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2040 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 5:58:07 PM
Matewsky admitted Monday night that he changed his vote due to the unions and threw in his ever present "I've been a member of the bricklayers union since whenever" comment as well. Could he be more obvious about the election?
Tails, the home rule petition that may have been enacted last year (?) only prevented someone from Everett for running for more than one office within the city at a time. Besides, the state election is this year and the municipal election won't be until next year. There is no state law that prevents anyone from holding a local and a state elected position at the same time. In fact, I heard Stat Smith say on a recent ECTV program (the Jason Marcus interview show) that he thought it was actually a good thing to be in that situation because it allowed the concerns of the city or town to have a direct conduit to the leadership of the legislature. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 6:51:00 PM
Wouldn't it be interesting if Stat Smith ran against Matewsky next year for Alderman at Large? |
Edited by - massdee on 04/17/2008 6:52:20 PM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2008 : 1:31:28 PM
Who exactly brought up towing for the street sweeping parking offenders? Did it come from the Administration or the from the BOA or Common Council? |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2008 : 4:47:12 PM
As I recall, the issue of towing for street cleaning was put on the Common Council agenda by Councilor Simonelli; some of the Common Council agendas from the February time frame kind of back that up, i.e., there is general towing item on them, not sure what else they could have been referring to. Not sure who was doing the questioning at the time but they were attempting to get the police chief to commit to towing but he was very non-committal. Since the chief wouldn't, they went on to the mayor to see if they could convince him. As I recall, he somewhat reluctantly agreed. Fuzzy memories for sure so if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2008 : 9:01:22 PM
Thanks, I just wanted the credit to go where it belonged. If you read the letter to the Editor in this weeks Leader Herald, it makes one think it was the Mayors doings, and I had thought I remembered it coming from the CC. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2008 : 11:08:44 PM
If you get to watch Chamber Chatter this weekend, you will see that the towing issue does come up and the Mayor does give credit to the council for bringing it to the table. This happens during the first part of the show which I didn't see before (and I still haven't managed to see the whole thing). I missed that when I read the letter to the editor; I'll have to read that again. But anyways, fair's fair; the mayor did make it happen when the chief was unwilling to commit to it.

2040 Posts |
Posted - 04/19/2008 : 11:48:42 AM
I got a chance to re-read that letter to the editor. It does seem like it is trying to give all of the credit to the administration and it takes too broad a shot at the council as well. Most of the council was not for rolling back the towing program. Some raised concerns that at least should be looked at but not many wanted it rolled back. if you want to take a shot at someone, why not name specific names? Most people know who you are talking about anyways. |
just wondering
Senior Member

387 Posts |
Posted - 04/19/2008 : 12:03:00 PM
Is that the same Simonelli that asked who was going to pick up the terds at the dog park? |

47 Posts |
Posted - 04/22/2008 : 09:08:40 AM
You can't even spell turds right. |
just wondering
Senior Member

387 Posts |
Posted - 04/22/2008 : 11:40:01 AM
Thanks for the correction Imbroglio....I've always had trouble with fecal references |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 10:33:03 AM
Today's Leader-Herald ran a really good commentary entitled "The first 6 months". It's a must read. It comments on a number of areas including the budget director, Wood Waste, the Mayor and the city council. Although I don't agree with all of it, I think it is a fair and balanced piece. This paper is frustrating. It is capable of good work but doesn't live up to the task often enough.
Also in today's paper, in the article about Joe Hickey being appointed VSO, is a quote from the Mayor that I believe better explains why Hickey was selected over, perhaps, a more qualified candidate from outside the city. The quote is as follows:
"I was impressed by a couple of candidates that resided outside of Everett who have experience in benefits administration. Ultimately, I decided to honor the wishes of the Everett veterans that I spoke to about this position, who all advised me that it was important to them that the Director be a resident of the city."
If the Mayor has made this statement before, I wasn't aware of it. I believe it's a better justification that anything else I've seen or heard. I'm going to take at face value, at least for now. Others may choose to interept it differently, however. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 11:57:59 AM
I have never heard those comments from the Mayor's own words or what has been printed in the Everett newspapers or the Boston Globe. If it was explained this way from the beginning, it still would have been wrong, but maybe not the huge fiasco that it turned out to be. My opinion is it's damage control and I don't believe it and those words are NOT his words, trust me on that. |

33 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 3:29:47 PM
Tails you have been obsessed with this ever since it started. Maybe if you had slowed down and listened you would have heard what the Mayor had to say As one of those Everett Veterens (of which you are not one) I applaud what the Mayor said. Well Done Mr. Mayor. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 3:39:53 PM
How would you know what I am or not? Your assuming..............and I think you know how that saying goes. |

33 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 3:58:47 PM
Tails once again you are wrong, I am not assuming anything you told me you were not a Veteran when I asked you up under the VSO post (March 5 2008) and you responded that you were not a Veteran.
The Mayor asked the Vets what they wanted and he responded to their request. |
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