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16 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2009 :  3:51:37 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have been trying to call city yards to report some potholes. The phone is answered then a short pause then transferred to an operator with half of the outgoing message. Why is there no one answering the phone there? This has been like this for the 2 days I have called. Well I called the mayors office and reported the 2 holes one is right out in front of my house which has the gas shut off in the middle of the hole. This goes to my house and with the problems they have been having with gas leaks and houses exploding I was assured it would be take cared of today. Well as of 4pm today nothing. I had problems with this shutoff some years back leaking and a police officer walking by on the neighbor hood patrol called in the smell of gas as I also did many times. The cars are constantly riding over this hole and shutoff. Well I'm glad the girl in the mayors office took my name and Phone #. Because if anything happens the Town of Everett was notified about this gas shutoff and pothole problem.
Again I don't post here much just when I think the city can never do right or sucks at taking care of some simple problems. I told the girl on the phone I saw the pot hole patrol truck going across the lower part of Vine st going into Chelsea why was it not doing potholes in Everett. I will keep calling the city hall until the pothole gets fixed. If there is any bashing just bring it on you will get a mouth full back.


16 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2009 :  11:37:22 PM  Show Profile Send THE-DJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This city has to suck real big with getting things fixed. As you all can see by my reply to my own post the hole has not been fixed. I was assured it would be fixed last Friday. Today is Monday the 16th. I called the gas company and was told its the city of Everett who is responsible for the pothole. Unfortunately my gas shut off valve is in the middle of the pot hole. I notified the City hall, I called the gas company and I publicly posted it here also. Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2682 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2009 :  7:05:15 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I actually have a question about the rotary at Main and Broadway. This morning, the cities wire department was doing work, along with a city worker, working on the trees. There was three landscaping trucks on there also, that were not doing anything, but the city worker was.

The landscaper trucks said C&G landscaping. I never heard of them, and I cant find them. The only thing that was even close to that was G C Landscaping in Somerset. I doubt it was them.
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Posted - 05/18/2009 :  05:12:21 AM  Show Profile Send michael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
isn't it amazing we have all new contractors in this city, and we don't know where they come from. I guess time will tell who the hell everyone is, where are the locals
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1428 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2009 :  06:32:49 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by michael

isn't it amazing we have all new contractors in this city, and we don't know where they come from. I guess time will tell who the hell everyone is, where are the locals

Boy, talk about a no win situation!

When we have locals doing the work there's complaints about people hiring their "friends".......... It seems to me people in this city need to make up their mind about which side of the fence they're going to stand on!
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