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5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 7:18:57 PM
I just realized the mayor has not attended one meeting of the BOA this year. Isn't that unusual?
The mayor just arrived at the meeting.
"Here comes the judge" |
Edited by - massdee on 02/22/2010 7:53:10 PM |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 7:52:23 PM
He's on his way..........I hope it's not another yelling scene like he did to Chuck DiPerri while in sandals and shorts for not thanking him for flowers. Gee.......I wonder who called him to get up there if he already stated he would not be there. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 8:02:53 PM
Did I hear him say he was watching the meeting? I thought he was at a meeting.
"Here comes the judge" |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 8:26:34 PM
Yes, it was reported that he was at a business meeting now that changed to he was watching?? |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2010 : 8:52:03 PM
The conversation about lower Broadway sounds to be a plus for the City of Everett. The developer is even willing to pay to have the traffic light installed. The developers plans are for a hotel, retail and a marina. Sounds better than a waste transfer station.
Just my opinion....
"Here comes the judge" |
Edited by - massdee on 02/22/2010 10:37:48 PM |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2010 : 09:43:45 AM
1. So, Everett gets $10,000 for every election it holds to pay to open up the polls an hour early? $10,000 for being open for an extra hour when an entire election can be run for a little less than $30,000? Every community in the Commonwealth must get similar funding for doing the same. I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. I can understand receiving some reimbursement when the mandate was first implemented because the change was not budgeted for. But after that, every city or town should be responsible for its own elections, not every taxpayer in the Commonwealth. Don't get me wrong; if it is done at all, Everett should get its fair share though.
All that said, in a case where it is the state who mandates that the election needs to be held at all, I don't have a problem with the state picking up the tab. I hope that everyone understands as soon as this State Senate seat is filled, the winner will have to immediately have to start running for re-election this fall. And did I hear the city was finally reimbursed for the special US Senate election? Things like that need to be known so that you can do an informed analysis on how the city spends its free cash.
2. Does Alderman Sachetta ever read a proposed ordinance before he votes on it? For him not to know what this ordinance covered after he had already voted on it once is really disheartening. And it's far from the first time it has happened.
3. Even though televising all committee meetings will cost $40,000 a year, it is still well worth it. If the administration doesn't know how to squeeze that much out of the existing ECTV budget, I'm sure that we all could come up with a very simple solution to that issue for them.
9. I had to laugh when this piece was first taken out of order (more on that later). But after Alderman Mangan explained his reasoning, it wasn't as out of line as I first thought. Not absolutely necessary but at least there was a reason behind it. I also have to admit that when it came up, I thought that the alderman would be going in the other direction with the piece. Once again, proves what I know.
In one way, I was very surprised where the support came from to even consider giving this license for selling flowers; in another, I was not. In the end, I believe that the right thing was done. No one should even consider applying for a license for anything unless their affairs are already in order or, at least, under control.
11. & 26. Must have been asleep at the switch this week not to have noticed the duplicate item. Truth be told, I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to these dedications when they are on the agenda. I just figure that if they are requested, they are well deserved.
14. I guess that it doesn't really pay to ignore your license renewal request anymore. The city is on top of the process now and if you miss the deadline, you have to pay an application fee like you were applying for the license for the first time. It used to drive me nuts when a business would get multiple years licenses renewed all at one time.
15. & 16. Where are those anonymous letters going to? I thought Alderman Marchese was on fire last night. Very funny. And there's no reason that these meetings can't have a little humor in them to offset the seriousness of them. Everything in moderation.
17. I really hope that these licenses to allow the serving of beer and wine on city property are issued sparingly. The city's liability insurance shouldn't be used to hold private organizations harmless if some issue arises as a result of issuing the license.
18. We keep hearing that this ordinance is based on the Lynn Vicious Dog Ordinance; what was originally voted down was not. The Lynn ordinance deal with issues that occur after the fact, starting with the declaration that a particular dog of any breed is to be considered vicious. What was previously voted down assumes that an entire breed of dog is vicious, other breeds are not and starts with a licensing process. Two very different ways to come at the problem. Which is the best way to deal with it? I'm not sure that I know. I hope that the R & O committee spends some time figuring that out.
19. I like the idea of a Homeowners Discount. But I think that I finally understand what bothers me about it. As it was talked about last night, the 20% discount seems to be calculated on the average value of every residential property and everybody who qualifies for it gets the same discount. It should be calculated on the individual properties and their values instead. I understand that state law controls what can be done. But if that's the issue, why not explore getting the law changed?
22. I'd have to say that the board is pretty sympathetic some times with the way that they grant licenses to businesses. But I'd also say that businesses need to be grateful for opportunities like these. And they shouldn't push the board too far because they will push back. See item 9.
25. Well, the biggest issue that came out of this piece has already been pretty well discussed. The only things that I'll add are the following. I thought that one of the major downfalls of the Ragucci administration was when Tony Serino was the person that usually appeared to represent that administration rather than the Mayor himself. People in this city like to see their mayor appear at these meetings. And even though it hasn't received much comment these days (what does anymore?), don't think that the Mayor's absence from these meetings hasn't been noticed. Also, does the Mayor realize that a request has been to televise committee meetings? Or is that his way of telling us that it is not going to happen? And it's alright to have spirited and lively debate on an issue just as long as it's not on TV? Sorry, I just don't get that at all.
I'm also glad that Alderman Marchese brought up the subject of the editorial in last week's Independent. I wanted to comment on that piece last week but I just couldn't find the time. Some of the things in that editorial just didn't seem seem to help the administration's case at all, even though there were remarks contain within it that were attributed directly to the Mayor. The press release about this week's business summit and some of the Mayor's remarks from last night have been much better in helping to explain the present tax situation. To me though, the bottom line is that no matter how painful it will be, someway has to found to cut the budget.
27. I'm not pointing any fingers but it's too bad that if the work of the Blue Ribbon Commission was 90% complete, that it was never completed.
Again, I came at this piece from the wrong direction. It's an interesting idea. I'm just not sure what the demand would be for more condos in multi-family house in Everett. Worth looking at though.
28. Sounds like the City Clerk could be busy addressing this problem.
29. Oh well. I'd have to say that I was disappointed that this piece was sent to committee. I bet that the Auditor and the Budget Director weren't pleased either.
30. Glad to hear that a traffic signal will be added at Thorndike Street. Obviously, something is needed down there if the Lower Broadway is going to be developed properly; but the number of traffic lights in that short stretch of road seems excessive though. Too bad there isn't a better answer. Glad to hear that the developer is willing to pay for infrastructure improvements that are needed to support his project. That is a refreshing change of pace.
As I have stated many times in the past, I'm not a fan of taking items out of order on the agenda. I just don't see the need for it unless there is someone there to appear on a piece. It was even confusing to the Aldermanic president last night. I had no problem with the item added under suspension last night; it just served the purpose of getting item referred to committee. |
Edited by - tetris on 02/23/2010 09:56:29 AM |

58 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2010 : 12:35:49 PM
"Does Alderman Sachetta ever read a proposed ordinance before he votes on it? For him not to know what this ordinance covered after he had already voted on it once is really disheartening. And it's far from the first time it has happened."
I don't know if he has a phone at the nursing home! ;) |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2010 : 12:26:50 PM
1. A0076-10 To all persons interested in the revocation of an auto repair-body license for George's Auto Refinishing, Inc., 69 Norman Street, Unit 21A.
2. A0081-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Appendix A Zoning Section 11, I hereby submit for your approval, the appointment of David Rodrigues to the Zoning Board of Appeals, to fill a recent vacancy that will expire March 2012.
3. A0082-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 1 "General Provisions" of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section, "Section 1-24 City Census Regulations.
4. A0083-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That the City of Everett accept Chapter 26 of the Acts of 2010, an Act relative to the "Collection of Unpaid Municipal Fines" in order to create a hearing officer for fines and to allow the municipality to lien properties for unpaid fines incurred as a result of a violation of a rule, regulation, order, ordinance or by-law regulating the housing and sanitary code.
5. C0040-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer $100,000.00 from Budgetary Fund Balance into City Services Vehicle Repair Account for the repair/refurbishment of Ladder One and other capital improvement to fire apparatus. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
6. C0041-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the amount of $498,724.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund Account into the Fire Department's Triple Combination Pumper Account to purchase a new truck. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
7. C0043-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Waste Management, as an appreciation for assisting with an educational campaign on proper mercury disposal, to the Health Department's Household Hazardous Waste & Medical Waste Account. Funds will be used to promote and fund a medical sharps collection event at household hazardous waste day and for disposal of other community sharps collected. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
8. C0032-10 Order/s/Councilor Cynthia Sarnie From the Director of Veteran Services with favorable recommendation to dedicate and name the corner of Everett and Main Street in honor of Eugene Anthony Sarnie, a WWII Veteran. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
9. A0078-10 Order Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from Vets Auto, 91 East Elm Street.
10. A0079-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Xtreme Motors, Inc. at 3 Everett Ave.
11. A0080-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from White's Auto Sales at 79 Vine Street.
12. A0062-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen, Michael Marchese, Joseph McGonagle and L. Charles DiPerri Committee on Finance Report In anticipation of the Fiscal Year 2011 budget process, that the Mayor, City Auditor and Budget Director appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to discuss the year to date Fiscal Year 2010 Budget, to include burn rates and any deficit accounts.
13. A0075-10 Petition Committee on Licenses Report on Petition for Lodging House Licenses from Caritas Communities properties at 76 Norwood Street and 19 Hancock Street.
14. A0077-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the Mayor and the City Engineer consider the rehabilitation of Abbott Ave and Fuller Street, from Meadowview to Washington Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Caroline McCorry Adm. Assist. / Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council
Meeting Dates: 3-11 6pm Rules & Ordinances Committee Meeting 3-15 7pm Common Council Meeting 3-16 6pm Bills & Accounts Committee Meeting 3-16 6pm Public Service Committee Meeting 3-22 7pm Board of Aldermen Meeting 3-23 6pm Public Safety Committee Meeting (All committee meetings are now running live on ECTV-16 except for Bills & Accounts)
You must be logged in to see this link. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2010 : 5:18:39 PM
2. Hey! An appointment to fill an unexpired term. Maybe somebody is finally paying attention to the ordinances again in regards to how they do appointments. But don't worry; we'll keep an eye on it.
3. Hmm, nothing in the ordinances already about City Census Regulations? If that's the case, I'm glad they are addressing it. I've always wondered how they can temporarily suspend your right to vote until you've filled out a census;. maybe this piece will answer that question.
4. OK, this is an act that was passed by the State Legislature that can be adopted by any municipality, not the home rule petition that the city submitted last year for essentially the same purpose. If I'm reading the act correctly (You must be logged in to see this link.), Section 5 of it appears to require the city to have a snow shoveling ordinance. If I'm correct, it might be wise to address that issue first seeing that the City Council has never been to pass such an ordinance in the past.
5. + 6. As I said last week, I support both of these transfers. However, I would hope that we could hear a discussion on a few items surrounding it first though.
First, I think that the actual balance of the Stabilization Fund needs to be disclosed. I don't believe that we should be relying on either myself or Councilor Marcus for that info.
Secondly, I 'd like to hear a discussion of where the administration is headed with using the Stabilization Fund. Granted, my concerns are more with the $2+ million transfer that was referred to committee last week by the Common Council last week; but, I don't think that it would hurt to understand the complete picture before approving this transfer from the Stabilization Fund.
Lastly, back at the Alderman's meeting on September 14, 2009, Alderman Marchese made a request that the Mayor consider taking $500,000 that was anticipated to be returned from the the stadium project and put it towards the purchase of a new fire truck. We know from last week's discussion, that this purchase can't be put off until then in order for the city to get the quoted price. Alderman Marchese may have already received an answer to his request; but, I think that the public deserves to know the answer to it as well. Will that money be returned to the Sale of Real Estate Account or will it be put in the Stabilization Fund to “make up” for this particular transfer?
12. I watched the Finance Committee and I'm still kind of baffled as to why this piece couldn't be addressed at the last Board of Aldermen's meeting. I really didn't see the absolute need for the Mayor to be there to answer the types of questions that were asked at the Finance Committee meeting. Then again, neither of the two main sponsors of the piece were at the Finance Committee. Maybe we'll get a better idea of why the Aldermen felt that the Mayor's presence was necessary at tomorrow night's meeting. But while I'm thinking about it, didn't Councilor Sarnie have a piece on the agenda a couple of year's ago asking that the City Council receive budget reports on a regular basis that would show some of this information? I'll have to do some research. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2010 : 08:38:01 AM
1. It sounds to me like the city played its own part in this screw-up. So I think that the Board made the right decision in just letting this play out until the license(s?) expire(s?). Let the courts sort out the other issues, if necessary.
The City Council recently passed an ordinance on what the requirements are for a second class motor license (more on that later). After this debacle, maybe they also need to consider coming up with ordinances that describe exactly what is required for every other type of license as well.
3. What's the difference between the annual city census and the census done every ten years by the Federal government in regards to securing funding? What are the numbers from each used for? I've never been clear on that. BTW, did everyone else get a letter telling them that they would be getting their Federal census form next week? What a waste!
I'd really like to see some details of what is being proposed here though. Just because something sounds like a good idea doesn't mean that it is something that can easily be implemented. For example, it was proposed last night that parking stickers not be issued if the applicant hasn't filled out their annual census. Since the annual issuance of parking stickers and the census now happen in the same time frame, will you now be required to file your census and give sufficient time for processing before you can get your sticker? In the past, I've dropped off my census form and gotten my sticker in the same trip to City Hall. Will there be an easy way for the parking clerk's office to check on your census status so that it doesn't slow the process? I didn't hear of any horror stories this year of their being any major bottlenecks in the issuing of stickers. I'd hate to see the city to take a step backwards in that regard. I'm all for looking at things that can potentially bring more money to the city; I just believe that implementing any type of change needs to be well thought out.
4. I'm glad that the question was asked about snow shoveling. I've been critical of Alderman Sachetta in the past for not being prepared to debate pieces on the calendar. I'm glad that he proved me wrong this time, on this particular piece. He won't get off entirely free for the night though; but, more on that later. I can't really disagree with Ms. Murphy's assessment that a snow shoveling ordinance isn't required . She's the lawyer, I'm not. But I think that to have that view sends the message that the city doesn't care about “the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks within such portions of the municipality as they consider expedient by the owner of land abutting such sidewalks.” I don't think that's the right message to send. The city needs a snow shoveling ordinance. Some time and effort just has to be invested in it so that they come up with one that works for as many people in the city as possible. And I wouldn't have any problems with one that includes some type of exemption for the elderly and the disabled. I'm still not convinced that the acceptance of this state law is the magic pill that everyone is looking for. It still has the option in it that allows the alleged violator to take the ticket to court if they are not satisfied with the hearing officer's decision. I can't see the city slapping liens on any alleged violator until they've had their day in court, if they want one. Also, to me anyways, the way that the law is written, this process appears to begin when a ticket is written. So what happens to all of the tickets that were written before this law is accepted by the city? I don't believe there was enough discussion of that point. Maybe there will be at next week's Common Council meeting; lets hope that there is anyways.
6. I'm glad that we got an accurate accounting of the balance of the Stabilization Fund; I'm also glad that my figure was closer to the actual amount than Councilor's Marcus'. There's probably some type of interest income that gets added to the account. Don't get me wrong; it would have been nice to have an additional $2 million in that fund but I just didn't see how that was possible given what I remembered.
Although I would not have had a problem with the money for the pumper coming from the Stabilization Fund, I felt that it was necessary for there to be a discussion of why this money should be taken from Stabilization Fund rather than some other source. I didn't really hear any of that. Given that was the case, I have no problem with using Free Cash for this acquisition instead.
I'm someone who doesn't agree with the usage of electronic devices by attendees of meetings in the City Hall Chambers. As such, I don't believe that City Council members should be calling the Mayor in the chambers during meetings. The administration was well represented at the meeting, If there was a need to get a hold of the Mayor, it should have been done by his representatives and outside of the chamber.
If the Mayor doesn't agree with the practice of backing the City Council into a corner on an issue (and it's not the first time that he's said that), then why does he allow this “fine” Everett tradition to continue?
10. Seems like the Board is going to be a little bit more carefully about issuing and renewing licenses. We never saw exactly what was included in the second class motor dealers license ordinance that they just passed Lets hope that it included the applicant providing some proof that their business has the right to operate at the location specified on the license application. If not, then it is time to amend that new ordinance already.
12. I don't think that the discussion about this issue accomplished a whole lot more than what happened at the Finance Committee the other night. It's no surprise that the Sand/Salt lime item will also require a transfer; it's always cut during the budget process since it's one of the only line items that can be overspent under state law. The usage of the sand and salt? Well, that might be an issue for another day.
It's really hard to believe that after two plus years of service and having an accounting background that Alderman Sachetta seems to have so little understanding of how the city's finances work.
I know that the piece called for the Mayor to appear on it; but I thought, even before we found out that it was the DeMaria's wedding anniversary, that Alderman Van Campen was a little bit out of line to take a shot at the Mayor for not appearing at this meeting when he himself did not appear at last week's Finance Committee meeting and the Mayor did (well at some point in the meeting, anyways). I know that Alderman Van Campen was on vacation last week but the scheduling of committee meetings is flexible enough so that he could have requested the meeting be held at a time when he was available to attend. That said, I also don't think that Alderman Mangan needs to stick up for the administration either. The Mayor is a big boy; I'm sure that he can take care of himself. Of course, if the Mayor would appear more often at these regular Monday night meetings, then his critics just wouldn't have as much to say.
I raised the issue a few weeks ago that I thought that the Parlin remodeling project would be coming in over budget. Then, I read and/or heard some conflicting information that made me doubt what I had posted. I was ready to eat some crow but I wanted to be sure which information was correct first. I was sad to hear that I might have been right in the first place. Still not sure how bad the damage will be though. The issue needs to addressed soon. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/18/2010 : 1:10:59 PM
1. A0089-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President In accordance with Chapter 14, Article I, Section 14-10 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, I hereby appoint, subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, the following named members of the Everett Auxiliary Police Department as Special Police Officers for the City of Everett: Chief Vincent Caruso Lieutenant Alex Corrado Lieutenant Leonard Jordon Sergeant Mary Boever Sergeant Michael Guiffre Sergeant Konstantinos Moskofoglou Patrolman John Buckley Patrolman Doreen Dugan Patrolman Edward Forosisky Patrolman Konstantinos Moskofoglou Jr. Patrolman John Puopolo Patrolman John Roucher and Patrolman Darren Sheff The above-referenced individuals shall be appointed for an unpaid term of one (1) year, expiring on March 20, 2011.
2. A0090-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President I hereby appoint, subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Section 35 of the City Charter, and Section 2-31 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Domenic D'Angelo as Treasurer/Collector for a term of one (1) year ending on the first Monday in March 2011.
3. A0091-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Chapter 2, Section 2-31 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, I hereby appoint Larry DeCoste as the City Auditor for the City of Everett for a term of one (1) year ending on the first Monday in March 2011.
4. C0047-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer $400.00 from the Veterans Office Supplies Account into the Veterans Salary Account. This account is for the grade work increase for a period of six weeks in the Veterans Director's absence for work handled by his Clerk. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
5. A0082-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 1 "General Provisions" of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section, "Section 1-24 City Census Regulations. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
6. C0035-10 Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services Joe Hickey-To dedicate and name a location, to be designated by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Philip J. Napolitano, Sr., a WWII Veteran and Member of U. S. Army 182nd Infantry Regiment which was a part of the Americale Division and re-enforced the Marines at Guadalcanal. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
7. A0027-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 13, Section 13-1 (c) " Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages. AMENDED BY ADDING 'FOR CITY SPONSORED FUNCTIONS" AFTER THE WORD "THEREOF" (Enrolled, as further amended, sent up for ordainment, as amended)
8. A0092-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Luigi Acierno D/B/A European Motor Sales at 511 Second Street
9. A0093-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Philip Genualdo D/B/A Woodlawn Auto Sales at 3 Woodlawn Ave.
10. A0094-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassidy D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales Corporation at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go from 15 to 20 cars.
11. A0095-10 Order Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop Garage License from Fred Zailah D/B/A Ferry St. Gas & Service at 153 Ferry Street.
12. A0096-10 Order Petition for Junk Dealer's License from Harvey Karp D/B/A H H & M Metals, Inc. at 337 Second Street.
13. A0097-10 Order Petition for Open Air Parking Permit from Export Company of Massachusetts at 26 Garvey Street.
14. A0024-10 /s/Rules & Ordinances Committee Report On Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese-That Chapter 3-Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, is hereby amended by deleting Chapter 3-Section 39 in its entirety and inserting new Chapter 3-Section 39, Pit Bull Regulations; with a recommendation for favorable action as amended with the Property Owner notification requirement.
15. A0060-10 Resolution/s/Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Resolution offered by Aldermen Michael Mangan and Robert Van Campen-That the Blue Ribbon Commission appear at the next Rules & Ordinances Committee meeting to discuss condo conversion in Everett; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsors.
16. C0021-10 /s/Committee on Public Service Report On Resolution offered by Councilor William Cardello and the entire Common Council - That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems. (Amended by adding entire common council as co-sponsors and referred to BOA for concurrence to send to Mayor.) : with a recommendation for further time in the Public Service Committee and to re-invite Mayor and the Director of the Water Department and Bob Laquidara to attend next meeting.
17. A0045-10 Committee on Public Service Report on Resolution offered by Madam Alderman Millie Cardello-To send a letter to National Grid asking them to explain what the 30 year problem is with frequent power outages at the upper half of Autumn Street in Everett. (The latest one being 1/25/10 from approximately 3pm to 5:30pm). Please respond with letter of explanation by next meeting February 8th; with recommendation to grant further time and to invite Mr. Dan Cameron of National Grid to appear at the next meeting.
18. A0079-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Xtreme Motors, Inc. at 3 Everett Ave.
19. A0086-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That in accordance with the provisions of the General Law of Massachusetts, the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the City of Everett, qualified to vote as the law requires, to assemble at the several polling places, for and within the several precincts, where they are duly registered voters on TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010 for the SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, then and there to give in their votes for the election of the candidates of political parties for the following office: STATE SENATOR.
20. A0087-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That the polls be opened from 7 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock in the evening and the City Clerk to cause all voting places to be properly fitted up for the SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010.
Ordered Further: That the following places be designated as polling places for the above mentioned SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, APRIL 13, 2010:
Ward 1 Prec. 1 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 2 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 3 Parlin Library, 410 Broadway
Ward 2 Prec. 1 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street Ward 2 Prec. 2 Parlin School, 587 Broadway, entrance on Derne Street Ward 2 Prec. 3 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street
Ward 3 Prec. 1 Community Center, 21 Whittier Drive Ward 3 Prec. 2 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street Ward 3 Prec. 3 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street
Ward 4 Prec. 1 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street Ward 4 Prec. 2 Glendale Towers, Ferry Street Ward 4 Prec. 3 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street
Ward 5 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 5 Prec. 2 City Hall, Keverian Room, Third Floor, 484 Broadway Ward 5 Prec. 3 City Hall, Room 25, Second Floor, 484 Broadway
Ward 6 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 6 Prec. 2 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter easterly side Ward 6 Prec. 3 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter westerly side
21. A0088-10 Board of Aldermen Worksheet 3/22/10
1. Sponsor: Alderman Michael J. Mangan-That the following streets be repaired this year-Villa Ave, Baker Road and Chestnut Street, from Broadway to Ferry Street.
Referred to: Mayor DeMaria, Marzie Galazka, Director of Community Development, Brian Zaniboni-Director of City Services and Julius Ofurie-City Engineer.
2. Sponsor: Alderman Joseph McGonagle-That the sidewalk is repaired in front of 55-57 Union Street.
Referred to: Mayor DeMaria, Mr. Zaniboni and Mr. Ofurie
Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry Adm. Assist. /Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office
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2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/18/2010 : 2:11:33 PM
1. A0089-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President In accordance with Chapter 14, Article I, Section 14-10 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, I hereby appoint, subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, the following named members of the Everett Auxiliary Police Department as Special Police Officers for the City of Everett: Chief Vincent Caruso Lieutenant Alex Corrado Lieutenant Leonard Jordon Sergeant Mary Boever Sergeant Michael Guiffre Sergeant Konstantinos Moskofoglou Patrolman John Buckley Patrolman Doreen Dugan Patrolman Edward Forosisky Patrolman Konstantinos Moskofoglou Jr. Patrolman John Puopolo Patrolman John Roucher and Patrolman Darren Sheff The above-referenced individuals shall be appointed for an unpaid term of one (1) year, expiring on March 20, 2011.
2. A0090-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President I hereby appoint, subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Section 35 of the City Charter, and Section 2-31 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Domenic D'Angelo as Treasurer/Collector for a term of one (1) year ending on the first Monday in March 2011.
3. A0091-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Chapter 2, Section 2-31 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, I hereby appoint Larry DeCoste as the City Auditor for the City of Everett for a term of one (1) year ending on the first Monday in March 2011.
4. C0047-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer $400.00 from the Veterans Office Supplies Account into the Veterans Salary Account. This account is for the grade work increase for a period of six weeks in the Veterans Director's absence for work handled by his Clerk. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
5. A0082-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 1 "General Provisions" of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section, "Section 1-24 City Census Regulations. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
6. C0035-10 Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano Favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services Joe Hickey-To dedicate and name a location, to be designated by the Director of Veteran Services, in honor of Philip J. Napolitano, Sr., a WWII Veteran and Member of U. S. Army 182nd Infantry Regiment which was a part of the Americale Division and re-enforced the Marines at Guadalcanal. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
7. A0027-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 13, Section 13-1 (c) " Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages. AMENDED BY ADDING 'FOR CITY SPONSORED FUNCTIONS" AFTER THE WORD "THEREOF" (Enrolled, as further amended, sent up for ordainment, as amended)
8. A0092-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Luigi Acierno D/B/A European Motor Sales at 511 Second Street
9. A0093-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Philip Genualdo D/B/A Woodlawn Auto Sales at 3 Woodlawn Ave.
10. A0094-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassidy D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales Corporation at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go from 15 to 20 cars.
11. A0095-10 Order Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop Garage License from Fred Zailah D/B/A Ferry St. Gas & Service at 153 Ferry Street.
12. A0096-10 Order Petition for Junk Dealer's License from Harvey Karp D/B/A H H & M Metals, Inc. at 337 Second Street.
13. A0097-10 Order Petition for Open Air Parking Permit from Export Company of Massachusetts at 26 Garvey Street.
14. A0024-10 /s/Rules & Ordinances Committee Report On Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese-That Chapter 3-Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, is hereby amended by deleting Chapter 3-Section 39 in its entirety and inserting new Chapter 3-Section 39, Pit Bull Regulations; with a recommendation for favorable action as amended with the Property Owner notification requirement.
15. A0060-10 Resolution/s/Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Resolution offered by Aldermen Michael Mangan and Robert Van Campen-That the Blue Ribbon Commission appear at the next Rules & Ordinances Committee meeting to discuss condo conversion in Everett; with a recommendation to refer back to Sponsors.
16. C0021-10 /s/Committee on Public Service Report On Resolution offered by Councilor William Cardello and the entire Common Council - That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems. (Amended by adding entire common council as co-sponsors and referred to BOA for concurrence to send to Mayor.) : with a recommendation for further time in the Public Service Committee and to re-invite Mayor and the Director of the Water Department and Bob Laquidara to attend next meeting.
17. A0045-10 Committee on Public Service Report on Resolution offered by Madam Alderman Millie Cardello-To send a letter to National Grid asking them to explain what the 30 year problem is with frequent power outages at the upper half of Autumn Street in Everett. (The latest one being 1/25/10 from approximately 3pm to 5:30pm). Please respond with letter of explanation by next meeting February 8th; with recommendation to grant further time and to invite Mr. Dan Cameron of National Grid to appear at the next meeting.
18. A0079-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Xtreme Motors, Inc. at 3 Everett Ave.
19. A0086-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That in accordance with the provisions of the General Law of Massachusetts, the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the City of Everett, qualified to vote as the law requires, to assemble at the several polling places, for and within the several precincts, where they are duly registered voters on TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010 for the SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, then and there to give in their votes for the election of the candidates of political parties for the following office: STATE SENATOR.
20. A0087-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That the polls be opened from 7 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock in the evening and the City Clerk to cause all voting places to be properly fitted up for the SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010.
Ordered Further: That the following places be designated as polling places for the above mentioned SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY, APRIL 13, 2010:
Ward 1 Prec. 1 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 2 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 3 Parlin Library, 410 Broadway
Ward 2 Prec. 1 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street Ward 2 Prec. 2 Parlin School, 587 Broadway, entrance on Derne Street Ward 2 Prec. 3 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street
Ward 3 Prec. 1 Community Center, 21 Whittier Drive Ward 3 Prec. 2 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street Ward 3 Prec. 3 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street
Ward 4 Prec. 1 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street Ward 4 Prec. 2 Glendale Towers, Ferry Street Ward 4 Prec. 3 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street
Ward 5 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 5 Prec. 2 City Hall, Keverian Room, Third Floor, 484 Broadway Ward 5 Prec. 3 City Hall, Room 25, Second Floor, 484 Broadway
Ward 6 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 6 Prec. 2 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter easterly side Ward 6 Prec. 3 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter westerly side
21. A0088-10 Board of Aldermen Worksheet 3/22/10
1. Sponsor: Alderman Michael J. Mangan-That the following streets be repaired this year-Villa Ave, Baker Road and Chestnut Street, from Broadway to Ferry Street.
Referred to: Mayor DeMaria, Marzie Galazka, Director of Community Development, Brian Zaniboni-Director of City Services and Julius Ofurie-City Engineer.
2. Sponsor: Alderman Joseph McGonagle-That the sidewalk is repaired in front of 55-57 Union Street.
Referred to: Mayor DeMaria, Mr. Zaniboni and Mr. Ofurie
Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry Adm. Assist. /Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office
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5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/08/2010 : 1:30:42 PM
1. A0110-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 16 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding Section 16-26 (I) Requirements for storage of refuse and trash cans.
2. A0111-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $3,000.00 from FTP Productions, LLC/ Unit Richard Hatem Project - Pilot to the Office of Human Services - Emergency Services Account.
3. A0112-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept a donation in the amount of $10,000.00 from FTP Productions, LLC / Unit Richard Hatem Project - Pilot to the Office of Community Development to support the Beautification Program Account.
4. A0113-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept donation of $100.00 from John McGrath, Jr., to the Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account.
5. C0049-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $10.00 from Virginia Zide, to the Everett Police Department to supplement their donation account.
6. C0050-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a donation from the Everett Emblem Club for $100.00 to support the Office of Human Services Council Emergency Services Program, Account # 27.3590.EA.
7. C0051-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation from the Everett Emblem Club for $100.00 to support the Office of Human Services Council Emergency Services Program.
8. C0052-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from Mr. Joseph King, in memory of Helen Calderone, to the Office of Human Services -Emergency Services Program Account.
9. C0053-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer $8,000.00 from the Parking Clerk Meter Account into the Parking Clerk Overtime Account. The overtime account will be used when it becomes necessary to backfill another officer during a vacation and/or sickness.
10. C0054-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $50.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dunn in memory of Jerry Bartolo, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account.
11. C0059-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer the amount of $7,100.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance into the City Services Snow & Ice - Highway Account for equipment hire.
12. C0060-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer the amount of $32,000.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance into the City Services Snow & Ice - Highway Account for road salt.
13. C0061-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $250.00 from the Dampney Company to the Parlin and Shute Libraries for the Gates Grant Account. This donation will be used by the Parlin and Shute Libraries to help make the matching requirement.
14. C0062-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Exxon Mobil to the Parlin and Shute Libraries for the Gates Grant Account. This donation will be used by the Parlin and Shute Libraries for computers and will help make the matching requirement.
15. C0063-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation from the Mary and Phinneas Tobe Trust Fund in the amount of $7,500.00.
$1,000.00 will be deposited into Account 28-3590-YB and will be used to purchase computers and computer equipment for the Children's Library. It will also help meet our Gates Foundation Grant Match.
$6,500.00 will be deposited into Account 28-3590-GY and will be used for enhancing Children's Services at the Parlin Library.
16. C0064-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To Accept last portion of a Grant from the MA Board of Library Commissioners in the amount of $11,568.00 to be deposited into Account 26-3590-OC. This Grant is for the purpose of improving young adult services at the Parlin Library. The entire grant was for $20,000.00.
17. C0065-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That a certain parcel of city owned real estate with a building thereon known as the Old Everett High School, located at 548 Broadway, identified as Lot C-5-100-2 on the map of the Everett Assessor, consisting of 3.933 acres more or less, be declared surplus property available for sale or lease in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30B, as this land is no longer needed nor being used for municipal purposes.
18. C0067-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the Chief Procurement Officer is hereby granted permission to accept and dispose of specific items located in Old High School, as referenced in the attached EXHIBIT A and numbered C0067-10, pages 1-35.
19. A0024-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese and Committee on Rules & Ordinances That Chapter 3 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, is hereby amended by ADDING NEW SECTION 3-40 Vicious Dogs; recommending favorable action as amended with the Property Owner notification requirement.
20. C0037-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the amount of $605,000.00 of Budgetary Fund Balance be used to offset the FY11 Pension Expense increase; with a recommendation for favorable action. (Committee on Finance Report accepted, order passed sent up for concurrence)
21. C0038-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the amount of $175,000.00 be transferred from the Parking Meter Receipt Account to offset FY11 Parking Clerk's Departmental expenses related to parking meter receipts. (Committee Report accepted, order passed sent up for concurrence)
22. C0039-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President Order-That the amount of $473,895.00 be transferred from the Sale of Real Estate Account to offset FY11 debt service expenses (Principal & Interest) for the Parlin Remodeling and the new City Yard loans. (Committee report accepted, passed sent up for concurrence)
23. C0058-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Carlie Smith, Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Entire Common Council To suspend the trash ordinance to allow residents who have been devastated by recent flooding to dispose of damaged property in their weekly pick-ups. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
24. C0068-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Jason Marcus That the City Council of the City of Everett supports the Casino Gambling Bill by Speaker DeLeo. (Passed sent up for concurrence to send to Speaker DeLeo and Representative Smith.)
25. A0101-10 Petition for Open Air Parking of Motor Vehicles towed as a result of breakdown or police order from A.G. Quealy Towing Inc., at 52-54 Robin Street, Everett, MA.
26. A0102-10 Petition for storage of vehicles towed as result of violations and accidents and Police Department from Paul's Towing Inc. at 3 Buell Street.
27. A0103-10 Petition for Junk Dealer License from Paul P. Mattuchio at 366 Second Street
28. A0104-10 Petition for Junk Dealer License from Prolerized NE D/B/A Second Street Iron & Metal at 285 Second Street.
29. A0105-10 Petition for Junk Dealer License from Prolerized New England D/B/A Schnitzer Northeast at 69 Rover Street.
30. A0106-10 Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop from A & G Auto Service at 394 Main Street.
31. A0107-10 Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop License from Glendale Gas and Service Inc. at 725 Broadway.
32. A0108-10 Notice from Marchese and Barnes, Attorneys-At-Law relative to Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC, Property Address 0 Terminal Street and Second Street, Property Owner 0 Terminal Street, Everett, MA. regarding O Terminal Street, LLC is in the process of acquiring 413-421 Second Street.
33. A0109-10 Notice from Kevin McNally on behalf of Everett Resident Reng Yai who is a victim of fraud perpetrated by Glendale Auto Sales. A complaint was filed with the Office of the Attorney General and the Malden Office.
34. A0094-10 /s/Committee on License Report on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis Cassini D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales Corporation at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway. Requesting to go from 15 to 20 cars.
35. A0079-10 Order Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Xtreme Motors, Inc. at 3 Everett Ave.
36. A0098-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael J. Mangan That the Police Department monitor Reed Ave as there have been several cars that have been broken into recently.
37. A0099-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano and Councilor William L. Cardello In the interest of efficiency and accountability, that the City of Everett establish a Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund in accordance with G.L. c. 44.53F 1/2.
38. A0100-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen, Sal Sachetta, Councilors Peter Napolitano, Daniel J. Napolitano and Sal DiDomenico That the City of Everett, by and through its Mayor and City Council, petition the Massachusetts State Legislature seeking a Special Act - hereto attached - intended for the sole purpose of validating the legal status of the duly elected Everett Charter Commission.
39. A0114-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City consider enforcing a curfew for months of June, July and August throughout the City.
40. A0115-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 12-48 (c)(1)(i) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby amended by striking out the number "50" as appearing therein and replacing it with the number "60". This change is necessary due to the Board of Aldermen's decision to require gasoline stations with full repair facilities to obtain Repair Shop Licenses.
Adjournment Respectfully submitted; Caroline McCorry Adm. Assist. /Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office Meeting Dates: 4/12 Committee on Licenses – 6:30 p.m. 4/13 SPECIAL STATE PRIMARY ELECTION DAY FOR SENATOR 4/14 Committee on Bills & Accounts – 6 p.m. 4/20 Common Council Meeting – 7 p.m. 4/26 Next Board of Aldermen Meeting – 7 p.m. You must be logged in to see this link.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2010 : 4:00:42 PM
1. A0126-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President - To amend the chapter number of the sign ordinance from 15A to15B Sign Ordinance (So that the Storm Drain Discharge Ordinance can become Chapter 15A) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett. (In order to keep storm drain sections together). Chapter numbers shall now read as follows:
Chapter 15 - Sanitary Sewers and Storm Drains Chapter 15A - Discharges to the Municipal Strom Drain System Chapter 15B - Sign Ordinance
2. A0127-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President - To amend Chapter 15 Sanitary Sewers and Storm Drains of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding Chapter 15A Governing Discharges to the Municipal Storm Drain System which relates to illicit discharges and contamination into the municipal storm drain system to comply with state and federal statutes and regulations relating to storm water discharges.
3. A0115-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President - That Chapter 12-48 (c)(1)(i) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby amended by striking out the number "50" as appearing therein and replacing it with the number "60". This change is necessary due to the Board of Aldermen's decision to require gasoline stations with full repair facilities to obtain Repair Shop Licenses. (Enrolled in concurrence sent up for ordainment)
4. A0120-10 Petition for Junk Dealer's License (Precious Metals Dealer, Precious Metals Processor, Non-Ferrous Metal Processor, Antique/Second Hand/Collectibles Dealer, Storage of Flammable Products) from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC for purchase, sale or barter in junk, old metals and second hand articles at 431 Second Street.
5. A0121-10 Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop License from Domingo A. Andrade D/B/A Parkway Getty/San Vicente Auto Repair, LLC at 2081 Revere Beach Parkway.
6. A0122-10 Petition for Open Air Parking License from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Park, Lock & Shuttle at 8-24 Dexter Street. (Application reads 2-24 Dexter).
7. A0123-10 Petition for Junk Dealer License from William R. Gear D/B/A American Scrap Metal, Inc. for purchase and sale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals at 357 Third Street.
8. A0124-10 Petition for Junk Dealer's License from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Carlyle Precious Metals, LLC at 8-24 Dexter Street.
9. A0125-10 Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop License from Faissal Daaboul D/B/A Main St Auto Center, Inc. at 339 Main Street.
10. A0128-10 Petition for Junk Dealer License from M & S Metals at 391 Third Street.
11. A0116-10 Letter from Marchese and Barnes - Attorneys-At-Law regarding 413-421 Second Street. "Due to the environmental condition of the subject property, my client shall not acquire the real estate at this time."
12. A0106-10 Committee on Licenses Report On Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop from A & G Auto Service at 394 Main Street.
13. A0107-10 Committee on Licenses Report On Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop License from Glendale Gas and Service Inc. at 725 Broadway.
14. C0021-10 Committee on Public Service Report On Resolution offered by Councilor William Cardello and the entire Common Council - That the Mayor and the Director of the Water Department consider putting a committee together strictly for water meter billing problems. (Amended by adding entire common council as co-sponsors and referred to BOA for concurrence to send to Mayor.) : with a recommendation to refer to the Mayor with a request that all City Service Commission meetings be held at City Hall.
15. A0045-10 Committee on Public Service Report On Resolution offered by Madam Alderman Millie Cardello-To send a letter to National Grid asking them to explain what the 30 year problem is with frequent power outages at the upper half of Autumn Street in Everett. (The latest one being 1/25/10 from approximately 3pm to 5:30pm); with a recommendation to grant further time and to invite Dan Cameron of National Grid to the next meeting.
16. C0059-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer the amount of $7,100.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance into the City Services Snow & Ice - Highway Account for equipment hire. (Passed in concurrence 4/12 and to request City Services Director provide breakdown of what we spent on that line item this meeting.)
17. A0114-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City consider enforcing a curfew for months of June, July and August throughout the City. (Referred 4/12 to City Solicitor, Police Chief and Mayor for response this meeting)
18. A0117-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President - That in accordance with the provisions of the General law of Massachusetts, the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the City of Everett, qualified to vote as the law requires, to assemble at the several polling places, for and within the several precincts, where they are duly registered voters on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 for the SPECIAL STATE ELECTION, then and there to give in their votes for the election of the candidates for the following office: STATE SENATOR.
19. A0118-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President - That the polls be opened from 7 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock in the evening and the City Clerk to cause all voting places to be properly fitted up for the SPECIAL STATE ELECTION, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010. Be it Ordered Further: That the following places be designated as polling places for the above mentioned SPECIAL STATE ELECTION, MAY 11, 2010:
Ward 1 Prec. 1 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 2 Armory, 90 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Prec. 3 Parlin Library, 410 Broadway
Ward 2 Prec. 1 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street Ward 2 Prec. 2 Parlin School, 587 Broadway, entrance on Derne Street Ward 2 Prec. 3 Keverian School, 20 Nichols Street
Ward 3 Prec. 1 Community Center, 21 Whittier Drive Ward 3 Prec. 2 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street Ward 3 Prec. 3 Recreation Center Building, 47 Elm Street
Ward 4 Prec. 1 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street Ward 4 Prec. 2 Glendale Towers, Ferry Street Ward 4 Prec. 3 Lafayette School, Edith Street, enter from Bryant Street
Ward 5 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 5 Prec. 2 City Hall, Keverian Room, Third Floor, 484 Broadway Ward 5 Prec. 3 City Hall, Room 25, Second Floor, 484 Broadway
Ward 6 Prec. 1 English School, 105 Woodville Street Ward 6 Prec. 2 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter easterly side Ward 6 Prec. 3 Adams School, 78 Tileston Street, enter westerly side
20. A0119-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle, Alderman Robert Van Campen, Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, Councilor Lorrie Bruno and Councilor William Cardello To revisit issues in the vicinity of Corey Street, including municipal parking lot, that is, speeding, barriers, fence and loud noises with summer coming and windows opened.
Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry, Adm. Assist. / Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office,

5299 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2010 : 1:06:40 PM
Why is it that the mayor always seems to have something else scheduled during the BOA meetings? |
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