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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2008 :  8:43:51 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Love items 15 and 18. I hope that item 15 doesn't get shot down; I'd love to see most of these meetings (and we'll get to see who shows up for them too!). In regards to item 18, I can't believe that I'm so strongly behind a piece submitted by Councilor Stephen Simonelli! The current process for getting streets put on the list is a joke. A request was recently made to put my street on the list. The street has a couple of problems but, for the most part, there are many streets that are in much worse condition than mine. It'll take some time and effort to perform this evaluation, but once it is done, a process could be put in place so that the streets that deserve it the most get done every year. What a concept!
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2008 :  9:19:47 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Me personally, I don't think those committees need to be televised as long as the reports are made public. That would be a waste of money and ECTV"s time. It's kinda like some people like to see themselves on TV and it's the same people that always speak and never give anyone else a chance. Anyway, I like item number 3 from Councilor Hickey to amend chapter 17 about the snow shoveling in and around properties. There are a lot of capable lazy landlords that just don't shovel and the kids have to risk getting hit by cars walking on the street going to school. It's time to start fining these people too! I don't understand item number 5 because I thought Auxiliary Police was all voluntary.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2008 :  08:57:07 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I usually agree with you but on item 15 I personally would like the committee meetings televised. It might get all the members to attend these meetings. Some only go when there is a hot button item on these agenda's. I also think it would educate the viewing public on how these committee meetings are handled and just maybe help to make these committee's more accountable.
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Posted - 02/15/2008 :  09:47:04 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I think that if you go back and read my comment again, you'll find that we are in agreement. Maybe all of the meetings don't need to televised (committee on celebrations is one in particular one that I would normally pass on) but there are some (administrative affairs, finance, rules and ordinances, public safety and public service) that I would try to make time for religiously. Tails makes a valid point that some of the blowhards would finally show up at these meetings and would probably slow down the proceedings by looking for some more face time; but, I think that the benefits would outweight the negatives. I have never seen a report from one of these meetings. If the they are in the level of detail that we get from the reports of the BOA and CC meetings, they can't portray what really goes on during the meetings.

Edited by - tetris on 02/15/2008 09:51:55 AM
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86 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2008 :  12:22:38 PM  Show Profile Send Fedup a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree that the committee meetings should be televised. It would really be an eyeopener for those of us who take a strong interest in what is going on. Last year, there was an article in the papers regarding attendance at all meetings of City Government. I believe the "blowhards" would be kept under control and we wouldn't be subjected to more of the nonsense that we already are. It would also be interesting to know about those who do not take part in any committees or those who do not show. The committees can not vote on any issue unless there is a quorum.
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Posted - 02/15/2008 :  3:10:28 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Sorry, you are right, I did misread your post. So, we agree again. LOL
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2008 :  11:49:24 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


A0090-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $2500.00 from the Everett Co-Operative Bank to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account 27.3590EA, to be used to support the fuel assistance needs for Everett residents.(Passed sent down for concurrence)

A0037-08  Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri-That the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett Chapter 18, Section 18-133, Prohibited on Certain Streets is hereby amended by adding Bennett Street, no parking both sides for a distance of thirty (30) feet, from Ferry Street in a southerly direction; with a favorable recommendation to enroll. (Enrolled sent down for enrollment).

A0073-08  Committee Report/s/Alderman Michael Marchese
Administrative Affairs Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Mike Marchese-To amend City Ordinances by including a residency requirement for all new hiring of safety personnel, that is, firefighters and policemen, to reside in the City of Everett, applicable after January 1, 2009; with an unfavorable recommendation. (Committee report accepted, enrolled sent down for enrollment (reconsideration failed).

A0080-08  Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
To amend Chapter 18, Section 18-162.5 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Towing of Repeatedly Tagged Vehicles" by deleting the following word and letter in the first sentence: "five (5)", and inserting in its place the following word and letter, "three (3)". The purpose of the amendment is to decrease the number of multiple vehicle parking violation notices a person can fail to appear on before his vehicle can be removed and stored at the expense of the registered owner of said vehicle. (Enrolled sent down for enrollment)

A0081-08  Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
To amend Chapter 18, Section 18-169 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Towing of repeatedly tagged motor vehicles" by deleting "five (5)" in the first sentence and "five (5) in the eighth sentence and replacing both with "three (3)". (Enrolled sent down for enrollment)

A0084-08  Resolution/s/Aldermen Wayne Matewsky, Sal Sachetta and Councilor Leo McKinnon
That the City Auditor provide to Members of the Bills & Accounts Committee a description of fund request for each Department and number each signature petition before the start of each monthly meeting. (Passed sent down for concurrence to send to City Auditor).


C0028-08  Communication
Response from Superintendent of Schools Mr. Fred Foresteire on behalf of the School Committee relative to the Resolution offered by Councilors Sal DiDomenico and Lou Sierra-That it be known that the Everett School Department is interested in the M.D.C. Swimming Pool on Elm Street for the Children of Everett; with a negative response.

C0011-08  Communication
Favorable Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilor Joseph F. Hickey-To prohibit parking from the Everett Credit Union exit on Chestnut Street, to the abutting property line, southwest side, to eliminate the viewing obstruction at that location, at the request of constituents exiting the ECU; with favorable recommendation to enroll.

C0049-08  Communication
Favorable Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilors Millie Cardello and Sergio Cornelio-To place a service zone at 357 Broadway from Monday to Saturday, 8 am. to 6 p.m.; with a favorable recommendation to enroll.


C0073-08  Committee Report
Committee on Celebrations and Military Affairs Report on organizing celebration plans for the 2008 July 4th Festivities; with a recommendation for further time and to invite Mayor DeMaria, Exec. Director of the Chamber of Commerce William Jones, Recreation Director Rick Milley and the Recreation Commission Members to the next meeting.

C0010-08  Committee Report
Public Safety Committee Report on Resolution offered by Councilor Ranieri-To invite National Development Company to discuss the lack of signage at the entrance to Best Buy; with a recommendation for favorable action on the signage recommendations made by National Development in addition to the recommendations made by the Committee and that a communication be sent to National Development informing them of said approval. The Committee also recommended that a communication be sent to Representative Stephen Smith and Senator Anthony Galluccio requesting their assistance in having the State install a sign along the westbound side of Krystal Poirer Way that reads "Best Buy Entrance Second Right".


C0043-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
That the Everett Police Traffic Division enforce the towing ordinance in the City of Everett. (Chief Mazzie requested to appear this meeting on the matter)

C0063-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
That the City Engineer submit an inspection/evaluation report on the needed repair or replacement to the front stairwell of the Parlin Memorial Library and report next meeting with findings. (Referred 2/19 to City Engineer Julius Ofurie and Mayor DeMaria for a response back this meeting)

C0064-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Stephen Simonelli
Mayor's Office of Community Development and the Engineering Division of City Services consider compiling an overall city wide street ranking summary, and report same to the Common Council before any proposed street rehabilitation and/or reconstruction. (Referred 2/19 to Community Development Director and City Engineer to appear this meeting with updated list of streets to be done)

C0042-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio
That the City look into getting "smart cars" for the parking enforcement officers so that they can travel to other parts of the City to be able to enforce parking laws, not only on Broadway and Ferry Street where it is easiest to walk, but also be able to travel to other main streets and side streets to help enforce corner violations, parking on sidewalks, et cetera.


C0069-08  Resolution/s/Councilors John Leo McKinnon and Millie J. Cardello
That the Chief of the Fire Department, Fire Commissioners, Mayor, Veterans Commissioner and Union Officials of the Fire Department and other Members of the Council and Board that were informed on this matter be invited to the next Public Safety Committee meeting on an old issue of the Firefighter Reserve List. This issue is being raised again, and if cards have been sent out by the Chief, we need to know how come. We would also ask that the Chief explain why he did not stick to the agreed plan of action on this matter that was brought to light at the last deliberation of said matter.

C0070-08  Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon
That a group be formed in the City of Everett of retired citizens that have specific knowledge, ideas, hobbies, trades and or skills that would want to help or donate any spare time to help the City in any way that they can be formed and utilized for the betterment of our City.

C0071-08  Ordinance/s/Councilors Joseph F. Hickey and John Leo McKinnon
To place a service zone at 361 Ferry Street between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

C0072-08  Resolution/s/Councilors Rosa DiFlorio, William Cardello, Lorrie Bruno and Alderman Robert Van Campen
That the City Engineer do a study on traffic flow, and the narrowness of Bradford Street, from Bucknam all the way down to Ferry Street, and make recommendation whether street should be a one-way or one-sided parking and report back his findings in one month, due to complaints of parked cars getting side-swiped.

C0074-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio
Mayor consider doing a clean-up month where rubbish company can accommodate so citizens can clean debris from homes and yards.

COO75-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
That the City consider placing a traffic light at the intersection of Prescott and Tremont Street due to heavy foot traffic, the park and the tennis court.

C0076-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That Congressman Markey earmark funds for the remediation of Beacham Street from the Everett/Chelsea line to Route 99 to complement to upcoming work to be done on Beacham Street in Chelsea up to the Everett/Chelsea line.

C0077-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That the Everett Chief of Police obtain training and certification for at least two additional officers to operate the truck weighing equipment with the objective of maintaining around the clock monitoring of heavy truck traffic in and along South Everett, with a request for a response back next meeting March 17th.

C0078-08  Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano
That the Everett Fire Chief and Members of the Fire Commission appear before the Administrative Affairs Committee to discuss implementing a cap or limit to how many names can be placed on the Stand-by Reserve List.


Respectfully submitted:
C. McCorry, Adm. Asst./Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office

3/4 6pm Public Service Committee meets.
3/5 6pm Finance Committee meets.

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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2008 :  2:04:54 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Monday night’s common council meeting does item number 7 mean the school committee want’s to buy the M.D.C. swimming pool? I thought they didn’t have any money? I also hope they settle item number 11 on Monday night. I live in that area and Santilli Highway is an accident waiting to happen because of the Best Buy. Since they closed off the emergency exit, people have literally backed their cars back on to the Highway. It’s crazy and cars fly all over the village trying to get to Best Buy to avoid traffic. Obviously, they are not from Everett but the signage is a serious problem. Item number 13 I hope they come back and say the library stairs are fixed. This has been going back and forth and all around and something like that should be a priority. Item number 15 is a very good idea, especially for “Going Green” those smart cars are very cheap and should be looked into further. Item number 16 invites Walter Rice but he’s gone. Item number 19 the entire City of Everett needs a traffic study. I’m all for item number 20, preferably, two months out of the year, say, April then September. Lastly, does anyone know if item number 23 refers to all the issues on lower Broadway?

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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2008 :  3:01:29 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Item #7 was originally put on the agenda because the school department did express some interest in the pool. It was sent to the school committee for their input. It was discussed at a one of their meetings that the pool does not meet their needs. It is not longer enough or deep enough. (I haven't been in there since I was a kid but I knew it wasn't long enough.) This item just returns the issue to the city so that it can be disposed of. Item #23 certainly targets lower Broadway but it also may empcompass the surronding areas (i.e. Parkway, rotaries, market district, etc.) that have heavy trucking volume.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/03/2008 :  9:05:19 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What are the three new businesses that are coming into Everett that is going to impact the amount of trucks using our streets?

I have a headache after listening to that meeting for 2 1/2 hours.

Edited by - massdee on 03/03/2008 10:05:27 PM
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Posted - 03/03/2008 :  10:15:11 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Have no idea Massdee. I didn't even hear that because I'm getting to the point where I can't watch the entire meeting with the volume turned up. Re-hash after re-hash of the same thing, people don't understand what they're voting on, everybody wants to be involved in the same things, etc. Just sad.
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195 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  05:39:41 AM  Show Profile Send michael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I believe they were talking about the wast treatment plant, burger king, and there is one more going in down there. But not sure. I agree with you Massdee headache Ms. Bruno needs to take control of that meeting the same questions but in different lite. I agree with simonelli about the towing for street cleaning we the people of everett have suffer enough I know I want to see cleaner streets and if that what it takes to clean up our streets than so bid.. What is with Rosa and the white goods there are no more stickers for the white goods that is why you see so many white goods around the city, I think they need to re-visit that ordinance
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  08:01:27 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I believe that you are mistaken about the stickers for white goods. There was some talk at one point about doing away with it but it failed. If you go to the city's web site and look under the recycling coordinator department, you will find appliance removal listed under links. That was Rosa's point; she didn't want white goods included in the clean-up month. The white goods that you see are most likely caused by people dumping so that they don't have to pay the fee for the sticker or from other cities.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  08:19:38 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know this is off topic, but just wanted to share this with everyone.

There is a company in Malden, OBOYS REMOVAL. They pick up white goods from your home for free. We have used them several times. All you need to do is call them and they are there the next day.

Call David @ 781-706-0507 or Chuck @ 617-835-8987

They take: A/C, Washers/Dishwashers, Stoves, Fridges, Cars, Water Heaters, Light Iron/Brass/Copper and Lawn Mowers.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  08:40:38 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I saw some of the meeting last night and I agree, there needs to be more control. That is not fair to the councilors that are paying attention and the viewing audience that is watching with a vested interest. I dont understand this sign in sheet. If the Chief of Police was there, I can see taking the items that pertain to him all together but come on, they jump all around and I agree with Joe King. I'm sure Lori Bruno is trying to be fair but they stand up and repeat. I was a little disappointed with Cynthia Sarnie. I like her but this committee that her and Rosa started just got lost in the shuffle and now that Simonelli brings it up, it was like they were just looking for the credit. She kept repeating Rosa and I started this. Well, why wasn't it finished? Why did it take Simonelli to bring a motion forward to bring this all out. I was disappointed finding out there is only one police officer to weigh those trucks. That cant be in a city like this that these trucks fill up in. I am surprised the Chief has not come forward and requested to either hire another officer trained for this. That brings me to the residency issue they are trying to change. I think it's a good idea. I am in no way saying the Chief is not doing a good job, he grew up in Everett, but if you have police that live in Everett, they have a more vested interest in the goings on in the city, especially the overweight truck issue which is an accident waiting to happen.
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