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65 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2007 :  10:44:28 AM  Show Profile Send Dominic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fred.....how do you know it's spin? Isn't it equally as likely that nothing illegal happened? Maybe Joe and his team have decided to embellish on a story so he can smear his opponent again? Given his propensity to be negative, it isn't a stretch to think that he would .
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  11:33:12 AM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You may be right, Dominic, but it is equally likely that DeMaria supporters are spreading these rumors about these young women in order to smear McGonagle. It's sad that this is what this race has come to, and we no longer know who to believe.

These young women speak English perfectly well, Tails, albeit it they do have an accent. But there is nothing wrong with their ability to speak the language.

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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  1:04:58 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, Dominic - I think there's a propensity on both sides to be negative; both blogs are evidence of that and Carlo has certainly had his share of races in which he wasn't exactly the altar boy that some people are trying to protray. Given the history, I think it's reasonable to assume that "something happened" if there's a police report; a very good source told me that there was. Has it been embelllished? Possibly. It's also possible that the PR team is out on both blogs trying to keep the chatter down.
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  6:35:57 PM  Show Profile Send Dominic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fred and Cane....sounds like we are on the same page, that being we don't know for sure. Question for you both though.....how come when I defend Carlo, it's called spinning or keeping the chatter down? Should I assume that you are doing the same thing for Joe or are you just making personal observations. One could make the argument that it is irresponsible to be talking about "very good sources". People might be misread that as you actually knowing what happened. I would think that unless your name is on this ficticious police report, you weren't there and can't provide any useful information on this topic.
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  6:50:32 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can't speak to the "spin" angle, Dominic, since I don't believe I used that phrase. I would agree with Court that perhaps the story has been embellished over the course of the week, but being familiar with the parties involved on both sides, I do believe that something happened. I don't think having a particular name on a police report is a prerequisite for having knowledge that such a report was filed.

Exactly what happened will probably never be known for sure, and it may be best for all parties concerned to just move on from the subject, particularly since none of the parties involved seem to be willing to make any sort of public statement about what exactly did happen; in this regard, Dominic, you and I agree. Stories coming from both sides of this particular incident are merely third party and heresay.

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65 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2007 :  7:03:21 PM  Show Profile Send Dominic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kane...do you work for the city?
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  7:05:34 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I do not.
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  7:40:19 PM  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's Fred.
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 10/27/2007 :  7:56:31 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, Taylor, once again your consistent . . . and wrong . . .
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Posted - 10/28/2007 :  12:01:20 AM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You know, Dom, it could be argued that it's irresponsible to rely on "sources" except journalists big and small do it on a regular basis,including our three local papers; you weren't exactly writing letters to the editor about it, so I'll assume that you're okay with this as long as it doesn't concern your candidate.

Regarding my role here, all I can tell you Dom is that I've been posting here since this forum opened, long before your candidate decided to get into the race, and I post on a myriad of topics, from gay marriage to ed reform. I didn't just "show up" to provide spin and pr for anyone.

I do disagree with you regarding Thibeault's "vision" for lower Broadway, because I think his plans are neither "light industrial" or "clean commercial." (you never did respond to my request that you post a definition) I think he's a snake, as do many people. Long before the city yards sale, Mr. Thibeault was failing to fulfill his obligations at WoodWaste. To say the least, the relationship here is very troubling.
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65 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2007 :  12:34:59 AM  Show Profile Send Dominic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have no idea what point you were trying to make in your first paragraph. Big and small newspapers have editors that perform some level of due diligence prior to printing something. I'm not sure I have ever seen an editorial that referrences unnamed sources. Your role here is similar to that of a newspaper editor......leave the unnamed sources to the beat writers.

Not sure I like your comment about pr and spin. I thought I made it clear that while I support Carlo, I'm doing so because I feel he is the guy that will bring about change. I preface many of my comments with "in my opinion" because it is in fact my opinion. Sure, I jump on here to defend Carlo .....but only because people make crazy assumptions without having facts. I'm sure that irritates you just as it does me.

And I didnt respond to your request for a definition because you are an intelligent person....I'm sure you know the definition. I don't see lower Broadway as a place for housing. My personal opinion is that I don't see any problem with a waste facility down there. I don't see a problem with a commercial condo complex or a small manufacturing plant. Most people on here have no suggestions about what should go there......all they know is what shouldnt go there. That seems odd to me.
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Posted - 10/28/2007 :  12:44:00 PM  Show Profile Send Court4Fred a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well Dominic, I supposed I can always ask for the police report and post it, if it will make you happy. As for due diligence prior to writing with reference to sources - our three local newspapers don't consider THAT an obligation. Have you read Resnek's and Mitchell's editorials? Both frequently mention unnamed sources. Regarding my "role" - that's to keep conversation from teetering towards libel (see Michael Billica's intro regarding the three moderators) and to take steps when it does. That's all; at the end of the day, I'm just a participant with a few tools that allow me to edit or remove posts that could get someone into trouble. As a believer in free speech, I tend not to use the tools unless absolutely necessary.

The only point that I was trying to make relative to your suggestion that Citizen and I are also providing spin and pr, is that I've been posting here regularly for two years, on a wide range of topics, as has Citizen. We didn't sign up just to provide aid and comfort for any candidate.

Regarding my request for a definition of light, clean, industrial/commercial development, I truly wanted to see what your understanding of that was, because I don't think a waste facility meets that definition. I get the sense from your postings that you think any idea is better than no idea right now. Personally, I'd like to see a candidate take the macro view on this before any zoning changes are made and decide proactively what Everett should should look like 10-20-30 years from now. Change for the sake of change - isn't necessarily a good thing. I also don't think it's a bad idea for the city's leaders to take their time in trying to figure this out. What's the rush? Why not allow for a deliberative process that brings in all the stakeholders...instead of just the guy with the deep pockets?

I also don't think it's "odd" for people to know what they don't want. When I go looking for my next car, I know I don't want a Kia anything. I may not know precisely what I do want - but I know I don't want a Kia.

Edited by - Court4Fred on 10/28/2007 1:03:48 PM
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65 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2007 :  10:10:57 AM  Show Profile Send Dominic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fred....For the next 8 days, I'll accept the pr/spin doctor label you have assigned me. After that, when I'm still on here posting, maybe I can be part of the club :)
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Posted - 10/29/2007 :  8:59:11 PM  Show Profile Send Marie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I read this on The Mirror and find it very disheartening. Can anyone shed some light on this?

There is a police report about Joe's tires being punctured. It's too bad the Independent didn't run the Police Blotter last week, like it usually does. Then you would have seen Cuilla's broken car window and Joe's punctured tires. Not to mention, the confrontation with the two young ladies. I can only wonder, why, there wasn't a Police Blotter in last weeks Independent.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2007 :  9:21:34 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can confirm the punctured tires and the police being called. As for the others, I have heard those stories but can not confirm them.
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