Another dust up at the school committe meeting last night. The usual suspects. Only saw a little bit of the meeting. I'll try to catch a replay before I post any more about it.
I see in today's paper joe santagate is running for school committee at large not one of my favorite people but if stat isn't running I guess I will give him a shot
I thought that I picked up on something interesting in Mr Pedulla's update on the Parlin School's remodeling when I watched the last school meeting; but I wasn't sure I had all the details. So I've been meaning to catch a replay of the meeting. But I keep forgetting to. However, now that the minutes of the School Committee meetings are being posted on the city web site, we have the information I was looking for in black and white. What am I talking about? See the excerpt from the minutes of the last School Committee Meeting below:
- Initial bid $665,000 - All windows will be replaced - City Hall’s original appropriation ($2M) did not include the window amount - City Hall has committed to go to bond for this amount
How is this possible? Replacing the windows at the Parlin has been always been one of the centerpieces of this project. How could the money for this piece have not be included in the original request? And it increases the cost of the project by almost one-third. I'm sure that the borrowing will be approved. But's it no wonder the city's finances aren't in better shape when things like this are allowed to happen.
One thing is for sure though. The School Department will have two more opportunities to pack City Hall to make sure that the borrowing is approved.