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 5299 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 12:33:58 PM
Anybody see the Advocate today? I can't get out to get one, just wondering if anything worth reading.
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 12:49:22 PM
Oh, I'm sure people would find this little blurb from the Advocate interesting. It's a little lengthy, but clearly written by someone interested in perpetuating the myth that the high school is some sort of safe haven:
Advocate Commentary:
"Independent" reporter kidnapped by Little Green Men?
"Augustine Parziale, all-purpose news reporter and right-wing mouthpiece for Editor Josh Resnek, accused five Little Green Men of levitating him into a UFO and implanting a 'story' into his mind about an imaginary crime wave threatening the citizens of Everett."
You say that story sounds flaky to you? You say, no writer in his right mind would submit such a story, and no editor would print it?
Just look at the story that WAS written and printed on Page 4 of last Wednesday's "Independent"! It referred to . . .
" . . . violence being perpetrated against (Everett) residents . . . " ". . . Everett High school students getting attacked on Hancock Street, possible by a group of gang members . . . " " . . . the story of an Everett teen getting arrested for attacking a Malden woman .. . " ". . . rumors about someone possibly bringing a gun into Everett Hgh School . . . "
OK, here's the trick question. Which one of these statements is a total lie? EVERY ONE OF THEM! Mr. Parziale says that he hasn't been able to get "official confirmation" of the last statement. Not surprising, since it never happened. We checked all these statements out. Interim Principal Jancie Gauthier had been told by the Everett Police Department that a former EHS student was in possession of a stolen gun. According to the High School Administrative Staff, the accused had made a threat towards an EHS student. After investigation, the police apprehended the suspect in Somerville. According to the findings of the police investigation, the accused was NOT in Everett at the time of the alleged threat.
"The Everett Public schools have a 'lockdown' procedure for any situation threatening students or staff," Ms. Gauthier said. "if there had been any danger, that lockdown would have gone into place immediately. No gun was ever found in the school . . . "
Hmmmmm . . . I guess we were all levitated onto the same UFO as Augustine Parziale was . . . as was the person who wrote the article in the Malden paper about the attack on Belmont Street.
Anyone want to guess who wrote this "commentary"? |
Advanced Member

1140 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 1:47:54 PM
I emailed the advocate to let them know they were real incidents. Seriously, how many people does Freddy own in this city?
Sally |
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 2:11:42 PM
Good work, Sally. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that Mitchell will print a retraction. Not that I need to tell you that . . . because we all know with Mitchell, it's all about who has the deepest pockets. |
Advanced Member

1282 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 3:37:57 PM
***Everett teen getting arrested for attacking a Malden woman... From the Malden Observer Newspaper. Everett man arrested in Malden stabbing By Dan Baer/ Thursday, January 11, 2007 - Updated: 01:58 PM EST Malden police have arrested an Everett man in connection with a bloody Belmont Street attack that sent a local woman to the hospital with multiple stab wounds. Detectives said Thursday that 19-year-old Jamie Quezada “randomly” attacked the 54-year-old victim near her home Tuesday night, leaving her with severe stab wounds on her face, chest and temple. The victim, whose name was ordered impounded by a Malden District Court Judge, was rushed to Massachusetts General Hospital that night, but her injuries were not expected to be life threatening.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 3:41:44 PM
Maybe the Advocate should start reading the Malden Observer so they will know what is going on in Everett and then have the correct information for their "rag". |

31 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 3:59:37 PM
Don't take this the wrong way but i have to in defense of Mr Mitchell have respect for him that if he reports wrong he will apologize,, and unless he has more than just allagations he won't grab hold and run all the bases with it again he is more than a stand up guy that Redneck |

3 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 4:14:54 PM
If the Advocate writer would stop kissing FFF's a** then maybe he'd know the truth. Our star quarterback, his girlfriend, and her best friend, all were involved in a gang "jumping" them on Hancock Street last Saturday. They were seen with the boy's shirt pulled off & multiple cuts, bruises, and the quarterback and his girlfriend both had black eyes. There were over 7 people arrested in Everett High School last week, I know this because I am a student at Everett High School. Nobody wants the truth out, and until a student is killed in school, then everything's going to stay as is. I witnessed a girl get arrested the other day outside of my classroom. There are many unsafe things going on in our school. I myself do not, by any means, feel safe being in school. Last year, while turning the corner to go to class, my friend witnessed a young man, again not from our school, with a gun in his girlfriend's face, telling her "I'll f**king kill you, you dumb b**ch!". The things that go on in our school everyday are ridiculous. Although the teachers were told to give us a plan if a shooting does happen, I can say that out of the 7 classes that I take, only one teacher gave us the instructions, while laughing. Nobody takes anything serious in Everett High School, including the students and teachers. Someone please just do something. What is this city turning into? |
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 4:19:55 PM
NSS, with all due respect, Mitchell will absolutely not print a retraction on what was in the paper today because, I'm willing to bet a month's mortgage, Mitchell didn't write what was in the paper today. That piece has Fred-spin written all over it.
concernedcitizen -- welcome to our forum, and I'm very sorry that you and your friends have to have that daily experience.
Does anyone think that the incident at Lincoln Sudbury high with have a "wake up" factor for our Everett school officials? |
Advanced Member

1282 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 4:24:05 PM
Wow. Thank you for joining in on this blog and letting us know the inside scoop. |
Advanced Member

1140 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 4:32:14 PM
I sent Mitchell the names of the victims from Hancock Street in case he wants to find out the truth.
Sally |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 6:01:50 PM
Sally, good job. I hope it wakes him up. |

4 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 7:08:35 PM
Dear Citizen Kane are you saying that Mr Mitchell and the superintendent are friends?? i'm to really sure about that one |

4 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 7:09:52 PM
i'm not to sure about that one sorry |
Citizen Kane
Advanced Member

1082 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 7:12:32 PM
I'm saying Mitchell is "friends" with anyone who'll put money in his pocket. Did you see the pictures in there today from the MLK breakfast? Mitchell didn't put those in there out of the goodness of his heart. That's big money for him. |
The leak

21 Posts |
Posted - 01/19/2007 : 7:31:11 PM
reading the post from ,concernedcitizen, is absolutely frighting if a young adult in our schools was to get hurt because of the way of the world then we have to accept the blame,, my own opinion if we don't have a solid plan in place that recognizes somthing is amist we have all failed i too am so sorry this is a way of life |
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