and Everett Avenue from a stop sign to a "Yield" sign.