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2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 09:57:34 AM
We got our paper on Friday again. From what I read in the commentary (if that's what you want to call it this week) column, it was intended to come out of Thursday as it referenced that it was the last day of July.
Yet again, no coverage of the planning board meeting. Not one of the papers of the three local papers contained any coverage of the meeting this week. At least two of the papers had representatives at the meeting Monday night, if not all three. Good thing that we had our own coverage. No mention of the Mayor Hanlon incident either. I just don't get it. Are they all just waiting to get press releases from city hall so that they know what they should print?
Speaking of press releases, this week's Leader-Herald ran the same "story" as last week's Advocate about the Mayor inviting state officials to view the traffic on lower Broadway. It also contained the same error that Bartlett Street was a major source of the traffic problem in the area. The Independent also ran a version of the same "story" but, as I recall, it was a shortened version that didn't included that information. Well, at least, we likely know the source of the error now; but, doesn't anyone from the papers read the contents of these press releases before they print them? |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 10:17:42 AM
All the papers have gone dramatically down hill, along with the city. What are the papers afraid of, I don't get it and now the Leader Herald is taking stories from the Advocate? Word for word even?? Cant be working too hard.
Great journalists!.....yea right. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 10:33:42 AM
The "stories" in all three of the papers mainly commom from press releases from city hall and other sources. They are pretty much printed verbatim, with minor edits for space and to eliminate the sections that would give them away as press releases. My point this morning was that they don't even bother to read what they print for accuracy. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 10:40:58 AM
Oh.....I understood about accuracy. Seems as if none of them have it. That's what I meant about downhill, and also their lack of coverage.
If someone sends me something (use the city as an example) and I am the one that is going to publish it for all to see, believe me, it will checked and double checked for accuracy.
Edited by - Tails on 08/01/2008 10:46:38 AM |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2008 : 10:50:34 AM
The point of my last post was that the source of the story was a press release, which contained an error. Both papers printed it without any fact checking; the Leader Herald didn't copy it from the Advocate. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/14/2008 : 09:56:01 AM
I found the commentary in today's Leader-Herald to be bizarre. It basically decried the lack of depth in the news currently being reported on local TV stations. Hmmm. Have they read their own paper...ever? |
Senior Member

111 Posts |
Posted - 08/14/2008 : 10:12:55 AM
Here Here tetris! |

33 Posts |
Posted - 08/17/2008 : 01:58:58 AM
I agree about the Leader Herald. That is the lamest paper in the city. They should give it up. Very boring. Besides I already know just about all of it from the Wednesday paper and it comes to my house every week. So by Thursday it's old news. I also enjoy the Advocate b/c I like the fact that they put their pics in color. Very nice especially when your kids pic is in there. LOL |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/28/2008 : 09:24:28 AM
I was glad to see that the commentary in this week's Leader-Herald actually followed up on last week's commentary. Keep'em coming.
Usually the Leader-Herald articles that cover the city council meeting are very cut and dry and usually contain very little in way of the issues that we tend to discuss on the boards. This week's article was a little though. Although they completely ignored the reappointment issue, the article did point out the "face time" issue and alderman Sachetta not believing that Sherry Clancy had the signs put up in the village. Well, at least it's a start. |
Advanced Member

1428 Posts |
Posted - 08/28/2008 : 4:11:59 PM
I haven't seen it but I understand Stat has some damage control to do because of today's paper. Is it enough to be a major concern or is the person I spoke with overreacting? |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 08/28/2008 : 8:49:43 PM
The Independent hinted at it on Wednesday; the Advocate blew it open when it came out this afternoon. I'll post the article and the related commentary in some thread (probably deserves it own) as soon as I can. To my mind, it's pretty major. Back in the spring, I first read about it on Topix. Someone over there stated that the issue would come into full light in September, when it could have the most impact on the election. Looks like they weren't far off. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2008 : 4:27:29 PM
A few nuggets from this week's Leader-Herald (and some other things sneak in as well):
- Nice letter from Scott Counsell. Class act.
- I believe this is the first week in a while that Matewsky spent any ad money in the Leader-Herald. 3 separate ads.(Maybe there was one last week; just can't remember). Then, the Leader-Herald turns around endorses Smith. Go figure. Congrats to the Leader-Herald for being willing to take a clear position on the election. That's better than the Independent's thinly disguised fence sitting.
Oh, BTW Independent, a lot of us don't have any respect for what you do either; but, I guess you already knew that.
- Two full pages of school department paid for advertising for homecoming plus an article on it, over a week before the actual event. Will this be the most over-hyped event in the history of the city? I'd like to see the advertising bill for the three weeks of pre-event advertising plus the post event coverage that is sure to come.
- On a related note, does anyone know when the additional bleachers are going to finally show up? I'm sure that FFF will likely be blowing a gasket Monday night over this issue. |

43 Posts |
Posted - 09/14/2008 : 8:24:17 PM
Tetris your right... Maybe Fred will go back to his buddy Carlo and ask for another transfer to cover more school over spending |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 09/14/2008 : 9:47:17 PM
I doubt that John but a portion of all the additional school aid money that the state provided this year seems to be being diverted away from a direct investment in the kids. And the school year's only beginning. Nice!
BTW, I saw the additional bleachers beginning to be installed on Friday. FFF still won't be happy but he won't blow his top as badly as he could have. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2008 : 10:16:00 PM
A few items of interest (from my point of view anyways) from today's paper:
I thought that it was interesting that this week's commentary was provided by Jim Henderson. It was about the Wall Street bailout. I wonder if we'll see more commentaries from him after he leaves city government. I think that if he wrote about some local issues, he would provide a unique perspective and generate some real interest in the paper.
There was an interesting line in the front page article that covered the BOA meeting. In the section of the article that talked about the issue with the parking clerk's budget, there was line that stated that the issue "highlighted some of the problems that have plagued the administration". The article then went on to describe the specifics of the situation. I would have liked the paper to better explain the problems that it feels that the administration has. I think that would only be fair to the administration as well.
On the other hand, kudos to the Leader-Herald for actually covering the problem with the parking clerk's budget. It was the only one of the three papers this week that actually did. I think when a $130,000 error is made that will cost the taxpayers money, they should at least be aware of it. |
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