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2682 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2009 :  09:12:58 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think Chuck DiPerri is awesome, but he has to nip Marcus and Matewsky in the bud NOW. It’s only going to get worse. That is not the place for their personal politics and that’s exactly what they were both doing.

With the money we pay for cable, glad it was ECTV, and not cable going in and out.

I think it’s absurd that a police office can join the department in October and was able to take the incentive.

If past history tells us anything, it says we are in for a bad hot summer with trouble on the horizon. The police and the city need to come with something. We are laying off police, a curfew would help out a lot. I personally went to Walgreens back in March when it was ever cooler, and I would not get out of the car, with the group of kids hanging around right in front. Imagine how bad it will be in July! They will call friends to come down from other cities and towns because it’s being allowed and NO ONE is being held accountable. I’m old but not elderly and the elderly are afraid to go there. I know this for sure.

As far as the Main Street rotary which is state owned property, I have no problem taking pride in the city but it’s overboard for state owned property. You don’t need to spend tax payer money and contract for 25-30 thousand dollars on that rotary. It’s absurd. As far as the flower comments, the Mayor made his own bed on that one.
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88 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2009 :  10:39:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit turk182's Homepage Send turk182 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So did last night's meeting get anything done? What got done?

''Life's tough......it's even tougher if you're stupid.''
-- John Wayne
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2009 :  1:22:32 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
(6:30pm-License Committee Meeting)



A0153-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby re-appoint Bishop Robert G. Brown of the Zion Baptist Church, to serve as Chaplain of the Everett Police Department for one (1) year ending June 23, 2010. This is an unpaid appointment.

A0162-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To accept the donation of $200.00 from the following people to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Gift Account to be used to support the Everett Literacy Program for Everett Residents: Pauline J. English $100.00, Student of the Everett Literacy Program $100.00.

A0163-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To accept the donation of $1,716.50 from the following people to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Gift Account to support the Everett Literacy Program for Everett Residents: Students of the Everett Literacy Program $1,396.50, Anthony & Anna Avakian $50.00, Brian J. Dell'Arciprete $50.00, Janina Garra & Brian Duplisea $50.00, Stephen Smith $50.00, Elizabete & Claudete Alcantara $100.00, and Carol Hughes $20.00.

A0169-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
That up to $2,000,000.00 is appropriated for the design, remodeling, reconstruction, construction, furnish and making of extraordinary repairs to the Parlin School and grounds; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow up to $2,000,000.00 under M.G.L., Chapter 44, Section 7 (3A), M.G.L. Chapter 70B or any other enabling authority; and that the Everett School Committee is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project.


C0101-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the donation of $50.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeVito to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Program. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0102-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To transfer $1,200.00 from Coin Account to the Parking Clerk's Longevity Account. This will correct an oversight and allow Paul Kelly to collect his longevity from the current and past fiscal years. It also pays Maureen Tringali her longevity for this fiscal year. (Amended by deleting "$1200.00" and inserting "$1100.00" in its place, passed as amended, sent up for concurrence)

C0103-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To accept the grant of $17,500.00 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the Parlin and Shute Libraries. This grant will be used by the Parlin and Shute Libraries to cover the purchases of public access computers and peripherals for Everett residents. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0104-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
That pursuant to a May 4, 2009 vote of the Everett School Committee, and in accordance with an agreement entered into on June 2, 2004 by former Mayor David Ragucci, that the sum of $723,000.00 is hereby authorized and appropriated from the Budgetary Fund Balance to the Everett Public Schools-Instructional Teacher Salaries Account for Medicaid Reimbursement funding. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

A0131-09 Ordinance/s/Aldermen Salvatore Sachetta and L. Charles DiPerri
An Ordinance creating a Home Occupation Permit and process. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment)

C0075-09 Order/s/Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks
Favorable recommendation from the Department of Veteran Services-That the intersecting corner of Clark Street and Main Street be dedicated and named the “THE THOMAS DELANO SQUARE” in honor of Mr. Delano who was killed in WWII on the SHIP USS BRONSON. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

C0050-09 Ordinance/s/Councilor Lou Sierra
The purpose of the amendment is to establish an emergency artery and install an overhanging blue flashing (snow) emergency light at corner of Malden Street and Nichols Street. This is the second request. (Enrolled sent up for enrollment)


A0167-09 Petition
2009 Junk Dealer License from American Scrap Metal, Inc., to buy and sell scrap metal at 357 Third Street.


A0141-09 Order/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
Favorable recommendation from the Department of Veteran Services-To dedicate the corner of Plumber and Mansfield Street in honor of Wesley A. Carpenter Jr., a WWII Veteran who worked for the Fire Department for thirty years.

A0151-09 Resolution/s/Aldermen Jason Marcus
Traffic Commission Report on the consideration of making 24 hour Permit Parking on Hall Avenue; with negative recommendation.

A0168-09  Communication
From Herman R. Gonzales, 69 Norman Street #23C, relative to a name change for Garcia Auto Repair to Gonzales Auto Repair, as Garcia no longer occupies the Garage and does not own the building


A0149-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
License Committee Report on Petition for Antique/Second Hand/Collectibles Dealer License from Annie's Boutique at 43 Charlton Street, Unit B405, for the resale of men and women's clothing.


C0072-09 Order/s/Councilor William Cardello
A Petition to the Great and General Court regarding AN ACT ELIMINATING PRELIMINARY ELECTIONS IN EVERETT IN 2009. (Passed sent up for concurrence) (5/11-Referred to Clerk to provide info requested for this meeting)

A0135-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the DCR take necessary steps to clean the culvert/brook that is in Everett, abutting Grover Street, as it is unsanitary and its maintenance needs to be maintained and cleaned up, at the request of concerned residents. Resident Petition will be attached to Resolution.

A0145-09  Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the Mayor and the City Solicitor consider the feasibility of having a volunteer group, with a waiver of liability, to assist with the general cleanliness of the City of Everett.


A0150-09 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
That The Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Chapter 18, Traffic and Motor Vehicles; Article II, Traffic Safety and Parking Commission; Section 18-41. Organization, Term of Chairperson, Compensation, is hereby amended by adding the words “a fully empowered” after the words “There is established” and before the words Traffic Safety and Parking Commission. Also Article II Section 18-44. Powers and duties, is further amended by deleting the words “review all proposed ordinances and issues to the City Council an official recommendation regarding said ordinances in” after the words “The Commission shall” and before the words “matters pertaining to” and is further amended by inserting the words “regulate all” after the words “The Commission shall” and before the words “matters pertaining to”. And is further amended by deleting subsection (b) from Article II Section 18-44. Powers and duties. And is further amended by deleting Section 18-145. City Council acceptance of recommendations. Article II, Traffic Safety and Parking Commission; Section 18-182. Exclusion of heavy and commercial vehicles; is further amended by deleting subsections (4) and (5). The purpose of this amendment is to create a fully empowered traffic commission to establish a more efficient process for all traffic regulations. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed.

A0154-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
Invite Mr. Cameron of Keyspan Electric and Mrs. Lyman from Comcast to appear this meeting relative to large number of double poles inundating the City of Everett and explain what process is for removal of the double poles; as well as, to have all the streetlights throughout the City made to be in working order, especially in the Glendale Square area. Resident brought to my attention that there were at least five street lights out in this area.

A0155-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
Police Traffic Division set up speed radar trap in the area of Edith and Rich Streets, at request of residents and the crossing guard in that area.

A0156-09 Ordinance/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
The purpose of the amendment is to prohibit heavy trucks from traveling on Lewis Street, between Second Street and the Revere Beach Parkway by installing “No Heavy Trucking” sign, in the interest of residential complaints.

A0157-09 Ordinance/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
The purpose of the amendment is to prohibit heavy trucks from traveling on Spring Street, between Chelsea and the Revere Beach Parkway, by installing “No Heavy Trucking” sign, in the interest of residential complaints.

A0158-09  Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the Building Inspector or a representative from the Building Department appear this meeting to explain the six foot device on the telephone pole in front of the Golden Age Circle on Union Street.

A0159-09 Ordinance/s/Aldermen Frank Nuzzo, Jr.
An Ordinance to provide for parking on both sides of the street for the entire length of Francis Street, per citizen petition.

A0160-09 Resolution/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri
That the City of Everett place bollards on Shute Street, adjacent to number 4 Edith Street, to protect the property from damage by vehicles.

A0161-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
Board of Health give bi-weekly reports of odor complaints received in Board of Health Office on Hotline, due to the phone calls that I have received over the past four weeks, or until clean-up is completed at Wood Waste facility.

A0164-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City of Everett consider getting rebates from National Grid for the large amounts of lights that are out or blinking all the time. Also, consider asking for brighter lights in Glendale Square and Everett Square. Send to City Solicitor, National Grid and Police Chief to see if they can do anything to alleviate this problem; with a request for a response in two weeks.

A0165-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City consider adopting Lynn, Massachusetts Law regarding pit bulls, rottweilers, and all breeds similar that pose threat to citizens of Everett. Send to Mayor, Police Chief and City Solicitor to obtain a copy from the City of Lynn and report back in two weeks.

A0166-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City of Everett consider closing all 24 hour stores at 1:00 o'clock a. m., to be off premises at 1:30 a.m., and re-open at 6:00 a.m., excluding drive-thru. Send this to Mayor, Police Chief and City Solicitor with request for response in two weeks.


Respectfully submitted:

Caroline McCorry,
Everett City Council Office

Scheduled Meetings:


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97 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2009 :  2:02:00 PM  Show Profile Send cathyk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see it's the wayne matewsky show again, must be an election year lol
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2009 :  09:41:09 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Didn't the City Council authorize this borrowing last year or is this another $2,000,000.00? I'm not against this but some questions need to be asked including how and when it needs to be repaid. There is nothing in the FY10 budget that allows for any repayment for new loans for the Parlin School improvements.

Hard to be certain because we don't know exactly what is due in longevity payments but, it appears that this issue may be addressed in the Parking Clerk's FY10 budget as well.

I did do some research about grants. The way that I read MGL Chapter 44, Section 53A (a portion of which appears below), it appears to me that all grants need to be accepted by the City Council or the School Committee. I have no way to track exactly what the School Committee does, but I do recall them taking votes on accepting grants as a part of their agendas. On the city side, as I noted last week, the only grants that I have been able to find that were sent to the City Council for approval since the beginning of 2007, spanning two administrations, have been three library grants, including this one. We know that the city has received other grants in the time frame, chief among them, the annual Community Block Development grant. I think that the city needs to address this issue.

Chapter 44: Section 53A. Grants and gifts; acceptance and expenditure

Section 53A. An officer or department of any city or town, or of any regional school or other district, may accept grants or gifts of funds from the federal government and from a charitable foundation, a private corporation, or an individual, or from the commonwealth, a county or municipality or an agency thereof, and in the case of any grant or gift given for educational purposes may expend said funds for the purposes of such grant or gift with the approval of the school committee, and in the case of any other grant or gift may expend such funds for the purposes of such grant or gift in cities having a Plan D or Plan E form of government with the approval of the city manager and city council, in all other cities with the approval of the mayor and city council, in towns with the approval of the board of selectmen, and in districts with the approval of the prudential committee, if any, otherwise the commissioners.

I'd really like to have some more discussion of Medicaid reimbursements just so we all understand the issue better. Maybe the schools deserve more. Or maybe less. At this point anyways, the city getting the first $590,000 of it, the amount needed to fund a raise at the time of the original agreement, just seems to be so arbitrary.

OMG! I was hoping that I'd seen the last of this one. Two more readings after this? I thought it was already determined that there was an emergency artery specified at that location. Four readings to get a blue light installed?

Not that I am not sympathetic to the residents of Hall Avenue but, I just don't think that you can look at 24 hour permit parking on a street by street basis; the issue will just move from one street to the next. But, I can't say that I don't feel at least a little smug about this one because of the submission of this item under suspension two weeks ago.

As I said a couple of weeks ago, I think that the BOA will vote down the elimination of the primary, no matter what information that the clerk was able to obtain.

Didn't see much movement on last week's promise of help from the DCR; oh well. I guess they still have some time left before that action was promised to be completed; We'll see what happens. It'll be interesting to see the city gets some help on this one too.

Somehow, I missed Alderman Marchese speaking on this proposed volunteer group so I have no idea where this is headed.

There's a lot of verbiage associated with this one; so, let's restate the purpose of the piece so that no one misses it. "The purpose of this amendment is to create a fully empowered traffic commission to establish a more efficient process for all traffic regulations." This would take the City Council pretty much out of the traffic business. I guess that they could still refer pieces out to them and maybe get a report back; but, the Council would no longer be able to override a decision of the Traffic Commission. I don't think I'd have a problem with that.

For anyone thinking about running for the Charter Review Commission, I'd strongly suggest looking closely at this piece to get an idea of the type of work you might be doing on the committee.

And just to be nitpicky, a couple of issues with the piece. If Section 18-41 is amended as suggested, it will end up reading “There is established a a fully empowered Traffic Safety and Parking Commission”. Also, the section that the piece wants to delete "City Council acceptance of recommendations'' should be Section 18-45, not Section 18-145.

I know that double poles was a big issue at the Ward 1 meeting. I was surprised when I didn't see it on the Common Council agenda. The councilors must have appeased Alderman Matewsky and given him some of the issues from that meeting for Alderman's meeting. Alderman Nuzzo didn't appear to have any issue with letting the issues be dealt with at the first council meeting after the ward meeting. The issue of double poles will never get settled once and for all unless all of the parties that utilize the poles are in the same room at the same time. Where are Verizon, the city, Next G? Any others? I guess Alderman Matewsky must have missed the discussion at last week's Common Council meeting on how street lights get fixed.
Face time. Period.

Twice, late in 2007, then Councilor Matewsky tried to get "No Heavy Trucking" signs installed for this portion of Lewis Street claiming that the signs had been there years ago. Now, he wants to amend an ordinance to prohibit heavy trucking on that portion of Lewis Street. Does something appear to be wrong with that sequence of events?

Is Spring Street really a good candidate for No Heavy Trucking? It's straight and fairly wide, except maybe at the Chelsea Street end. From Section 18-182 of the city ordinances, it appears that a lot of work goes into the process and the state needs to be approve it as well. I just can't see this one happening; I'm not sure it's worth the effort either.

I'm only guessing but wouldn't that likely be the Next G equipment that the city was forced to accept or face being sued over? Face time again.

Although many will complain about it, how many people are actually going to make any type of complaint to the Board of Health about odors coming from Wood Waste? Even more face time.

Rebates from National Grid for the large amounts of lights that are out or blinking all the time? When I read Alderman Marchese's pieces sometimes, I find it hard to tell if he is being serious or sarcastic. I'm betting on sarcastic in this case.

It wasn't hard to find a copy of Lynn's "Vicious dogs" ordinance if that is what Alderman Marchese is looking for. This piece just goes to highlight the differences between the different elected officials. Some city councilors would do the work and bring this piece forward as a proposed ordinance. Others have good ideas but leave the heavy lifting to someone else. And others do neither.

I don't know if closing 24 hour stores would just move the issues to those 24 hour stores with drive thrus, which would be excluded. Aren't most of the problems happening outside of these locations anyways?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2009 :  9:38:59 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not at all against money being spent to rehab the Parlin School. I walked by there the other day and was surprised at how bad the exteriors of the school looked. The Broadway side looks OK, but if you look at the other sides of the school, you can see that the building needs some work. I'm not sure why questions weren't asked about how/when the loan is going to be paid for though. Maybe the aldermen know but why not clue in the general public?

I don't believe that the Medicaid reimbursement transfer has anything to do with net school spending. It's above and beyond that. The state provides its share of the funding (when they feel like it, I guess) for net school spending and the city needs to include at least its share in the city budget every year.

I'm glad that the aldermen realized that this piece didn't have to go thru four readings. I'm not so glad that Councilor Sierra didn't share with the public that the Mayor suggested a money transfer to support it though. Not that I want to extend this any further but there's a blue light a couple blocks away that could probably be moved to this better location if that would save any money.

Yes, there probably is a problem Alderman Marcus with all day parking on side streets but this wasn't the way to handle it.

Why am I not surprised that Alderman Marcus was the only alderman to vote to eliminate the primary.

Did anyone think that Alderman Matewsky would not be against fully empowering the traffic commission? The list of things that he can get involved with is shrinking all the time. Did he really think that he was going to sway anyone to change their votes after all of the other aldermen wanted to sign on as sponsors to the piece? Hasn't the de-politizing of handicapped parking (which Matewsky was against too as I recall) seemed to work, as Alderman DiPerri stated? Makes sense that this should work too.

I was at the Ward 1 meeting. No one mentioned that they had a double pole for eight years at the meeting, at least to the entire body of the meeting. I think that the longest one mentioned was a year and a half. Mr. Zaniboni also stated at that meeting that the city had moved all of the fire alarm wires; that seems to be disagree with the information that Mr. Cameron had. And it's disappointing to hear that Next G isn't already part of the process to eliminate the poles.

The Next G stuff is all over poles in the city and the installation wasn't done so that's its very pleasing to the eye.

I thought that I would want to comment on Alderman Matewsky's Board of Health piece but he had me in such a stupor by, then I'm not sure if I should believe some of the things he was saying at that point or not. Best to move on.

Does anyone know how the city pays for the street lights? Is it that the Electricity line item in the City Services budget?

Join us again in less than two weeks for the next "exciting" episode Of "Face Time" with Wayne Matewsky.
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Posted - 05/26/2009 :  10:00:06 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Missed the meeting and sounds like I didn't miss much. The alderman president will have to stop this, and it actually sounds like he might be trying, in a polite way, with his item 20.

Does the five minute rule not apply when a city council member is speaking on a piece? Wayne (and Jason) have a tendency to repeat themselves, over and over, and one time, Wayne spoke for 20 minutes and did not stay on the subject matter. That's not fair, the majority of people on the city council work full time, put their issues on and get the job done. Why does everyone have to sit there for hours because of a couple of people that do not follow the rules?
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2682 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2009 :  09:59:36 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tetris

I don't believe that the Medicaid reimbursement transfer has anything to do with net school spending. It's above and beyond that. The state provides its share of the funding (when they feel like it, I guess) for net school spending and the city needs to include at least its share in the city budget every year.

Join us again in less than two weeks for the next "exciting" episode Of "Face Time" with Wayne Matewsky.

Who got the net school spending question wrong?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2009 :  10:21:33 AM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Alderman Van Campen asked if the Medicaid reimbursement transfer had anything to do with net school spending. The only ones there to answer the question were Chief of Staff Buckley and Ms. Barringer. The Chief of Staff chose to answer the question and as I said, I believe he got it wrong. He really didn't sound confident in his answer though. I'm wondering tough if the small tongue lashing in last week's Leader-Herald that scolded anyone for not coming to these meetings prepared played into this situation.
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Posted - 05/27/2009 :  10:29:27 AM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No Colleen Mejia? I thought she was going to find out (since she didn’t know) and come back to the council with the answer?

It doesn’t make sense that the Medicaid reimbursement would have anything to do with net school spending.... and I don’t understand how no one knows the answer… The thing that bothers me about it is, it’s been on the calendar, it’s already gone through the common council and not one person is prepared to answer questions. I question THAT.
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Posted - 05/27/2009 :  4:06:58 PM  Show Profile Send Tails a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since there are so many questions concerning Medicaid reimbursements, anyone can look at MGL Chapter 71B section 5A. You must be logged in to see this link. (I haven't read it yet, but found it)

If I remember correctly, back in 2004 Mayor Ragucci used that as a perk to negotiate the 85/15 health insurance split. Also, Everett was one of the very few cities that did not reimburse the school department.

Have we met net school spending?
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2040 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2009 :  5:25:55 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's a link to net school spending info from FY99 to FY08. FY09 was budgeted to meet next school spending ($36 over to be exact); but, the actual results won't be known until after the fiscal year ends and won't be available on the DESE site until some time after that.

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Cruller DaVille
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148 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2009 :  7:14:47 PM  Show Profile Send Cruller DaVille a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You are right on Tails!!!!!

Actually, each and every negotiating group was given "an incentive" to go along with the 85/15 split. The reality of the situation is that the School Department has proven to have the initiative amd has done all the labor intensive work necessary to make it work for our children. As the saying goes..... No good turn, goes unpunished..... Now it appears that the city government, so called, want to take away the monies earned through this process and put it into city coffers. Typical, isn't it!!!!!

In my opinion I'd rather see the monies utilized for a good purpose rather than another over the top,supposedly qualified, political appointment or a corrupt vendor receiving city monies because their friends of EOB. This political faldaral is nothing more than inefficient,ineffective governing; something that we unfortunately are becoming immune to. Sad, isn't it..... we're actually getting use to and accepting the lies

"Cruller DaHville"
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Cruller DaVille
Senior Member

148 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2009 :  7:22:35 PM  Show Profile Send Cruller DaVille a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, BY THE WAY...... net school spending and medicaid reimbursement have nothing to do with each other. Our crack solicitors office and chief of staff were wrong, wrong, wrong.....

"Cruller DaHville"
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2040 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2009 :  2:25:36 PM  Show Profile Send tetris a Private Message  Reply with Quote


A0153-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby re-appoint Bishop Robert G. Brown of the Zion Baptist Church, to serve as Chaplain of the Everett Police Department for one (1) year ending June 23, 2010. This is an unpaid appointment.

A0173-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To transfer $245,000.00 from the City Services Salary Account into the following City Services Accounts: $100,000 to Refuse Collection, $104,000 to Wheelabrator Account and $41,000 to the Recycle Disposal Account. These transfers are necessary due to a contractual issue that is currently being discussed with Capital ($100,000), for an increase in the amount of trash picked up within the City ($104,000), and for the disposal related to recyclables due to the drop in the commodities market.

A0174-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To transfer $30,500.00 from Unemployment Compensation Account into the following accounts: $8,000 to Medicare Taxes Account, $16,000.00 to Treasurer/Collector Salary Account, $5,900.00 to City Clerk's Salary Account, and $600.00 to City Clerk's Miscellaneous Election Expenses Account. These transfers are necessary due to anticipated shortfalls in each account.

A0175-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veterans Association to the Department of Veterans Services Gift Account. This donation will be used by the Veteran's Department to supplement their gift account.

A0176-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
To transfer $900.00 from the Veterans' Benefit Allowance Account into the Overtime Account. This was needed due to the many Saturday/Monday Holidays worked by the Clerk in the Veteran's Department and for longevity due her.


C0112-09 Ordinance/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
That Chapter 7, Section 7-164 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, "Amounts for Administrative Officers" is hereby amended by authorizing the salary ranges of Administrative Officers effective July 1, 2010, as follows:

Position Minimum Maximum

City Auditor $77,064 $88,432
City Solicitor $72,357 $83,032
Treasurer $67,865 $77,967

Board of Assessors
Chairman $21,300 $21,300
2nd Member $ 5,000 $ 5,000
3rd Member $ 5,000 $ 5,000

Board of Health
Chairman $1,200 $1,200
2nd Member $1,000 $1,000
3rd Member $1,000 $1,000

Licensing Board
Chairman $1,800 $1,800
2nd Member $1,200 $1,200
3rd Member $1,200 $1,200

Board of Public Works
Chairman $1,800 $1,800
2nd Member $1,000 $1,000
3rd Member $1,000 $1,000
4th Member $1,000 $1,000
5th Member $1,000 $1,000
6th Member $1,000 $1,000
7th Member $1,000 $1,000
(Amended by deleting July 1, 2010 and inserting July 1, 2009. Enrolled, as amended, sent up for concurrence)

C0113-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
That the following revolving accounts be authorized in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53E 1/2, in the amounts not to exceed those set forth below; these accounts may be collected and expended by the designated City Officials, for the specified purposes during Fiscal Year 2010: Expenditure Purpose: Receipts: Responsible City Officials: FY '09 Limit: FY '10 Limit: Summer Camp, Related Fees, Mayor's Office, $50,000, $50,000; Recycling, Recycling Bins, City Services, $15,000, $15,000; Postage, Postage/Shipping Fees, Library Director, $750, $750; Preschool, Tuition & related fees, School Committee, $75,000, $75,000, Fire Department Hazmat, Hazmat Training Supplies, Fire Department $5,000, $5,000; Program for Disable People, Related Fees/Donations, Disability Commission, $2,000, $2,000; Hearings and Legal Notices, Related Fees, Board of Appeals, $22,000, $20,000; School Building Maintenance, Utilities, Custodial, OT & Related Expenditures, Rental Fees for School Building/cell tower usage, School Committee, $25,000, $25,000; Maintenance of Armory and Rec Center, User Fees, Rec Department, $10,000, $10,000; Council on Aging Programs, Participating Council on Aging Programs, Council on Aging, $55,000, $55,000; Everett Emergency Medical Services System, Ambulance Fees, Fire Department, $5,000, $5,000; Instructor salaries, course Materials, custodian and maintenance in operating Evening School Program, Tuition and Fees related to Evening School Program, School Committee, $15,000, $15,000; Rec Department Banner Ads, Fees for placement of advertising banners, Rec Department, $15,000, $15,000; Cross Connection Control Program Costs, Fees for inspecting and testing of back flow prevention valves, City Services Commission, $10,000, $10,000; Supplies and materials related to Vocational Division at EHS, Fees and charges for material and services, School Committee, $25,000, $25,000; Summer School instructional salaries, course materials, custodians, Tuition and Fees, School Committee, $25,000, $25,000; Everett Literacy Program, materials, salaries & supplies, Fees, Donations and Grant Funds, Director of Human Services, $250,000, $20,000; Hearing Notices/Legal Notices, Related Fees, Board of Licensing Commission, $2,500, $2,500; Programs related to professional development, Fees, School Committee, $10,000, $10,000; Youth Commission, Fees, Gifts and Promotional Sales, Youth Commission, $5,000, $5,000; Cable TV Tape Duplicating, Fees, ECTV Director, $1,000, $1,000. (Passed sent up for concurrence.)

C0114-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President
To transfer $8,000.00 from the City Council Celebration Account into the Mayor's Official Celebrations Account to keep the funds together in one account for city celebrations. (Passed sent up for concurrence)

A0150-09 Ordinance/s/Aldermen L. Charles DiPerri, Robert Van Campen, Sal Sachetta and Jason Marcus
That The Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Chapter 18, Traffic and Motor Vehicles; Article II, Traffic Safety and Parking Commission; Section 18-41. Organization, Term of Chairperson, Compensation, is hereby amended by adding the words “a fully empowered” after the words “There is established” and before the words Traffic Safety and Parking Commission. Also Article II Section 18-44. Powers and duties, is further amended by deleting the words “review all proposed ordinances and issues to the City Council an official recommendation regarding said ordinances in” after the words “The Commission shall” and before the words “matters pertaining to” and is further amended by inserting the words “regulate all” after the words “The Commission shall” and before the words “matters pertaining to”.
And is further amended by deleting subsection (b) from Article II Section 18-44. Powers and duties. And is further amended by deleting Section 18-145. City Council acceptance of recommendations. Article II, Traffic Safety and Parking Commission; Section 18-182. Exclusion of heavy and commercial vehicles; is further amended by deleting subsections (4) and (5).
The purpose of this amendment is to create a fully empowered traffic commission to establish a more efficient process for all traffic regulations.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment (reconsideration failed.)

A0311-08 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen
Rules & Ordinances Committee Report -That the City of Everett enact a "Social Host Responsibility" Ordinance thereby prohibiting the services to and consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs by persons under the age of twenty-one (21) at private premises located within the City; with a recommendation for favorable action pending the Assistant City Solicitor's opinion on the legality of incorporating community service into the penalty provision of ordinance. (Enrolled in concurrence, sent up for ordainment.)


A0177-09 Order
Petition for Lodging House License from the Prescott Hotel at 36 Church Street.

A0178-09 Order
Petition for Lodging House License from Backpackers Hostel at 13 School Street.


A0167-09  /s/License Committee
License Committee Report on petition for 2009 Junk Dealer License from American Scrap Metal, Inc., to buy and sell scrap metal at 357 Third Street.

JC005-09  /s/Committee of Whole on Budget 2010
Committee of Whole on the Budget 2010 Report and Order (A0171-09) to report back to the City Council with a recommendation for favorable action on the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget as submitted by the Mayor with addendum's included, and as amended by the Committee in the revised sum of $131,489,009.00.


A0135-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky
That the DCR take necessary steps to clean the culvert/brook that is in Everett, abutting Grover Street, as it is unsanitary and its maintenance needs to be maintained and cleaned up, at the request of concerned residents. Resident Petition will be attached to Resolution with roughly 160 signatures.

A0145-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the Mayor and the City Solicitor consider the feasibility of having a volunteer group, with a waiver of liability, to assist with the general cleanliness of the City of Everett.

A0164-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City of Everett consider getting rebates from National Grid for the large amounts of lights that are out or blinking all the time. Also, consider asking for brighter lights in Glendale Square and Everett Square. Send to City Solicitor, National Grid and Police Chief to see if they can do anything to alleviate this problem; with a request for a response in two weeks.

A0166-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese
That the City of Everett consider closing all 24 hour stores at 1:00 o'clock a. m., to be off premises at 1:30 a.m., and re-open at 6:00 a.m., excluding drive-thru. Send this to Mayor, Police Chief and City Solicitor with request for response in two weeks.

A0144-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus and Councilor Lou Sierra
To request that the Code Enforcement Task Force go down to Ferry Street Motors in regards to complaints of automobiles parking in the rear of the building, in light of a car fire in the rear a few years back, and also clean up the area.


A0170-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Sal Sachetta
That the Mayor or the City Service Director inform the Board of Aldermen either by correspondence or appearing at this meeting on the progress of their making arrangements with the Middlesex County Sheriff's office for the painting of the curbs at hydrant locations. This proposal was approved by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting on May 11th as Item #17 on the calendar.

A0172-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President
That the Board of Aldermen suspends their meetings in the summer session for entire months of July and August 2009, due to many members on vacation, which accounts for a lack of quorums, and is unfair to members who make the effort to attend.


Respectfully submitted,

Caroline McCorry
Adm. Assist. /Ofc. Mgr.
Everett City Council Office


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