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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 01/11/2008 :  1:40:10 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Keanu . . . WHERE in this thread has anyone mentioned the former mayor??? Lynda hasn't even participated in this discussion, yet you insist on coming on to this board, posting comments that have nothing to do with the conversation in an attempt to goad her into some sort of confrontation. Grow up or go away.
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Posted - 01/16/2008 :  12:33:43 PM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by keanu


You have so much to say why dont you go to Washington and lead the country. You never miss the chance to bad mouth Mr. Hanlon. You dont know him so leave him alone. You left drama message that you no longer going to post but come back just to talk about John. Hes a good guy. You dont know good guys.

My oh my keanu... You really need to get out more.
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Posted - 01/17/2008 :  11:22:55 AM  Show Profile Send Head a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey keanu HEAD are you insinuating that I am linda? Man get a grip and you may want to try a life on for size to.
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Posted - 01/27/2008 :  08:10:42 AM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kennedy Says He Could Inspire As Her Father Did

POSTED: 6:49 am EST January 27, 2008
UPDATED: 6:59 am EST January 27, 2008

NEW YORK -- President Kennedy's daughter has endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, saying he could inspire Americans in the same way her father once did.

"I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them," Caroline Kennedy wrote in an op-ed piece posted Saturday on the Web site of The New York Times. "But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president - not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans."

Kennedy, who was four days shy of her 6th birthday when her father died, wrote that Obama "has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things."

And she appealed to other parents to pick a candidate who she said could invigorate a younger generation that is too often "hopeless, defeated and disengaged."

Kennedy wrote that she wants a president "who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American Dream, and those around the world who still believe in the American ideal; and who can lift our spirits, and make us believe again that our country needs every one of us to get involved."

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Could we have our first Black President?
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Posted - 01/27/2008 :  12:06:09 PM  Show Profile Send H1ghCh4r1ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can't believe she is comparing Barack Hussein Obama to John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

The Pup and Emile Schoeffhausen
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Posted - 01/27/2008 :  1:40:20 PM  Show Profile Send arthur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
By Susan Milligan
Globe staff

WASHINGTON -- Senator Edward M. Kennedy will endorse Barack Obama for president tomorrow, breaking his year-long neutrality to send a powerful signal of where the legendary Massachusetts Democrat sees the party going -- and who he thinks is best to lead it.

Kennedy confidantes told the Globe today that the Bay State's senior senator will appear with Obama and Kennedy's niece, Caroline Kennedy, at a morning rally at American University in Washington tomorrow to announce his support.

That will be a potentially significant boost for Obama as he heads into a series of critical primaries on Super Tuesday, Feb. 5.

Kennedy believes Obama can ``transcend race'' and bring unity to the country, a Kennedy associate told the Globe. Kennedy was also impressed by Obama's deep involvement last year in the bipartisan effort to craft legislation on immigration reform, a politically touchy subject the other presidential candidates avoided, the associate said.

The coveted endorsement is a huge blow to New York Senator Hillary Clinton, who is both a senatorial colleague and a friend of the Kennedy family. In a campaign where Clinton has trumpeted her experience over Obama's call for hope and change, the endorsement by one of the most experienced and respected Democrats in the Senate is a particularly dramatic coup for Obama.

"The America of Jack and Bobby Kennedy touched all of us. Through all of these decades, the one who kept that flame alive was Ted Kennedy,'' said Representative Bill Delahunt, A Quincy Democrat who is also backing Obama. ``So having him pass on the torch [to Obama] is of incredible significance. It's historic.''

Obama's landslide win in South Carolina yesterday gives Obama and Clinton two wins each in the primary campaign, and puts the two senators in a fierce battle for delegates on Feb. 5, when 22 states will hold Democratic primaries and caucuses.

While polls show Clinton ahead in some large states, including her home state of New York and delegate-rich California, the Kennedy endorsement gives Obama a stamp of approval among key constituencies in the Democratic party that could make Super Tuesday more competitive.

Kennedy plans to campaign actively for Obama, an aide said, and will focus particularly among Hispanics and labor union members, who are important voting blocks in several Feb. 5 states, including California, New York, New Jersey, Arizona and New Mexico.

The Massachusetts senator was key in helping his colleague, Senator John F. Kerry, score a comeback win in Iowa in 2004, sending Kerry on a path to the nomination. Kennedy campaigned on his own and released several senior members of his staff to work for Kerry

you can't believe it H1 neither can I, I hope Hillary blows him away in MA
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/27/2008 :  2:44:33 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I personally can't find a candidate in either party that I feel comfortable voting for next month.
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Posted - 01/27/2008 :  2:50:49 PM  Show Profile Send H1ghCh4r1ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I feel the same massdee.

The Pup and Emile Schoeffhausen
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