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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  2:48:21 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why is one of Everett's Assistant Solicitor's leaving messages on Face Book during working hours?

I guess they are not as busy as we are led to believe!

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114 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  3:10:02 PM  Show Profile Send Marie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why are city hall employees even using city hall computers for personal use? We don't pay them to play on their computers.

Good thing that pay raise wasn't approved the other night.
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just wondering
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387 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  4:09:20 PM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
who's paying you folks to be online all day?
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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  4:39:31 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't work days AND I'm not paid by taxpayers.

"blatantly, gone are the days"

Edited by - Tails on 01/29/2009 4:40:09 PM
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just wondering
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387 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  4:47:26 PM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
so its ok to screw your employer as long as your employer isnt the government?? Sounds about right for your way of thinking.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  4:55:13 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, you agree using a company computer for personal use during working hours is screwing you employer? In this case, the taxpayer's of the City of Everett pay her salary.

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2682 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  6:39:10 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I dont screw my employer or taxapayers. I dont use internet at work.

"blatantly, gone are the days"
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Posted - 01/29/2009 :  8:49:32 PM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not condoning the misuse of city time or equipment but I have to ask............... Are you sure she's at work when she's posting? Could she be off or at lunch using her own PC?

I'm asking because I'm not a registered user with facebook (and don't want to be) and I can't check these things myself.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  8:59:37 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The entry I saw today was just after two this afternoon and was mentioning all the meetings she is attending. I was not looking for it, I just came across it. I didn't even know she was on Face Book

She has recently updated her Face Book, now she is irritated! She wrote that on her own time not city time. This is the kind of thing that happens when you hire inexperienced people to high stress positions.

Edited by - massdee on 01/29/2009 9:14:13 PM
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5299 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2009 :  10:26:27 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by just wondering

who's paying you folks to be online all day?

This post has been irking me since you posted it. You have no idea what people do or do not do or if they are at work or not. It reminds me of when you went after me for not attending a town meeting after I explained that I had a seriously ill family member. Even then you wouldn't let it go. Just to update you, that family member has passed and you certainly made a difficult time a little harder. I am so tired of your condescending attitude. Why don't you try to be conversational instead of confrontational. It would be a pleasant change.
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just wondering
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387 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2009 :  12:18:03 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by massdee

Originally posted by just wondering

who's paying you folks to be online all day?

This post has been irking me since you posted it. You have no idea what people do or do not do or if they are at work or not. It reminds me of when you went after me for not attending a town meeting after I explained that I had a seriously ill family member. Even then you wouldn't let it go. Just to update you, that family member has passed and you certainly made a difficult time a little harder. I am so tired of your condescending attitude. Why don't you try to be conversational instead of confrontational. It would be a pleasant change.

I have irked you?? I'm so sorry. Anyway.....just as you say, you have no idea what people do or not do or if they are at work or not.....you are 100% correct. Nor do you know what the day to day workings are of anyone in the solicitors office. You know nothing about how many hours they work. You know nothing about how many hours they are in the office working....long after the doors to city hall are closed. You have no clue how many hours they are sitting at their kitchen table preparing a brief for court the next morning. You have no idea how many hours they are spending on their weekend pouring through legal documents that would put most of us to sleep. You have no idea if they are posting on facebook from their cell phone, pda , laptop or desktop. The truth of the matter is....I dont either.....but Im irked by your desire to even make an issue out of it without knowing the facts. These aren't workers that punch a clock and have set hours. If the days workload calls for them to be there for 12 hours they do it. If they find 5 free minutes in an 8+ hour workday to post on their own webpage, good for them. I wouldnt ask them for that 5 minutes back just as I wouldnt want them to tell me no when the workload requires them to work past the time city hall closes. Your post implies that someone wasnt doing their job yet you have no proof of that. Your post is meant to be inflamatory, nothing more. The reason for your post irks me much more than my response to your post. It should do the same for you....unless of course common sense and your own personal agenda have a hard time playing in the same sandbox together.
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1428 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2009 :  05:30:08 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by just wondering

Originally posted by massdee

Originally posted by just wondering

who's paying you folks to be online all day?

This post has been irking me since you posted it. You have no idea what people do or do not do or if they are at work or not. It reminds me of when you went after me for not attending a town meeting after I explained that I had a seriously ill family member. Even then you wouldn't let it go. Just to update you, that family member has passed and you certainly made a difficult time a little harder. I am so tired of your condescending attitude. Why don't you try to be conversational instead of confrontational. It would be a pleasant change.

I have irked you?? I'm so sorry. Anyway.....just as you say, you have no idea what people do or not do or if they are at work or not.....you are 100% correct. Nor do you know what the day to day workings are of anyone in the solicitors office. You know nothing about how many hours they work. You know nothing about how many hours they are in the office working....long after the doors to city hall are closed. You have no clue how many hours they are sitting at their kitchen table preparing a brief for court the next morning. You have no idea how many hours they are spending on their weekend pouring through legal documents that would put most of us to sleep. You have no idea if they are posting on facebook from their cell phone, pda , laptop or desktop. The truth of the matter is....I dont either.....but Im irked by your desire to even make an issue out of it without knowing the facts. These aren't workers that punch a clock and have set hours. If the days workload calls for them to be there for 12 hours they do it. If they find 5 free minutes in an 8+ hour workday to post on their own webpage, good for them. I wouldnt ask them for that 5 minutes back just as I wouldnt want them to tell me no when the workload requires them to work past the time city hall closes. Your post implies that someone wasnt doing their job yet you have no proof of that. Your post is meant to be inflamatory, nothing more. The reason for your post irks me much more than my response to your post. It should do the same for you....unless of course common sense and your own personal agenda have a hard time playing in the same sandbox together.

Your first post bothered me as well but I decided to stay clear however, your last post changed my mind..........

In one sentence you say you don't know the facts and then you proceed to spout information about how hard the city solicitors work and the long hours they put in. If you think your rant is going to generate sympathy for them, you better take it someplace else. The long hours and the potential boredom while working on a brief for court goes with the territory. It's not exclusive to this city and they are adequately compensated.

The fact is that the City Solicitor's office is staffed with young, inexperienced attorneys who are being overpaid to do a job they can't handle. There's really two problems here. The first is that when she's at city hall, during business hours, she should be working. The second, which I think is even more important, is the immaturity and lack of professionalism displayed.

You seem to have and in with Carlo................... Let him know we've got his number and will be supporting his opposition.
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just wondering
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Posted - 01/30/2009 :  06:29:42 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
the intent wasnt to generate sympathy.....the intent was to point out that there are many variables left out of massdee's original post...but Im sure you knew that.
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just wondering
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Posted - 01/30/2009 :  06:49:39 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"Your first post bothered me as well but I decided to stay clear however, your last post changed my mind.........."

I'm bothered by the fact that Massdee's original post didn't bother you. Do you really support the posting of such general statements on this forum? It was meant to be inflamatory, nothing more. It's impossible for massdee to have all the facts....to make such an inflamatory accusation is irresponsible.

I have seen many posts on here that preach about that integrity of this board...how it is so much different than topix or the mirror. That's a load of crap. There is more in common here with the other boards than you all like to admit. Just as with the others, facts and common sense are optional.

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1428 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2009 :  07:11:22 AM  Show Profile Send justme a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by just wondering

"Your first post bothered me as well but I decided to stay clear however, your last post changed my mind.........."

I'm bothered by the fact that Massdee's original post didn't bother you. Do you really support the posting of such general statements on this forum? It was meant to be inflamatory, nothing more. It's impossible for massdee to have all the facts....to make such an inflamatory accusation is irresponsible.

I have seen many posts on here that preach about that integrity of this board...how it is so much different than topix or the mirror. That's a load of crap. There is more in common here with the other boards than you all like to admit. Just as with the others, facts and common sense are optional.

Shall we go back to my previous post when I discussed perception is reality? During regular business hours, people are expected to be working. When they blatantly show that they are not, there will be many who question their work ethic. Most especially when the "guilty" party is being paid with tax dollars.

Comparing this site with topix and the mirror (is that still up & running?) is ridiculous. Those sites feed on the needy that write trash and constantly bash and abuse contributors. Much of what's posted there is so bent and twisted there's no way to even begin to understand what the poster is trying to say.

That said, I think either of those sites would be a better place for you since you to play. Like many of the people who post there, you seem to enjoy mocking and mistreating those of us who disagree with you or the current administration.................
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just wondering
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Posted - 01/30/2009 :  07:23:47 AM  Show Profile Send just wondering a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Im sorry...."perception is reality" may be a catchy quote, but its just as general a statement as massdees original post.

I read your second paragraph and laughed out loud...you totally missed the point....again. All 3 sites are most definitely different...the tie that binds is "facts and common sense optional"
You continue to prove my point with each post.
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