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5299 Posts |

5 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2010 : 7:20:40 PM
Can someone tell mayor not to take speed before meetings!!!! ramble mumble ramble mumble he loves himself so much and noone tells him to shutup. you will love this one tails bill thibeualt will get that building. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2010 : 7:48:57 PM
littlewilly, you are probably right.
I am still confused, what are they asking for in item 1. It wasn't explained very well. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2010 : 8:12:50 PM
I don't believe I'm saying this but I think I might agree with Billy Cardello with the 2 million instead of the 4 million. I am very concerned since the mayor said 2011 and 2012 is predicted to be economically worse than 2010.

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 09:50:04 AM
Is there a common council meeting tonight? If there is, I was reading up on Robert’s Rules, and the agendas are supposed to be posted 48 business hours prior to the meeting, and that’s why it’s always been posted by 2:00pm on Thursday. It just seems like more and more they do not want these public. I can see once, or even twice, but it’s been too many times since the summer break has been over. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 10:08:51 AM
I'm sure the agenda is (and has been) posted at City Hall and whereever else it needs to be posted; unfortunately, there's no requirement for them to post it on-line at all, even under the updated Mass. open meeting laws. I don't know what they were spending to use the e-gov service, which allowed Caroline McCorry to make the agendas available by just uploading them when they were ready, but what they are doing now is certainly a step backwards. Between this randomness of posting, ignoring of special meetings documentation (agendas and minutes) and the loss of prior content, I don't see how they will get a Common Cause award for the web site this year. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 10:30:16 AM
I don’t understand it. It’s been posted online for years, probably as long as we had the website – We have a communications director that has no problem posting press release after press release, but cant post an agenda? Why the change now? It leaves it open to speculation and I speculate that who ever does not want these posted in a timely manner, does not want people to have advanced notice on certain items. I also know some city council members that do not get theirs delivered until the same day as the meeting. That it not right, and it’s not working together. It’s dividing people and it's not the city council's fault. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 11:19:48 AM
It is giving the appearance that they are hiding something. If you go to city hall can you get an advanced copy of the agenda? |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 12:09:27 PM
I think that it is the City Clerk who actually posts the links to the documents. But it doesn't have to be. He's probably got too much on his plate. There are others that could do it too. Laidlaw, the mysterious IT director. Exactly what does Laidlaw do as Communications Director for that "secret salary" buried in the ECTV budget other than write press releases? I'd rather see some of that money spent to go back to using the E-gov service that was part of the web site for a long time. There's also no reason why an advance copy of the agenda shouldn't be running on ECTV too. If council members aren't getting their copies of the agenda until the day of the meeting, then shame on them for not speaking up.
Massdee, I think you could go to the City Council office and get an advance copy of the agenda. They make hard copies of the agenda available if you attend the meetings. |

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 8:15:23 PM
Well, that turned out to be no big deal. For those that missed it, the only items on the agenda were items forwarded from the last BOA meeting (2 pension related, donations and old ECTV equipment), a couple of new donations and the stadium revolving fund. Still, it's the principal that matters.
On yeah, and the obligatory presentation to the outgoing president. If tonight was any indication, the rumor that we heard last year about who the next president of the CC will be may be true. I'm not really sure how that's justified. I didn't see a whole lot of leadership out of him this year; but, to be fair, that goes for most of the rest of CC as well. |
Edited by - tetris on 12/20/2010 8:36:23 PM |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2010 : 8:53:24 PM
Sounds like I didn't miss much. I'm not in favor of a stadium revolving fund. I think there needs to be a little more control with funds. I believe if it's a revolving fund the mayor can do what ever he wants. |

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/21/2010 : 4:07:42 PM
For reference....and as said in a prior post, the new residential stickers will be available on January 3, 2011.
(Departing Gift and Presentation to Outgoing President) AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2010 7:00 PM, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3RD FL., EVERETT, MASS COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR 1. C0177-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To authorize the Revolving Account for the use of Everett Memorial Stadium, which includes the track, in accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 44, Section 54E 1/2, in the amount not to exceed those set forth below: this account may be collected and expended by the designated City Official(s) for the specified purposes during Fiscal year 2011: Expenditure Purpose-Renting Out Everett Memorial Stadium, Receipts-Fees for the use of Everett Memorial Stadium and Track, Responsible City Officials-City Services Commission, FY 10 Limit-$25,000, FY 11 Limit-$25,000. 2. C0178-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept a donation of $200.00 from the Everett Emblem Club to the City of Everett's Office of Human Services Emergency Services Account for the Thanksgiving Program. 3. C0179-10 Order/s/Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, as President To accept donations totaling $75.00 to the Everett Office of Human Services-Holiday Programs Account as follows: $25.00 from Maureen Tringale and $50.00 from Linda DiSalvatore. PAPERS FROM THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN 4. A0288-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That the City of Everett accepts Section 27 and 28 of Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010, which increases the Widow Allowance to $9,000.00. Widows of members who retired with an accidental disability prior to 11/7/1996, and whose death was unrelated to their disability, are currently entitled to receive a Widow's Allowance of $6,000.00 per year. This allowance was last increased in 1996 from $3,000 to the current $6,000. (Passed sent down for concurrence) 5. A0289-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, as President That the City of Everett hereby accepts Section 19 of Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2010, which increases the COLA base on which the COLA is calculated to $13,000. The COLA base has been capped at $12,000 since 1998. The maximum COLA for each retiree, which is currently $360 per year, will increase to $390.00. (Passed sent down for concurrence) 6. A0292-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept a donation of $31,500.00 from the Everett Foundation for Aged Persons, Inc., to the City of Everett's Office of Human Services-Elderly Assistance Program. (Passed sent down for concurrence) 7. A0293-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept donations totaling $1,300.00 to the Office of Human Services Emergency Services Thanksgiving Program from the following: $100.00 from James and Carmella Marchant, $1,000.00 from the WHISH Committee at Cambridge Health Alliance, and $200.00 from Joseph and Patricia King. (Passed sent down for concurrence)
8. A0294-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the donations totaling $13, 260.00 to the Office of Human Services-Holiday Programs Account from the following: $200.00 from Jack McGrath, $50.00 from Gail Fantasia, $5,000.00 from Lester Morovitz of Everett Car Service, $3,000.00 from Schnitzer Steel Industries, $5,000.00 from Everett Cooperative Bank-$2,500 to Emergency Services Program and $2,500 to support Holiday Programs, and $10.00 from Paul Harvey. (Passed sent down for concurrence) 9. A0295-10 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That the Chief Procurement Office is hereby granted permission to accept surplus items and dispose of in a sale, listed equipment with serial and model numbers, no longer needed, as was replaced during an upgrade of the ECTV Studio. (Passed sent down for concurrence) Adjournment Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Everett City Council Office
Reminder 12/27 6:30PM Committee on Licenses 12/27 7:00PM Board of Aldermen Meeting 1-3-11 7:00PM Organizational Common Council Meeting for 2011 1-3-11 7:15PM Special Board of Aldermen Meeting - (Organizational Only) You must be logged in to see this link. Happy Holidays

2682 Posts |
Posted - 12/22/2010 : 09:57:23 AM
I've heard that two people think they are the next Common Council President and the votes are split in the middle. I know by right who it should be, and that person should have been last years. Lets see if the right thing gets done or just more game playing. AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2011, 7:00 PM, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3RD FL., EVERETT, MASS 02149 NEW BUSINESS 1. C0001-11 Order/s/Councilor Lou Sierra, as Senior Member To elect a President of the Everett Common Council for the calendar year 2011. 2. C0002-11 Order/s/Newly elected President of the Common Council 2011 To adopt the Common Council Rules of 2010 as the Rules of the Everett Common Council for the calendar year 2011. 3. C0003-11 Order/s/Newly Elected President of the Common Council 2011 To adopt the Joint Rules of the Everett City Council 2010 as the Joint Rules of the Everett City Council for the calendar year 2011. 4. C0004-11 Order/s/Newly Elected Common Council President 2011 That the newly elected President of the Common Council appoint three members to serve as messengers to notify the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of their organization. Adjournment Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Everett City Council Office You must be logged in to see this link.

2040 Posts |
Posted - 12/22/2010 : 11:33:17 AM
I don't see the vote for president as even being close. Unless there are things I don't know, the way I count, I see at least 8 "sure" votes for "the chosen one" and only 2 for the other guy. It would take a clean sweep of the remaining eight votes for the other guy to take the seat. The odds don't seem to be good. |

5299 Posts |
Posted - 12/22/2010 : 11:46:23 AM
Okay, who is the "chosen one" and the "other guy"? |
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