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2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2009 : 4:04:21 PM
Hmmmmmmm. Do they mean the toy cars that were just purchased from Mercedes Benz too? |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2009 : 4:12:59 PM
I would like to see them check into GTA and if last years street sweeping went out to bid.
"Deb" |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2009 : 4:44:32 PM
I'd still like to know how GTA got paid for the street sweeping that they did last year. There wasn't a line item or a transfer for it. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2009 : 5:20:32 PM
I would also like some info on the state ethic rulings from last year.
"Deb" |

43 Posts |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2009 : 9:33:34 PM
I just looked at that and the info isn't quite correct. Newburyport landfill is being capped from the piles of debris from Wood Waste. That is how that landfill is suppose to be closed.
Of course, we will have to wait and see if it ever happens.
"Deb" |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2009 : 9:38:03 PM
Please explain how Newburyport's agreement "screws over" Everett? The stuff that is sitting down at Wood Waste is scheduled to be used to cap the landfill if Mr. Thibeault has his way. I'm not saying that I think the agreement is necessarily a good thing for Newburyport; but, since I'm not from there, I'm not sure how much my opinion is worth. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2009 : 10:30:26 PM
My opinion is the "Wood Waste" agreement that Mayor DeMaria's Board of Health signed is what screws over Everett.

2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2009 : 10:52:23 PM
The landfill will be closed until April 24th. There's an agreement as long as the state says so. They are still going forward with their court hearing concerning the landfill. My opinion is these agreements help him a lot with his upcoming case, which I'm sure the city of Everett went out and advocated for him to the state and Newburport.
The one truck a week that Thibeault has been showing receipts for has not gone to the landfill so it's important that someone is paying attention to make sure it's C&D that's on those trucks but most important..........where is it going?
We have been hearing for over a year that there is no place to take it besides Newburyport, and now all of a sudden there is?

43 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2009 : 07:05:58 AM
We are screwed because the City of Everett agreement allows Wood Waste to continue to take in C&D materials. So what happens when they cap the Newburyport landfill and the Mayor's buddy is still taking in C&D material and theres no where to take it. The piles will start growing again, only this time Carlo's buddy will spread the dump around by using lower broadway and rte 16. |

43 Posts |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2009 : 08:25:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by johnfounder
We are screwed because the City of Everett agreement allows Wood Waste to continue to take in C&D materials. So what happens when they cap the Newburyport landfill and the Mayor's buddy is still taking in C&D material and theres no where to take it. The piles will start growing again, only this time Carlo's buddy will spread the dump around by using lower broadway and rte 16.
I absolutely agree with this post. It's all deception just like the plan for lower Broadway, the gateway to Boston, that has been developing over the years. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2009 : 08:52:27 AM
From what I understand, and I could be wrong, there is no C&D material coming in until the pile heights are down to 12 feet. Of course with a $20,00 a day fine, why would he bother to be in compliance? Rumor has it that he made around $50 million down there last year.
I still don't trust Wood Waste. I am sure he still has his eye on lower Broadway. He can submit all the plans in the world, he always has his eye on his "own" big picture. The man is unconscionable and doesn't give a damn about the residents of Everett. He has proved that over and over, here and in Newburyport.
"Deb" |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2009 : 08:53:08 AM
First off, I'd like to say that I don't believe that any of us is interested in having any type of conflict with the new site. Speaking for myself though, I don't feel that you can just make a statement and not necessarily be able to back it up. I can't remember exactly what was posted on the new site last night; but, this morning it makes the simple statement that the landfill is going to close. Can't disagree with that; it's been in the cards all along. The comments made here last night may have caused them rethink what they had posted.
I agree with Tails. If there's an agreement that Everett residents should have a problem with it's the Everett agreement.
The only way Everett has to stop Wood Waste from taking in new materials is to issue a cease and desist order. Even if a cease and desist were successful, it is only going to halt activity at the site until problem is corrected. A cease and desist is not going to make Wood Waste go away unless Wood Waste decides to go away on their own. Their site assignment allows them to do business where they are located. Their site assignment, at least at this time, doesn't allow them to store the material at the old city yards or on Lower Broadway. The old city yard site is also protected by a clause in the purchase and sales agreement. If Wood Waste were to expand to these sites without a modification to their site assignment by the DEP, it would be putting its current site assignment at risk. That's too valuable an asset to treat in that fashion. The real thing to be wary of is if/when Wood Waste goes to the DEP to ask for a modification of their site assignment.
We are told that the new material being brought into Wood Waste is not being ground into fines and residuals and is shipped out as it is received. I'm not sure that I believe that as no real proof of it has been provided. But, it is in Everett's agreement that they will do this. Once the landfill has been closed, it's what they'll have to do or they'll be clearly in violation of the agreement, if it is still in effect at that time. What happens if/when the agreement is breached will largely depend on who is in power in the city at the time. BTW, we also have links to those agreement documents on this site and have almost since they were first available |
Edited by - tetris on 03/31/2009 08:56:41 AM |

43 Posts |
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