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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2008 :  9:11:34 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another this is if a town like Newburyport... that I'm sure has more money that the City of Everett... has to go and get restraining orders to stop these trucks can you imagine what it's going to cost Everett Taxpayers. with Thibeault's defiance and we now have a Mayor that WANTS to do business with him. I cant tell you how appalled I am at this....That story was just three months ago.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2008 :  9:12:15 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Thanks, I missed that article. I try to keep up with his goings on.
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Posted - 03/10/2008 :  11:08:45 PM  Show Profile Send H1ghCh4r1ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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go to "search by individual" put in "William J. Thibeault"

you will get approximately 75 listings of his registrations with the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office including foreign companies.

notice: New Ventures, Rumney Marshview, Tupenny Towers, among many, many others.

He is a busy guy, wonder which town he is going to screw next.......

Just paying his lawyers to set up dummy corporations must cost him a fortune. He is supposed to put his home address on the applications......fropm the look of the filings, I guess he lives onsite at WoodWaste!!!!!

Also try his sister's name at the same website "Della Thibeault".

The Pup and Emile Schoeffhausen
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Posted - 03/11/2008 :  08:48:20 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote

WOW. I do not know anything about corporate law but when I looked at the link all I can say is...Something stinks in Denmark. When you google William Thibeault, there is a word document (a letter from Governor Patrick's Office) concerning all the discrepancies in Newburyport and the State mailed the letter to New Venture Associates on Boston Street Everett...just like that is his mailing address. Something is really wrong here.
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Posted - 03/11/2008 :  11:08:00 AM  Show Profile Send EverettsPride a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Is anyone emailing the Mayor and telling him what you think?

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Posted - 03/11/2008 :  11:31:14 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I tried that about another issue and all I got was "not commenting"
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just wondering
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Posted - 03/12/2008 :  6:11:16 PM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
sorry justme...was away for a few days.
I live in ward 6....which qualifies me to comment, no?
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Posted - 03/12/2008 :  6:53:22 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I didn't say you weren't qualified to comment, just wondering. I was merely asking what I consider a valid question.

Since we do occasionally have non residents posting here, I think most people would consider your arguments less compelling if you, and your family, weren't going to be affected by what Mr Thibeault does.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2008 :  7:15:18 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From The Mirror

'I think I have pretty much figured out DeMaria's plan, by using a mixture of info I heard emanating from the Mayor's office when he first took over and some educated guesses.

I could not for the life of me figure out why someone (DeMaria) who won by such a narrow margin and only with the support of the incumbent Mayor, would so obviously stick his head in the oven in the face of voter discontent. It did not make sense to me, but does now.

The two main issues that will drive the political waters in Everett for the near future will be the Woodwaste plans and personnel actions. I will deal with those two things separately in the explanation. First, the personnel actions.

While I don't remember it publicly stated that there was a "deal" between John Hanlon and Carlo DeMaria that held some quid pro quo in exchange for the support, but I think we can safely assume that John Hanlon didn't back Carlo for the sheer reason of believing he was the savior to the cities woes. I think it is fair to say that John backing Carlo was more of an effort to stem the McGonagle tide than it was to shore up DeMaria. So, I'd bet the farm there was some sort of handshake deal between the two. This begs the question of why Carlo would arrogantly throw away the votes that John gave him to win the election - and he is clearly doing that with no shame whatsoever. So, what's up? Does he plan to be a one term Mayor? No. Does he plan to retain or win back the Hanlon voter base? Hardly. Or, does he plan on REPLACING those voters with his own NEW voter base, adding a few extras to the net gain. Indeed, that is the plan and my belief is buttressed by a few comments coming out of the administration.

The first comment was that the Mayor wanted it known that "he is going to put an end to this back biting, negative campaigning, long done by two principal groups (the last of which got behind Hanlon and McGonagle respectively). It was not only rumored, but forced through the city grapevine that he would not tolerate any vocal supporters of either group. Either group is still larger than the small "DeMaria" supporters he currently holds. But, he hopes to do two things in that regard. 1. He wants to disenfranchise enough of the old voters that they just give up and go away. 2. Using patronage, he is replacing the Hanlon folks with people not tied to either base, and winning their (and family & friends) loyalty (votes) through job offers. This will (in his mind and his mind only) negate the loss of the Hanlon base by essentially selling city jobs to the highest bidder.

The second comment that came about was asked of me by a retailer near city hall. The merchant said to me, Is it true that the Mayor is telling everyone "who thinks they run the city to stay away from city hall because he is running the city now, not them and they won't be." This was just the other day. I had predicted some time back that once Carlo got over the shock of winning the election that the power would go to his head and he'd become arrogant. The very next Monday night is when he got arrogant with Chuck DiPieri over the Brian Zaniboni resume. Sure as hell he is off and running.

OK, so it is believable that DeMaria could overcome some personnel moves by saying it is the Mayor's prerogative. But, what about Thiebeault? As someone wrote, indeed the Mayor is going to ram this down our throats. And he is going to do so on the argument, albeit legitimate argument, that the only way to lower the residential tax base is to attract new businesses to the city and to lower operating costs. This is where the big public relations campaign comes to pass.

Through a variety of ways, DeMaria and Thiebeault will get their way (while both groups CONTINUE to line their pockets.) The plan will eventually be accepted as they keep upping the ante, agreeing to fund local programs and other efforts until such time as DeMaria can make the argument that Thibeault and Company are offering to lower the cities operating costs through their philanthropic and community service efforts and of course, has promised to be a good neighbor. To show goodwiill in the direction, Woodwaste will make some half hearted effort at dealing with their other location that is stinking up the parkway. As even more goodwill, look for Woodwaste to settle its' suit with the city and the agreement will heavily favor the city. DeMaria will hold himself out as the one who inked the deal at the last moment (just before the campaigns start) to show his diplomatic ways found the one and only fair solution to keeping the city's head above the financial waters.

In short, the arrogant Mayor believes the voters don't know what is good for this city and through some tough love (personnel actions) and manipulation of the facts (PR efforts that are and will be launched to white wash woodwaste). So, he will "do what is good for us" and we'll "thank him later." Yeah, we'll thank him allright - when all major city services are screwed up and staffed with relatives and friends of DeMaria supporters and we are under a pile of garbage on lower Broadway.

In my personal opinion that is the Mayor's plan and one that is doomed to fail. It is also my personal opinion that NO mayor can fix the problem in two years to the satisfaction of voter reelection. Thibeault needs to be dealt with firm and without backing down. I don't care if it takes ten years to sue the hell out of him - he needs to fix what he already damaged and get the hell out of town with any new business plans. If he persists in not fixing these problems, he needs to be shut down. And we need to attract businesses that have a sincere civic commitment to the community in which they reside.

What DeMaria has underestimated is that savvy Everett voter has seen these smoke and mirror tricks over and over again and we can see it coming a mile away."
Anonymous | 03.13.08 - 5:55 pm | #
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just wondering
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Posted - 03/13/2008 :  9:30:03 PM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
massdee....did you post that because you believe it to be true?

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33 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2008 :  09:46:31 AM  Show Profile Send JoeSister a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So Massdee what new businesses are you bringing into town to lower the tax base? I would love to see a Casino down on the river. Not only would that lower the tax base but it would provide a lot of jobs. And the Casino would contribute philanthropic and community service efforts because this is the community where they do business. You are complaining about growing Everett. If you can find other businesses bring them in.
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Posted - 03/15/2008 :  12:12:33 AM  Show Profile Send murph021 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I still believe it is a bit early to start 2nd guessing the Mayor. I think he still deserves the benefit of the doubt. Based on what I have read on this and the other Blog, no one seems to have any patience or vision. I agree with JoeSister, instead of worrying about what is going next to the Water Treatment Plant, the New Sludge Plant and the new Storage Building on Lower Broadway we should be trying to bring better business into the heart of Everett. I think Lower Broadway is and always will be Industrial and that is the area that pays the majority of our tax base, I don't think we can expect much more than that.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2008 :  10:35:55 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We should be very concerned about what business is going on lower Broadway and very concerned about Thibeault. He is not about business or revenue he is about Thibeault and he will not do the right thing and NO dump aka waste transfer (same thing) should go on lower Broadway or the old city yards. Why is DeMaria talking with the legal team and Thibeault about future development and not the mess on Boston Street first? Why even speak of any of this while Thiebault’s lawsuit is still pending. MAKES NO SENCE. He is environmentally unfriendly and anyone that defends him for money is being sold out. You’re selling out the earth and peoples health. All the Mayor is seeing is $$$$$.
$$$$$ for him and Thibeault while we have to live with the fallout. Thiebault needs to get out of town.

Recently, his crap is getting into the wetlands
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These poor neighbors are suffering and I will NOT live like this. The people that live around Stop & Shop and Chelsea are suffering too and all you care about is revenue by this man and a nerve to defend him and even call him a “business” man. There are plenty of other businesses to bring to town than this. If the Mayor still insists on dealing with this man then he must owe him big… to sell out the city for him.

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Unless DeMaria shows this man the door, myself, my family, my friends and many others will NEVER support DeMaria again and he will be a one term mayor but he will have the last laugh because we will be stuck with Thibeault. Another broken promise from DeMaria. Go ahead and blast me, I voted DeMaria and had all my family and friends vote for him too because he fed a line of BS and I believed him. He blatantly lied to my face. He also said Joe McGonagle was smearing him. It was not a smear, it was truth. Now I know that Joe was trying to get the message out and unfortunately it “appeared” like it was a negative campaign, but it wasn’t. Joe did not lie to my face like he did for a vote. Lets see where this all stands 6 months from now.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2008 :  1:46:36 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure this is the correct thread to post this in but I didn't think it necessarily deserved a new thread of it own, so here goes:

Apparently, the city's has a new budget director. The only reason that I am aware of this was a picture in this week's Advocate. On page 21 (as I remember) of the paper there is a picture of a table of city department heads that attended the senior's St. Patrick's Day celebration at the Connolly Center. The unknown person (at least to me) in the picture was identified in the caption as budget director Clayton Carlisle.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2008 :  2:50:52 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So much for the open book about the hires at city hall. I guess they pick and choose who they want you to know about. Like I said, so much for the new beginning and the open book. Oh well, same ole I guess.
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