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5299 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2010 :  1:58:43 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Councilman Daniel Napolitano rose to speak on the 170/175 shift. In the course of his remarks he admonished the Board of Alderman, four Aldermen in particular, for not approving the $4 million dollar shift. No where in his remarks did he mention the 4 Alderman were willing to work with the mayor to do a dollar for dollar match. Councilor Napolitano accused the Aldermen of playing politics. In my honest opinion, it was Councilor Napolitano and the Administration who were playing politics. It is an election year this tax cycle. If the 4 Alderman were playing politics then they would have taken the easy vote and transferred the $4 million, just for votes.

Our taxes were going up regardless of the vote. There has already been monies applied to the tax levy, and if they had transferred the $4 million, next year the taxpayers would have taken a much larger hit. There would have been around $6 Million that would have been needed to be raised. As I have said before, the Administration needs to try and fix the problem, not just put a band-aid on it.

I think Alderman Marchese was correct, this ploy was just a "backdoor override".

The bottom line, in my opinion, is spending has to be cut. Every little and large item needs to be looked at. Here's just an example of a small one that has been a waste of tax dollars for the past year. The Christmas lights in the square being kept on every night for the entire year. If they look at all the little ways to cut spending and add them to the larger avenues, I think they could come up with a substantial amount of cuts.

The thing I don't get about the lights in the square, they leave them on and then complain about the electric bill at the old high school. Or, the mayor says he will have to layoff public safety to cut the budget and in the next breath talks about doing parks over. Public safety is more important. The parks can wait. I know our streets and sidewalks are in poor shape, but, they can wait too, unless there is an emergency situation. This city needs to be run more like a business not an ATM machine. When times get better, then we can look into doing some of the non-essential projects.

Just my honest opinion.

Edited by - massdee on 12/15/2010 2:03:43 PM
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2682 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2010 :  4:20:22 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wish we had a like button because I’d like your post. I was with someone when they mentioned the lights to Carlo and his response was “that’s what they do in East Boston”

The spending is so out of control that the alderman must get a monthly burn rate on all accounts. That is line-item-by-line-item spending..... from the beginning of the fiscal year to date. They need to look at internal transfers too, and what department is actually overspending their budget and WHY that department is over spending their budget. Then they need to verify what is given to them with the state. They have work to do and we are in such a financial mess, that it needs to be done. Watch out for Larry DeCoste, he’s from the private sector and he knows how to manipulate numbers. In my honest opinion….he needs to go back to the private sector.
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114 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2010 :  5:02:13 PM  Show Profile Send Marie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm really disappointed in Larry DeCoste. A few years back I believed he was going to be a breath of fresh air. My opinion has changed and I believe he's just another political hack.

The majority of our elected officials appear to be puppets with the mayor pulling the strings.

When we have a few elected officials very few who vote on items with a look to the future and with the city's best interest at heart they are crucified in the papers and by other elected officials.

Councilman Napolitano if you had something to say to the Aldermen why didn't you talk to them in person instead of grandstanding on TV? Oh could that be because you are looking at running for Alderman at Large?

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Jim Smith

5 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2010 :  7:19:15 PM  Show Profile Send Jim Smith a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd like to inform the Everett Average Citizens without going into details at the moment that Larry Decoste made more than one incorrect statement and the Dept. of Revenue has already been contacted about this. I'd like to thank the alderman who put themselves out there knowing it's an election cycle but still the right thing.
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82 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2010 :  07:30:36 AM  Show Profile Send Cam a Private Message  Reply with Quote
maybe the really need to have an audit done
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formally from everett

7 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2010 :  09:05:26 AM  Show Profile Send formally from everett a Private Message  Reply with Quote
An audit needs to be done but done correctly this time. You need to take personals out of it and John Hanlon was so hell bent on nabbing David Ragucci that it became his downfall. People did want an audit but wanted an audit on accounts not bids. Indeed bidding irregularities were found but that should not have cost 40 thousand dollars. His staff could have found that without an audit firm. Now the city council must do their jobs and start watching these accounts like a fine tooth comb. Someone mentioned a monthly burnrate and that is correct and the city council's right to have.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 12/16/2010 :  1:57:41 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jim Smith

I'd like to inform the Everett Average Citizens without going into details at the moment that Larry Decoste made more than one incorrect statement and the Dept. of Revenue has already been contacted about this. I'd like to thank the alderman who put themselves out there knowing it's an election cycle but still the right thing.

Can you please let us in on what were the incorrect statements you claim that Mr. Decoste made and exactly what the DOR can or is going to do about them?
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101 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2010 :  07:22:23 AM  Show Profile Send waterboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Malden City Council has approved property tax increases, said Robert Donnelly, chairman of the Malden Board of Assessors. The residential rate per $1,000 of appraised value will increase to $13.59, up from $12.39 in fiscal year 2010. The commercial rate, meanwhile, will jump to $23.69, up from $21.38, Donnelly said. A 20 percent exemption will be extended to homeowners who occupy their property. About 8,244 households of the approximately 12,534 residences in the city will be eligible for the exemption, according to Donnelly. “Values went down and our residential rate is kind of artificially high, because we have the residential exemption in the city,’’ he said. The average value of residential properties in the city is $326,716, Donnelly said. He is awaiting approval of the rates from the state Department of Revenue before they can be finalized. —Matt Byrne

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5299 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2010 :  10:17:40 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I did a little research to compare Everett and Malden.

Population as of July 2009

Fire Stations

Law Enforcement as of 2009
Everett-103, 94 officers
Malden- 113, 104 officers

Square Miles
Everett-3.7 square mile
Malden-5.1 square miles

Student Population
Malden- 5993

My question: Why is Malden's tax rate per thousand so much less than Everett's?

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2682 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2010 :  4:29:08 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For reference:



1. A0304-10
To all persons interested in the Petition for an Auto Repair-Body License
from Edinaldo DaSilva D/B/A Advanced Auto Detailing at 101 Paris Street,
Unit 5.


2. A0301-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To amend the Zoning Ordinances, a portion of Section 23, of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Plumbing Division Fee Schedule" by
removing the current Plumbing Division Fee Schedule and replacing it with

3. A0303-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
An Ordinance amending the City of Everett Zoning Ordinances adding a new
section 28 enacting a temporary moratorium on new construction and the
issuance of building permits therefore; providing for exceptions; providing for
termination of the temporary moratorium; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency.

4. C0177-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To authorize the Revolving Account for the use of Everett Memorial Stadium,
which includes the track, in accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 44, Section 54E
1/2, in the amount not to exceed those set forth below: this account may be
collected and expended by the designated City Official(s) for the specified
purposes during Fiscal year 2011: Expenditure Purpose-Renting Out Everett
Memorial Stadium, Receipts-Fees for the use of Everett Memorial Stadium
and Track, Responsible City Officials-City Services Commission, FY 10 Limit-
$25,000, FY 11 Limit-$25,000. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

5. C0178-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept a donation of $200.00 from the Everett Emblem Club to the City of
Everett's Office of Human Services Emergency Services Account for the
Thanksgiving Program. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

6. C0179-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President
To accept donations totaling $75.00 to the Everett Office of Human ServicesHoliday Programs Account as follows: $25.00 from Maureen Tringale and
$50.00 from Linda DiSalvatore. (Passed sent up for concurrence)


7. A0298-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dana Hayes D/B/A
"Terminal Auto Sales" at 34 Market Street, Suite 11, Everett, MA.

8. A0299-10
Petition for a Lodging House License from Joseph Gustolo, Trustee for J & T
Realty Trust D/B/A "Joseph's Lodge" at 312-314 Broadway.

9. A0300-10
Petition for New Sign and Awning permit to project On or Over the Public
Way from Chris Murphy D/B/A "The Common Dog" at 56 Vine Street.

10. A0305-10
Petition for permanent awning from Whidden Memorial Hospital at 103
Garland Street.

11. A0306-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Parkway Motor Sales at
2034 Revere Beach Parkway.

12. A0307-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Mel's Automotive at 80
Tremont Street.

13. A0308-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Eastern Sales at 1934
Revere Beach Parkway.

14. A0309-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Caruso Automotive at 49
Robin Street.

15. A0310-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Empire Auto Sales, Inc. at 7
Beacham Street.

16. A0311-10
Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from Honda Cars of Boston at
100 Broadway.

17. A0312-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Honda Cars of Boston at
100 Broadway.

18. A0255-10 Committee on Licenses Report
Petition for an Auto Repair-Mechanical and Body License from Suhail Elalami
D/B/A US Auto Repair at 3-9 Charlton Street.

19. A0274-10
Petition for permit to project on or over the public way for permanent awning
at Panda Electrical Service, 165 Main Street.

20. A0281-10
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Supreme Cars Incorporated
at 157 Ferry Street.

21. A0220-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen
Relative to continued delays in trash pick-up throughout the City of Everett;
with a recommendation that a copy of the contract be provided to the City
Council Office and that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Procurement
Officer to review the contract for the purpose of reconvening early morning
trash pickups in the City of Everett, with a request for a response 12/27

22. A0242-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen and Michael K.
Marchese-That the City of Everett consider the feasibility of establishing an
enterprise fund as set forth in General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53F 1/2 for
the operation of the Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium.

23. A0296-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-That the Mayor
of Everett exercise his authority under the City Charter and State Law, to
undertake a comprehensive review, make recommendations and implement
immediate reductions to the Fiscal Year 2011 operating budget in order to
offset any additional tax increase to the residents and businesses of Everett.


24. A0297-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael Mangan-That Rev. Barbara
Smith-Moran and Police Chief Mazzie appear to discuss the Restorative
Justice Program that has recently been implemented here in Everett.

25. A0302-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, Councilors
Lorraine Bruno, William Cardello and Rosa DiFlorio
Where numerous area residents have expressed their support through
emails and voicemails, that the Everett Traffic Commission make Locust
Street a one-way from Bucknam Street to Main Street.

26. A0313-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City Auditor appear this meeting to explain locations of two
properties sold, what surplus properties account the money went to, where is
was spent and how much money is left.

27. A0314-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City consider terminating appointments when different
administrations leave office.

28. A0315-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
To let citizens know that if they have any old televisions with remotes, in
good working order, that they would be put to good use for elderly citizens at
the Woodlawn Manor, and to call there, or contact me if anyone needs any
assistance with this endeavor.

29. A0316-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle
That the Mayor, Human Resources Director and the City Auditor appear this
meeting to explain tax savings on the eliminating of fifty-three (53) positions.

*Presentation of Plaque and Gavel to Outgoing President Robert Van Campen for a job well done as President for the Year 2010. *

Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry
Administrative Assistant/Office Manager
Everett City Council Office

1-18-11 7PM-Common Council Meeting (Organizational Only)
1-3-11 7:15PM (Or immediately following the Common Council Meeting)-Special Board
of Aldermen Meeting (Organizational Only)
1-10-11 6:30PM-Joint Convention (Mayor’s Midterm Address)
1-10-11 7PM-Regular Board of Aldermen’s Meeting
1-18-11 7PM-Regular Common Council Meeting (Tuesday)
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