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5299 Posts |
Posted - 05/07/2010 : 07:35:23 AM
1. A0133-10 To all persons interested in the petition for an Auto Repair - Mechanical License for Third St. Auto Repair at 365 Third Street.
2. A0132-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $25.00 from Mr. Domenic Forgione, in memory of Angela M. DeCesare, to the Department of Veteran Services to supplement their gift account.
3. A0135-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To appropriate the amount of $900,000.00 from the General Fund's Budgetary Fund Balance to the Parlin Remodeling Capital Fund to complete the remodeling of the Parlin School.
4. A0136-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That a certain parcel of city owned real estate with a building thereon known as the Old Everett High School, located at 548 Broadway, identified as Lot C-5-100-2 on the map of the Everett assessor, consisting of 3.933 acres more or less, be declared surplus property available for sale or lease in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30B, as this land is no longer needed nor being used for municipal purposes.
5. A0139-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To appropriate the amount of $630,000.00 from the General Fund's Budgetary Fund Balance to the Unemployment Compensation Account to help offset the higher than anticipated costs of unemployment compensation due to the overall state of the economy. The Federal stimulus package has extended unemployment benefits without funding relief to municipalities.
6. A0140-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To appropriate the amount of $135,000.00 from the General Fund's Budgetary Fund Balance to the Facility Maintenance Electricity and Gas Account due to the cost of keeping the old high school operational.
7. A0141-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To transfer $75,000.00 from the MWRA Sewer Account to the Medicare Payroll Taxes Account due to the change in methodology of paying teachers 26 times per year versus 22 times per year.
8. C0074-10 Ordinance/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To amend the Zoning Ordinance Section 23 by removing the current Building Department Fee Schedule and replacing it with new Building Department Fee Schedule. (Enrolled sent up for enrollment.)
9. C0075-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer $165,000.00 from the City Services Salary Account to the following City Services Accounts: Police Details $10,000.00 Landscaping 40,000.00 Trees, Seed, Sod 37,000.00 Maint Supp/Matrl 15,000.00 Cement/Stone/Asp 15,000.00 Vehicle Maint/Repair 48,000.00 These transfers are necessary mostly due to the repairs needed over the winter/early spring period. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
10. C0077-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept donations totaling $155.00 to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account from the following listed donors: $50.00 from Mr. Alfred Sabella in memory of Angela DeCesare, $40.00 from anonymous donor in memory of Angela DeCesare, $50.00 from Lola Colletta in memory of Angela DeCesare, $15.00 from Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Buonopane in memory of Angela M. DeCesare. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
11. A0126-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend the chapter number of the sign ordinance from 15A to12A Sign Ordinance (So that the Storm Drain Discharge Ordinance can become Chapter 15A) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett. (In order to keep storm drain sections together). Chapter numbers shall now read as follows: Chapter 15 - Sanitary Sewers and Storm Drains Chapter 15A - Discharges to the Municipal Strom Drain System Chapter 12A - Sign Ordinance (Amended by renumbering sign ordinance to 12A) (Enrolled as amended, in concurrence, sent up for ordainment, as amended.)
12. A0127-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 15 Sanitary Sewers and Storm Drains of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding Chapter 15A Governing Discharges to the Municipal Storm Drain System which relates to illicit discharges and contamination into the municipal storm drain system to comply with state and federal statutes and regulations relating to storm water discharges. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
13. A0115-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 12-48 (c)(1)(i) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby amended by striking out the number "50" as appearing therein and replacing it with the number "60". This change is necessary due to the Board of Aldermen's decision to require gasoline stations with full repair facilities to obtain Repair Shop Licenses. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
14. C0078-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Daniel J. Napolitano, Sal DiDomenico and Kenneth Giannelli-That over three hundred workers at the Shaw’s distribution center in Methuen, Massachusetts have been on strike for six weeks and lost their health benefits on April 1 due to a collapse in negotiations at the bargaining table. In these difficult economic times, loss of pay and health benefits puts a particularly immense strain on working families that are already struggling under the weight of rising health care costs. The Everett City Council encourages both parties to return to the bargaining table and arrive at a fair and reasonable contract in an expedient manner. (Passed sent up for concurrence to send to Shaw’s)
15. A0134-10 Petition for Mechanical Repair Shop License from Anthony Dapohito D/B/A Ferry St. Service Station at 464 Ferry Street.
16. A0110-10 Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Ordinance from the Mayor's Office - To amend Chapter 16 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding Section 16-26 (I) Requirements for storage of refuse and trash cans; with a recommendation for favorable action as amended by deleting "adjacent to an exterior wall" in paragraph a. iii..
17. A0099-10 Committee on Rules & Ordinances Report on Order offered by Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano and Councilor William L. Cardello - In the interest of efficiency and accountability, that the City of Everett establish a Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund in accordance with G.L. c. 44.53F 1/2; with a recommendation to grant further time.
18. A0120-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition for Junk Dealer's License from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC for purchase, sale or barter in junk, old metals and second hand articles at 431 Second Street.
19. A0122-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition for Open Air Parking License from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Park, Lock & Shuttle at 8-24 Dexter Street.
20. A0124-10 Committee on Licenses Report Petition for Junk Dealer's License from Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. D/B/A Carlyle Precious Metals, LLC at 8-24 Dexter Street.
21. A0125-10 Committee on Licenses Report Petition for Mechanical Repair/Body Shop License from Faissal Daaboul D/B/A Main St Auto Center, Inc. at 339 Main Street.
22. A0119-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Robert Van Campen-To revisit issues in the vicinity of Corey Street, including municipal parking lot, that is, speeding, barriers, fence and loud noises with summer coming and windows opened. (4/26 Referred to Mayor with request for written response on all issues pertaining to this matter for this meeting 5/10).
23. A0129-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Sal Sachetta To have City Solicitor appear before this Board to discuss terms and answer questions, regarding the contract that the City of Everett has with Comcast. When does the existing Comcast contract expire? When it does expire, do we as the City Council have any vote pertaining to this? Did the existing contract become breached when Comcast insisted the customers in Everett install "Digital Boxes" in order to receive their signal? Since Comcast has supplied customers with "Digital Converter Boxes" (only two), why can they now NOT receive certain stations on their other T.V. sets without this converter box? Comcast also has increased their charges almost each and every year, including the most recent increase of approximately 10%. I feel the length of our contract with Comcast invites such increases, and if this is true, in the future we should not enter in too lengthy a contract. I have received questions from many citizens of Everett regarding this matter and feel answers are needed for the residents of our City. If our Solicitor does not have these answers, perhaps we could have a Representative of Comcast appear at a future Aldermen's meeting.
24. A0130-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the Police Department and the Mayor's Office print /report all crimes that occur in the City of Everett in the local newspapers.
25. A0131-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen In the interest of public health and public safety, that the DeMaria Administration take immediate steps to ensure that the City's Reverse 911 communications system can communicate with Everett residents - in emergency situations - on a "real time" basis.
26. A0137-10 Order/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen and Sal Sachetta, Councilors Rosa DiFlorio, Peter Napolitano, Daniel Napolitano, Sal DiDomenico and Rosemary Miller Petition to Great and General Court for the enactment of a Special Act - via the Massachusetts Home Rule Amendment process - requesting an "Act Providing for a Charter Commission in the City of Everett: Section 1. The charter commission elected by the City of Everett at the biennial election held in 2009 in accordance with chapter 486 of the acts of 2008 shall be a valid and legal entity notwithstanding the failure of the city to comply with the provisions of chapter 43B of the General Laws as provided in said act. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage."
27. A0138-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen That the City of Everett suspend its street sweeping towing program in those areas of the City where street and sidewalk renovations are occurring.
28. A0142-10 Ordinance/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen, L. Charles DiPerri and Joseph McGonagle-To amend the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Everett by deleting in its entirety and inserting new Appendix A Zoning Ordinances for the City of Everett. This proposed new ordinance shall take effect July 10, 2010.
Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry, Adm. Assist. / Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office Meeting Dates: 5/12 6:00 p.m. Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 5/17 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 5/18 6:00 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting 5/19 6:00 p.m. Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 5/24 7:00 p.m. Next Board of Aldermen Meeting 5/26 6:00 p.m. Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 6/7 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting You must be logged in to see this link.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2010 : 10:05:05 PM
Was there any need of Mr Foresteire to speak to Alderman Sachetta in such a demeaning way? Good for the Alderman for giving it right back to the Superintendent.
I would say a few tempers rose tonight. |
Edited by - massdee on 05/11/2010 1:50:54 PM |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 12:07:29 PM
Yes tempers flared for no good reason and I think a clip of that meeting should be sent to state ethics commission. This is not the first time the mayor has used the podium to embarrass, harass and demean Alderman Van Campen....who is an upstanding citizen in this community and works hard for all his constituents, and even those that are not. But he will stand there and defend losers to the till who spew poison in the air?
Speaking of spewing poison in the air....... the next chapter of the game is now “Joe Marchese” representing Wood Waste ?? How odd is that....the very brother of Alderman Michael Marchese who is adamantly against Wood Waste and their nasty tactics, and he has no qualms to let WW know it either. Wonder the reasoning behind hiring him?? Rossi is still around, is he trying to build up his “dream team” for something or in hopes there will be a conflict when it comes to vote? Michael is an Alderman and has been there for years. Hiring the brother is questionable. I hope the rumors are not true concerning the old high school and people are bidding low and he comes in the highest. WATCH for that.
Carlo is just afraid of people that are smarter than him and I am sick and tired of him bullying people to get his way. You don't run a city bullying people and it needs to be reported. Oh WAIT, I forgot, Governor Patrick got wind of the fact that Everett is one of the largest voter based cities in the state, so now we are suddenly "chummy" with the state house?
The bullying, the drunken sailor spending (while depleting taxpayer money) the turning the other cheek to certain people that have money is totally disgraceful and this city does not belong to the people, it belongs to the “friends of Carlo” and how much money you have. I’ve never seen such outrageousness in my entire life. I should be like certain common councilors who got an extra case of free water and now think that Carlo walks on water…ridiculous and it’s got to stop.
just wondering
Senior Member

387 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 1:32:44 PM
Having a bad day Bob? |

136 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 7:34:53 PM
Bingo Tails you hit it right on there's only one person that gets him that upset and that's Thebault or one of his companies it won be Everett business center. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2010 : 7:41:33 PM
I was thinking about Monday's BOA meeting. In my opinion, it is insulting to the members of the BOA the way the mayor and the Superintendent spoke to them. It is their meeting and they should be treated with the same respect that they would want. In my opinion, again, they both came off as very rude. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 05/24/2010 : 3:40:50 PM
COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR 1. A0149-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To delete Chapter 9, Section 9.5 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Basis for Establishing areas of special flood hazard" and replace it with new to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law, and suggested by Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure the city's compliance.
2. A0150-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 9, Section 27(d)(1) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by deleting "Massachusetts Division of Water" and replace with "Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation".
3. A0151-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 9, Section 27of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section 9-27(f) Floodway Data, to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law, and suggested by Department of Conservation and Recreation.
4. A0152-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, Section 91, the Mayor and the Police Chief recommend revocation of the constable license of Mr. Michael Lonardo due to gross misconduct. Mr. Lonardo had his badge confiscated by Chelsea Police Officers after improperly displaying his Massachusetts Constable Badge.
5. A0154-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To transfer $200 from City Solicitor Salary Account to City Solicitor Westlaw Computer Research Account, needed due to increase in Westlaw rates and to pay remaining invoices for FY10.
6. A0155-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To transfer $6,000.00 from the Health Department Salary Account to the Health Department Professional Services Account, needed to pay for public health services to be rendered by the Cambridge Health Alliance (Jean Granick).
PAPERS FROM THE COMMON COUNCIL 7. C0084-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To appropriate $120,000.00 from the General Fund's Budgetary Fund Balance to the Police Department's Overtime Account to maintain a full compliment of officers during required shifts. Also, to offset overtime costs associated with community impacting incidents. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
8. C0081-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To appropriate the amount of $7,500.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance to E911 Radio Maintenance Account due to the cost of maintaining the 911 radio system. (Amended by deleting word "appropriate" and inserting word "transfer" and replacing words "general fund's budgetary fund balance" to E911 Salary Account ". Passed as amended, sent up for concurrence.)
9. C0082-10 Ordinance/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That Chapter 7, Section 7-164 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby amended by deleting section 164 in its entirety and adding new, as follows, authorizing the salary ranges of administrative officers effective July 1, 2010: Position Minimum Maximum City Auditor $77,064 $88,432 City Solicitor $72,357 $83,032 Treasurer $67,865 $77,967 Board of Assessors, Chairman $21,300 $21,300 2nd Member $ 5,000 $ 5,000 3rd Member $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Board of Health, Chairman $ 1,200 $ 1,200 2nd Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 3rd Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Licensing Board, Chairman $ 1,800 $ 1,800 2nd Member $ 1,200 $ 1,200 3rd Member $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Board of Public Works, Chairman $ 1,800 $ 1,800 2nd Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 3rd Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 4th Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 5th Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 6th Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 7th Member $ 1,000 $ 1,000 (Enrolled sent up for enrollment)
10. C0083-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To authorize revolving accounts for listed city departments for specified purposes during the Fiscal Year 2011. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
11. A0110-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 16 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding Section 16-26 (I) Requirements for storage of refuse and trash cans; with a recommendation for favorable action as amended by deleting "adjacent to an exterior wall" in paragraph a. iii. (Amended by deleting "adjacent to an exterior wall" in paragraph a. iii.) (Enrolled, as amended, in concurrence, sent up for ordainment.)
12. C0073-10 Favorable recommendation received from Veterans Services on Order/s/Councilor Daniel J. Napolitano-In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, to dedicate a square in the Ward 4 area in honor of Alphonso Medugno, a World War II Veteran. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
13. C0080-10 Invite from Veterans Service Officer Joseph Hickey to the Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 31, 2010, 10:00 a.m. at Glenwood Cemetery.
PETITIONS AND LICENSES 14. A0144-10 Petition Petition from Joseph P. Marchese, Esquire, with a certified plot plan in support of Supreme Cars' petition to increase the number of cars on its license from 15 to 21.
15. A0153-10 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dario Inc. D/B/A Christopher's Auto Sales at 367 Third Street, Chris Serino, President.
16. A0051-10 Petition and communication from Assistant City Clerk Ellen Carr extending the Lodging House License from Joseph's Lodge at 312-314 Broadway for lodging house/room rental until December 31, 2010.
COMMITTEE REPORTS 17. A0133-10 Committee on Licenses Report on petition for an Auto Repair - Mechanical License for Third St. Auto Repair at 365 Third Street.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS 18. A0119-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Robert Van Campen To revisit issues in the vicinity of Corey Street, including municipal parking lot, that is, speeding, barriers, fence and loud noises with summer coming and windows opened. (Laid over from 5/10 meeting awaiting Administration's response on barricade.)
19. C0065-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That a certain parcel of city owned real estate with a building thereon known as the Old Everett High School, located at 548 Broadway, identified as Lot C-5-100-2 on the map of the Everett Assessor, consisting of 3.933 acres more or less, be declared surplus property. (Amended 4/12 by striking words "available for sale or lease in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L., Chapter 30B." and referred to Administration to conduct public hearing and submit an itemized breakdown of what building is costing city on a monthly basis.)
NEW BUSINESS 20. A0143-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen and Michael Marchese That the Mayor of the City of Everett appear this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to provide an update on the status of ongoing efforts toward modernizing and upgrading the City's large commercial water meters.
21. A0145-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen That the Mayor of the City of Everett appear this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to disclose and discuss the Administration's recent feasibility study/analysis of all City-owned buildings under the care and control of the City of Everett.
22. A0146-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen To amend Chapter 18, Section 148 Designation of Residential Parking Sticker Area (b) (hours of operation) by expanding its existing resident parking program to twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a week.
23. A0147-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen That the City of Everett consider and enact a No Heavy Trucking Ban on Broadway and Main Street.
24. A0148-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, as President That the Board of Aldermen suspends their meetings in the summer session 2010 for the entire month of July, and the first meeting in August, which is the August 9th meeting, due to many members on vacation, which accounts for a lack of quorums, and is unfair to members who make the effort to attend.
25. A0156-10 Worksheet Monday, May 24, 2010 1.Sponsor: Alderman Michael J. Mangan-That the sidewalks in front of 102, 110 and 112 Florence Street and 10 Auburn Street be replaced. Referred to: City Services Director and Operations Manager, City Engineer, Community Development and Mayor Carlo DeMaria Adjournment Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Everett City Council Office Meeting Dates 5/25 6:00 p.m. Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 5/26 6:00 p.m. Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 6/1 6:00 p.m. Joint Convention/Public Hearing RE: Zoning Ordinance 6/7 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 6/14 7:00 p.m. Next Board of Aldermen Meeting 6/15 6:00 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting You must be logged in to see this link.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2010 : 07:25:16 AM
1. A0165-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from Patricia King, in memory of Helen Calderone, to the Office of Human Services. This donation will be deposited to the Office of Human Services - Emergency Services Account.
2. A0166-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $20.00 from Honey Mandolese in memory of Joseph DeCato to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account.
3. A0167-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $50.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Eloy Sierra, Jr. in memory of Joseph DeCato, to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account.
4. A0169-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, Section 85, and pursuant to Section 29 of the Everett City Charter, I hereby appoint Jerome K. Bowen, Jr. and eighteen (18) listed others, to be Sworn Weighers for Distrigas of Massachusetts Corporation at 18 Rover Street, for an unpaid term of one (1) year, expiring June 14, 2011.
5. A0170-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with M.G.L., Chapter 41, Section 85, and pursuant to Section 29 of the Everett City Charter, I hereby appoint Officer Joseph Gaff as a Sworn Weigher for the City of Everett. This appointment shall be for an unpaid term of one (1) year, expiring June 14, 2011.
6. A0171-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with the Everett City Charter, Section 29, the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Section 2-32 and Section 11 Board of Appeals, I hereby appoint Mario Cornelio to the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill a recent vacancy that will expire on September 8, 2011.
7. A0172-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, and in conformity with the Everett City Charter, Section 29, the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Section 2-32, and Section 11 Board of Appeals, I hereby appoint Richard Zullo to the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill a recent vacancy that will expire in March 2012.
8. A0173-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To authorize Mayor to apply for and accept the Public Works Economic Development Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (Mass. DOT), to be used for transportation infrastructure improvements on Airforce Road to stimulate economic development within West Everett.
9. A0174-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President In accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 41, Section 91, the Mayor and the Police Chief recommend revocation of the constable license of Mr. Tracy Tinkham due to gross misconduct.
10. A0175-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, in conformity with M.G.L., Chapter 10, Section 58 and Section 29 of the Everett City Charter, I hereby appoint Jeffrey McCabe of Everett to the Everett Cultural Council to fill an unexpired term ending March 31, 2012.
11. A0176-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, in conformity with M.G.L., Chapter 10, Section 58 and Section 29 of the Everett City Charter, I hereby appoint Keith Spencer of Everett to the Everett Cultural Council to fill an unexpired term ending March 31, 2012.
12. C0091-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $75,000.00 from Exxon Mobil Foundation to the Mayor's Summer Youth Work Program Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
13. C0092-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the Chief Procurement Officer is hereby granted permission to accept and dispose of the following equipment: 1996 Woodchuck Chipper W/C 17-4, VIN 1W9N71218TX200779 Estimated Value - $2000.00. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
14. C0094-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett accept the provisions of Chapter 43D of the Massachusetts General Laws as amended pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 205 of the Acts of 2006, and approve the filing of an application with the Interagency Permitting Board for the designation of land at 62 Tremont Street MAP D00003 - Parcel 000030, also known as the Rivergreen Technology Park, as a Priority Development Site or take any other action in relation thereto. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
15. C0096-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To transfer intra-departmentally $24,997.00 from the Library Salary Account to the following Library Accounts: Books/Magazines $7,000.00 Non Print $12,150.00 Noble Network $5,847.00 This will enable the Library to meet their certification requirement to spend 13% of the budget appropriated by the City on materials (books, audio, databases) this year and help meet the requirement next year when the resources that we use to supplement the budget lines will be reduced. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
16. C0097-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To change the line item for Veteran's Department City Flags for the Fiscal Year 2011 from $4,000.00 to $6,000.00. Mr. Hickey explained, several departments in the City request flags and the demand for cemetery placement for both Veterans Day and Memorial Day increases each year. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
17. C0098-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $40.00 from Donna Hoffman and Roseann McDermott in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Dept of Veteran Services Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
18. C0099-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept donation of $50.00 from Marina Mandolese in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account to supplement the Veteran's Department gift account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
19. C0100-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $400.00 from the Decato Family in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
20. C0101-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $35.00 from Rita Decato in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account to supplement their gift account.
21. C0102-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account, to supplement their gift account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
22. C0103-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of an additional $20.00 from Rita Decato, in memory of Joseph Decato, to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account, to supplement their gift account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
23. C0095-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable City Council, and in conformance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 121B, Section 5, I hereby appoint Wayne Matewsky to the Everett Housing Authority Board for a term to end March 1, 2013. (Confirmed, sent up for concurrence)
24. C0105-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett honor Captain Norman Solari due to his courageous behavior at the Bow Street Fire. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
25. C0106-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett honor Fire Fighter Michael Baldwin due to his courageous behavior at the Bow Street fire. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
26. C0107-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett honor Deputy Chief John Berghello due to his courageous behavior at the Bow Street fire. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
27. C0108-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That the City of Everett honor Fire Fighter Robert Colameta on his Firefighter Instructor of the Year Award. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
28. A0149-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To delete Chapter 9, Section 9.5 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Basis for Establishing areas of special flood hazard" and replace it with new to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law, and suggested by Department of Conservation and Recreation to ensure the city's compliance. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
29. A0150-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 9, Section 27(d)(1) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by deleting "Massachusetts Division of Water" and replace with "Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation". (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
30. A0151-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 9, Section 27of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section 9-27(f) Floodway Data, to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law, and suggested by Department of Conservation and Recreation. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
31. C0082-10 Ordinance/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President That Chapter 7, Section 7-164 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett is hereby amended by deleting section 164 in its entirety and adding new, authorizing the salary ranges of administrative officers effective July 1, 2010. (Ordained sent up for ordainment)
32. C0084-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To appropriate $120,000.00 from the General Fund's Budgetary Fund Balance to the Police Department's Overtime Account to maintain a full compliment of officers during required shifts. Also, to offset overtime costs associated with community impacting incidents. (Amended by striking out word "appropriate" and insert word "transfer" in its place, passed as amended, sent down for concurrence on the amendment) (Amended by striking out word "transfer" and re-insert word "appropriate"). (Passed as amended, sent up for concurrence on the amendment)
33. JC001-10 Order/s/Committee of Whole on 2011 Budget Committee of Whole on Budget 2011 Report and Order on the Mayor's Annual Appropriation Bill with a recommendation that the FY11 Annual Appropriation Bill be amended by reducing or cutting the following line items in the Budget: Assessor 01-141-25-142-5301 Professional Development $65,000 Cont. Approp. Employee leave buyback $20,000 Cont. Approp. Charter Commission $10,000 City Services Hazardous Waste Coll $8,000 City Services Recyclables Disposal $10,000 City Services Road Salt $95,000 City Services Center Line X-Wlk Mark $100,000, and City Services $80,000 The Committee, after further discussion, concluded that there were no other areas of the budget, as submitted by the Mayor, that should be cut and that they were prohibited by statute from adding on. The Committee then recommended that the Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Appropriation Bill (Budget) submitted by His Honor Mayor Carlo DeMaria in the sum of $139,387,593.00 be passed by Order hereto attached as amended by the Committee by reducing $388,000.00 from the budget sum submitted. Accordingly, the Committee voted to report back to the City Council with a recommendation for favorable action on the FY11 Budget as submitted by the Mayor as amended by the Committee in the revised sum of $138,999,593.00. (Amended (per Mayor's Order to increase Veterans line item by $2000) by correcting to $139,001,583.00, passed as amended, sent up for concurrence)
34. A0163-10 Petition from Planet Tran, LLC for renewal and expansion of livery garage licenses to 25-50 vehicles for Planet Tran's all-hybrid livery fleet at 3 Charlton Place.
35. A0004-10 Joint Convention/Public Hearing Report On Ordinance offered by Aldermen Michael K. Marchese - To add new subsections to the Zoning Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 21A. Adult Entertainment Land Use , (b) Definitions, by inserting the following: (6) Pawn Shops, (7) Piercing, (8) Check-cashing, (9) Tattoo Parlors and (10) Gun Shops; to restrict the locations of theses establishments thereby promoting the safety and welfare of the City's inhabitants, and to enhance attractive business areas in the City; referred favorably to the Board of Aldermen.
36. A0051-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition and communication from Assistant City Clerk Ellen Carr extending the Lodging House License from Joseph's Lodge at 312-314 Broadway for lodging house/room rental until December 31, 2010.
37. A0144-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition from Joseph P. Marchese, Esquire, with a certified plot plan in support of Supreme Cars' petition to increase the number of cars on its license from 15 to 21.
38. A0157-10 Committee on Licenses Report on Petition from Attorney Joseph P. Marchese, Jr. with request to amend the Junk Dealer license issued May 17, 2010 of Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC of 0 Terminal Street and 431 Second Street to include in addition and in conjunction thereto materials recovery facility and materials recycling facility.
39. A0119-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Joseph McGonagle and Alderman Robert Van Campen To revisit issues in the vicinity of Corey Street, including municipal parking lot, that is, speeding, barriers, fence and loud noises with summer coming and windows opened. (Referred to Mayor's Office 5/24 with request for response on correcting the lighting issue this meeting)
40. A0143-10 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert Van Campen and Michael Marchese That the Mayor of the City of Everett appear this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to provide an update on the status of ongoing efforts toward modernizing and upgrading the City's large commercial water meters. (Laid on table to this meeting and invite Mayor to attend on the matter.)
41. A0145-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen That the Mayor of the City of Everett appear this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to disclose and discuss the Administration's recent feasibility study/analysis of all City-owned buildings under the care and control of the City of Everett. (Laid on table to this meeting and to invite Mayor and Purchasing Agent to attend on the matter.)
42. A0158-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the City consider playing Police and Fire Dispatches on our ECTV channels during down times, especially at night. Quincy and Salem Mass presently do this. (Communication received from ECTV Director Alyson Dell Isola stating she will be in attendance to follow up and answer any questions on the matter.)
43. A0148-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, as President That the Board of Aldermen suspends their meetings in the summer session 2010 for the entire month of July, and the first meeting in August, which is the August 9th meeting, due to many members on vacation, which accounts for a lack of quorums, and is unfair to members who make the effort to attend. (To validate in accordance with Rule 79 of the Board of Aldermen)
44. A0164-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen That the Executive Director of City Services, and a representative of Capitol Waste, appear at this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to explain why trash pickup in Everett now occurs at later hours during the day.
45. A0168-10 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese That the Mayor and City Services consider taking down the basketball court at the park located at the corner of Lynn and Fuller Street and return it to an all tot lot, at the request of area residents.
Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant / Office Manager Everett City Council Office
Meeting Dates: 6/14 6:00 p.m. Committee on Licenses 6/15 6:00 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts 6/15 6:00 p.m. Committee on Finance 6/21 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 6/28 7:00 p.m. Next Board of Aldermen Meeting You must be logged in to see this link.

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 10:40:18 AM
Well kudos to the two good Aldermen that had the nerve to vote no on this astronomical high budget that was not caused from fixed costs but instead with created jobs, HUGE raises and a 2.1 Million Dollar " Capital Improvement Plan" which everyone voted for, but has no clue what it entails. That…..I find just amazing.
We have always done streets and sidewalks before, but never such a burden on the taxpayer. I wonder what company is going to benefit from this capital improvement plan?
I have asked so many people this question and no one will answer me……..Was the pension fund paid into with this budget?

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 10:55:57 AM
I didn't see the meeting last night. I am waiting for the tape to come on now. Which two Aldermen had the intestinal fortitude to vote against the budget and did they give their reasons why? |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 11:16:31 AM
Chuck DiPerri and Joe McGonagle voted no. Joe McGonagle gave an explanation, and Robert Van Campen gave his reasons why he was not happy with the budget, but he voted for it. Chuck DiPerri usually explains why he votes the way he does, but he had the chair. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 11:25:47 AM
Why would Alderman Van Campen vote for it if he wasn't happy with it? That doesn't make sense. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 11:33:51 AM
He said he would not support it next year and they had to pass the budget. They had 0 support during the budget hearings to cut anything.
That's what happens when you have two branches and one has the majority votes that are filled with rumpswabs.
Let this be a lesson to all when the single branch government comes up.
It's due time that the taxpayers get a break from people that are only out for themselves! |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 11:40:42 AM
They didn't have to pass it last night. I believe there is a plan in place for when a budget doesn't pass.
I think the entire budget process needs to be revamped. I feel that neither of the branches of the City Council should have more voting power over the process than the other. The entire budget process was completely one sided and it wasn't on the side of the taxpayer. |
Edited by - massdee on 06/15/2010 11:49:18 AM |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2010 : 12:39:09 PM
Okay, I just watched the tape of the budget being passed at the BOA meeting. There are seven members and only three of them spoke on a $139 Million budget. I would have liked to hear from each of them and why they voted the way they did.
Alderman Van Campen and Sachetta both spoke saying they did not like all the extra spending in the budget but would vote in favor of it regardless. I don't understand their reasoning on this. If you don't like it, why would you vote for it? That certainly sends a conflicting message.
Alderman McGonagle spoke explaining why he would not vote in favor of the budget. One of his main concerns was for the residential and business taxpayers. He spoke against the budget and voted unfavorable. At the very least, Alderman McGonagle is consistent. |
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