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2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2010 : 1:29:10 PM
1. A0288-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-That the City of Everett accepts Section 27 and 28 of Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010, which increases the Widow Allowance to $9,000.00. Widows of members who retired with an accidental disability prior to 11/7/1996, and whose death was unrelated to their disability, are currently entitled to receive a Widow's Allowance of $6,000.00 per year. This allowance was last increased in 1996 from $3,000 to the current $6,000.
2. A0289-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, as President-That the City of Everett hereby accepts Section 19 of Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2010, which increases the COLA base on which the COLA is calculated to $13,000. The COLA base has been capped at $12,000 since 1998. The maximum COLA for each retiree, which is currently $360 per year, will increase to $390.00.
3. A0290-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Joseph DeSisto to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to end March 2015.
4. A0291-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Charles Lenehan to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to end March 2015.
5. A0292-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept a donation of $31,500.00 from the Everett Foundation for Aged Persons, Inc., to the City of Everett's Office of Human Services-Elderly Assistance Program.
6. A0293-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept donations totaling $1,300.00 to the Office of Human Services Emergency Services Thanksgiving Program from the following: $100.00 from James and Carmella Marchant, $1,000.00 from the WHISH Committee at Cambridge Health Alliance, and $200.00 from Joseph and Patricia King.
7. A0294-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept the donations totaling $13,260.00 to the Office of Human Services-Holiday Programs Account from the following: $200.00 from Jack McGrath, $50.00 from Gail Fantasia, $5,000.00 from Lester Morovitz of Everett Car Service, $3,000.00 from Schnitzer Steel Industries, $5,000.00 from Everett Cooperative Bank-$2,500 to Emergency Services Program and $2,500 to support Holiday Programs, and $10.00 from Paul Harvey.
8. A0295-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-That the Chief Procurement Office is hereby granted permission to accept surplus items and dispose of in a sale, listed equipment with serial and model numbers, no longer needed, as was replaced during an upgrade of the ECTV Studio.
9. C0170-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett accept the provisions of Chapter 43D of the Massachusetts General Laws as amended, pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 205 of the Acts of 2006, and approve the filing of an application with the Interagency Permitting Board for the designation of land located at 548 Broadway, Everett, MA, known as the old Everett High School. MAP C5, Parcel 100, as a Priority Development Site, or take any other action in relation thereto. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
10. C0171-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the sum of $4,000,000.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund, Fund #84, to be applied to the Fiscal Year 2011 Tax Levy. (Passed sent up for concurrence, reconsideration failed).
11. C0172-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a donation of $100.00 from Stella Blu, LLC, to the City of Everett's Veteran's Services Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
12. C0173-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a $5,000.00 donation from Joseph O'Donnell to the City of Everett's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
13. C0174-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a donation of $100.00 to the City of Everett's Department of Veteran's Services from Richard and Diane Iwanicki, in memory of Joseph Iwanicki. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
14. C0175-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the Chief Procurement Office is hereby granted permission to accept, dispose and declare the following City of Everett owned property surplus: 1996 R/S Dump Body (6.5 Cubic Yard Dump Body), Vehicle ID#97030314, Estimated Value $500.00; a 1989 Chevrolet Celebrity, VIN#1G1AW81W9K6228494 - Total Mileage: 32,000, Estimated Value $100.00; a 2008 Dodge Charger (frame Only), VIN# 2B3KA43H58H247702, Estimated Value $50.00; and a 1996 Nissan Quest, VIN# 4N2DN11W6TD812389 - Total Mileage: 124,000, Estimated Value: $500.00. All to be sold at public auction once declared surplus by City Council. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
15. C0074-10 Ordinance/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President On Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance Section 23 by removing the current Building Department Fee Schedule and replacing it with new Building Department Fee Schedule. (Ordained sent up for ordainment)
16. A0235-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle In accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 18, We, the Everett City Council, hereby petition the Great and General Court for special speed regulations by granting the Everett Traffic Commission the local option/authority for changing the speed limit on all side streets in the City of Everett from 30 mph to 20 mph, in the interest of public safety. This act shall take effect upon its passage. (Passed, as amended, sent up for concurrence to send to the State Legislature)
PETITIONS AND LICENSES 17. A0274-10 Petition for permit to project on or over the public way for permanent awning at Panda Electrical Service, 165 Main Street.
18. A0275-10 Petition for Lodging House License renewal from Pope John High School at 888 Broadway, Fifth Floor Dormitory.
19. A0276-10 Petition for Repair Shop-Mechanical Repair Shop License from Black Marble Motorcycles Corporation D/B/A Boston Harley-Davidson at 1760 Revere Beach Parkway.
20. A0277-10 Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from Black Marble Motorcycles Corporation D/B/A Boston Harley Davidson at 1760 Revere Beach Parkway.
21. A0278-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Black Marble Motorcycles, LLC (Corporation) D/B/A Boston Harley Davidson at 1760 Revere Beach Parkway.
22. A0279-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Bostonian Body Incorporated at 141 Bow Street.
23. A0280-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Kenneth Colella D/B/A K.C. Auto Sales at 312-Rear Main Street.
24. A0281-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Supreme Cars Incorporated at 157 Ferry Street.
25. A0282-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Glendale Gas & Service Inc. at 725 Broadway.
26. A0283-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from B.F.W. Inc. D/B/A Ferry St Gas & Service at 153 Ferry Street.
27. A0284-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dario, Inc. D/B/A Christopher's Auto Sales at 367 Third Street.
28. A0285-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Circle Auto Body, Inc. at 26 Thorndike Street.
29. A0286-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Francis S. LaRovere, III, as Manager, D/B/A LaRovere Family, LLC at 31 Garden Street.
30. A0287-10 Petition for 3rd Class Motor Dealer License from Prolerized New England D/B/A Second St Iron & Metal at 285 Second Street.
31. A0271-10 Reconsideration filed by Alderman Mike Mangan on Tuesday, November 30th at 2:05PM on Order to accept the minimum residential factor in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 40, Section 56 of the Massachusetts General Laws, as amended by Chapter 369 of the Acts of 1982; with 170% shift recommendation from Joint Convention.
32. A0255-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition for an Auto Repair-Mechanical and Body License from Suhail Elalami D/B/A US Auto Repair at 3-9 Charlton Street.
33. A0220-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen Relative to continued delays in trash pick-up throughout the City of Everett; with a recommendation that a copy of the contract be provided to the City Council Office and that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Procurement Officer to review the contract for the purpose of reconvening early morning trash pickups in the City of Everett, with a request for a response 12/13 meeting.
34. A0242-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen and Michael K. Marchese-That the City of Everett consider the feasibility of establishing an enterprise fund as set forth in General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53F 1/2 for the operation of the Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium. (11-22 Referred to Mayor for response this meeting.)
35. A0253-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City revisit the agreements with Sithe Mystic Development/Cabot Power Corporation/Island End Cogeneration Project down at Lower Broadway and check TIF Agreements regarding additional taxes on the new construction done in the past ten years.
36. A0296-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen That the Mayor of Everett exercise his authority under the City Charter and State Law, to undertake a comprehensive review, make recommendations and implement immediate reductions to the Fiscal Year 2011 operating budget in order to offset any additional tax increase to the residents and businesses of Everett.
Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant / Office Manager Everett City Council Office
Reminder: 12/14 6:00 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting 12/20 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 12/27 7:00 p.m. Next Board of Aldermen Meeting
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2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2010 : 5:36:04 PM
It is imperative that the FY11 budget gets cut since there is a $3.00 increase to the tax rate. That $3.00 increase is the all the over spending that the administration is doing, and wants to cover it up by using Stabilization. Using Stabilization would be the worst mistake this city has made, financially. Larry Decoste is not being honest about the affects on the bond rating either, and we are going bond lower Broadway??? They are going to bankrupt this city!
I'm sorry but layoffs are inevitable and that's only a start. There have been a lot of employees hired at big salaries for do-nothing jobs in cityhall. Carlo lays off one clerical worker (he used her) to say “he’s doing everything he can”
As for Rosa DiFlorio’s comments, I know these are hard economic times, but we cant run government like everybody else that does not pay their bills, then screams for federal assistance and to deplete half of all the money the city has in the world…..without one thought to next year or the future. It's true, she has a vested interest because her husband was hired in city services and he would most likely go.This is ridiculous, and it’s a never ending cycle. It’s like people on welfare, then their children go on welfare, and just keeps going down the line. They learn how to play the game.
I think it was very disingenuous of the papers to print “Taxes Going Down” before it’s in front of the Board of Alderman and approved. That was a nana nana boo boo to the Alderman and they should be insulted.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2010 : 11:24:31 PM
I think Monday's BOA meeting will be very interesting. I am not so sure that $4 million transfer will go through. I am thinking it could possibly be a 4 to 3 vote against.
Just my opinion. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/13/2010 : 6:18:10 PM
Patiently waiting for the meeting to begin. I think I don't want to see the $4 Million transfer take place. If approved that will make $6 Million transferred to reduce taxes. I don't ever remember that amount of money being used to offset the tax rate. What is going to happen next year when we won't have $6 Million to offset the rate? I think I would rather take a smaller hit this year than the entire hit next year or the year after.
The administration needs to find a way to cut back on spending. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/13/2010 : 9:11:24 PM
Well, Robert V. had $650,000.00 in cuts without even looking at the book OR reductions in any safety. And for the record.... it was the MAYOR that came to that meeting with his nasty attitude and refusal to work with the alderman or to even compromise. It's a sad day in the city, all due to him. People now see his true colors, he's too complacent and acts like a spoiled kid that has to get his way. This city is being run like a disgrace. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/13/2010 : 9:19:42 PM
The mayor was disrespectful to the BOA. That is their meeting and they should be treated with respect. The mayor was behaving like at petulant child. I don't blame Alderman Van Campen one bit for not appreciating the way the mayor was speaking to him.
I think they should have approved Alderman Mangan's 172.5 shift. It was middle ground and would have helped out both business and resident.
The $4 million transfer vote went pretty much as I expected. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 09:14:25 AM
This government needs to start relying less on using reserves to offset taxes. They need to keep our stabilization fund strong, and our bond rating high. It's extremely important that they continue to exercise the most conservative fiscal management. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 09:31:24 AM
Taxes are going up, regardless of this transfer or not. Using reserves to cover-up overspending is just borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, which eventually will make a much bigger debt to the city. The only saving grace on our bills is our values have plummeted and that’s a double edge sword. You expect you values to go up in years, not down. Especially for the homeowners that take pride in their homes and keep up with the upkeep. I’d rather pay a little more this year, and next, and hold on to our reserves.
There will be a few nights next year that we don’t go out to dinner and the movies or whatever you like for entertainment. I’m willing to make the sacrifice so we can have a little more confidence going into the future. Everyone I speak with is willing to make that sacrifice, and it’s only the mayor that’s not willing to sacrifice or compromise in any way. That is not a true leader. People are tired of it, and his bad attitude, and he owes the Board of Alderman an apology for his rude behavior and lack of working with them.
Lets not forget either that it’s not just 4 million that was being used to the tax rate, the alderman already approved money throughout the year. I believe it was 1 or 2 million already. So we are talking…. 5-6 million already. Come on….. This is not about the taxpayers anymore, this is about the city we live in and paying taxes in a city that’s on that’s on the brink of bankruptcy. I’m sick of hearing about streets and sidewalks too because why don’t they provide a list of just how many streets had to be done twice because of a rush to get it done, only to find out it had to be dug up again. As for the pension, when’s the last time this city has made a payment into the fund?

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 09:50:32 AM
The answer is almost $1.1 million previously. $605,000 from free cash, $473,895 from real estate sold. There was also another order for $2,129,730 from stabilization which got a favorable recommendation from the Finance Committee but was pulled back by the Mayor before it was voted on by either branch. |
Edited by - tetris on 12/14/2010 09:52:00 AM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 10:37:13 AM
Tax and spend, tax and spend....that is all elected officials know how to do, in all levels of government. It needs to stop! The BOA was asking the mayor to make cuts and all he does is talk about what he wants to do and spend more money.
Why do they always threaten to go after Police, Fire and Teachers first? We all know that is a scare tactic. They need to begin in house first. The mayor said 10 clerical positions would cut the budget $300K. Well, that is a start. RVC found over $600K that could be cut add that to the 10 positions, now we are up near a million. The residents in this city are not stupid. We all know the city is heading for a financial crisis.
He kept saying, "taxpayer relief". If he wants to give the taxpayers some relief, then stop spending.
The BOA and the CC must learn to just say "NO". If they don't, then it's time to get rid of the whole damn bunch of them. It is not THEIR money they are spending, it's our money. The CC really needs to grow some, they are worse than the BOA. They all need to stop putting spending items on the agenda, too.
Maybe it's time for Everett residents to form it's own version of the "Tea Party"!

12 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 12:27:52 PM
I do not remember in my years that a city board was treated with such disrespect. The aldermen have been more than generous and they always conducted themselves with professionalism. Mr Demaria and Mr Decostes statements were disturbing to say the least. Mr Demaria knowing the predicament we are in and he still speaks of non essential projects. One word for Mr Decoste. Liar. That tape should be sent to the state for review. There is a big difference between free cash and rainy day funds and Mr Decoste has allowed the mayor to drain all the money foolishly. Mr Andrew would have walked out before he allowed this to happen and kept his dignity. I can tell you first hand of the misconception given out last night about 53 jobs getting cut. Name one person on that list from 4 years ago that was let go by the and no longer employed due to budget constraints like the rest of the world is going through. Not even studying what was given to the alderman Mr McGonagle could see 9 jobs were shifted and not cut. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 1:10:26 PM
So, if there were 53 jobs cut, where is the money? Salary and benefits. If the average salary is about $40K, in salary alone that would be $2,120,000. then add in the benefits. So even with a payroll deduction of that size, our taxes are increasing? It just doesn't make sense. Were the employees eliminated or just shifted to other departments? If that's the case, then there was no savings in payroll. I hope this gets brought up in the future at one of the City Council meetings. I want to hear exactly where the money is, if the employees were eliminated or just shifted. The City Council should ask for the title of the 53 positions and the names of the people that were in the positions and then check to see if any of the names are still employed with the city.
I would like to see more transparency from city government. It's is at the point that you don't know who to believe in the administration. |
Edited by - massdee on 12/14/2010 1:31:31 PM |

58 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 2:29:21 PM
Truer words were never spoken.....from last night meeting....
"Everett,a city in decline!"
Too many "Takers" ie: Useless Eaters....Not enough Tax PAYERS,
Everyone who COULD get out @ city hall is putting there heads on the pillow in Middleton now! ;)
See Below!:You must be logged in to see this link. Today's article is even worse!

66 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 2:34:54 PM
I have to agree with all of you the mayor is a disgrace to the city of everett. Who cares about sidewalks in the winter. Time now is not the time to be doing them, did you ever hear of spring Mr. Mayor? Cutting police and fire ( give me a break). Cut the dog officer who shops all day at Targets and Mckinnons, there is one useless job for the winter. |
Senior Member

114 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 10:26:13 PM
I didn't see the common council meeting tonight but someone called me tonight and said that DJ Napolitano acted like the mayors clone at the meeting. What are they talking about? Was he rude? |
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