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 Budget FY 09
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Posted - 05/29/2008 :  09:13:26 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since the hearing on the School Department budget is scheduled for this evening, I thought it might be a good time to look at some of the areas of concern associated with that budget. A lot of the issues that I found in the School Department budget are also found in the city budget; so it's a pretty good place to start.

1. In the summary budget, only two amounts are plugged in for the School Department, special education transportation and the rest of the budget. It only took me a few minutes to figure out that there is a one for one correspondence between each line item in the school department's detail budget and the categories in the summary budget. Somebody was just being lazy here.

2. Why does the Salaries - Special Education line item (Account number #01-300-10-330-5111) appear in the budget twice? By being there twice, the FY08 revised budget and FY08 year-to-date totals for the department, and by extension the entire city, are inflated.

3. Why are there expenses posted to line items that have no associated budget amount? This happens 9 times in Department 300. By not having expenses posted to the appropriate line items, it makes it impossible to do accurate comparisons. Also, in some cases, these amounts are rather large as well. For example, the line item for Other Charges and Expenses (Account number 22-300-11-300-5700) has FY08 expenses of $1,438,717.44 with no FY08 budget. The same is true in Department 330, which also appears to belong to the school department. The only line item listed for that department, Special Education Expenditures (account number 21-330-11-330-5700) has FY08 expenses of $890,313.43 with no FY08 budget.

4. Is it acceptable to overspend individual line items as long as there are enough funds within the department to cover all of its expenses? The School Department only has one line item, Oil (Account number 01-300-11-350-5212) which has already exceeded its budget; the line item has been overspent by $13,000+. This is certainly understandable given the somewhat unexpected increase in the price of oil. The only questions are is a transfer is required to clean it up and if so, is there money available for it?

5. Is there a methodology used in determining how the budget for certain line items are increased. For an example in the School Department, let's look at the Water line item (Account number 01-300-11-350-5230). Assuming that the FY08 expenses are fairly up to date and that the expenses are posted to the appropriate line item (which we know may not be true from item 3 above), only 30% of FY2008 budget for water has been expended and school department's budget for water will be increased by 20% in FY09. Wouldn't seem to make sense but, then again, we may not know all the details.

6. Is the School Department still planning on turning the old High School back to the the city as of July 1? If so, has the maintenance budget been adjusted accordingly? The non-salary portion of the School Department's maintenance budget is slated to increase by almost $1 million. That seems a little high with one less building but who knows.

The minimum or foundation budget for the School Department is set by the state. The increase in the foundation budget this year is approximately $6.3 million, with the state picking up roughly $5.9 million of the funding in increased Chapter 70 aid. The city could chose to fund the School Department at less than the foundation budget amount but since the state eventually requires the city to make up any underfunding, this is probably not a wise practice in most situations. This year, I believe that the city is only providing the School Department with $36 more than the minimum required by the foundation budget and that was done only to round off some numbers. I believe that is O.K. to question how the School Department spends their money but it probably isn't prudent to cut their budget; the city would only pay for it in the long run.

The following is a list of the School Department budget line items with the dollar and percentage increases for FY09:

                          $ Change    % Change  
Central Administration
Salaries	            37,697	 2.42%
Student Handbooks	         0	 0.00%
Miscellaneous Expenses	    87,287	14.31%

Salaries	         2,627,254	10.50%
Special Expenditures	   356,250	76.69%
Education Expenses	   172,730	18.09%

Special Education
Salaries	           818,889	16.17%
Tuition	                   500,000	11.63%
Education Expenses	   300,000	62.05%
Vision/Hearing Screening         0	 0.00%
Transportation	           400,000	18.18%

School Athletics
Miscellaneous Expenses	    47,856	10.58%

Salaries	            90,693	 6.16%
General Expenditures	   240,000	21.95%
Water & Sewer	            20,000	20.00%
Oil	                    35,000	53.85%
Electricity	           300,000	27.27%
Gas	                   260,000	37.14%
Total                    6,293,656      13.78%

In addition to the School Department budget, the city also is budgeting money to pay for the building of the new schools and improvements to existing schools. These amounts can be found in the retirement of long-term debt and long-term debt interest sections of the budget. Below is a summary of all of the long term debt items in the FY09 budget that can be clearly attributed to the schools.

Line Item	                        Principal      Interest 	Total

New Lafayette School-Ref 9/15/04	  875,000       182,062	    1,057,062
Maddie English School-Ref 9/15/04	  875,000	182,062	    1,057,062
School Construction 2-8-07      	1,655,000	805,532	    2,460,532
Keverian School	                          730,000	590,010	    1,320,010
School Improvements - 2004                135,000	 65,562       200,562
MSBA High School 2%	                  449,415	229,319	      678,734

Total                           	4,719,415     2,054,547     6,773,962

In addition, there is one other long term item which may or may not be related to the schools. This item, Refunding Bond 9/15/04, is budgeted at $1,221,725 (Principal $100,000, Interest $1,121,725) for FY09.

I hope that you find this information of some use when watching the budget hearings.

Edited by - tetris on 05/29/2008 09:15:30 AM
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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2008 :  09:46:42 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Thanks for the breakdown, this is great.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2008 :  10:28:49 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No problem and it really didn't take that long. I can't believe that this type of information isn't included in the budget document. Instead it is left up to every individual that wants to evaluate the budget to come up with it on their own. This isn't a criticism aimed solely at the current administration; it's probably the way its always been.

After last year's budget debacle, I thought that serious consideration should have been given to the methodology used for the entire budget process. Alderman DiPerri's budget amendment was only a part of what was needed and we all know what happened to that. So I guess it is business as usual all around.

I've tried very hard to insure that my numbers are accurate but the possibility of data entry errors and spreadsheet formula issues can't be ruled out. I'll apologize in advance if any errors creep into my numbers.
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86 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2008 :  8:20:16 PM  Show Profile Send Fedup a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wonder where the Budget Director was for his initial budget hearing? I thought it was mandatory that he attend the meetings.
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Posted - 05/29/2008 :  8:52:46 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A request was made when the city council accepted the budget for the budget director, the city auditor and the mayor to be present for all of the budget hearings. The only one that I know was there for sure was the auditor. The mayor could have been there; I just didn't happen to see him. The chief of staff/city solicitor was there though.

The budget document that they went over tonight wasn't the one that is on the city website; it was a more detailed budget document prepared by the school department. It seems that the budget director needed to plug the numbers from that document into the city budget document. The first three issues on my list from morning all have to do with errors that appear to have been made in that process. There is a fourth similar issue that I had found previously but forgot about this morning that falls into the same category. The amount listed for the FY08 Salaries - Instructional Budgeted Amount in this year's budget is $219,000 more than the corresponding amount in last year's budget. There are issues like this throughout the budget. I don't think that this is going to go over well, especially with the budget director's no show tonight.

Why are the members of the city council that don't make it to these hearings so predictable? Happy Birthday Wayne!

Edited by - tetris on 05/29/2008 8:53:37 PM
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117 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2008 :  9:09:53 PM  Show Profile Send card a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hey thanks for the apology it was not necessary, I thought I was right on some of the appointments from the BOA, I fogot the meeting was on tonite, heard that simonelli was hot and bother
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2008 :  9:24:13 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No, it was the right thing to do. Also, it was a chance to educate myself and pass it along to everyone else.

Simonelli wasn't that bad but don't ever question the need for school custodians around him.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  7:11:12 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Reminder, Budget Hearings resume Saturday morning at 7:45 AM. I hope the Budget Director will make this hearing. He was noticeably absent form the previous budget hearing.

Edited by - massdee on 05/30/2008 7:23:55 PM
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2682 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  7:47:21 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think some city councilors were absent too. This is important and once a year. I think I would find the time to be there.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  8:34:45 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I believe Wayne Matewsky was also absent from the budget hearing last night.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  9:12:37 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The following is a list of the dollar and percentage increases for FY09 Summary Budget for the City Departments and Fixed Costs (Sorry, didn't have the time to do the detailed budget):

                                    $ Change   % Change  
City Council
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                      0      0.00%
 Celebrations                         (8,000)  -100.00%
 Personal Services                    33,184     12.60%
 General Expenditures                 32,100     56.91%
 Reserve Account                     261,983    689.12%
 Stabilization Trust Fund         (1,499,000)   -99.93%
City Auditor
 Personal Services                    (8,973)    -3.90%
 General Expenditures                 (2,325)    -2.60%
 Personal Services                   133,394    227.40%
 General Expenditures                  5,300    196.30%
 Personal Services                  (120,150)  -100.00%
 General Expenditures                 (1,850)    -8.85%
 Personal Services                   (69,794)   -20.95%
 General Expenditures                 (2,250)   -22.84%
 Professional Services              (100,000)   -36.36%
 Personal Services                     4,598      1.15%
 General Expenditures                 (6,000)    -4.05%
 Postage (All City Departments)            0      0.00%
City Solicitor  
 Personal Services                   (49,793)   -17.32%
 General Expenditures                 (9,300)   -13.98%
 Personal Services                   (66,009)   -35.81%
 General Expenditures                 12,850     30.60%
Management Information Services  
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                 (7,000)    -4.59%
 Capital Outlay                      (75,000)  -100.00%
City Clerk  
 Personal Services                   (31,755)    -9.39%
 General Expenditures                 (4,950)   -14.98%
 Election Expenditures               (61,993)   -45.50%
 Capital Outlay                       (3,000)  -100.00%
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                    (96)   -13.79%
Conservation Commission  
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                   (250)   -28.09%
Planning Board  
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                      0      0.00%
Appeals Board  
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                      0      0.00%
Facilities Maintenance  
 Personal Services                   (26,557)    -6.92%
 General Expenditures                (36,350)    -3.54%
 Personal Services                   361,414      4.15%
 General Expenditures                 (4,600)    -1.86%
 Auxiliary Police                        100     12.50%
 Capital Outlay                      (50,000)  -100.00%
 Personal Services                   199,965      2.56%
 General Expenditures                 (9,175)    -4.03%
Building Inspector  
 Personal Services                     1,534      0.47%
 General Expenditures                  1,250     21.01%
Parking Clerk  
 Personal Services                    20,565      6.34%
 General Expenditures                (38,744)   -19.07%
Emergency Communications Center  
 Personal Services                    11,319      1.54%
 General Expenditures                  5,500     21.74%
City Services Facility  
 Personal Services                   (64,414)    -2.22%
 General Expenditures (11 accts)      53,750      6.09%
 General Expenditures (17 accts)      63,500      8.87%
 Snow & Ice Expenditures                   0      0.00%
 Solid Waste Expenditures           (626,165)   -18.89%
Health Inspection Services  
 Personal Services                     5,993      0.71%
 General Expenditures                  1,500     14.02%
 Inspection of School Children           500      5.92%
Code Enforcement  
 Personal Services                     7,903      3.11%
 General Expenditures                 (4,110)   -36.37%
Council on Aging  
 General Expenditures                    200      0.65%
Veterans' Services  
 Personal Services                       353      0.40%
 General Expenditures                  2,000     14.55%
 Benefits                            (69,818)   -17.55%
 Veterans' Day Expenses                    0      0.00%
Commission on Disability  
 Personal Services                         0      0.00%
 General Expenditures                      0      0.00%
Mayor's Office of Human Services  
 Personal Services                    14,569      7.38%
 General Expenditures                  3,300      4.68%
Library - Parlin and Shute  
 Personal Services                    21,799      3.30%
 General Expenditures                  2,318      1.52%
 Capital Outlay                            0      0.00%   
 Personal Services                   (54,553)   -23.21%
 General Expenditures                    150      1.96%
Subtotal: City Departments        (1,849,083)    -5.07%
Fixed Costs  
Retirement of Long Term Debt         371,138      7.23%
Long Term Debt Interest               (2,407)    -0.07%
Short Term Debt Interest            (270,000)   -91.53%
Safe Drinking Water Act Assessment      (857)    -5.53%
Mass Water Resources Authority        107,979     1.04%
Retirement Board   
 Pension Fund Contribution            880,550    10.63%
 Non-Contributory Pen/Ann             (16,500)  -11.00%
Unemployment Compensation             (30,000)   -6.98%
Employee Insurance                  1,436,614    10.34%
FICA                                   25,000     3.45%
Employee Injuries                     (79,500)  -16.22%
Property/Liability Insurance          (20,000)   -2.03%
Subtotal: Fixed Costs               2,402,017     5.44%

I'll post some additional infomation/observations if time allows before tommorrow morning's meeting.

Edited by - tetris on 05/30/2008 9:13:23 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  9:49:53 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Part of the justification for combining the cheif of staff and city solicitor positions was that it was a cost savings measure. Now that we have the numbers, let's take a look at the actual cost savings. To do this, we'll have to take a look at the salary line items for both mayor's office and city solicitor's office:

              FY08              FY09
Mayor      262,837	     296,021
Solicitor  287,569           237,776		
Total      550,406	     533,797		Net Change (16,609)

Even though it wasn't presented as a cost savings measure, the combining of the budget and purchasing office must be evaluated in the same way:

              FY08              FY09          
Budget	    58,600 	     192,054
Purchasing 119,572		   0		
Total      178,172           192,054            Net Change  13,882

So combining these functions is saving the city a total of $2,727. Sure, every penny counts but are these moves really worth it?

Edited by - tetris on 05/30/2008 10:35:12 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  10:48:16 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What's up with the elimination of the internal auditor? I thought that the creation of that position was a recommendation of the IG's office in the last city wide audit.

Why are veteran's benefits being cut?

Better hurry up and get the other four pickup days on the new recycling program if the cut to solid waste expenditures is going to be realized.

I still have a problem that the amount being budgeted for a deputy city solicitor is more than what is allowed, by ordinance, for the city solicitor position.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  10:51:13 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh I'll be watching in the morning. These are very, very good questions.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2008 :  10:59:25 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I hope our city council picked up on what Tetris has. I will be watching too.
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