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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2009 :  10:49:59 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What's the over/under on the number of seconds it will be before the words "fire truck" comes up in this discussion? Although I believe the vote will be closer than the CC one, I'm pretty certain it will pass.

No idea where the shoveling piece will go. It could probably use some more work but I'm not sure that anyone wants to do the hard work that would be necessary.

What's this item doing back on the agenda? It was referred out to the CC on 02/09/09. At the 02/16/09 CC meeting, it was referred back to sponsor. Is it back here because of one of the sponsors is on the BOA? If so, it should have been dealt with at the prior BOA meeting.

The dialogue on one-side parking in the winter didn't last very long. Unfortunately, it not really a practical idea when parking is at a premium to begin with.

I have no idea what you can say about Wood Waste at this point other than I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens now.

A service zone in the middle of Clinton Street? Yes, there's a small store there but nothing ever last at that location. Waste of time and effort.

What color are we going to paint the curbs? Crimson Tide red? Didn't the idea of painting the curbs for the twenty feet to corner fail the last time it was brought up? What will the beautification program have to say about it?

Face time rules! Wouldn't it make more sense if you were suggesting a possible covert operation that you wouldn't announce it at a public meeting?

I thought that the Mayor had some problems with the zoning ordinances? Why isn't there a piece on here for that? Not to mention that the appointments for, among others, the City Auditor and Treasurer have lapsed. Is this city in a coma or what?
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2009 :  7:23:23 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That was a quick meeting. It sounds like the city and Wood Waste have some type of Consent Agreement signed. I wish they had been a little more forthcoming with the particulars.

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Posted - 03/09/2009 :  7:25:06 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why no discussion? It didn't have to be about fire trucks. Looks like I lost the bet though.

Doesn't the shoveling ordinance die in the Board of Aldermen every time? It sounded like it probably needed more work anyways. Doesn't it make sense that you invest some time into building some type of consensus of both boards before you bring something like this out of committee?

?????? What else can you say?

Why did they bother?

Edited by - tetris on 03/09/2009 7:26:59 PM
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Posted - 03/09/2009 :  7:45:18 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On item 6 Nuzzo left and then called for reconsideration. Who's pulling his strings?
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Posted - 03/12/2009 :  9:24:05 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Both this week's Leader-Herald and Advocate thought that it was strange that there was no debate on spending $80,000 on a sidewalk sweeper. I glad that I wasn't the only one.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2009 :  1:20:32 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


A0103-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Adam Ragucci of Everett to the Everett Cultural Council for a three (3) year term ending March 31, 2012.

A0104-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Joanne Gregory of Everett to the Everett Cultural Council for a three (3) year term ending March 31, 2012.

A0105-09  Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Lauren Laidlaw of Everett to the Everett Cultural Councilor to fill an unexpired term ending September 30, 2010.

A0106-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Cheryl Paskos of Everett to the Everett Cultural Councilor to fill an unexpired term ending September 30, 2010.

A0107-09  Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Dominic Puleo of Everett to the Everett Cultural Councilor to fill an unexpired term ending September 30, 2010.


C0042-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from Councilor Joseph King to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0043-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the Federal LSTA Grant of $8,432.00 administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners to the Parlin and Shute Memorial Library-Serving Tweens and Teens Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0044-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from the Bond Brother Employees to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0045-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the donation of $200.00 from the Everett Emblem Club to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0028-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To transfer $91,000.00 from the MWRA Sewer Account to the Unemployment Compensation Account to cover higher than anticipated costs of our unemployment compensation. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0041-09 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri
That the City of Everett is adamantly opposed to Insurance Commissioner Nonnie Burnes' proposal to do away with surcharge process and putting it in the hands of the insurance companies. (Passed sent up for concurrence to refer to Nonnie Burnes, ECTV to post on bulletin board with Nonnie Burnes' phone number and address, also to send to all Everett Newspapers with same info for public information)


Petition for Junk Dealer's License from H H & M Metals, Inc. at 337 Second Street, a scrap metal business.

Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from BR Motorcycles, LLC, D/B/A Bruce Rossmeyer's Boston Harley Davidson at 1760 Revere Beach Parkway, to sell new and used motorcycles, take in trade vehicles, to sell motorcycle parts and accessories, service motorcycles and sell clothing to customers.

Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from BR Motorcycles LLC, D/B/A Bruce Rossmeyer's Boston Harley Davidson at 1760 Revere Beach Parkway to sell motorcycles, both new and used, to sell motorcycle parts and accessories, service motorcycles, sell clothing to customers, and take in trade vehicles for resale or wholesale.

Petition for Junk Dealer License from Carlyle Precious Metals, LLC, 8-24 Dexter Street.

Petition for Junk Dealer License from Wentworth Precious Metals, LLC, 0 Terminal Street.


Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Matewsky and Councilor Cardello, M.: That the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett Chapter 18, Section 18-138 Service zones in Metered and Non-Metered Areas is hereby amended by adding to the list kept on file in the City Clerk's Office, the following: No person shall park a vehicle longer than fifteen minutes at 42 Clinton Street, from Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the request of property owner and business owner; WITH A FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (AMENDED TO READ WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY-STORE CLOSED ON MONDAY & TUESDAY).


License Committee Report on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Ferry St. Motors at 152 Ferry Street.


A0070-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus
To request the Fire Chief to appear this meeting concerning the overall condition of the fire trucks.(Postponed to this meeting from 2/23 for a response from Mayor and Fire Chief on the matter.)

A0083-09 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen, L. Charles DiPerri and Michael K. Marchese
That the Mayor appear this meeting to provide the Board of Aldermen with an update as to the Administration's efforts at negotiating a Consent Agreement with Wood Waste of Boston, Inc. (Laid on table from 3/9 for update from Mayor this meeting.)


A0096-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Law Department and the Code Enforcement Department instruct the Owners of the property at Phyllis' Diner on Broadway to clean property of undergrowth and debris and any other violation at that location due to the concerns of area residents.

A0097-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Director of Public Works, Mr. Brian Zaniboni, appear this meeting to discuss water leaks in front of people's homes, what the policies are, and what companies are bonded by the City to perform such work when water leaks occur in front of people's homes.

A0098-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen
That the City of Everett consider amending the Resident Parking Sticker Ordinance by allowing one visitor pass for each dwelling unit in the City of Everett.

A0099-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen
That the Mayor appear this meeting of the Board of Aldermen to discuss and outline the Separation Incentive Program which the administration recently announced to all employees.


Respectfully submitted:

C. McCorry, Everett City Council Office

Scheduled City Council Meetings:


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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2009 :  1:50:33 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What is an Everett Cultural Councilor and are these paid appointments? Why are certain individuals 2012 and some 2010 and who chose this selection?

Is the city putting out any money towards the tweens and teens item 7? Sometimes you have to match those grants.

I'm very glad it's on the agenda to discuss and the Separation Incentive Program. I just hope the right questions are asked and Jason and Wayne can focus the agenda item and stop standing there saying they are opposed to layoff's. Everyone is opposed to layoff's, there's no need to add fuel to the fire. This is an important issue and not the time to stray off subject. I hope Chuck DiPerri shuts them down if they start rambling.

Edited by - Tails on 03/19/2009 2:09:01 PM
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2009 :  09:35:32 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
1. - 5.
Has anybody ever heard of the Everett Cultural Council before? What do they do? Obviously, it something that's been around for a while since three of the appointments are to fill unexpired terms. But there seems to be something off with these appointments. Usually, all appointments to a committee/council expire in the same month. Appointments are also usually more staggered so that they don't all expire at the same time. Usually on a five person committee (I'm assuming) with three year appointments, some combination of 2, 2 and 1 appointments would expire over each of the three years. But since this council is not defined by the city's charter or its ordinances, I suppose that these appointments can be made however the administration decides to.

I'm certain that some people will be concerned with some of the names being appointed to this council (Gone are the days...). But what concerns me more is that these appointments are being made while ones that are required by the city's ordinances, including the Auditor and the Treasurer whose appointments have lapsed, are not being addressed. I just don't understand the administration's priorities a lot of the time.

Since the CC meeting, the Insurance Commissioner has reversed her decision on this matter. I read that the legislature will probably still go forward with their legislation to insure that the decision isn't revisited in the future. While you could still sent the piece to the Insurance Commissioner, it probably makes more sense to send it Smith and Galluccio. It will probably need to back to the CC for that to happen though.

It's hard to know where the fire truck issue will go this time. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

If you do not feel that signing a Consent Agreement with Wood Waste of Boston, Inc. that will only require them to move 50 tons a week was a good idea, I'd suggest that you attend the meeting Monday night to show your displeasure. It's probably one of the few things that you can do (at the present time anyways) to let it be known. I hope that this discussion will include how the zoning violation still (if at all) fits into the picture.

21. + 22.
It must be inching closer to election time; the Matewsky "face time" items are making a comeback. Do us all a favor Wayne; just pick up the phone and take care of these.

I have a hard time appreciating the issues surrounding the Resident Parking Sticker program since I have plenty of driveway space; but, to me anyways, allowing one visitor pass for each dwelling unit seems to help to defeat the purpose of the ordinance.

I don't know what else the Mayor can say to explain the Separation Incentive Program that wasn't in last Wednesday's Independent. I read that Malden made a similar offer but it was only $10,000 across the board. The Everett program seems kind of rich in comparison. I hope that Everett's program gets only the desired results; otherwise, the taxpayers could be footing a very big bill.

I thought that Alderman Marchese was going to put a piece on the agenda to follow-up on how much money was/needs to be put aside for contingencies in regards to the sale of the old city yards? It's been two meetings now since that statement.
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Posted - 03/23/2009 :  7:29:01 PM  Show Profile Send niceknowingyou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
go make the donuts cause you will not get re elect
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2009 :  8:57:11 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Someone needs to run against him for that to happen.

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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2009 :  9:03:29 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Is the consent agreement a legal, binding document? Can the mayor just walk away from it after the 8 weeks are up?

The City Solicitor really got ticked at Matewsky. The mayor got ticked at Van Campen.


Edited by - massdee on 03/23/2009 9:33:24 PM
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2682 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2009 :  9:39:54 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why do they all get so ticked, and take it so personal when it comes to Wood Waste? It's Wood Waste that's not doing the right thing, and to yell at the alderman for trying to do the right thing is totally unacceptable!
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2009 :  9:50:40 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure what the purpose of the Rule 17 tactic was. I think that when the BOA tries stunts like this and they end up backing off on them, they just looks foolish. To me, this issue was well explained at last week's CC meeting. If additional detail was needed, there was no reason that it couldn't have been asked for ahead of time and brought to this meeting. It's not wrong to question this at the BOA level but remember, the Bills and Accounts Committee, which includes aldermen, must sign off on this bill every month also. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how seriously that responsibility is taken. On the plus side though, at least I now fully understand what Rule 17 is.

I think that I'll stand by pre-meeting comments. I'm pretty sure that it was the Insurance Commissioner that backed off of this for now; I don't think that the Legislature has addressed this yet.

Translation. "Jason, stop bringing the fire department issues up in public." Too bad sone other people might be interested in the issue. I assuming (I know, bad thing to do) that we'll only get a new fire truck when the Mayor says it's time to get a fire truck. Maybe that the way it should be but it does seem like having an opinion on issues isn't welcomed.

I want to digest the Wood Waste discussion for a while before I say too much about it. But I am glad that at least a few people apparently showed up in person to hear this discussion in person.

I know that I took a shot at Alderman Matewsky for this item but I actually did learn something from this discussion, i.e., that you need a bonded contractor to perform this work. The alderman also made a good suggestion that the Water Department provide the contractor list to the homeowner when they come out to determine who owns the problem. And since the Alderman isn't really plugged into internet, this list would also be a good thing to have posted on the city web site.

I was wrong in my pre-meeting comments that there wasn't much else that the Mayor would be able to tell us about the Separation Incentive Program. It was good to hear that, so far anyways, the program seems to reaching its likely intended targets and that the money needed to fund the program will likely be available from each department's Salary line item.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2009 :  11:42:21 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How could I forget. Give it up Alderman Marcus. It's very likely people are going to get laid off. It sucks, no doubt. Been there. But, it's time to cut the fat. How about standing up for the tax payer for a change Alderman Marcus? There's a lot more of us.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  08:04:34 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Can Marcus be asked to take a leave of absence until his case is settled one way or the other?

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