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5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/22/2010 : 09:45:52 AM
I missed last night's meeting. What happened with the 10 Million dollar bond? |
Linda M

43 Posts |
Posted - 06/22/2010 : 10:09:20 AM
get ready to pay higher taxes in 2011 they all lie go read topix |

5299 Posts |
just wondering
Senior Member

387 Posts |
Posted - 06/22/2010 : 1:14:50 PM
What could you possibly find informative about that thread? |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 06/22/2010 : 5:20:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by just wondering
What could you possibly find informative about that thread?
I have not seen the meeting, exactly what isn't true that has been posted on that thread about last night's meeting? |
Senior Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2010 : 08:40:34 AM
It has come to my attention today that Rosa the cc president has asked sarni to tone down her dressing on the c.c with that being said, I think rosa needs a complete makeover after today's picture in the paper how dare she tells people how to dress who the hell is she the mayor, oh I forgot she kissess butt |
Senior Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 08/06/2010 : 12:12:09 PM
don't forget people proper dress at the aug 16th meeting, we don't want rosa to have a fit |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 2:31:45 PM
COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR 1. C0118-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $10,000.00 from Eastern Bank and Eastern Insurance Group to the Mayor's Office of Community Development for the construction of a concession stand at the Florence Street Park.
2. C0119-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $500.00 from Target to the Everett Police Department Donation Account. This donation will be used by the Everett Police Department to supplement their donation account
3. C0120-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Cheryl Dulock in memory of her Husband, Steve Dulock, to the Department of Veteran Services Gift Account. This donation will be used by the Veteran's Department to supplement their gift account.
4. C0125-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To raise and appropriate from the Fiscal Year 2011 tax levy, the sum of $250,000.00 for the replacement and refurbishment of the City's fire hydrants.
5. C0126-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veteran Association and Iron Worker's Local 7 to the Veteran's Department Gift Account.
6. C0127-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $500.00 from Target into the Everett Police Department Donation Account which will be used to help support National Night Out 2010.
7. C0128-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the following donations to the Mayor's Office of Human Services: The first donation is from the Everett Auxiliary Police in the amount of $1,874.17 and will be used to support the Office of Human Services. The next donation is from the Eagle Bank in the amount of $500.00 and will be used to support the Everett Literacy Gift Account.
PAPERS FROM THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN 8. A0004-10 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese To add new subsections to the Zoning Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 21A. Adult Entertainment Land Use, (b) Definitions, by inserting the following: (6) Pawn Shops, (7) Piercing, (8) Check cashing, (9) Tattoo Parlors and (10) Gun Shops; to restrict the locations of theses establishments thereby promoting the safety and welfare of the City's inhabitants, and to enhance attractive business areas in the City. (Ordained sent down for ordainment.)
COMMUNICATIONS 9. C0110-10 Order/s/Councilor Lou Sierra, Alderman Michael Mangan, Madam Alderman Millie Cardello and Councilor Kenneth Giannelli With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services for the year 2011 - In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17, Section 17.1 (b) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, “Names & destinations; erection of signposts”, to dedicate a square in the vicinity of Winter Street in honor of Charles V. Apruzzese, a WWII Veteran.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. C0090-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Rosa DiFlorio, Kenneth Giannelli and Adam Ragucci That Fire Chief David Butler appear this meeting Monday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. relative to a discussion and explanation on fire hydrant maintenance. (Water Dept. submit list of fire hydrants to be repaired/replaced this meeting.)
11. C0008-10 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon That we as a City form a plan to deal with off loading of ship's at the LNG and Natural Gas Facility's in Everett to make sure that they are safe and no threat to Everett and surrounding cities; with a recommendation that the resolution be amended by striking out the reference "form a plan" and that the matter be referred to the Mayor with a request that he report back to City Government on his plans in one month to contract and conduct a risk assessment at the Distrigas Facility.
NEW BUSINESS 12. C0117-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri That the Mayor ascertain that the City of Everett has received the equitable amount of Meal's Tax due to some confusion in other cities.
13. C0121-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Jason Marcus That the City find a little open space for a dog park.
14. C0122-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano That the owner or a representative from Wood Waste appear at the next Public Safety Committee meeting to explain the source of the smells emanating from the site on Boston Street throughout the summer, as well as, provide a detailed update on the status of building an enclosed facility.
15. C0124-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano That the City of Everett enact a moratorium to freeze all City of Everett employee salaries and hourly wages, at their existing levels for one year, and that the Mayor enter into negotiations with the various Unions for voluntary compliance with the moratorium.
16. C0129-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano That ECTV considers resuming the background music to channel 3 & 16 during the day and early evening hours due to requests by viewers.
17. C0130-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano That the Mass Highway restore the Entering Everett signs on Route 99N or S on the Everett/Boston line, and on Route 16 East on the Everett/Medford line.
Adjournment Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Everett City Council Office
SCHEDULED MEETING DATES 8/17 Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting 6:00 p.m. 8/23 Committee on Licenses Meeting 6:30 p.m. 8/23 Board of Aldermen Meeting 7:00 p.m. 9/7 Next Common Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. http:/You must be logged in to see this link.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 08/16/2010 : 10:10:43 PM
I missed the meeting....any updates? |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 09/04/2010 : 8:29:05 PM
1. C0135-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Target to the Everett Police Department.
2. C0136-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept the donation of $50.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Janes to the City of Everett's Beautification Project.
3. A0199-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from Michael H. Kelly into the Everett Police Department Donation Account to help support National Night Out 2010. (Passed sent down for concurrence)
4. A0200-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donations totaling $4,500.00 to the Everett Police K-9 Account, $2,500.00 from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. and $2,000.00 from A.G. Quealy Towing, Inc. (Passed sent down for concurrence)
5. A0187-10 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services to dedicate a square at the intersection of Avon and Main Street, in honor of Charles J. DiPerri, a WWII Veteran. (Passed sent down for concurrence)
6. A0188-10 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri With favorable recommendation from the Director of Veteran Services to dedicate a square at the intersection of Moody Avenue and Cedar Street, in honor of John M. DeAngelis, a WWII Veteran. (Passed sent down for concurrence)
UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. C0055-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra To repair the wall on Mt. Washington Street, between Rosedale and Maplewood Ave.
8. C0008-10 Resolution/s/Councilor John Leo McKinnon That we as a City form a plan to deal with off loading of ship's at the LNG and Natural Gas Facility's in Everett to make sure that they are safe and no threat to Everett and surrounding cities; with a recommendation that the resolution be amended by striking out the reference "form a plan" and that the matter be referred to the Mayor with a request that he report back to City Government on his plans in one month to contract and conduct a risk assessment at the Distrigas Facility.
9. C0123-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano and Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-That the Mayor appear to provide an update to the City Council on the status of discussions with the City of Chelsea and Boston Market Terminal regarding plans for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of sewers, drains, culverts and appurtenances in the Behan and Beacham Street area.
10. C0131-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio That the Mayor appear this meeting and advise on how we can best assist the small business owners with graffiti problems.
11. C0132-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Catherine Tomassi Hicks and Cynthia Sarnie That the City Services Director appear this meeting of the Common Council, Tuesday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m., relative to discussing the process on all crosswalks being renovated.
12. C0133-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Cynthia Sarnie That the Rules & Ordinances Committee revisit Chapter 12 A Signs and Billboards.
13. C0134-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio That all city employees, including teachers, firemen, policemen and city employees, starting the year 2011, in order for them to be hired, they need to live in the City of Everett, and all above employees, offered a promotion, would need to live in the City of Everett.
14. C0137-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Kenneth P. Giannelli That the residents of Everett be notified that the reconstruction is set to start November 2nd, 2010 and last until May of 2013, on Lower Broadway from Alford Street Bridge to the Sweetser Circle.
15. C0138-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Peter A. Napolitano, Rosemary Miller, Aldermen Robert Van Campen and Sal Sachetta That the City enact a three (3) month moratorium on the issuance of permits for storefront window signage until questions from the business community are answered and addressed as this dormant segment of Sign & Billboard Ordinance has not been actively enforced.
16. C0139-10 Common Council Worksheet - Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Pursuant to Rule 17 of the Common Council, all resolutions requesting the repair, replacement or maintenance of pavement, sidewalks, traffic signals, signage, playground equipment, or other similar requests, shall be placed on a separate worksheet and voted on collectively at the next formal session, and, if passed, referred to the respective departments for their response back to sponsors.
1.Sponsor: Councilor Peter A. Napolitano-That the City Services Department immediately clean the Florence Street Park Playground in Ward One, to include cutting the grass, trimming the trees, repairing benches and removing all bottles that have been thrown around the park. In addition, request is made that the Everett Police Department conduct routine overnight patrols in the area of the Florence Street Park Playground, as residents have complained about groups congregating in the park at late hours. Referred to: Mayor, Executive Director of City Services, Operations Manager and the Police Chief.
2. Sponsor: Councilor Peter A. Napolitano-That City Services repair the utility cover and pothole in the crosswalk opposite from 141 Chelsea Street. Referred: Mayor, Exec. Director of City Services and Operations Manager.
3. Sponsor: Councilor Peter A. Napolitano-That the street light be reinstalled on utility pole #859 at 168 Cottage Street, as the street light was taken down and has been missing for several months. Referred to: Mayor, Exec. Director of City Services and Operations Manager.
4. Sponsor: Councilor Peter A. Napolitano-That the tree at the intersection of Orchard Street and Hampshire Street be trimmed so it is not obstructing the stop sign on Orchard Street and creating a safety hazard. Referred to: Mayor, Executive Director of City Services and Operations Manager.
5. Sponsor: Councilor Peter A. Napolitano-That the stop sign on Orchard Street, at the intersection of Orchard Street and Hampshire Street be replaced due to graffiti spray painted on the sign. Referred to: Mayor, City Services Director and Operations Manager.
Respectfully submitted: C. McCorry, Adm. Assist. / Office Manager, Everett City Council Office,
Meeting dates FYI:
9/7 6:00 p.m. Special Board of Aldermen Meeting (Authorizing three permanent easements be taken by eminent doman for the public purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing and/or replacing traffic signal equipment and traffic signal loop detectors, within the following areas of land in the City of Everett, known and numbered as 128 Broadway, 210 Broadway and 178 Broadway, all described, and that a representative of the City of Everett shall cause this Order of Taking to be recorded in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds.) 9/7 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 9/13 6:00 p.m. Committee on Licenses Meeting 9/13 7:00 p.m. Board of Aldermen Meeting 9/15 6:00 p.m. Committee on Bills & Accounts Meeting 9/20 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 9/27 7:00 p.m. Board of Aldermen Meeting
You must be logged in to see this link. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2010 : 12:51:09 PM
7. C0055-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra To repair the wall on Mt. Washington Street, between Rosedale and Maplewood Ave.
Don’t know who Lou is going to argue with about repairs now since Julius was let go last week without notice, and just told to clean out his desk. His job was advertised for more money than he made. Gee…. wonder who needs a job now??? DeMaria is out of control.

64 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2010 : 07:06:01 AM
This one if from a previous meeting. I was on vacation and missed it. Can someone tell me if this ended up passing or what happened with it: 15. C0124-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Peter A. Napolitano That the City of Everett enact a moratorium to freeze all City of Everett employee salaries and hourly wages, at their existing levels for one year, and that the Mayor enter into negotiations with the various Unions for voluntary compliance with the moratorium.
These were just some of my favorites from the meeting: 7. C0055-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Lou Sierra To repair the wall on Mt. Washington Street, between Rosedale and Maplewood Ave.
I wish Lou the best of luck.
13. C0134-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio That all city employees, including teachers, firemen, policemen and city employees, starting the year 2011, in order for them to be hired, they need to live in the City of Everett, and all above employees, offered a promotion, would need to live in the City of Everett.
I wish Rosa the best of luck.
14. C0137-10 Resolution/s/Councilor Kenneth P. Giannelli That the residents of Everett be notified that the reconstruction is set to start November 2nd, 2010 and last until May of 2013, on Lower Broadway from Alford Street Bridge to the Sweetser Circle.
I wish Everett residents, especially down The Line, best of luck.
15. C0138-10 Resolution/s/Councilors Peter A. Napolitano, Rosemary Miller, Aldermen Robert Van Campen and Sal Sachetta That the City enact a three (3) month moratorium on the issuance of permits for storefront window signage until questions from the business community are answered and addressed as this dormant segment of Sign & Billboard Ordinance has not been actively enforced.
I wish all the Everett business best of luck.

5299 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2010 : 08:51:30 AM
Okay, what's up with the CC and BOA agenda's not being posted on the city's web site anymore? It makes one wonder why City Hall doesn't want the general public to be able to access the agenda's. Also all the past agenda's have been removed from the city's web site.
This was an excellent tool for the residents to know what was coming up at the meetings and we were able to contact our elected officials with our opinions before the meetings took place. Why wouldn't the Administration want input from the taxpayers?
Senior Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2010 : 7:54:20 PM
because massdee the mayor is a fat boy and is PARONOID I went to get a copy and was told I could not get one so now I will rely on my sources at city hall
the agenda for monday nite is about the 250K apply to the tax levy if I understand it correctly, there is nothing on the agenda but only eight pieces but this one's has my interest. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2010 : 8:54:44 PM
May I suggest we contact our elected officials and ask them to have the agenda's posted on the city's web site. Maybe they can put it on the agenda. |
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