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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2008 :  7:00:50 PM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tetris, to be fair , Carlo stated near the end of the meeting that he was neutral on the issue. In the beginning of the meeting I received the impression that Carlo was in favor. I really don't know enough about it to form an opinion one way or the other.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2008 :  8:49:40 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I saw the meeting and I’d like to know where the Acting City Solicitor got her information about the radiation only being 1% without clothes and leaves blocking it. I know I wouldn’t want it in front of my house. I have small children and we don’t know the long term effects on this. We just simply don’t know and I don’t think it’s fair that NEXT G can just come into this city, make timely demands, and then threaten law suits to put these things into residential neighborhoods. I understood what the Mayor was saying that there is a good chance the city will loose in court and loose a lot of money. The first time one of these antennas goes up on a street and we have (God forbid) a new cancer patient, then you are really going to see lawsuits. On a much lighter note, I laughed so hard when C Hicks was talking to Rep. Smith about the heating assistance. The faces on everyone was hysterical and I felt bad for Stat because she was kinda picking on him about the electric bills. Way off topic again but that’s her.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2008 :  10:45:29 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After I watched the meeting, I got the sense that the mayor's main concern was not to waste money on a lawsuit that the city probably couldn't win; nothing wrong with that concept. However, there is also another component to this issue, the possible public health issues. Not that this issue needs to go to court but, sometimes, it is necessary to spend some money on issues that are important to your constituents.

By admitting defeat so easily, the city could have lost the leverage that it needs to get the answers to the questions that the aldermen and the public may ask. However, since Next G's lawyer openly admitted that his client probably had not gone about things in the proper manner, it seems likely that things will probably work out on that front as long as the process doesn't drag on too long.

As far as the safety of these devices, I'm glad that there a couple of seemingly knowledgable private citizens that will be involved in these discussions. Let's hope that they can help to get everything out on the table so that the city can figure out where to go from here.
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5299 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2008 :  08:05:16 AM  Show Profile Send massdee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I ended up missing much of the CC meeting. Did anything interesting happen? I did see Scott Counsell and thought he was well spoken and very informative. I hope that some of the committee meetings end up being televised.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2008 :  08:59:44 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I thought Scott Council spoke well too, however, if he is to tape these meetings and he was concerned about getting an hours notice on it, he should be more concerned about certain people on certain committees that love the “face time”. He will be stuck there all night with some of them. Scott should tell the Mayor they need a time frame or be cut off and not interrupt each other all the time. You know if these committee meetings are taped people are going to get off topic and Scott will be there all night.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2008 :  10:40:31 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Nothing out of the ordinary happened at the CC meeting. No items under suspension. Personally, I've had a hard time with the CC meetings this year; I seem to have a headache after watching them. I think that most of it has to with Councilor Ranieri. I can't say that the pieces that he has put on this year haven't been worthy of discussion, but the way that he drones on and on about them just gets to me. Some of my other "favorites" (Hicks, McKinnion, Simonelli) don't help either.

Of more interest to me was the part of the replay of the school committee meeting that I managed to catch. It seems that the problems with new high school continue to mount. Roof leaks, leaks around windows, water getting into the building due to how concrete slabs are pitched, continuing refrigeration problems, problems with the waterless urinals, etc. Tension between Stat Smith and the rest of the committee seem to be growing from meeting to meeting. (Surprise, Surprise!)


It's not the mayor's domain to control how legislative meetings are run; that responsibility lies with the presidents of the respective boards and the chairperson of the various committees. It is up to them to keep the meetings under control and on topic. I think that both presidents have tried this year to keep their members on topic but these attempts have somewhat rebuffed by the members. I don't get it. If a member wants to talk about something, put a piece on the agenda. The CC also has a five minute rule which Bruno promised to enforce this year. I haven't seen her use it but, to be fair, I haven't had a clock on any of speakers to see if anyone has actually exceeded their time.

I'm sure that the committee meetings must have rules too. How well they are enforced will depend on the chairperson of each committee.
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Posted - 02/20/2008 :  3:12:04 PM  Show Profile Send Lynda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by massdee

I ended up missing much of the CC meeting. Did anything interesting happen? I did see Scott Counsell and thought he was well spoken and very informative. I hope that some of the committee meetings end up being televised.

I did catch a re-run of it this morning and it was priceless when Simonilli was stating something and going on and on about it and Cynthia Sarnie (one of my favorites)got up and reminded him that it had already been dealt with last year. BUT he just kept talking and talking, I think they don't let that poor guy talk at home.
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2008 :  3:56:35 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm no big fan of Simonelli but from what I gathered, his point was, nothing was being done about it. Nothing has happened since last year. That's why he brought it up. It's nice to set up a committee but like he said, get a system in motion and lets get these streets fixed. That committee should have been on top of this. I think I'm leaning more towards televising these committees.

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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2008 :  5:56:47 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, what Simonelli was proposing made more sense than Sarnie's proposal but he couldn't explain it or defend it very well. What I think he is trying to do is de-politize the process as to which streets get repaired every year. Set up a ranking system that automatically determines which streets get done every year. Make it available to the public to see where their street is on the list and what streets may be ahead of it. If a citizen disagrees with their street's ranking, set up a time frame where citizens could ask for a re-evaluation of their streets. Once the re-evaluations are done, the list would be reprioritized based upon the new evaluations. The process would be run by the city engineer and community development, leaving out the politicians.

Sarnie's proposal was a step forward over what it is place now (which is basically nothing) but it was still political because it had one representative from each ward on a committee with city officials to decide which streets get done; that approach could very likely end up in gridlock. Sarnie's proposal had only been in place since DeMaria has been mayor.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2008 :  2:21:43 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. A0089-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Brian Zaniboni as Executive Director of City Services for a term of three years, ending on the first Monday in February 2011.

2. A0090-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
To accept the amount of $2500.00 from the Everett Co-Operative Bank to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account 27.3590EA, to be used to support the fuel assistance needs for Everett residents.


3. A0091-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert Van Campen, as President
Petition for 1st Class Motor Dealer License from BMW Motorcycles of Cambridge Inc D/B/A Parkway Cycle, 1865 Revere Beach Parkway.

4. A0092-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from BMW Motorcycles of Cambridge Inc. D/B/A Parkway Cycle at 1865 Revere Beach Parkway.

5. A0093-08  Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President
Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Empire Auto Sales, Inc. at 7 Beacham Street.


6. A0037-08  
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri-That the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett Chapter 18, Section 18-133, Prohibited on Certain Streets is hereby amended by adding Bennett Street, no parking both sides for a distance of thirty (30) feet, from Ferry Street in a southerly direction.

7. A0032-08  
Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Aldermen Van Campen and DiPerri-To amend Ordinance #044 of 2000 a no parking designation on Rich Street, behind the Lafayette School, to authorized school vehicle parking from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on school days, at the request of the School Committee.

8. A0076-08  
Traffic Commission Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Marchese-That the City consider giving commercial blocks the option of putting up parking meters.

9. A0055-08  
Traffic Commission Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Van Campen and Councilors DiFlorio, Cardello and Bruno-That the Traffic Commission do a study and make recommendation on making Bradford Street, from Hancock Street to Ferry Street, in an easterly direction, (from number 140 up to the higher numbers), a one-way or parking on one side due to many complaints that neighborhood cars are getting side swiped.


10. A0021-08  Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Michael Marchese-That all windows have shades, blinds or proper window dressings to outlaw the blight caused by blankets, flags and sheets; with a recommendation to request further time.

11. A0036-08  Committee Report
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri-To amend Chapter 7 Finance and Taxation of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding a Section 7-5 Annual City Budget; with a request for further time.

12. A0048-08  Committee Report
Administrative Affairs Committee Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Mike Marchese-That a letter be sent to the Management Company of Walgreens-Everett requesting that they have full-time security officer on duty for their stores, preferably between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., to provide security for the patrons from unruly outsiders; with a recommendation that the matter be laid over until the next committee meeting pursuant to Joint Rule 9.1.

13. A0073-08  Committee Report
Administrative Affairs Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Mike Marchese-To amend City Ordinances by including a residency requirement for all new hiring of safety personnel, that is, firefighters and policemen, to reside in the City of Everett, applicable after January 1, 2009; with an unfavorable recommendation.

14. A0070-08  
License Committee Report on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Ferry Street Service Station at 464 Ferry Street.


15. A0045-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City consider buying gasoline in bulk with other communities, or greater Boston cities, to drastically reduce costs of gasoline, and to refer to the Purchasing Agent and City Solicitor to find out if legal and feasible. (Referred to Purchasing 1/28 for response this meeting 2/25)

16. C0051-08  Order/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President
To transfer the amount of $140,000.00 from the City of Everett Retirement Board Payment for Pension Fund Account to the Veteran's Services Department-Veterans' Benefits Allowance Account to cover the higher than anticipated costs. (Passed sent up for concurrence)


17. A0080-08  Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
To amend Chapter 18, Section 18-162.5 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Towing of Repeatedly Tagged Vehicles" by deleting the following word and letter in the first sentence: "five (5)", and inserting in its place the following word and letter, "three (3)". The purpose of the amendment is to decrease the number of multiple vehicle parking violation notices a person can fail to appear on before his vehicle can be removed and stored at the expense of the registered owner of said vehicle.

18. A0081-08  Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
To amend Chapter 18, Section 18-169 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Towing of repeatedly tagged motor vehicles" by deleting "five (5)" in the first sentence and "five (5) in the eighth sentence and replacing both with "three (3)",

19. A0082-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the City Clerk discuss hours of operation that are regulated by his Office for barber shops due to concerns of possible twenty-four hour operations.

20. A0083-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus
To request Mayor DeMaria and Marzie Galazka from Mayor's Office of Community Development appear next meeting concerning the order of the streets to be done in the City, and that they are done in a fair way for each Ward.

21. A0084-08  Resolution/s/Aldermen Wayne Matewsky, Sal Sachetta and Councilor Leo McKinnon
That the City Auditor provide to Members of the Bills & Accounts Committee a description of fund request for each Department and number each signature petition before the start of each monthly meeting.

22. A0085-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That an invitation be sent to Mr. Jon Norton, Recycling Coordinator, relative to the progress being made with the pilot program on Recycling in the City of Everett.

23. A0087-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City consider waiving the parking and code enforcement interests from April 1st to May 30th to allow people to pay old tickets without fines, only on parking tickets and code enforcement.

24. A0088-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus
That the Mayor consider appearing this meeting to discuss the possibility of the City buying foreclosed houses in Everett and reselling for profit for the City.

25. A0094-08  Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Wood Waste Corporation be advised that complaints have been received regarding obnoxious odors, dust and debris emanating from their facility, and request they take immediate steps to remedy the situation.

Respectfully submitted:
Caroline McCorry
Adm. Asst./Ofc. Mgr.
Everett City Council Office
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2008 :  3:13:39 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Look at item #25. Once Matewsky stops talking, I hope he refers this to the Mayor's office, The Everett Police and the Environmental Protection Agency. I would love to see what the Mayor's office has to say about that. I don't understand item #1 because I thought the hiring and firing of these positions were the Mayor's discretion. If Mayor DeMaria does not get re-elected, then the new Mayor can not replace the Director of City Services? I don't think it should be a 3 year term. Should be two just like the elections. Remember the fiasco when everybody thought that John Hanlon was going to fire the Chief of Police. ( I'm glad he didn't)but that was his discretion. Item #20 was what Simonelli was talking about the other night. There should be a reorganization of how they fix streets in the city. The way it's done now is a disaster and nothing gets done. They all pass the buck. Item #24. I have never heard of any city or town buying foreclosed properties and the city/town profits from it. It's really sad and I think they should be focusing more on a resolution to all the foreclosed properties, like working with mortgage companies so homes do not get foreclosed, not how much money the city can make out of it.
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2040 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2008 :  3:48:30 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Item #1 - There are certain appointments that need to be approved by the BOA per the city charter. This happens to been one of them. The city charter sets certain time frames when these appointments need to be done and how long the appointment is for. I believe that a new mayor can rescind an appointment. The adminstration has gotten a little behind on bringing these appointments before the BOA; I'd like to see them get caught up soon so that people don't pick them apart for it. On the other hand, I don't think that the city council appointees to the various committees have been made public yet either. I don't recall them being mentioned at either boards meetings and the list on the city web site is still has the 2007 assignments. They are holding committee meetings, so what's the hold up there as well?

Item #16 - I didn't get a chance to comment on it the other day but I agree that it was unfair to single out this transfer two weeks ago. Appropriate documentation should be provided for any transfer but don't change the rules in the middle of the game.

Item #20 - Everybody wants to be involved in the street repair business; that's why it has to be de-politized.

Item #24 - Is there anyone from Ward 2 that is interested in a part-time job starting in January 2010?

Item #25 - It will be interesting to see how far RVC lets Wayne go on this one.

Edited by - tetris on 02/22/2008 3:53:01 PM
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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2008 :  4:41:00 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the info Tetris. I left a post under Boston Globe that kind of pertains to it. Any idea why (all of a sudden) the BOA is asking for documentation? Why did they start with the Veterans? I agree with providing documentation to them but they didn’t ask of it from City Services or the Fire Account or anything else for that matter. Documentation should be provided for ALL transfers. Those other transfers were approved except this one. I didn’t like the vibe at all. Commissioner Rice does a wonderful job for the veterans. I think Mayor DeMaria is doing okay so far (much better than what we had) but I’m kind getting a little tired of all the Alderman/Councilors always praising the “Great Start” It’s a start and lets see what gets done like asking ALL departments for documentation.

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2682 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2008 :  1:43:56 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I caught part of the re-run of the Board of Alderman’s meeting. I don’t understand the tension between Mayor DeMaria and Chuck DiPerri. I don’t think that was all about a resume, I think there’s more to it. I personally did not feel Chuck DiPerri was doing anything wrong. This is not a level entry position that Mr. Zaniboni is taking on so these questions need to be asked. Please, don’t get me wrong, the streets are cleaner and I feel the city is off to a better start, and I hope it continues, but the Mayor was taking it to personal. Just my opinion. I read a bunch of stuff about item 25 for Wood Waste but I'll wait and watch myself.
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Citizen Kane
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Posted - 02/26/2008 :  4:05:31 PM  Show Profile Send Citizen Kane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the BOA might have violated at least some form of protocol by discussing Mr. Zaniboni's resume in a public forum like that. I think a discussion like that should've gone into executive session. Perhaps that's where the Mayor felt the frustration.
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