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2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2008 : 09:31:53 AM
Concerning the businesses going down on lower Broadway...Anthony Raneri made a comment at the last common council meeting that "we all know the three businesses going down lower Broadway, but I wont mention them so it's doesn't look like we are picking on any one business."
Does anyone know what the three businesses are?
I don't know if anyone else travels that way but that area has been a disaster with the increased traffic, the city finally patched the craters they call potholes and so much construction going on at the same time. Terrible planing in my judgment. |
Senior Member
250 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2008 : 12:39:28 PM
I had heard it was a self storage facility being built next to Grainger |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2008 : 8:21:46 PM
1. A0124-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To amend Chapter 8 by adding new Section 8-60 Appointment of chief, other firefighters. The chief of the fire department and other firefighters shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, in accordance with the provisions of the civil service law of the Commonwealth and the rules of the department of civil service.
2. A0123-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President To accept the amount of $19,439.00 with $16,517.00 in checks and $2,922 in cash, to the Fire Victims Account in order to aid future fire victims of Everett.
3. A0125-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-63(a) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to the Bureau of Fire Prevention be amended in Section 8-63(a) by striking the words: "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting in place thereof the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
4. A0126-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-66 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to taking fire apparatus outside the city, be amended by striking the words: "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting inplace there of the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
5. A0128-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-69 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to chaplins, be amended by striking the words "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting in place thereof the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
6. A0129-08 Order/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That a parcel of land bounded and described as follows: This parcel (Lot No. 24) beginning at a point on the Southeasterly corner of land owned by Massachusetts Electric Company L.C. Plan No. 12055A Cert. No. 25788 and the southwesterly side of Boston & Maine Railroad thence running southeasterly 98.51 feet to the point of beginning which is the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 24, thence running 762.30 feet along the southwesterly side of Boston & Maine Railroad in a southeasterly direction to a point thence turning in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 409.72 feet to a point thence turning in a northwesterly direction for a distance of 762.30 feet to a point thence turning in a northeasterly direction for a distance of 409.91 feet back to the point of beginning containing within the above described boundaries is an area of 7.00 acres more or less be officially designated as park land and be turned over to the control of the City Services Commission in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 2-177 of the Revised ordinances of the City of Everett.
7. C0084-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President To repeal Chapter 8, Article II, Sections 8-41,8-42 and 8-43 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to the Board of Fire Commissioners. This will simplify the administrative oversight on duplication of duties for the Fire Department, which shall remain under the powers and duties of the Fire Chief. (Enrolled sent up for enrollment)
8. C0011-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey To prohibit parking from the Everett Credit Union exit on Chestnut Street, to the abutting property line, southwest side, to eliminate the viewing obstruction at that location, at the request of constituents exiting the ECU. (Ordained sent up for ordainment)
9. C0049-08 Ordinance/s/Councilors Millie Cardello and Sergio Cornelio To place a service zone at 357 Broadway from Monday to Saturday, 8 am. to 6 p.m..(Ordained sent up for ordainment)
10. A0109-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen To amend Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by inserting Section 13-22 to be entitled "Sale of Lighters and Matches to Minors". (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)
11. C0024-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Joseph F. Hickey To amend Chapter 17 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new “Section 17-6A Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks; with a recommendation for favorable action as further amended by the Rules & Ordinances Committee. (Enrolled sent up for enrollment)
12. C0081-08 Ordinance/s/Councilor Sergio Cornelio To repeal Ordinance #044 of 2001, an Ordinance for a service zone/15 minute parking in front of 882 Broadway, at the request of the restaurant at that location. (Enrolled sent up. Has to be referred to Traffic Commission for recommendation)
13. A0110-08 Petition Petition from Joseph D'Amelio for license to sell flowers and plants on March 21-22-23 at 725 Broadway
14. A0110-08 Petition Ratification of petition from Joseph D'Amelio for license to sell flowers and plants on March 21-22-23 at 725 Broadway.
15. A0121-08 Petition Petition for Lodging House License from Joseph Gurtolo D/B/A Joseph's Lodge at 312-314 Broadway.
16. A0122-08 Petition Petition for Awning from Janedy Sign Co., Inc. for LTI Limo at 35 Bow Street.
17. C0071-08 Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Councilors Joe Hickey, Leo McKinnon, Stacy Caralis and Alderman Chuck DiPerri-To place a service zone at 361 Ferry Street between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
18. A0032-08 Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Aldermen Van Campen and DiPerri-To amend Ordinance #044 of 2000 a no parking designation on Rich Street, behind the Lafayette School, to authorized school vehicle parking from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on school days, at the request of the School Committee.
19. A0076-08 Traffic Commission Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Marchese-That the City consider giving commercial blocks the option of putting up parking meters.
20. A0099-08 Traffic Commission Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Wayne Matewsky and Councilor Leo McKinnon-To place a service zone at 362 Ferry Street, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the request of business owner at that local.
21. A0021-08 Committee Report Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Michael Marchese-That all windows have shades, blinds or proper window dressings to outlaw the blight caused by blankets, flags and sheets; with a recommendation to refer back to sponsor.
22. A0036-08 Committee Report Rules & Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri-To amend Chapter 7 Finance and Taxation of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding a Section 7-5 Annual City Budget; with a recommendation for favorable action on the revised ordinance.
23. A0048-08 Committee Report Administrative Affairs Committee Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Mike Marchese-That a letter be sent to the Management Company of Walgreen's-Everett requesting that they have full-time security officer on duty; with a recommendation that the matter be referred back to Sponsor, at his request.
24. A0098-08 Committee Report License Committee Report on Resolution offered by Alderman Robert Van Campen-That the owner of Dan's Redemption Center appear at the next License Committee meeting to discuss several issues concerning the operation of the redemption center on Hancock Street.
25. A0083-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus To request Mayor DeMaria and Marzie Galazka from Mayor's Office of Community Development appear next meeting concerning the order of the streets to be done in the City, and that they are done in a fair way for each Ward.
26. A0085-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That an invitation be sent to Mr. Jon Norton, Recycling Coordinator to appear this meeting relative to the progress being made with the pilot program on Recycling in the City of Everett.
27. A0111-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the Department of Public Works take immediate steps to clean and fill potholes in at Orient Ave. There are large amount of discarded tires and litter, really in need of some service from the City.
28. A0112-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the Mayor's Office and the Board of Assessors consider the advisability of consulting with a tax analysist to determine and estimate the taxes on street poles and wires within the City of Everett due to recent ruling that they will be required to pay taxes on any pole in the City, in the best interest of the City of Everett.
29. A0113-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the Mayor's Office, in conjunction with the Park Department, consider opening the Everett Stadium for walkers and joggers at certain hours, due to request by residents who would like to exercise in a safe environment at the Everett Stadium.
30. A0114-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Jason Marcus To repeal the two-hour parking ordinance in front of 177 Elm Street.
31. A0115-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Jason Marcus and Michael Marchese To place a 15-minute parking sign, not to exceed 30 minutes, at 177 Elm Street.
32. A0116-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the Post Master General consider for convenience of customers to place an automated stamp machine at the Everett Branch Post Office on Norwood Street so patrons will not have to wait in line for an hour just for stamps.
33. A0117-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri To make Sammet Street no parking on the south side, from Taylor Street to Shute Street.
34. A0118-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese To amend Chapter 8 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new section, as follows: Section 8-62.5 Residency Requirement-Any permanent full time firefighter hired on or after January 1, 2009, shall establish such employee’s residency within the City of Everett within one hundred eighty (180) days of such employee’s date of hire, and at a minimum, shall remain a resident of the City through such employee’s tenth anniversary date of hire, at which time at such employee’s, sole discretion such employee may establish residency either within or outside of the City, provided however, subject to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 99A.-Each and every permanent full time firefighter hired on or after January 1, 2009, on each and every anniversary date of hire, through and including such employee’s tenth anniversary date, shall submit to such employee’s Department Chief and the City’s Personnel Department proof of residency within the City satisfactory to the Department Chief and Personnel Department.-Any permanent full time firefighter hired before January 1, 2009 who is promoted after January 1, 2009 will not be subject to the residency requirements of this ordinance.- Any permanent full time firefighter employed by the City prior to January 1, 2009, shall be exempt from this residency ordinance. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
35. A0119-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese To amend Chapter 14 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett by adding new Section 14-14 Residency Requirement-Any permanent full time police officer hired on or after January 1, 2009, shall establish such employee’s residency within the City of Everett within one hundred eighty (180) days of such employee’s date of hire, and at a minimum, shall remain a resident of the City through such employee’s tenth anniversary date of hire, at which time at such employee’s, sole discretion such employee may establish residency either within or outside of the City, provided however, subject to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 99A. Each and every permanent full time police officer hired on or after January 1, 2009, on each and every anniversary date of hire, through and including such employee’s tenth anniversary date, shall submit to such employee’s Department Chief and the City’s Personnel Department proof of residency within the City satisfactory to the Department Chief and Personnel Department. Any permanent full time police officer hired before January 1, 2009 who is promoted after January 1, 2009 will not be subject to the residency requirements of this ordinance. Any permanent full time police officer employed by the City prior to January 1, 2009, shall be exempt from this residency ordinance. This provision shall not apply to the position of Chief of Police. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
36. A0120-08 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky ECTV post on bulletin board a notice that a man is posing as a city employee from water department targeting senior citizens to commit a crime.
37. A0130-08 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen and L. Charles DiPerri That the Everett Police Department and Code Enforcement Task Force strictly enforce Chapter 16, Sections 32 and 111 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett dealing with picking through trash in the City of Everett.
Adjournment Respectfully submitted: C. McCorry, Adm. Asst./Ofc. Mgr. Everett City Council Office You must be logged in to see this link.
5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 10:28:50 AM
I was just reading through the agenda and I have a question on item 31. This is trivial, but, if Jason is asking for 15 minute parking, why does it say not to exceed 30 minutes? It doesn't make sense to me, am I reading it wrong?
31. A0115-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Jason Marcus and Michael Marchese To place a 15-minute parking sign, not to exceed 30 minutes, at 177 Elm Street. |
Advanced Member
1428 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 12:25:44 PM
I wondered the same thing massdee!
I'm also curious about #13 & #14. How do they handle this with the meeting taking place after the dates in question? |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 12:42:15 PM
I know, what does the petitioner do? Does he just go ahead and sells his flowers or not? |
Advanced Member
1428 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 5:38:55 PM
My guess is he'll sell the flowers and everything will be rubber stamped on Monday............... The problem I have with that is that there seem to be too many occasions when people with authority pick and choose which laws/ordinances/rules they're going to follow or enforce. |
Advanced Member
967 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 5:44:29 PM
I would think that if petitioner doesn't have a license, then he can't sell. What if any of us drove without a driver's license, were stopped, and told the police that you don't have a license, but you are planning to get a driver's license next week?
The Pup and Emile Schoeffhausen _____________________________
5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2008 : 6:45:30 PM
Items 3, 4, and 5, is the mayor doing away with the Fire Commission? Anyone have any insight on this?
3. A0125-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-63(a) of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to the Bureau of Fire Prevention be amended in Section 8-63(a) by striking the words: "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting in place thereof the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
4. A0126-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-66 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to taking fire apparatus outside the city, be amended by striking the words: "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting inplace there of the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.
5. A0128-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, as President That Chapter 8, Article III, Section 8-69 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, relative to chaplins, be amended by striking the words "the board of fire commissioners" and inserting in place thereof the following language "the chief of the fire department". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 7:17:00 PM
The agenda for the BOA meeting that was posted on the city website and reposted here doesn't appear to match what they are using at tonight's meeting. The first two items taken were #25 and #26 on the agenda posted here; they were #26 and #27 on the agenda they are using at the meeting. |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 7:18:53 PM
I'm just wondering (no pun intended) why not one of the BOA asked Erin Deveney any questions about Mr Carlisle. Every week, I hope these guys will grow a backbone, but nothing seems to change. |
just wondering
Senior Member
387 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 7:28:39 PM
I'm not sure why they didn't ask....perhaps its because it isn't the big deal you make it out to be. |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 7:29:13 PM
Isn't it interesting that the new residency ordinance for the police contains a clause that specifically doesn't require the chief to live in the city but the fire one doesn't? What's up with that? |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 7:58:08 PM
Would have been nice if the they got all the references to the fire commission that need to be modified in the ordinances at one time. Here are four more that weren't on the agenda posted here:
Sections 8.63(b), 8.64, 8.68 and 2.31(a)(3)(b).
But still don't want to be the city solicitor. No charge.
Sorry, I guess they won't be needing them. Nice one Wayne!
Why do I bother? I'm going to lie down now. |
Edited by - tetris on 03/24/2008 8:24:45 PM |
2682 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2008 : 8:41:34 PM
Now that the Mayor is in charge of hires lets see how many new positions get added to the fire department and lets watch and see the future of the fire commissioners.... |
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