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5299 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2010 : 12:55:52 PM
I watched the tape of the meeting.
I want to comment on item #11. Mike Mangan moves to approve the $15K to be moved into advertising without asking one question. Mike Mattarazzo barely finished reading the item and Mangan jumps up with "favorable action", Millie didn't even have the chance to make the amendment from the Mayor's Office.
Here we go again with the rubber stamping!
Mangan owes the Mayor....big time!
" Send in the Clowns " |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2010 : 1:51:16 PM
The advertising costs are starting to concern me. It looks like it’s just a PR game with Matt running the cash register (our money)
Are these pictures that we see in the paper all the time (like the kid with the good attendance) are those types paid advertisements by taxpayer dollars?

2040 Posts |
Posted - 01/21/2010 : 2:59:33 PM
1. A0027-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 13, Section 13-1 (c) " Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages" by adding the following language after first paragraph: "The Board of Aldermen, by majority vote, may, upon written application to the City Clerk, permit and issue a license for the public sale, use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages and the consumption thereof in/on city owned property or within city owned buildings and may impose such conditions on said sale, use and possession as it deems appropriate. Applications for special licenses shall only be approved if the Board of Aldermen finds that in its judgment all the following general rules are compiled with: The particular site is an appropriate location for such a condition, the use will not adversely affect the neighborhood, there will be no nuisance or serious hazard to vehicles or pedestrians. A special license granted under this section shall be for the date of the function only, and may be reviewable by the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen reserves the right to revoke a special license at any time for violations to the conditions of issuance or of any of the ordinances of the City of Everett or State or Federal Law. Any appeals to the actions of the Board of Aldermen shall be before and subject to the rules of the Board of Appeals. The special license, if permitted, shall be valid only upon the approval of a special liquor permit application from the Licensing Commission."
2. A0040-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept the FM Global Non-Match Grant of $1,865.00 to the Everett Fire Department Grant Account to purchase pre-fire planning software.
3. A0041-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To accept the donation of $100.00 from Joseph King in honor of Helen Calderone, to the Department of Veteran Services, to supplement their gift account.
4. A0042-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Section 2-176 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, I hereby appoint Leonard Parsons to the City Services Commission for a term of five (5) years ending on January 25, 2015.
5. C0017-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the Chief Procurement Officer is hereby granted permission to accept and dispose of the following items in a sale: *Mizerak-Slatron Pool Table currently located at the Recreation Center Estimated Value: $1,300.00, *1987 Chevrolet Pick Up Truck, GMC Model V25CON, Red, VIN # 1GTGV24KXHS531181-total mileage is 44,439, Estimated Value: $1,000.00; *1991 Ford, Model SUPWAG, Van, Red, VIM # 1FBJS31H9MHA44501-total mileage is 96,027, Estimated Value: $750.00.
6. A0028-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 51 Cottage Street from Robert H. Laquidara (Trustee) of 51 Cottage Realty Trust.
7. A0029-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 11-13 Ellsworth Street from Robert H. Laquidara (Trustee) for 11-13 Ellsworth Realty Trust.
8. A0030-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 336 Broadway from David A. Molle D/B/A Fenno's Rooming House.
9. A0031-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 134 Linden Street from David A. Molle D/B/A 134 Linden Street Lodging.
10. A0032-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 450 Ferry Street from Andrew Philbin D/B/A 450 Ferry Street Realty Trust.
11. A0033-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 59 Chelsea Street from Andrew Philbin D/B/A Newport Lodging House.
12. A0034-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 322-324 Ferry Street from Andrew Philbin D/B/A The Glendale.
13. A0035-10 Petition for Lodging House License at 51 Chelsea Street from Andrew Philbin D/B/A The Marlboro.
14. A0036-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 1800 Revere Beach Parkway from Ibrahim El Rihane, President, D/B/A Regal Auto Sales, Inc.
15. A0037-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 105 Broadway from Ciro Mitrano, Pres., D/B/A Ciro's Foreign Car Repair, Inc.
16. A0038-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 1795 Revere Beach Parkway from Philip V. Mingolelli D/B/A Vincent's Auto.
17. A0039-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 464 Ferry Street from Anthony Dapolito D/B/A Ferry Street Service Station.
COMMITTEE REPORTS 18. A0006-10 License Committee Report on Order to grant the Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Carlos Used Cars at 70 Chelsea Street, with three (3) repair stalls located at 67R Chelsea Street.
19. A0022-10 License Committee Report on Resolution offered by Aldermen Robert Van Campen-That the attorneys and parties disputing the ownership of repair shop once known as Majestic Motors appear at the next License Committee meeting for an update as to progress made in resolving dispute.
20. A0319-09 License Committee Report on Order to grant the Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Procar Auto Sales, 152 Ferry Street.
21. A0024-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That Chapter 3-Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, is hereby amended by deleting Chapter 3-Section 39 in its entirety and inserting new Chapter 3-Section 39, Pit Bull Regulations.
22. A0025-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City investigate whether the 20% Homeowners Discount is still effective in Everett.
23. A0026-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President-To amend Board of Aldermen Rule 4. Scheduling of Formal Sessions by adding the words "a municipal" before the word "election" and by adding the word "only" after the word "election", so as not to curtail regular meetings in the event of the eve of a State election.
24. A0043-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle To dedicate a square, location to be determined by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Sigmund Joe Iwanicky, a WWII Veteran.
Respectfully submitted,
Caroline McCorry Everett City Council Office
Scheduled Meetings: 2-1-10 7PM Common Council Meeting 2-8-10 7PM Next Board of Aldermen Meeting
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2040 Posts |
Posted - 01/21/2010 : 3:13:58 PM
Did anyone else see the legal notice for the purchase of a new fire department pumper in the Leader-Herald today? I'm not complaining, just curious where the money is coming from. I thought that I would wait until after the BOA agenda was available to post about it though in case it held any clues about how the acquisition is being funded. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 01/23/2010 : 1:43:45 PM
I went back and re-read that legal notice again and realized that it was only a Request for Interest at this time. Looks like they are only trying to gather some informations on prices at the present time. Sorry for any confusion. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 01/24/2010 : 09:43:49 AM
1. I'm really sort of baffled where this one is coming from. The only thing that I can think of is a wine tasting that they had at the library last year (I think) as a fund raiser. I guess that technically, the ordinances would have to be changed to allow for that type of event. I wouldn't have a problem with a narrow usage like that; anything much beyond that though, not so much.
4. I've covered this before so, I'm not going to get into in detail again, But I'll ask this question again. Why aren't appointments being made lately in accordance with the rules laid out in the city ordinances?
18. I'm very curious what comes out of the License Committee on this item. I don't under why the city continues to allow that garage to operate without a license.
21. Well, we've waiting for this one. I just hope that Alderman Marchese is open to sending this piece to committee so that the concerns of Common Council can be addressed. Otherwise, the piece is likely to suffer the same fate as it did last fall. And there is just no sense in that.
22. Where is this piece coming from? Do some residential homeowners feel that they are not getting their exemptions? Just seems worded strangely if that's the case.
23. Looks like I read this one wrong last week as well. I'm still not sure the City Clerk will be totally pleased with this change though. To me at least, any election is still an election. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 01/25/2010 : 9:31:41 PM
1. It is probably best that this item was sent to committee. After reading this item again and hearing what the intention of the piece is, I think that it would be best to limit it to beer and wine only as well.
4. Does anyone do their homework? This isn't a re-appointment according to the list of Boards and Committees on the city website.
8. + 9. Don't they have a problem with this guy's rooming houses every year? How do his licenses keep getting renewed?
14. + 16. I'm glad to see that they they are getting a little tougher at least on some licenses. Let's see if they keep it up.
18. So, is the repair shop going to limit themselves to only doing work for the dealership until their other license gets approved? How come no one asked that question? They were told more than a year ago that they needed to apply for a regular repair license and still haven't. If they are approved for it, they should be required to pay for the prior year's license too, in my opinion.
21. I'm glad that Alderman Marchese was willing to send this item to committee and broaden it to include other types of potentially vicious dogs. However, I think that his wording of the invitation of the Common Council to attend the R & O meeting sounded a little condescending. I'm not sure that he entirely meant it that way though. But I do think that anyone who read the entire proposed ordinance could see that considerable work had been put into it. I don't believe that was the Common Council's issue with the piece.
22. I read this one wrong. Read it as “in effect” rather than “is effective”. Been doing that a lot lately. I guess it's time to get the eyeballs checked. Sorry if my pre-meeting comments didn't make sense because of that.
That said, I have no problem with sending the item to committee. I have more of a problem with the City Council voting on a program when it's somewhat obvious that at least some of them do not understand entirely how it works. Time to correct that once and for all, at least for the current batch of councilors.
I think that there is an issue with the way that program is constructed in that lower-valued properties seem to get a disproportionate break on their tax bill than other owner occupied properties. Maybe there should be some kind of percentage cap on how much the value of your property can be reduced by the exemption. But I understand that the discount can only be applied as allowed for by state law. Maybe something needs to be changed there. Unfortunately, that's probably like pulling teeth.
23. O.K., at least I think I understand now why Councilor Cornelio laid his piece on the table for two weeks at last week's CC meeting as well. From what was said and done tonight, I guess that changes to the rules of either body can't be acted on at the meeting where they are introduced; they are to be automatically laid on the table until their next meeting. Makes sense I guess.
The pieces added under suspension didn't bother me but they didn't seem to be necessary either. One piece was only informational and I'm sure that no one would have had a problem if Alderwoman Cardello had contacted National Grid on her own, at least to get the ball rolling on her issue. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2010 : 1:25:26 PM
(6pm License Committee Meeting)
1. A0053-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Verna Green to the Council on Aging for a term of five (5) years ending February 8, 2015.
2. A0054-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Marianne Sacramone to the Council on Aging for a term of five (5) years ending February 8, 2015,
3. A0055-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Evelyn Luongo to the Council on Aging for a term of five (5) years ending on February 8, 2015.
4. A0056-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Apreen Sullivan to the Council on Aging for a term of five (5) years ending on February 8, 2015.
5. A0057-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Josephine Navarra to the Council on Aging for a term of five (5) years ending on February 8, 2015.
6. C0026-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John Rindone in honor of Sigmund Iwanicki, a life-long resident of Everett and World War II Veteran, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account.
7. C0027-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a donation to the Recreation Center of a Wii Console, a Wii Fit, a Wii Play (extra controller) and Wii Nunchuck (another controller). This donation has an approximate value of $400.00 and has been paid out of personal funds by Councilman Adam Ragucci, School Committeeman Member Joseph A. Lamonica, Councilman Kenneth P. Giannelli, Councilman Sal DiDomenico, Madam Alderman Millie Cardello, Alderman Michael Mangan and Richard Storey, the General Manager of Best Buy Saugus.
8. C0028-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $500.00 from Honey Dew Donuts to the Recreation Revolving Account to be used for any issues pertaining to childhood obesity prevention.
9. C0021-10 Resolution/s/Councilor William L. Cardello That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems. (Amended by adding entire common council as co-sponsors and referred to BOA for concurrence to send to Mayor.)
10. A0049-10 Petition for flowering plants permit from Henry Mazac at 903 Broadway (Dunkin) for April 2-3-4 and May 7-8-9 to sell cut flowers and potted plants.
11. A0050-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Malden Auto of Everett Inc D/B/A Massone Auto Sales at 87 Broadway.
12. A0051-10 Petition for Lodging House License renewal from Joseph's Lodge at 312-314 Broadway for lodging house/room rental.
13. A0052-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Rocco Vigorito D/B/A New England Body Works at 36 Mystic Street.
14. A0058-10 Petition for Lodging House License from Prescott House at 36 Church Street.
15. A0059-10 Petition for Lodging House License from Back Packers Hostel at 13 School Street.
16. A0043-10 /s/From Director of Veteran Services with a favorable recommendation on Order/s/Alderman Joseph W. McGonagle-To dedicate a square, location to be determined by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Sigmund Joe Iwanicky, a WWII Veteran.
17. A0045-10 From National Grid on Resolution/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello-To send a letter to National Grid asking them to explain what the 30 year problem is with frequent power outages at the upper half of Autumn Street in Everett. (The latest one being 1/25/10 from approximately 3pm to 5:30pm). Please respond with letter of explanation by next meeting February 8th.
18. A0030-10 /s/License Committee Report Petition for Lodging House License at 336 Broadway from David A. Molle D/B/A Fenno's Rooming House.
19. A0031-10 /s/License Committee Report Petition for Lodging House License at 134 Linden Street from David A. Molle D/B/A 134 Linden Street Lodging.
20. A0035-10 /s/License Committee Report Petition for Lodging House License at 51 Chelsea Street from Andrew Philbin D/B/A The Marlboro.
21. A0038-10 /s/License Committee Report Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 1795 Revere Beach Parkway from Philip V. Mingolelli D/B/A Vincent's Auto.
22. A0026-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Board of Aldermen Rule 4. Scheduling of Formal Sessions by adding the words "a municipal" before the word "election" and by adding the word "only" after the word "election", so as not to curtail regular meetings in the event of the eve of a State election.
23. A0046-10 Order/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello, Alderman Robert J. Van Campen and Councilor Rosa DiFlorio To dedicate a square in honor of Sgt. Harold Percival Vaughan, a WWII Veteran. (Was an ambulance driver in Normandy.) And that the Director of Veteran Services set location in area of Green, Plummer and Summer Street, also to respond back with recommendation.
24. A0047-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Michael Marchese That the City of Everett consider adopting Chapter 159, Section 115-117 of the Acts of 2000 (amending G.L. Ch. 59, S51 and Ch. 60, S3A), for the year 2011, which is a property tax classification option where a community may exempt up to 10 percent of the value of Class Three, Commercial parcels.
25. A0048-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri An Ordinance regarding the licensing of Second Class Motor Dealers.
Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry, Adm. Assist. /Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office
Scheduled Meetings 2/9 6pm Public Safety Committee Meeting 2/10 6pm Finance Committee Meeting 2/11 6pm Rules & Ordinances Committee Meeting 2/16 7pm Common Council Meeting 2/17 6pm Bills & Accounts Committee Meeting 2/17 6pm Public Service Committee Meeting 2/22 7pm Next Board of Aldermen Meeting
You must be logged in to see this link. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2010 : 1:57:47 PM
#5. Is that a relative to the part time worker in the mayor's office?
"Peek-a-Boo, I see you" |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/07/2010 : 10:00:23 AM
1. - 5. Same complaint as usual on appointments not conforming to the rules. See Section 2-31 of the city's ordinances.
9. I still don't agree that a separate committee to deal with water bill issues is a good idea. But if it is still something that the City Council wants to pursue, I think that they will need to consider an ordinance change. Section 2-177 gives the City Services Commission or more accurately, the Board of Public Works (why don't they change that?) the authority to deal with water issues. Another reason not to change this.
10. It's amazing how many people sell flowers on these holidays and how few get licenses. And last year, I watched the police just drive by one unlicensed guy time and time again. Hey, whatever happened to the guy that was going to sell Christmas trees at Rite-Aid?
22. I wonder if the Board of Aldermen are also inconvenienced by this rule as well? What going to happen when one of them is running for state office or is working for one of those candidates? They can do what they want on this one but I just don't see the need to change.
24. I believe that the existence of this law was brought up by someone at a recent City Council meeting, probably Alderman Marchese. Although the piece lists a couple of other sections of MGL, I believe that the following is the actual law governing the commercial exemption:
Chapter 59: Section 5I. Exemption; conditions
Section 5I. With respect to each parcel of real property classified as class three, commercial, in each city or town certified by the commissioner to be assessing all property at its full and fair cash valuation, and at the option of the board of selectmen or mayor, with the approval of the city council, as the case may be, there shall be an exemption equal to not more than ten percent of the value of the parcel; provided, however, that such exemption shall only apply to property that is occupied by a business that, at that location and all others combined, had an average annual employment of no more than ten during the previous calendar year as certified by the director of labor and workforce development or, where the business is a sole proprietorship or partnership not subject to the provisions of chapter 151A, as determined by the assessors, and the assessed valuation of which is less than one million dollars. This exemption shall be in addition to any exemptions allowable under section five. The value of exemptions granted under this section shall be borne by the combined value of class three commercial property and class four industrial property.
There appear to be some pretty significant restrictions to this exemption so it is hard to tell how many local commercial property owners would benefit from this. The one thing that is clear though is that offering this exemption will only affect commercial and industrial property owners. That would mean a even higher rate for all commercial and industrial properties, even the ones receiving the exemption. It appears it means there would also be a separate Personal Property tax rate.
It appears that the city has already adopted the entirety of MGL Chapter 59, Section 5. The sections of MGL listed in the actual piece appear to be related sections of MGL that have been updated to reflect the existence of the commercial exemption. They would need to be adopted to complete the entire process.
25. Hmm. Not a lot of detail on this one. Could be interesting. Probably headed to R & O though. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2010 : 7:37:36 PM
That was certainly a fast meeting.
"Peek-a-Boo, I see you" |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2010 : 8:23:40 PM
1. - 5. Well, they almost stumbled across my point. Maybe next time. I'm sure that there will be one.
9. As I have said I'm against this but I believe the agenda for the Public Service committee meeting that they wanted to refer it to is already closed; it's running on the ECTV message board. I'm not sure where this piece has to go either since it was voted out of the Common Council with a request to send it to the Mayor's office. Anyway, the water piece already on the Public Service agenda is probably general enough where the issue could be addressed at that meeting. There's no need for this issue to drag on.
22. I guess the Common Council jumped the gun last week by tabling their version of this piece by not consulting a calendar first. I thought that the City Clerk might have had an issue with the piece; but since he didn't, it's probably not an issue. I just don't want to see them “play” with this rule depending on who's running for state office though.
24. Maybe I'm wrong about this but it seems that Alderman Marchese's support of a commercial exemption and not a residential one is indicative of how these particular exemptions affect him personally and not necessarily the majority of the tax payers. Glad to see that Alderman McGonagle had done his homework (or at least had the assessor's office do it for him) and had some hard numbers on how many commercial and mixed use properties would benefit from this. I'll be interested to hear what The Mayor has to say about this idea.
25. I have a great deal of faith in the City Clerk's ability to put together an ordinance like this. It's hard to believe that there wasn't something like this in place before. I do wonder though how many of the aldermen actually read the three pages of it before they voted on on the piece. At least there are three more required readings of the ordinance before it can be ordained. If the Common Council does get eliminated, I'm not sure that I could agree that an ordinance should be enrolled on the first time time it is introduced. And if you follow a process like that, it could actual take longer to get a piece passed, six weeks vs. four. Something to think about. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2010 : 5:36:05 PM
1. A0063-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To transfer $59,200.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance into the following City Clerk Accounts: 01-161-26-162-5127 Wardens $5,700.00, 01-161-26-162-5128 Clerks $5,400.00, 01-161-26-162-5129 Inspectors $27,000.00, 01-161-26-162-5290 Custodians $3,600.00, 01-161-26-162-5346 Advertising $1,800.00, 01-161-26-162-5380 Machine Prep $8,000.00, 01-161-26-162-5384 Elect Training $7,200.00, 01-161-26-162-5785 Misc. Exp. $500.00. Total..................................................$59,200.00 This will cover the expenses surrounding the upcoming Special State Senate Primary and Final Election.
2. A0048-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri An Ordinance regarding the licensing of Second Class Motor Dealers. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
3. C0030-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio and Alderman Robert Van Campen That all committee meetings, other than Bills & Accounts, be televised. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
PETITIONS AND LICENSES 4. A0064-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Bostonian Body Inc., at 141 Bow Street.
5. A0065-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from LaRovere Family LLC at 31 Garden Street.
6. A0066-10 Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from BMW Motorcycles of Cambridge Inc. D/B/A Parkway Cycle at 1865 Revere Beach Parkway.
7. A0067-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from BMW Motorcycles of Cambridge Inc. D/B/A Parkway Cycle at 1865 Revere Beach Parkway.
8. A0072-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Metro Plus at 356 Broadway.
9. A0073-10 Petition from Terry Onessimo for a flowering plants permit at 140 Ferry Street on April 3 and 4th and May 8th and 9th, 2010.
10. A0074-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from DeSimone's Auto Solutions, Inc. at 12 Vine Street.
11. A0046-10 Order/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello, Alderman Robert J. Van Campen and Councilor Rosa DiFlorio-Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services-To dedicate a square in honor of Sgt. Harold Percival Vaughan, a WWII Veteran. (Was an ambulance driver in Normandy.), at Cottage and Green Street.
12. A0068-10 Order/s/Alderman Michael Mangan, Councilor Jason Marcus, Councilor Joseph King-Favorable recommendation from Director of Veteran Services that the corner of Hamilton and Malden Street be dedicated and named the "Richard Hughes Square".
13. A0069-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Sal Sachetta-Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services to dedicate and name a location to be determined in honor of Master Sgt. Ralph T. Spaulding.
14. A0071-10 /s/From Ellen Carr, Asst. City Clerk-Requesting permission to advertise for a public hearing to revoke the following six licenses: European Motors Auto Sales, 511 Second Street, Parkway Auto Sales, 1847 Revere Beach Parkway, Vet's Auto Sales, 91 E. Elm Street, White's Auto Sales, 79 Vine Street, Caritas Communities, Hancock Hotel, 19 Hancock Street, and Caritas Communities, The Bill Moore House, 76 Norwood Street, all due to time limit on renewal of license.
15. A0017-10 /s/Finance Committee Meeting Report On Order from the Mayor's Office - To accept the anonymous donation of $15,000.00 to the Mayor's Office of Human Services to provide for Elder Services; with a recommendation for favorable action.
16. A0018-10 /s/Finance Committee Report On Order from the Mayor's Office - To accept the anonymous donation of $5,000.00 to the Mayor's Office of Human Services to support the Office of Human Services' Bread of Life Food Pantry; with a recommendation for favorable action.
17. A0027-10 /s/Rules and Ordinances Committee Report On Ordinance from the Mayor's Office - To amend Chapter 13, Section 13-1 (c) " Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages" by adding the following language after first paragraph: "The Board of Aldermen, by majority vote, may, upon written application to the City Clerk, permit and issue a license for the public sale, use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages and the consumption thereof in/on city owned property or within city owned buildings and may impose such conditions on said sale, use and possession as it deems appropriate; amended by striking out references to alcohol being sold and replacing alcoholic beverages with beer and wine throughout - with a recommendation for favorable action as amended.
18. A0024-10 /s/Rules & Ordinances Committee Report On Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese-That Chapter 3-Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, is hereby amended by deleting Chapter 3-Section 39 in its entirety and inserting new Chapter 3-Section 39, Pit Bull Regulations; with a recommendation to grant further time.
19. A0025-10 /s/Finance Committee Report On Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese-That the City investigate whether the 20% Homeowners Discount is still effective in Everett; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsor.
20. A0036-10 License Committee Report on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License at 1800 Revere Beach Parkway from Ibrahim El Rihane, President, D/B/A Regal Auto Sales Corporation; with a favorable recommendation and a request that the Petitioner provide the City Clerk with something in writing to show that they were indeed a Tenant at will at 1800 Revere Beach Parkway.
21. A0004-10 Rules & Ordinances Committee Report On Ordinance offered by Aldermen Michael K. Marchese - To add new subsections to the Zoning Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 21A. Adult Entertainment Land Use, (b) Definitions, by inserting the following: (6) Pawn Shops, (7) Piercing, (8) Check cashing, (9) Tattoo Parlors and (10) Gun Shops; to restrict the locations of theses establishments thereby promoting the safety and welfare of the City's inhabitants, and to enhance attractive business areas in the City; with a recommendation to refer to the Planning Board.
22. A0051-10 License Committee Report on Petition for Lodging House License renewal from Joseph's Lodge at 312-314 Broadway for lodging house/room rental.
23. C0021-10 Committee on Public Service Report On Resolution offered by Councilor William Cardello and the entire Common Council - That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems. (Amended by adding entire common council as co-sponsors and referred to BOA for concurrence to send to Mayor.) : with a recommendation for further time in the Public Service Committee and to re-invite Mayor and the Director of the Water Department to attend next meeting.
24. A0045-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Millie J. Cardello To send a letter to National Grid asking them to explain what the 30 year problem is with frequent power outages at the upper half of Autumn Street in Everett. (The latest one being 1/25/10 from approximately 3pm to 5:30pm). Please respond with letter of explanation by next meeting February 8th.
25. A0047-10 Order/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Michael Marchese-That the City of Everett consider adopting Chapter 159, Section 115-117 of the Acts of 2000 (amending G.L. Ch. 59, S51 and Ch. 60, S3A), for the year 2011, which is a property tax classification option where a community may exempt up to 10 percent of the value of Class Three, Commercial parcels.(2/8-Referred to Mayor with request for response this meeting)
26. A0046-10 Order/s/Madam Alderman Millie J. Cardello, Alderman Robert J. Van Campen and Councilor Rosa DiFlorio-To dedicate a square in honor of Sgt. Harold Percival Vaughan, a WWII Veteran. (Was an ambulance driver in Normandy.) And that the Director of Veteran Services set location in area of Green, Plummer and Summer Street, also to respond back with recommendation this meeting.
27. A0060-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Michael Mangan and Robert Van Campen That the Blue Ribbon Commission appear at the next Rules & Ordinances Committee meeting to discuss condo conversion in Everett.
28. A0061-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City arrest and fine all vendors selling flowers without proper city licenses/permits.
29. A0062-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen, Michael Marchese, Joseph McGonagle and L. Charles DiPerri In anticipation of the Fiscal Year 2011 budget process, that the Mayor, City Auditor and Budget Director appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to discuss the year to date Fiscal Year 2010 Budget, to include burn rates and any deficit accounts.
30. A0070-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Michael Marchese That before construction begins on Route 99, Lower Broadway, the Mass Highway consider a three-way light at Chemical Lane, as it is needed at this location. Also to notify Dave Hughes at Mass Highway of the request.
Adjournment Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry Adm. Asst. / Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office
Meeting Dates: 3/1 7pm Common Council Meeting 3/8 7pm Next Board of Aldermen Meeting 3/15 7pm Common Council Meeting 3/16 6pm Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting
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2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2010 : 11:22:43 AM
1. Same amounts as requested for the special US Senate elections. It's too bad that we can't get Galluccio to pay for this.
9. Looks like everybody's favorite flower seller is looking for a license again. Without Marcus and Matewsky on the Board, I'm not sure where the support for the license will come from. Let's just hope for the applicant's sakes that all of their issues from the past have been cleared up.
14. Glad to see that the City Clerk's office is on top of revoking these licenses. Some of the ones on the list are particularly surprising.
17. As I stated previously, I think that the correct thing to do was to limit this to beer and wine; glad to see that was done. I also think that it was a good idea to amend it so that it doesn't include the sales of alcohol. I think that sends a better message as to what the piece is really about.
18. From reading the committee report, it appears that there are additional issues that need to be addressed with this piece and willingness to address them. This piece being voted down last fall might not be the worst thing that ever happened to.
19. + 25. I didn't read anything new in the committee report that would help you to really decide whether or not the 20% Homeowners Discount is still a good idea for Everett. However, I really don't understand how anyone can be in favor of the Business Discount and not this one. If I read the editorial in The Independent last week correctly, it didn't sound like the administration is particularly in favor of the Business Discount. If that is true, I don't think that they'll get a very good reception from the business community, at least the smaller businesses, when they meet with them this week.
23. Watching the Public Service Meeting last week was certainly a cringe-worthy experience. O.K., The Mayor was ill and couldn't appear. But bringing Fran Sordillo before the committee given the past confrontations between her and Councilor Cardello when he specifically asked for the Water Superintendent just made no sense to me. It didn't surprise me that the Councilor chosen not to ask her any questions. And it was probably a good thing that he chose not to. I believe Alderman DiPerri is one of the most even tempered members of the City Council and she managed to piss him off by not really answering his questions. And she's been made the Assistant Water Superintendent? Just makes you wonder sometimes.
27. I'm assuming that this is the Blue Ribbon Commission on Zoning; does that still exist? Are there really a lot of condo conversions going on in Everett these days? I'm not aware of it but that doesn't mean anything.
28. I commented on this two weeks ago. I don't understand why the police even have to be told to enforce this.
29. Budget talk in February! Good stuff in my book.
30. When is construction scheduled to start on Lower Broadway? I can't say that I disagree with this request. There's already enough activity at Chemical Lane/Horizon Way that would warrant a traffic light. If/when the Lower Broadway parcel is ever developed, it would be a necessity. But given where the project is likely to be in the development process right now, it's unlikely that this request will be considered at this point in time if it hasn't been already. Look at the resistance to adding a crossing signal at Thorndike Street received when it was proposed after the initial presentation from Mass Highways last summer even though that was something city officials have wanted for a while. Does anyone know what the status of that request is? |
Senior Member

158 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 2:11:15 PM
Thanks for the breakdown Tetris.I appreciate the time and effort you put into doing this. |
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