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2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2007 : 9:43:15 PM
Accusations are flying fast and furious on the Mirror and little to no supporting evidence is ever provided. Unless someone provides actual proof that an incident has occurred, I would suggest that you have to take these reports with a huge grain of salt.
Although the Independent's journalistic integrity can be easily questioned sometimes, I think that the post in question tries to make the "police blotter" that they usually publish something that it really isn't. When it is published, it is normally just a list of people who were arrested, when they were arrested and the charges that they were arrested for. So unless arrests were made in any incidents listed in these posts, no mention of the incidents would have appeared in this "police blotter".
If either of the incidents of vandalism did occur, it is sad. I'm sure that neither candidate or campaign would condone these kinds of actions. If they did occur, I'm sure that only overzealous supporters are responsible. As far as the other incident goes, I don't know what happened (if anything ) and have no other comments about it. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2007 : 9:47:24 PM
Good to see you back, Tetris. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2007 : 10:03:22 PM
Thanks. I've been checking in regularly but not posting lately. Needed a break. Not sure there's a lot to post about these days anyways. Could post some opinion pieces but, as the editorial in last week's Independent's pointed out, at this juncture, most people's minds have been made up about the mayor's race and it more of a question of which campaign does the best job of getting out the vote on election day.
I certainly believe your confirmation of the vandalism. Didn't see it before I made my post. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 10/30/2007 : 8:23:45 PM
We are now down to the final week before the election. Anyone have any thoughts on how you will think it will go? Please try to post without slamming either candidate. |

60 Posts |
Posted - 11/03/2007 : 11:08:06 PM
The facts are simple.
Carlo voted for every tax increase.
Joe did not.
Not sure about you. But I want to keep my money in my pocket and not give it to the city.
Joe seems like the better to choice without a doubt.
Senior Member

114 Posts |
Posted - 11/04/2007 : 09:45:22 AM
I think it will be a fairly close election. Mr McGonalge has been attacked on every private issue imaginable from where he lives right down to him not using his children in his campaign. To me that is more negative than Mr McGonagle's campaign ads. At least the ads were about issues facing our city. Most times the McGonagle camp tried to take the high road and not get too personal. Anyway that is how it looks to me. I think I am giving Mr McGonagle a slight edge. |

83 Posts |
Posted - 11/04/2007 : 09:54:39 AM
Well, I can confidently say that Mr. DeMaria did take the high road in this election. And he too was attacked on many levels, personal and misrepresentions. So, in my opinion Mr. McGonagle and his team failed at taking the "high road". And the residents and voters know this because I have heard this from them (hundreds)first hand.

72 Posts |
Posted - 11/04/2007 : 8:57:35 PM
Well we all know that Joe has taken this thing to the gutter right from the very beginning, it seems as though the only thing he can attack Carlo on is the fact that Thibeault and Wood Waste are behind Carlo, but yet he continues to do business with them as evidence by a check written just last week from his company to Wood Waste, did he have any problems with Wood Waste when he was on the council and the BOA when Ragucci was the Mayor? Did he question anything that was presented, or was he just a rubber stamp for the previous administration. At least Carlo has been consistent and upfront about his votes and has admitted whenever it was he made a mistake. Has Joe done this? NO HE HASNT. The election is two days away and i believe the city of Everett is at a crossroads, why did Joe duck the debate? So many questions about the McGonagle campaign and no answers. Let may say that yes Carlo DeMaria is a friend of mine, but i believe he is the best man to lead this city for the next two years and hopefully more than that. I believe it is time for A NEW BEGINNING FOR THE CITY OF EVERETT. Elect Carlo Demaria the next Mayor of the City of Everett on Tuesday November 6th. PAUL D. DOBBINS

5299 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 08:44:22 AM
They are calling for wind and rain tomorrow. I hope it doesn't affect the election too much. The one good thing about tomorrow, no matter which candidate wins, we will have a new mayor come January. |
Edited by - massdee on 11/05/2007 08:58:46 AM |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 09:03:33 AM
Bad weather always affects voter turnout. It would be so much better (in New england anyway) if the elections were in the spring or earlier in the fall. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 09:55:18 AM
I agree, it would be better all around, voter turnout, for the candidates and for the people working the polls, especially the sign holders. |
short timer

42 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 11:08:37 AM
Taylor, did you get beat up a lot as a kid, ya know when you couldn't talk like a jerk while hiding behind a keyboard. |
Edited by - short timer on 11/05/2007 11:11:34 AM |
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 11:20:40 AM
Taylor . . . you're well on your way to being banned from this board. Cut the crap or get lost. |
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 11:33:25 AM
Where did YOU see Joe, Taylor???? No one here buys your nonsense . . . now you and your flying monkesy be gone, before someone drops a house on you . . . |
Advanced Member

1140 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2007 : 11:39:20 AM
Citizen why are you attacking her? I want to hear all opinions, whether I agree or not.
Sally |
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